Trans Group Crush

Chapter 1: Chapter 1

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Robert liked to think he was a pretty open-minded guy. If someone was cute, then they were cute. He didn’t like to get hung up on gender.

His latest crush–seen across the room in one of his big elective lectures–was this tall, skinny girl with brunette hair and bangs. She wore different wacky earrings every day, from tiny sunny side up eggs to little plastic dinosaurs. It was a good look.

Well, he thought she was a girl, at least? She looked like a girl, and dressed like one, but one time he passed her talking to a friend and her voice was a bit lower than he expected, and she was really uh pretty flat. Probably a trans girl? Although he didn’t necessarily want to leap to conclusions. He might not even be using the right pronouns. Could be a really fem guy or a nonbinary person or something.

Unfortunately, he usually got to class a bit too late to really have his pick of seat, and his crush and her friend always sat way up in the front, which tended to fill up the fastest. And he really didn’t have any other opportunity to see her besides this one big class. He thought about trying to arrange some kind of meet cute but decided that was psychopath behavior. Besides, in real life no one got into a relationship from running into someone and making them drop all their stuff. 

One day, though, about halfway through the semester, he was walking through the main plaza on campus and saw his crush sitting behind a folding table. On the table was a sign-up sheet on a clipboard, along with several pens and a little paper sign that read “T-Soc.”

After hesitating for a moment–talking to cute people always made him nervous–he decided he could at least go add his name to the sheet. Even if he wimped out actually talking to her, he’d likely at least get emails telling him about club meetings she’d be at. He wasn’t really sure what T-Soc was, but as long as it wasn’t something super weird or shitty he was probably down to go to meetings. Getting to see and maybe interact with cute people was a pretty strong motivator in his life, honestly. Maybe he was a simp, but at least he was self-aware about it.

He slowly migrated towards the table. Another student finished filling out the sheet and left. His crush saw him approaching and waved. As he reached the table, she said, “Hey! I think we have a class together.”

His heart rate doubled. “Y-Yeah, I think we do,” he managed to get out.

“So were you interested in joining T-Soc? The premier campus social group for trans, nonbinary, and/or gender non-conforming people and allies. We meet weekly!”

“Uh, yeah. Do I just put my name here?”

“There’s a field for your name and another for your university email, and a third for your pronouns. Let me know if you have any more questions!”

He filled out the sheet, hesitating a bit before entering his pronouns. Gender didn’t generally matter too much to him. He wasn’t one of those guys who was super aggro about people questioning his masculinity. He ended up putting Any/All.

He looked up from the sheet and saw his crush looking at him. This was probably as good a chance as he was going to get with her, unless he went to T-Soc meetings. And he didn’t even know if she was at all the meetings or not.

“Uh, yeah, I guess I had a few questions?”

“Oh, ok, shoot!”

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“Yeah, so… it’s open to allies and to people who are questioning?”

“Yeah, of course!” she said.

“Cool, cool. And, uh, how are you involved with it? Like, are you the president, or…?”

She laughed. “Nah, we don’t have a lot of formal roles. It’s a pretty small group, generally. I’m this semester’s facilitator. Oh, I should introduce myself! I’m Maya, she/her, undecided major.”

“Nice to meet you, Maya,” Robert said. “Oh, I’m Robert. He/him or whatever you want to use–anything is fine–and also undecided. So…” He paused as he tried to figure out how to ask if she was at every meeting without sounding like a weird stalker.


“So, uh, how many people usually show up? What kind of things do you do as a group?”

Maya shrugged. “It varies a fair amount from meeting to meeting? We meet once a week and usually somewhere between two to six people show up, not including me. And we, uh, mostly just sit and talk. Sometimes people bring snacks or drinks, and once in a while someone brings in a board game or Werewolf or something.”

“Cool,” Robert said. “So as the facilitator, what’s your role?”

“Well, ideally the conversation can guide itself, but I can let someone know if they’re making anyone uncomfortable, or suggest topics for us to discuss. And I have to go to some larger meetings to represent the group every month or so. That’s about it, though, really.”

“Alright,” Robert said. “Uh, maybe I’ll see you at a meeting at some point in the future?”

“Great!” Maya said. “Looking forward to it.”



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