Transcendent David

Chapter 103: CH 103

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If David wasn't as amazing as he was in the Zerg invasion, Cush would not have doubted an ordinary student.

He began to doubt the object is Hans, and Hans behind the network, to his judgment should be Galen's hands more likely to attack.

But with David's actual sniping ability exposed, Kush felt the importance of David in this.

To tell you the truth, although David thought that everything was well arranged at the scene, he was not a professional and didn't pay attention to many details.

Under the careful inspection of professionals like Kush, how can we not find some clues.

The more Kush went down, the more he felt he was in the right direction.

So he decided to seize David and interrogate him. He believed that with his interrogation ability, David could not hide anything.

If David is an ordinary student, even if there is no Zerg invasion, Kush can use his power to take David to the police station for his interrogation.

But now it's different. David killed three second level Zerg and dozens of first level Zerg. He almost saved the city of pelan with his own strength, and spread the whole city with the potential of fire.

The military didn't want to hide it. It's a tribute to the hero and the glory David deserves.

Now Kush dares to take David to the police station without a legitimate reason. It is the anger of the citizens of the city waiting for him. Even his colleagues in the police station and the Department of justice will stop him.

He has just arrived in perland and is not on a stable footing and has no ability to do anything against David.

"Maybe we should get some help!" Kush whispered, and his finger typed an address into his brain. After many verifications, he entered the interstellar mercenary Mission Station of the rock star Skynet.

Police officer Bob is also in the police station. He is not in a good mood. It is not because of the Zerg invasion. This event has nothing to do with the police who maintain the security of the city.

Anyone who is about to be promoted but is told that his position is occupied by the airborne police will be very depressed.

Kush was the policeman who had taken advantage of his promotion opportunity. However, officer Bob had to go through a lot of low-level work to accumulate a lot of achievements, which made him get this promotion opportunity.

But now all this has nothing to do with him, Kush's appearance has broken his chance this time, and the next time there is such an opportunity, there will be more competitors in the police station, whether it is his turn or not is hard to say.

Officer Bob looked at the senior police officer's office with a covert eye. Kush worked overtime as soon as he arrived. It seemed that he wanted to show off. Officer Bob thought maliciously.

He looked at the cases in his hands. They were not important cases. Maybe he could pay more attention to Kush and attack him with some small means.

There is a kidnapping task on the mercenary mission site of Panshi star. If it is not for the bid of 500000 credit points, it is estimated that no mercenary will take over this task.

There are many kinds of mercenaries, such as star mercenaries, which have their own attack ships and have strong fighting power. Those mercenaries are only a few of them.

More mercenaries work as private bodyguards, take care of and escort goods, even help track and take photos, find lost pets, and so on. Their lives are not satisfactory.

Of course, mercenaries don't all take legal tasks. They also take gray tasks. However, most mercenaries still need to consider the task of kidnapping.

However, 500000 credit points are enough for some mercenaries to break their worries. There are many mercenaries who are greedy enough. Kush knows how to move them.

David had a good sleep, and when he got up at six in the morning, he felt light.

The body's raw and astringent feeling was gone, and the whole body was full of vitality. The wounds suffered in the battle yesterday were completely recovered.

He came to the underground fitness room and began to practice the 18 forms of physical exercise. Although he didn't practice it last night, he felt that he had a little more experience in the exercise because of his experience of life and death.

The power in his body is changing towards unity. In his current state, it is estimated that he will soon be able to break through the shackles of strength.

"Shadow boy, come here!" He ordered in his heart.

The shadow waiter floated to him from one side, and he reached for the shadow servant's shoulder with excitement and excitement.

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He clearly remembered how many souls the shadow guards absorbed in the war yesterday.

Two first-class Zerg tearing insects, two second-class hard rock beetles, one second-class Zerg bewitching brain worm, and the souls of thirty-five folk beetles.

The other dead Zerg and soldiers were too far away to absorb their souls.

But even this is a huge harvest.

"Shadow waiter, open the property panel!" The moment he felt the warm energy enter the soul, he ordered again.

According to his previous judgment, one of the thirty-five folk Jiashi provided 0.1 spirit, so this is 3.5 spirit.

In addition, there are two first-class Zerg and three second-class Zerg, not to mention the ability of the 35 folk beetles.David can't wait to know the harvest.

Warm energy enters the soul, and the spiritual attributes on the attribute panel are increasing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

73, 3.74, 3.75, and the numbers kept rolling and increasing, but David felt more lucid in his mind.

Soon, his spirit reached 4.99, like a bottleneck, and then his spirit did not increase.

But this time the shadow absorbed too much soul energy, and gave David more feedback.

Since the last time he got the spiritual seed of "spiritual puncture", he can clearly feel his soul, and now his feeling is more clear.

Originally like a void soul, only a seedling, but now there is a brick.

This is a brick with the color of rock star stone. Maybe in David's subconscious mind, only the special stone of rock star is the hardest stone, and the brick made of this stone is also the hardest brick.

The constant influx of warm energy forms the first brick, then the second and the third.

The bricks were not controlled by David, but according to what he saw and heard, and then automatically formed in his mind the safest form of architecture.

David didn't know what was going on. I don't know how long it passed. A building was built in his soul. It was made of grey and white bricks. It looked like a military fortress.

This architectural style is the safest representative in David's subconscious mind.

And that seedling is protected by the brick fortress. At the moment of the completion of the fortress, nothingness quickly shrinks like an infinite soul and enters into the brick fortress.

Then David's perception of the soul enters into the fortress. The fortress is not very big outside, but in fact, David's perception into it is a kind of extreme greatness.

This feeling is very strange. You can clearly see the walls, the top and the ground of the fortress. However, it feels that the space inside is not the size you see, but the feeling of infinite.

With the last soul entering the fortress, the spirit on his attribute panel changed from 4.99 to 5.0, then 5.01, and finally stopped at this number.

There is a huge gap between this value and his imaginary spiritual value. His soul automatically transforms a large amount of soul energy into a fortress.

David opened his eyes, and he felt that his vision and sense of smell, which had been so far beyond ordinary people's, had been improved again, and his hearing became stronger.

He is sitting in the underground fitness room, which should be a very quiet environment, but he can hear the sound of pedestrians stepping on the ground outside the house, the sound of floating cars moving, and the sound of the wind blowing.

His touch is also different from before. His fingers gently touch the clothes on his body. Under his finger's perception, he can clearly perceive the clear lines of longitude and latitude, and even the subtle thickness between the two lines.

It can be said that the world he feels today is totally different from the world he saw before.

"Is this the benefit of being strong?" David muttered to himself. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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