Transcendent David

Chapter 1053: CH 1051

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After Marshal Andre set out the production of twelve four grade alchemy pattern weapons, the rest of the generals began to move.

The self-produced alchemy pattern weapons have become a reality. The interstellar Federation has the ability to make alchemy pattern weapons, which means that the whole Federation has a comprehensive replacement of advanced combat power.

The generals were still reserved and did not immediately change their attitude towards David.

After Marshal Andre and general left the erto arms stand, the crowd was almost filling the inside.

These people have heard the explanation of erto arms service personnel and know the production of alchemy pattern weapons of erto arms, and they all understand that this is a big event.

In a short time, various news was sent out from planet 1, and representatives of various forces set out to the origin star from all over the interstellar Federation.

If the samples on the stand were not for erto arms to be sold, they would have been robbed by crazy people.

Many extraordinary people look at the wall with 20 gold painting weapons of grade 3. The eyes are full of greed. If planet 1 is under the jurisdiction of the military, they can not leave if they rob things here. All the super people will have the impulse of robbery.

In fact, there is no need to worry about the extraordinary hand. There is a level 4 sky knight to maintain the security here. No one can take any items from him.

"Minister Dalton, after purchasing alchemy, you should give priority to my regiment!" After leaving the erto arms stand, general Charlie deliberately approached minister Dalton, and said with a smile.

The other deputy commanders saw general Charlie take the first step, not to be upset that he had not made this request to minister Dalton, so that the alchemy patterned weapons could be given priority.

"admiral Charlie, I can only make the allocation plan, whether I am eligible to participate in the distribution, but I has the final say." Minister Dalton said, waving his hand.

General Charlie was in a daze and turned to marshal Andre.

"Commander, my two regiments are stationed at the front of the Battlestar. Do you think this alchemy pattern weapon is assigned to us first!" Without waiting for general Charlie to speak, general Hawthorne, who was the deputy commander, asked Marshal Andrea.

"You are the wrong one. I haven't asked about the purchase of gold painting weapons. Minister Dalton also reported to me after an agreement with erto arms. If you want to get the qualification for distribution, go to erto arms!" Said Marshal Andrey, smiling and shaking his head.

Admiral David has been in the federal command department for a while, and it is also known that admiral Andrea is too radical and cruel to the enemy, but in the end, General David is still a man of Marshal Andre. It is uncomfortable for him to be separated from the old deputy commander and general.

Marshal Andre also felt admiral David has been doing well recently, without fighting for power, fighting for power, fighting for war, being isolated and indifferent.

In this case, it is still considered by the interstellar Federation, and the reproduction of gold making pattern mass production has been completed, which has puzzled many generations of researchers.

Marshal Andre has his own information channels. According to the situation, Professor gasker has made a breakthrough in copying the alchemy pattern technology. Professor gaskel has always wanted to convert this technology into a real product.

But there is a big gap between professor gasker's theory and reality. Everyone who knows the study thinks it is an unexpected research, and it has no value.

After receiving the report from Minister Dalton, marshal Andre was also very surprised, and after intelligence analysis, he came to a conclusion.

David will use his relationship with the divine world. Through the research results of Professor gaskel, he asked the alchemist of the world to perfect the technology of copying the alchemy pattern, so that it can be produced in batches.

It is not known what kind of contribution David has made in it, but it is enough to do so.

So when minister Dalton said that General David asked for the decision to allocate the gold painting weapons within the military, marshal Andrey agreed that the distribution right of such sensitive weapons was decided by Marshal Andre.

David has the right to distribute alchemy and graphic weapons, and will be able to establish his own relationships within the federal command and will not be isolated.

Anyway, alchemy is all about improving the federal power. If it wasn't for General David to win honor in this matter, marshal Andrey would like to give David a research medal.

General Hawthorne, general Charlie and other generals looked at each other. What is the call for erto arms, so-called erto arms is not the branch of erto fund?

Who does the erto fund belong to?

The general looked at admiral David, who had been silent, and they found that they had looked down on admiral David.

"Admiral Francis is back, back to the federal command!" Marshal Andre, who received a report from Deputy sergeant kiquil, said with a smile and wave.This time, he came to the federal Equipment Exhibition for erto's arms. Grand Marshal Andre came here specially to see with his own eyes the display of alchemy pattern weapons that changed the fighting power of the Federation.

"Inform all the officers above lieutenant general of the federal command to gather in the square of the federal command before four o'clock, and I need to give general Francis the warmest welcome ceremony!" Grand Marshal Andre glanced at the time on the identity bracelet and ordered to the adjutant kiquill.

Back in the small warship, David was surprised to find that he was surrounded by a number of deputy commanders, and from time to time to find a topic to talk about.

In the past, there was no one around him who was willing to get close to him, and the enthusiasm of the generals made him a little unacceptable.

"Admiral David, take a look at the information of these warships, and check if you like. I'll help you with the follow-up matters!" Minister Dalton, laughing at this moment, said.

David thought it was Marshal Andre's arrangement, and he looked at it.

"How can there be battleships in this information?" David turned to the first page and found it was wrong. He turned his head and asked.

Battleship is the most powerful and most powerful warship in the Federal Space warship system besides aircraft carrier. The number of battleships in any space fleet will not be too much.

Because the cost of a battleship is extremely expensive, it is usually used as the flagship of a medium-sized fleet, that is to say, there is one battleship in one thousand warships.

For example, battleships will not be the choice of the fleet directly under the admiral. On the one hand, it is unnecessary; on the other hand, the military budget does not allow such consumption.

"This is duopu, Muya, Riemann, luner and Aomei consortia. I heard that you are going to buy warships as warships under direct control. They took out two battleships and sold them to you at friendly prices." Said Minister Dalton with a smile.

"If you wait a few more days, I don't think it's a problem for all your 200 direct fleet to be converted into battleships!" General Hawthorne said jokingly.

Of course, general Hawthorne didn't mean to laugh at him at all, but tried to make fun of his friends who were familiar with David.

It's a joke, but it's almost the same.

The five forces of alchemy had just made a mass production of weapons.

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The so-called friendship price means half selling and half giving.

David saw that the price under the battleship was even lower than that of some frigates.

"Then wait, Grand Marshal. If I do get 200 battleships, you can count on your word and get me all the crew." David said, laughing and clapping his hands.

David was a word of general Hawthorne, said some heart.

He didn't want to take advantage of others, but a fleet of 200 directly under the command of battleships, whose attack power was of some use to him.

Otherwise, this fleet is just like a model. If something goes wrong, it's not as convenient as David himself.

David's credit points are so many that he doesn't know how to use them. Although the total value of 200 battleships is an astronomical figure, he has not paid much attention to it.

"Ha ha, even if you get an aircraft carrier, I will do what I promise!" Said Grand Marshal Andrey with a smile.

"If the Grand Marshal doesn't help you solve the crew problems, he will come to me. I have a group of experienced crew members here." Said general Charley.

The atmosphere in the small warship became so harmonious that no one would have thought that David had few friends in the same warship when he came.

In the laughter, the small warship returned to the federal headquarters. All the generals said hello to David and left.

David also needed to change into a military uniform to attend general Francis's welcome ceremony.

"Admiral, there are fifty-three people here who would like to make an appointment with you. What do you think?" As soon as David got back to his office, Cyril's deputy came over and reported.

Cyril's adjutant was in a state of complete ignorance at this time. General David was not taken seriously in the federal headquarters and had no real power at all.

His adjutant was also greatly affected. In the federal headquarters, his former friends had little contact with each other.

But today, news is coming like crazy. The identity of these 53 people is not simple. There are representatives of large consortia, powerful and extraordinary, high-ranking officials in the star region, and senior military officers.

Almost all the top powers of the entire interstellar Federation sent applications for a meeting at the same time.

Admiral David's own friends are few, and there are fewer people who can contact his identity bracelet, so Cyril's deputy is the only way to contact General David.

General David was contacted. What Cyril's adjutant didn't say was that people he knew and didn't know before also sent a message at this time, hoping to meet him.

Cyril's adjutant, a marginal adjutant who had been neglected, became a hot spot at this time.

"It's all pushed. If anyone wants to see me in the future, it's all the same!" David waved without thinking."Will it offend people?" Asked Cyril's adjutant, worried.

"Offending people? They dare not David shook his head and said with a smile.

David put on his military uniform, looked at the time, and left his office.

"Admiral David!"

Along the way, every officer he met cordially said hello to David.

When David came to the square, there were more than 50 generals. He didn't know that there were so many generals in the federal headquarters.

"Admiral David, come here!" Marshal Andre in front saw David and waved with a smile.

As David walked by, the generals along the way laughed and made way for him, as if in one day he had become the most popular person in the federal command.

"You have fought with general Francis, and this time you are by my side. Welcome him back together!" Marshal Andre pointed to his side and said.

David stood among the Deputy commanders, a position that was very conspicuous, but no general had any opinion.

In the sky, a landing ship appeared and quickly landed in the square.

General Francis first stepped down from the landing ship, followed by his six generals.

"Grand Marshal, Francis has completed the defense mission of God's great world, report to you!" General Francis saw such a large welcome ceremony and saluted with great excitement.

"Admiral Francis, interstellar Federation, thank you. On the premise of completing the defense mission, you have demonstrated the strength of the interstellar Federation to the god world. This is of great significance to the future communication with the god world. Your work has been done very well!" Exclaimed Grand Marshal Andrey, after returning the salute.

Grand Marshal Andre here refers to general Francis ordering the use of doomsday weapons. It is because of general Francis's decision that the Zerg God level will be seriously injured.

The significance of this is not only to seriously injure Zerg gods, but also to let the god world know that the interstellar Federation has the strength to fight against God level.

It was so long since the last time the federal army used the weapon of doomsday. Many people thought that it was just a legend. General Francis used practical actions to make people in both worlds understand the weapon of doomsday again.

"Welcome back!" The Deputy commanders next to marshal Andre said to general Francis with a smile.

General Francis saluted him one by one. When he saw David, his face showed a sincere smile.

"Admiral David, I wish you could take part in the fight against Zerg world. Fortunately, we have successfully established a base in Zerg world." Said Admiral Francis in a slightly accusing tone.

He didn't really blame David. There must be a reason why David didn't take part in the Zerg world's counter offensive.

General Francis didn't think David was a man who was greedy for life and death. He had fought with David, and his relationship had reached the level where he could speak freely.

"General Francis, General David has more important things to do in the Federation. He doesn't have time to take part in the fight against the Zerg world." David did not speak, but general Charlie explained to him. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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