Transcendent David

Chapter 1061: CH 1059

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David went back to his office and dealt with some business. He received a message from deputy kiquill. Marshal Andre was available.

He came to the Marshal's office, still the sofa, and marshal Andre sat opposite him.

"I know what happened at the erto ammunition exhibition hall. As soon as our military handed over the security of Genesis star to the government, something like this happened. I have called the Federal Security Agency and asked them to strengthen the security control of the origin star!" Said Grand Marshal Andrey with a smile.

The incident in erto's ammunition exhibition hall did not cause any loss to General David. Instead, the Federal Military gained political benefits.

With the end of the war with Zerg, the federal government has been making some comments on the management of the Federal Military during the period of military control.

Now, as soon as the military control is over, such a big thing has happened on Genesis.

We should know that there are at least 100 representatives of major enterprises on the scene of the erto ammunition exhibition hall. This incident has a very bad impact and has a great impact on the security ability of the federal government.

"I asked Colonel Eugene to put all the people involved in the case to the Military Justice Department, and did not let the federal government intervene in this case!" David explained.

"Admiral David, you are deputy commander in chief. This is your power!" Marshal Andre's face was a little more smiling, and Admiral David was ugly to the federal government.

Originally, he went to the Federal Security Agency, and the case would be investigated by the Federal Security Agency, but now it seems that the Federal Security Agency is afraid that the investigation will end before it even starts.

"I'm calling you here this time. I want to ask your opinion about something important." Marshal Andre sat up straight and said solemnly.

"Say it, please." David also sat up straight and said.

"Every deputy commander of the federal military has a satellite domain under his jurisdiction, and all the troops in the satellite domain are under your management. This is the greatest power in the deputy commander's hands. On this point, I would like to ask your opinion. Which satellite domain do you want to govern?" Marshal Andre asked, looking at David.

"Can you give me the airy domain?" David asked without thinking.

"Why didn't you think about cardor, where is the erto fund?" Grand Marshal Andrey asked with a smile.

For David's choice, Grand Marshal Andre is very happy. In his opinion, David did not put his own interests in the first place, but chose the relatively poor Iridia star field.

We should know that David's choice of cardor will greatly promote the erto fund and make erto fund get greater development.

"The airida universe means a lot to me, and I have a lot of feelings for it!" David explained with a smile.

Marshal Andre may have guessed one of the reasons why David chose the Iridia domain. That is, aridia is the home of the Emma family.

Of course, with David's power today, the Emma family can hardly help him, but you can meet Emma often there.

Although it is normal for both men and women in the union to get married at the age of 40 or 50, it is not a good thing that the lovers are not together for a long time.

Another reason is that al-1187, also known as the interstellar Federation security point, is in the airida region. David has reasonable reasons to go to the airida region at any time.

Although the strength of David's clone is not much retrogressive, his strength will always slow down if he leaves the "imperial inheritance pattern" for a long time. It is only because he is a legendary clone, and this retrogression is not obvious.

If you want to keep going, you need to meet David once in the first half of a year to restore strength through the "imperial inheritance pattern".

"Aridia is not a problem. It's close to warstar. It's remote. I can coordinate for you in a short time." Said Grand Marshal Andrey, putting his heart down.

In the past, when the deputy commander took office, the biggest problem was the issue of jurisdiction.

In Marshal Andre's hands, there are some managed star domains, but almost all of them are extremely barren, and the military has very little military power there.

If it is a deputy commander who does not have a strong foundation to take office, any one of the star regions can be dismissed.

However, most of the time, the appointed deputy commander has a great background. It takes a long time to coordinate the jurisdiction of the satellite territory, and many consultations and interest exchanges can be achieved.

"Thank you, marshal. But you can introduce me some good deputies. I don't have time to manage the military affairs." David said with a smile.

Only David dares to say so in front of Grand Marshal Andre. The rest of the Deputy commanders want to show that they have a strong ability. The work of deputy commander-in-chief is easy.

But David is different. He needs time to practice. The recent events make him feel in trouble. He has long planned to ask Marshal Andre for someone.

"Well, I'll introduce you to two generals. They are all trained by me. You can use them at ease!" Marshal Andre pointed to David and said helplessly.

"As you know, I have no interest in power, and I am surprised that the commander-in-chief has fallen on me!" David said, showing his hand.Grand Marshal Andre was speechless. If the generals of the federal command heard this, I didn't know what to think.

The generals almost broke their heads for the position of deputy commander in chief. They used all kinds of means a while ago, just to let the Deputy commanders vote for them.

No one thought that David would get a bargain in the end.

However, Grand Marshal Andre was also very satisfied with David's attitude. David showed his 100% support for him. Even his deputy used the people he appointed. This was impossible for other deputy commanders.

The deputy commander is normally the deputy commander's confidant, is the deputy commander's power extension.

Although the lieutenant general designated by Grand Marshal Andre will not do anything harmful to David, the two generals will absolutely not disagree with Marshal Andre's request.

From this we can see that David's complete trust in Grand Marshal Andre also shows his indifference to power.

This mentality is hard for others to understand, but it's normal for David.

David's body is already the peak of legend. One step forward is demigod. His vision is bigger than anyone in the interstellar Federation. In his eyes, the power of the Federation is insignificant.

If it wasn't for the protection of his relatives, he would be lazy to pay for the Federal Affairs.

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Of course, even in this case, David still got the clone avatar before he returned to the Union and participated in the affairs of the military. The noumenon still kept practicing diligently every day.

"General Francis has reserved a fleet for you. The 19th fleet of the Federation is a fleet that has performed well in the defense of the guarding star in the God's great world. It is now turning to the airdiya region. When the jurisdiction over the airdia domain is determined, it will take over the garrison fleet there.

In addition, your own escort fleet should also speed up. It is said that minister Dalton has purchased nearly 50 battleships at a low price. You know that other deputy commanders are red eyed. If these forces did not designate these battleships as your frigates, they would have made a decision! " Marshal Andre continued.

David's heart moved. To tell the truth, among all the powers of the deputy commander, the only thing that made him excited was to have a fleet directly under his command.

This is not a convoy of 200 warships, but a complete fleet of 10000 warships.

Ten thousand warships mean that there will be an aircraft carrier, which is the strongest weapon of the Federation, and has the ability of terrorist doomsday attack.

David had previously acquired a Super Star Destroyer gun, but it was one level lower than the doomsday weapon.

Why the deputy commander of the federal command is called a military giant is because he controls the main fleet of the military and has strong power.

"It shouldn't take long for the 200 battleships to escort the fleet!" David said with a smile.

He decided that erto's arms would no longer be sold in kind. In order to compete for erto's limited production of alchemy pattern weapons, a large number of forces would like to have a good relationship with him.

There are very few things that can move David. At present, only battleships have been revealed.

As everyone knows, as long as General David's 200 battleships are full, he can't even start to give him a gift.

"Two hundred battleship frigates, I want to take them as my escort fleet!" Marshal Andre shook his head and laughed.

With one battleship out of a thousand warships, David's frigate is equivalent to bringing together 20 full fleet battleships. In terms of firepower alone, it can match 50000 warships.

"If you are interested, I will give it to you." David said casually.

For David, battleships and ordinary warships are not much different, they can not threaten the legendary class himself.

"Ha ha, just say something nice to make me happy!" Said Marshal Andrey, laughing.

Both he and David understood that the convoy was impossible to give away. Marshal Andre would lose his reputation if he really wanted to do so. In his capacity, reputation is more important than anything else.

The convoy of 200 battleships is more complete than anyone imagined.

Two days later, David received the authority from Grand Marshal Andre. He had the military jurisdiction of aridia, and Minister Dalton followed him.

"Admiral David, do you know how much trouble you have caused me for your sake?" Said Minister Dalton, with great resentment.

"How much trouble? Is someone trying to grab the battleship? " David asked, smiling, pouring water for minister Dalton.

David doesn't believe anyone dares to rob his battleship. He's very popular in the federal headquarters. Every day, generals try to meet him.

He doesn't normally stay in his office, which is too annoying. He usually stays at the villa side.

Only those who really have a good relationship with David, such as minister Dalton, will know that David's villa will come to visit after an appointment.

"Don't rob. 200 battleships are full, but it will take at least half a year to deliver them all!" Minister Dalton's face was much better when he saw David himself pouring water for him, he replied."That's why there's a big problem?" David is strange. What else can happen besides that?

"Do you know? How long does it take to build a battleship? It will take about five years from design to manufacture, to the configuration of weapons and scanning equipment, and to the completion of debugging. In addition, the production of some materials for battleships is very small, so it will take five years to prepare these materials.

Originally, some enterprises that can build battleships have battleships in stock, which are used for the replacement of old military battleships after they are retired. The 200 battleships you suddenly join will not only empty the inventory of all battleships, but also order all the battleships under construction. There will be no replacement battleships for the military in at least ten years! " Said Minister Dalton, bitterly.

The demand for battleships was originally small, coupled with the complexity of the craft and the extremely difficult construction, the combined production of all the arms enterprises of the interstellar Federation was extremely low.

Originally, even if the federal people were rich and powerful, they could not buy and use the battleships. However, because of the gap of 200 battleships, the forces who had the demand of David did not use them themselves and only gave credit points, so they emptied all the battleships.

"The reproduction of battleships means that they will be updated later." David said with a smile that it had nothing to do with himself.

"This is also true, so I decided to postpone the replacement of the battleships of the 19th fleet. Don't blame me!" Said Minister Dalton, laughing.

The 19th fleet was David's direct fleet, and he finally understood why minister Dalton had come.

It is estimated that minister Dalton is indeed in trouble, and it happens that the 19th fleet is also a force that needs to retire battleships. If he updates the battleships for the 19th fleet, he will not be able to account to other fleets.

"How many battleships in the 19th fleet need to be renewed?" David inquired.

, "two ships, or two hundred of these two frigates are in the past!" Minister Dalton suggested.

"No, you can help me spread the news. I still need to buy two battleships. This time, I will give my own credit point!" David said with a smile and a wave of his hand.

Minister Dalton understood what David meant. The gift giving quota of 200 battleships was full. There must have been forces to reserve battleships because they were too slow to send them out.

Minister Dalton shook his head. It was actually a battleship drawn from the purchasing power of the equipment department, but it blocked the rest of the fleet.

"You are not short of this credit point. If you add more credit points, there are 200 Super Star Destroyer guns in the warehouse of the equipment department. Do you want to refit them into main guns?" Minister Dalton asked with a smile.

"It won't cause you any trouble?" David asked a little uneasily.

Two hundred Super Star Destroyer guns can't even be hit by a volley of 200 super star fighters, even David clone's powerful defense. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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