Transcendent David

Chapter 1066: CH 1064

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"Uncle Fox, this is what I have prepared for you. If it's not appropriate, you can either tell me or contact erto's ammunition department!" David looked at Fox and said.

What he took out was a fourth level alchemy pattern sword and a fourth level alchemy pattern shield which was the same as Anita.

"I didn't expect my present, and I won't be polite to you. It's just for me!" Fox said with a smile, taking over two pieces of equipment.

"And mine?" Jenlis was a little worried, and he didn't have a stranger who hadn't seen each other for a long time. He cried out.

"Your weapons use the most materials!" David said, a four grade alchemy pattern heavy axe had been taken out and thrown to Janice.

Jenlis quickly and carefully catch, for fear of falling on the ground and broken.

"David, it's too early for them to use these four level alchemy pattern weapons. I'm afraid their strength will not be able to keep these weapons!" Fox said with great concern.

He is extraordinary, and he is also very powerful. He doesn't have to worry about the weapons in his hands. However, his disciples are still warriors. Even if he is the top one, he can't prevent others from coveting their weapons.

"It doesn't matter. Let's go. I sent these weapons. Let's see who in the Federation dares to grab the weapons I sent out. As long as they don't go to those particularly chaotic star regions, they don't need to worry about anything!" David said with a smile.

David's self-confidence comes from his power now. Power is different from strength. In the past, he was only powerful, and some people might be lucky to do some irrational things.

But after more than a month as deputy commander-in-chief, David's power is also a scale.

In particular, the last time six extraordinary people robbed in the erto ammunition exhibition hall and were killed by a security guard with one sword, which made many people really realize the power of David.

Then the military intelligence department almost all the people related to the robbery, so that people can understand how terrible it is to offend the deputy commander of the federal command.

In addition, the military affairs of aridia are under the command of David, and the whole airdiya star region is equal to David's base camp, in which David's power is stronger than the government.

As long as Emerson, Janice and Anita don't run out of airdia with class 4 alchemy pattern weapons, there will be no problem in the internal security of the star realm.

Of course, even if it's out of the iridian realm, any force should consider whether it's worth it to fight against General David for a fourth level alchemy pattern weapon.

If you really want a level 4 alchemy pattern weapon, it's better to ambush an extraordinary person with level 4 alchemy pattern weapon. The consequence is less.

"David, I love your specialty!" Anita said with a smile that she put away her fourth level alchemy sword.

"How can this be a specialty? This is a gift!" Janice stressed with a smile.

"You guys, these weapons are all produced by David's enterprise. It's right for him to be a specialty. You should also step up your cultivation and be able to afford such weapons!" Said fox in an extraordinary deep voice.

The reason why fox is not polite to David is that after he heard about David's strength, he understood that these weapons are top-level weapons in the eyes of David, which are really nothing in David's eyes.

"Yes, teacher!" The three disciples responded in unison.

"Emerson, let me feel what's going on inside you!" David waved to Emerson.

David perceives the situation in Emerson's body, Emerson's strength has already reached the acme of the Oracle's peak, only one step away from the extraordinary.

Perhaps the acme of level 5 is only one step away from the legend, and David can't help him, but Emerson's realm is too low. David can help Emerson through as long as he reaches out his hand.

If it is an outsider, David Wilhelm is lazy, but this is fox's extraordinary big disciple. He can't even help without help.

"Emerson, get over there!" Fox extraordinary see Emerson is still in a daze, did not understand David's meaning, can not help but push him.

Fox is very clear that a strong man over level 5 will not say for no reason that he wants to check the situation in Emerson's body. Where can such a good thing be refused.

Emerson walked to David, and David patted him casually. David's body was originally used to disguise the extraordinary force, which was forcibly changed by David, and became the extraordinary force that completely fits Emerson.

If the supernatural force is replaced by the blood force, David can not change the nature at will, but the low level of the extraordinary power is too low, and he can change it at will.

These extraordinary powers, which were nothing but waste to David, were enormous to Emerson.

In this shot of David, the extraordinary force that coincides with Emerson enters into Emerson's body. The wall in front of Emerson is instantly broken, and the extraordinary force circulates in Emerson's body.

It would have taken years and a lot of resources to completely stabilize Emerson in the extraordinary state. However, in this shot of David, Emerson skipped the process of several years in the middle and directly stabilized Emerson in the early stage of transcendence."I'm extraordinary!" Emerson felt the extraordinary force in his body. He murmured in disbelief.

If he was not able to perfectly control the extraordinary power in his body, and every cycle of the transcendence in his body would produce extraordinary power, he would have thought that all this was a dream.

"This is your foundation, good enough, only one foot short of the door!" David said with a smile.

Emerson mobilizes the extraordinary force, his body slowly leaves the ground, completely against the laws of physics.

Fox's extraordinary face is inconceivable. From the peak of the oracle to the extraordinary, he needs to cross the great risk. Originally, he planned to let Emerson continue to settle for a few years and try to break through the extraordinary.

I didn't expect David to let Emerson successfully break through with just a slap. The problem is that Fox watched from the side and didn't see the mystery.

David's operation is beyond the scope of fox's extraordinary understanding. Maybe in David's opinion, it is very simple and can be achieved without any special ability. But for fox, it is like a miracle.

This is the gap between realm, strength and vision. David saw a stronger way of cultivation in the god world, from Knight training system to black dragon cultivation system, and even the cultivation system of Zerg. In his eyes, the extraordinary cultivation system is too low-level.

"That David, can you take a picture of me, too?" Asked jenlis, looking brightly at David.

"Tomorrow, I've consumed some of my accumulation just now, and I'll help you get promoted tomorrow!" David didn't refuse, though janlis was still a little short of a breakthrough.

However, after helping Emerson break through, David has a greater grasp of the breakthrough, such as jenlis, it is just a waste of some extraordinary power.

What David needs to do is to practice several transcendental practices and produce some extraordinary power. Just keep it.

With his legendary peak and the body of black dragon, the effect of practicing the extraordinary cultivation method for one hour is equal to the extraordinary practice for many years.

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Of course, it's not easy to help people to become extraordinary. That is to say, David has reached the peak of legend level, and has improved a lot of knowledge through Alexis, the black dragon, so that he has sufficient knowledge accumulation.

"David, if it hurts you to help Janice get promoted, don't do it again. Let him practice slowly." Fox said with great concern.

It was very easy for fox to see David help Emerson to become extraordinary. He thought that the process was very simple. However, after listening to David say that the accumulation was consumed, he could not help worrying.

Beyond level 5, he couldn't know what to do, which made him misunderstand David's consumption.

"It doesn't matter. We can help Anita get promoted only after we use Janice as the experimental object." David said with a smile.

"If you can be extraordinary, you can be an experimental object!" "I don't care," said jenlis.

He is not stupid. If he is not sure, how can David agree to him.

"Am I going to be extraordinary, too?" Anita believes in David, she says excitedly.

"All right, Emerson, you go to the closed door for a few days and take control of the current situation. Janice is going to prepare the floating car. I'm going to go to the government building with David!" Fox looked at the time and waved.

David has been here for a long time. The government is still waiting.

Janice was flying fast in the air in a floating car, and his face was still excited. He could not help looking back to see if David was really here. All this was not a dream.

The suspension car soon stopped on the tarmac of the government building. As David and fox walked into the hall together, they saw dozens of people waiting for them.

"Welcome to Admiral David, deputy commander of the federal command!" A middle-aged man said with a smile.

"This is Dallas, the chief executive of the airy region!" Fox's extraordinary voice introduction.

"Chief executive of Dallas, it's my fault to keep you waiting!" David said apologetically.

"I've heard that Aldea is general David's second hometown. It's normal for you to go back to your hometown and look around. We didn't wait long." Dallas chief executive said with a smile.

David also saw many acquaintances in the crowd, including Emma's mother, Mrs Amelia, and several family officials.

It can be seen from here that Emma's family has a deep influence in the aldian realm.

David smiles and nods to Mrs. Amelia. Neither he nor Mrs. Amelia can be rude on this occasion.

In the ballroom of the government building, Alicia stardom government is ready for a reception. The two generals David brought along, along with others, are here.

Like all the receptions, the host, the chief executive of Dallas, delivered a passionate speech, mainly praising General David, praising the past achievements of the military in the airdiya star region, and looking forward to the future cooperation between the government and the military.

The Dallas chief executive spoke for half an hour before the reception officially began."How do you do, Mrs. Amelia?" At the beginning of the reception, David came to Mrs. amelia and said hello.

All the people on the scene probably knew the relationship between General David and Emma. The story of General David turning into a beautiful woman in a rage was widely spread in the interstellar Federation.

Countless girls want to have such a boyfriend, in order to stand out for their girlfriend, destroy three super consortia.

So during the reception, everyone intentionally didn't communicate with David at the first time.

"David, I didn't expect you to achieve so much!" Exclaimed Mrs. Amelia.

When Emma and David met, David was still a potential young man.

At that time, Mrs. Amelia still thought that her family could pave the way for David and help him grow up. Who knows, there was not much time for David to grow beyond her expectation.

The investment of David's erto fund has helped a number of family officials achieve great achievements, and the family has been unable to provide help to David.

Now, David is back as the military administrator of the airy realm, and the family will depend on him in the future.

"Congratulations on becoming inspector general yet!" David said with a smile.

"There's no need to say, you haven't seen Emma for a long time. You'll get together more this time!" Said Mrs. Amelia, waving her hand.

It was not long ago that Mrs. Amelia, the deputy inspector general, was promoted to inspector general. The news from the above is because of the relationship between General David and her, and the government wants to better communicate with General David through her.

That's why Mrs. Amelia didn't want to talk about it.

Although the chief inspector general is the highest position in Mrs. Amelia's family, it is not much different from General David's deputy commander in chief of the federal army.

"I'm coming back to meet Emma. She and I are very busy. It's rare that we all have time!" David replied with a smile.

If it was not for meeting Emma, how could David return to the airidian realm in noumenon.

"I wish you knew that!" Mrs. Amelia nodded and said with satisfaction.

The development of the family and the happiness of her daughter are very important in Mrs. Amelia's heart. Her daughter's choice suddenly conforms to these two points, so she is very satisfied with David.

It's just that David himself is very busy, and Emma is also busy in the interstellar Federation because of her rising career. If Emma had not been attacked, Emma would not have come back in a short time.

Mrs. Amelia does not want David and Emma because of the long separation and estrangement, so that the feelings of cracks.

There's no second son-in-law like David in the interstellar Federation.

During the reception, David also met with Lieutenant General Dan of the federal army, who is the military chief of the airdiya star region, but this time David came to replace Lieutenant General Dan with his own hands.

When lieutenant general Dane saw David, he couldn't help but sigh. At that time, he had made a lot of contacts with David. At that time, he had participated in many investigations of David, and wanted to grasp David's hand. However, in a few years, the identities of both sides had changed greatly. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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