Transcendent David

Chapter 1076: CH 1074

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"Who made the plan to withdraw him immediately? How stupid was it to provoke admiral David?" Lieutenant general Nolan of the black domain Legion cursed intelligence officers through remote communication.

The black domain army will not take care of such small matters as illegal immigration. They are all handled by the intelligence department.

Lieutenant general Nolan, who is in charge of Federal Affairs, called the video conference immediately after seeing the name of General David when he received the loss of personnel.

Despite the strength of the black domain army, lieutenant general Nolan did not want to offend the terrible General David at all.

Whether it is admiral David's performance in the defense of guarding the stars in the God's great world, or the news that General David is a god level life from God's great world, all show that General David is strong.

For the sake of a general David, the black domain Legion can't pull the whole Legion to fight it.

Most importantly, because of the increasing number of chips in the hands of the black domain army, the negotiations between the federal command and the black domain army are also inclined in favor of the black domain army.

At a time like this, the head of Isherwood's army of the black domain does not want to be surprised.

If you want to kill General David, you must use the doomsday weapon. Once you use the doomsday weapon, the black domain Legion will have no weapons to deter the federal army, which is not conducive to the subsequent negotiations.

After a meeting in the dark, a number of officers were removed from the defense line of the Iridia star field.

, "Admiral David, some strange things have happened recently. Many of the suspects in previous investigations have been removed from the line of defense." Colonel Eugene came to report.

"Leave this case alone, and give to marshal Andre all the information in your hands, together with the six martyrs and major nagondse!" David doesn't care whether the transferred officers were committed by the black domain army or Grand Marshal Andre. He doesn't want to join in the struggle.

"Yes Colonel Eugene did not hesitate to answer. He also guessed what was going on. As an intelligence officer within the federal command, how could he not know about the negotiations between the federal command and the black domain army, but the intelligence level was so high that he could not even mention it.

"In the future, you will mainly supervise the work of lieutenant general Bradford and lieutenant general Radner, give them some support, and at the same time, if necessary, you can use the security personnel on the side of erto's arms. If the security personnel can't solve the problem, please let me know!" David said in a deep voice.

"What are you up to?" Colonel Eugene asked, recognizing that General David was speaking up.

"I need to continue to shut up for a while. Now aridia is on the right track. Marshal Andre has promised me enough time to practice. He will not refuse my request." David replied with a smile.

Not only on the side of the interstellar Federation, but in the divine world and Zerg world, everything is normal.

David is ready to get away from the outside world and concentrate on the promotion of the four clones.

Otherwise, he also felt uncomfortable, and the promotion of this kind of clone was in front of his eyes, constantly disturbed by foreign affairs.

It's better to announce to the public and close down completely. If the province has something to do with him, he has reason to close his identity bracelet and not contact with the outside world.

Sure enough, when David asked Marshal Andre to close the door, marshal Andre did not refuse.

David even left his convoy at the line of defense and flew into space alone.

He did not fly too far. As long as he was far away from the military scanning, he chose the "God belongs to big world security point" in the "space coordinates", and then activated the space wormhole.

After returning from the wormhole in space to 500 meters below garmi, David returns to the ground and releases the demigod clone. Then comes Alexis, the demigod Knight of the Holy Spirit.

The black dragon Alexis is still a kitten sized jump on David's shoulder. The demigod "Knight of the Holy Spirit" activated the "shadow of the dark shadow" of the artifact into David's shadow.

Only the demigod clone Avatar was brought by David to the four clones who were practicing and sat with them.

When he came to the world of God, the rules of the world oppressed him.

However, due to the fact that the demigod clone is the "body of the black dragon" and takes the path of cultivating into a God, the strength is rarely weakened.

The demigod clonal avatar sat next to the four clones and began to practice the "black dragon sleep". Although his practice made the originally insufficient energy more intense, the cultivation of the demigod also affected the four clones.

The super large spirit gathering array can't support the cultivation of demigods. It's good that the four clones have already reached the peak, and the demand for energy is not too strong. However, the cultivation of the four clones has not been interrupted.

David's mind is divided into five, each into the five clone soul, through this way, he will be the five clone soul of the connection between the ultimate.

From the perspective of the demigod clone, all kinds of semi divine understanding of the "power of the black dragon" have improved the perception of the power of the four clones.In a sense, they are the same life as David, but they are just separated.

The experience of becoming a demigod may not have much effect on David's body, but it has a decisive effect on the four clones with the same cultivation foundation.

Almost at the same time, the scales of the black dragon appeared on the body of the four clones, and the "regular pattern of the force of the black dragon" also appeared on the bones of the four clones.

David almost immediately ended the "black dragon's sleep" by letting the demigod clone incarnation end, mainly because he was worried that the cultivation of the demigod clone would take up too much energy.

This is not enough. David himself removed a large number of "top kryptonites" from the space pendants and distributed in the nodes of the super large spirit gathering array under the influence of spirit.

This kind of consumption regardless of the cost, the energy outside the body of the four clones suddenly becomes rich, which exceeds the speed of absorption of the four clones.

Just like the previous promotion of the demigod clone, the four clones are fully integrated with the "black dragon power rule pattern" under the strong energy supply.

David has been paying close attention to the energy feathers behind him. His wings have been unfolding for a long time, waiting for him to take measures to rescue him in case of any accident.

Soon, the Clones' bodies began to be unable to withstand fusion, and parts of them began to collapse.

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A rain mist of "immortal vitality" fell on the bodies of the four clones, moistening their damaged bodies.

In this way, the four clones have survived the most difficult promotion risk of all legends, and David's spirit was refreshed and the most critical moment came.

However, to his disappointment, the four clone avatars did not appear before the sudden enlargement of the body of the demigod clone.

After the fusion of the two clones, there is no change. There is a small energy point in front of one of the other clones, and then the energy point flashes and disappears.

In front of the other clone's body is a weird energy shield, which is not big, some like the small round shield used by knights.

The ability to change at least shows that the two clones have acquired their own special semi divine talent ability.

"This ratio is too large. Will your talent affect the ability to gain demigod talent?" Alexis, the black dragon, was interested. He asked curiously.

David has no way to answer this question. If Alexis the black dragon is true, only a few black dragons can get the demigod level talent ability when the black dragon is promoted to the demigod level, then the probability of the clone avatars to obtain the demigod level talent ability is indeed a little high.

The five clone avatars have gained three demigod talent abilities, and they are not exactly the same.

"This energy shield is a" ablation "talent, and this energy point is an aggressive" gather point burst "talent ability With Alexis the black dragon watching, there is no need for David to check the ability of demigod level talent.

David and the other four clones became stable, and then they entered the soul of the clone with the energy shield vision.

In the soul space, he saw a "ablation pattern". After connecting the mind and spirit, he got the details of the ability to "melt".

The ability of "ablation" is a very powerful defense talent. When an attack is lower than the clone's ability, it will be fully immune to the attack of "ablation shield", while the attack higher than the clone's ability will be reduced a part of the attack.

The reduced attack rate is judged by the strength of the clone avatar. Even the size of the "ablation shield" has something to do with its own strength.

Although ablation shield is very small at present, it will play a very important role in the future. It is the top talent of the demigod defense ability.

The most terrifying thing about ablation shield is not the immunity and reduction of ordinary attacks, but the ability to resist various special attacks.

Most of the defense talents are unable to deal with some special energy, such as sound wave energy, various attribute energy, space energy and so on.

However, the "ablation shield" uses the force field of the black dragon generated by the "black dragon power rule" to form the "ablation shield" because "the power of the black dragon" is a natural ability of the black dragon.

The black dragon is also a representative of the great dragon family. The "power of the black dragon" is born with a defensive function. When it forms a semi divine defense talent, it strengthens the defense effect.

David tried to test the ablation shield generated by the ability of "ablation" by simulating a variety of attack energies by the demigod "Holy Spirit Knight".

He has only a demigod "Holy Spirit Knight" around him, which is powerful and powerful enough. If ordinary level five bishops come to attack the "ablation shield" with special energy, the power will not reach the test effect.

The attack of the demigod "Knight of the spirit" is comprehensive enough. It can be said that as long as David can think of the attack method, the demigod "Holy Spirit Knight" can do it.All kinds of attacks fall on the ablation shield, and all of them are resisted by the ablation shield.

David also put his mind into the soul of the clone sub body with the talent of "gathering point explosion", and contacted the "gathering point explosion pattern". Everything about the talent ability of "gathering point explosion" was clearly understood.

The ability of "gathering point exploding" and "dissolving" talent are just one attack and one defense. Clone sub body gathers a large number of "black dragon power rules" into one point, and then bursts out in an instant, forming a terrible attack.

It's very difficult to compress the rules. If you don't automatically understand the "gathering point explosion" of demigod talent when you are promoted to demigod by clone, you can only do it at the lowest level if you want to compress the rules.

The talent ability of "gathering point explosion" is to let clone, a newly promoted demigod, possess the attack power that can only be possessed at the top of demigod level and even at the initial level.

Of course, the ability of "gathering point explosion" is not without shortcomings. It consumes too much and takes too long to prepare. Therefore, it must be used with caution.

David manipulated the clone avatar to activate the talent ability of "gathering point explosion". In front of him, a "gathering point explosion pattern" appeared. Later, he felt that the "black dragon power rule" integrated into his whole body flowed into the "gathering point explosion pattern" with his activating the talent ability of "gathering point explosion".

He only felt his whole body lose strength for a while, which was caused by excessive consumption of the "black dragon's force rule". After the "black dragon's force rule" was integrated with his body, the "black dragon's force rule" in his body was equal to an important part of his body.

David didn't pay attention to the matter of losing his power. His eyes looked at the meeting point of "gathering point explosion" talent ability in front of him.

After entering the "gathering point explosion pattern", the "rule of power of the black dragon" is merged into a point, which contains the energy to numb David's scalp.

Because the energy contained in it is far beyond David's control at present, it only takes half a second to open the "black dragon's power rule" point.

There is not much energy shock around the explosion, because almost all of the energy bursts inward.

In front of the clone, the void seems to be broken, and a void appears. This void just disappears after a breath, which makes David extremely shocked.

The empty point in the virtual space is the phenomenon after the space is broken.

In the past, only the battle between Alexis the black dragon and the "Titan's golden emperor" and the mutual attacks between the two sides had this kind of attack.

Although David's clone avatar is not as powerful as Alexis the black dragon and the Titan's golden emperor, he can achieve a bit of divine power after using the talent of "gathering point explosion".

At the end of the experiment, David allowed the four clones who had reached the demigod level to continue to stabilize their strength. However, the energy of the four semi divine clone sub bodies was not enough. David had to constantly consume "top kryptonite" to supply the demand. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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