Transcendent David

Chapter 1096: CH 1094

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The legendary "purple flame beetle king" erupted a flame that surrounded the cavalry battle of eleven level five Templars.

The shield of blood force around the Knights' battle array was completely destroyed after resisting only one breath. At this time, it showed that the strength of the eleven level five Templars was different.

The weaker Templars are first enveloped in flames and turned to ashes in a scream. The stronger Templars can hold on longer, but the result is the same.

Even level 5 armor and weapons have been changed by the fire, no longer as before.

In fact, if Lord Lucian did not flee, but fought against the "purple flame beetle king", he would not be killed in such a short time.

Energy attack Zerg, as long as close range, can limit part of the power of energy attack.

Of course, no matter how much resistance, the result will still die, but sooner or later.

The rest of the Zerg also arrived, and they flew over the space door.

At this time, the base built around the space gate has disappeared, leaving a huge pit tens of meters deep on the ground.

The space door was not affected by the explosion. If such an explosion could affect the space door, the space door would have been destroyed for a long time, and it would not be retained.

Several legendary Zerg are discussing how to deal with the space gate. They don't dare to rush through the space gate.

God belongs to the big world. It is not a soft persimmon. It is also a world with gods.

The "purple flame beetle king" rushed over and killed 11 Templar knights at once, which made him somewhat satisfied with his record.

"Purple flame beetle king" looks at the space door, and its self-confidence is bursting.

"I'll go and find out!" "Purple flame beetle king" said to the other legendary Zerg.

The rest of the legendary Zerg will not persuade them to take the risk and save them trouble.

Naturally, the size of the space gate cannot allow the giant body of the "purple flame beetle king" to pass through, and it can only penetrate a part of its body.

In general, the loss is only a part of the loss of the body, and the risk is limited.

The "purple flame beetle king" is not a fool. It wants to perform meritorious deeds, but not to seek death.

The eleven Knights of the human temple are the first credit of the purple flame beetle king, plus the contribution of exploring the space gate, which is enough to attract the attention of the "mother emperor".

This is also the most promising opportunity for the "purple flame beetle king" to get in touch with the "mother emperor", and it is worth taking the risk for this opportunity.

The "purple flame beetle king" flew to the door of the space. It hesitated slightly and chose the left forelimb to concentrate on the left forelimb.

The left forelimb extends to the space door, and a flame surrounds the left forelimb to protect it.

On the other side, speaker Gould met the lieutenant general and all the Union soldiers.

"Speaker Gould, the lander planet base is lost. I'm very sorry that we didn't inform the twelve Templars that their contact devices have not been able to connect." The lieutenant general saluted speaker Gould.

The cooperation between the two sides is based on the God's big world. The space gate is in the God's big world. In addition, the ability to enter the Zerg world is also centered on the God's big world.

"What about the lander planet? I need a full report! " Said speaker Gould in a deep voice.

"There are about 30 level 5 Zerg, and 5 are suspected to be more powerful than level 5 Zerg. Because of the speed, we have to destroy the base and evacuate! As for the complete report, I'll sort it out and give it to you! " The lieutenant general replied.

"You've done well. I'm to blame for this. Lord Lucian is arrogant. I should talk to him as soon as possible. I didn't expect that..." Said speaker Gould, with a sad look on his face.

"I can't blame you. Lord Lucian asked to go. We all know that the lander planet is dangerous, and this kind of thing can't be predicted." One side of the temple Knight advised.

All people, including the interstellar Federation and the divine world, did not suspect that this was specially arranged by speaker Gould.

Because it is impossible for Chancellor Gould to predict the arrival of Zerg in advance, it is impossible to arrange Lord Lucian to die.

In particular, it was Lord Lucian's initiative to go to the "lander planet" to carry out a garrison mission. At the meeting of the Supreme Council, Lord Lucian made a request in front of all the members.

Just as speaker Gould wanted to say something more, the space door suddenly fluctuated, and then a huge leg more than ten meters long passed through.

There was a fire burning on the feet that made the soul tremble. Even the Templars felt the threat of death when they saw the flame.

The five huge shrines were shining at the same time, probably because the power of the "purple flame beetle king" was not enough for the gods to fight. The five temples did not summon gods to separate themselves, but simply relied on the temples to form the array.

"The purple flame beetle king" observes the situation on the other side of the space door through its own spirit. When it sees five huge temples, it is shocked and wants to take back the left forelimb.But later, a white light appeared above the left forelimb, which ignored the flame on the left forelimb and fixed it.

Then a terrible force came from the left forelimb. The power was so strong that the legends of Zerg like "purple flame beetle king" could not be resisted.

This great power comes from the array of five great temples, which can almost reach the power of approaching the gods through the power of faith.

Let alone the legend of "purple flame beetle king", even if a demigod comes here, he can't easily get rid of the shackles of the array.

The purple flame beetle king is frantically struggling to get rid of the confinement from his left forelimb.

But the strength from the left forelimb is not only not reduced by its struggle, but is becoming stronger and stronger.

The sound of "click" comes from the junction between the body of the purple flame beetle king and the outer space enclosure.

It was the sound of the legendary scale shell being forced to crack. As the left forelimb was forced to pull towards this side, the part of the shell of the "purple flame beetle king" and the space door began to crack.

The "purple flame beetle king" wanted to disconnect the left forelimb from the insect body, but the huge force was extremely strange, making the left forelimb tightly connected with the insect body.

In the continuous cracking sound, the shell of the "purple flame beetle king" appeared obvious concave.

"Purple flame beetle king" understood that it was trying to force its body through the space door.

Just think about it, its 100 meter high body was forced through the 20 meter high space door, what would be the consequences.

We don't have to think about being pulled over to face the consequences of the enemy, just say how the insect body will be damaged in the process of being pulled.

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"Help me!" The "purple flame beetle king" had no choice but to ask for help from the legendary Zerg.

Two legendary Zerg come forward and grab the body of the purple flame beetle king, but no matter how hard they try, they can't stop the pulling force from the other side.

The pulling speed is not fast, but it is very uniform. The body of the "purple flame beetle king" is pulled over a little bit.

The green blood flows from the broken shell, which makes the surrounding Zerg feel chilly.

What kind of strength can we drag the legendary "purple flame beetle king" without any resistance to it.

The five great temples are actually five weapons of war, which are driven by the power of faith.

The "purple flame beetle king" is equivalent to fighting against five powerful gods at the same time. The consequences can be imagined.

It took ten minutes for the purple flame beetle king to be pulled over. It was screaming all the time. The Zerg people nearby could not stop its fate in any way.

All Zerg know that on the other side there can only be gods, and only gods can have such power.

God belongs to the side of the big world. Speaker Gould and the soldiers of the interstellar Federation saw at a close distance the tragedy of the "purple flame beetle king" being pulled over.

Speaker Gould's eyes are wandering. At present, there is an emotion inside the Templars, a yearning mood for the strength after level 5.

In the past, although there were rumors that God belonged to the big world, they were only circulated among a few top nobles.

Since the Zerg world invaded the god world, the legendary Zerg appeared in front of the public for the first time, which made the temple Knights of God world know that the legendary stage is after level 5.

In particular, the appearance of the demigod "Knight of the Holy Spirit" made the knights in the temple of God belong to the big world understand that knights can become stronger demigods.

In the hearts of many Templars, discontent with the temple has begun to simmer.

The reason why the Templars will not be promoted to legend is attributed to the temple.

Even though there are so many stories about the Holy Spirit and the legend, they can't hide all the information.

The "purple flame beetle king" in front of him is the legendary stage. The temple can easily imprison the legendary level's "purple flame beetle king", which shows that the temple has the ability to deal with the legendary stage.

Even if the temple had the ability to deal with the legendary rank, it did not want the knights to be promoted to the legendary rank, which made speaker Gould very unhappy.

Since he got the "black dragon breathing method" from Lord Arthur, speaker Gould's realm has been relaxed, and he will not be promoted to the legendary level for a long time.

The reason why speaker Gould sacrificed the Lord Lucian who opposed him was to want more power.

God belongs to the big world, which is managed by the Supreme Council, which is restricted by the temple. However, to some extent, the Supreme Council has been resisting the suppression of the temple.

The nobility constantly infiltrated into the temple, which was a kind of resistance. The aristocrats did not want the power to be restricted by the temple, they wanted more power.

In order to protect himself, speaker Gould needs to strengthen this confrontation. He needs the Supreme Council to be on his side so that the Supreme Council can protect him when he is promoted to legend one day.The "purple flame beetle king" was dragged through the space door, and then the shell was broken by white light.

The legendary "purple flame beetle king" died like this, even without a trace of resistance.

The white light disappeared, and the five huge shrines returned to normal. On the square in front of the space door, a pile of broken body fragments were left.

A group of deities came out of the temple, and they were excited to pick up the ground debris, and some of them deliberately blocked the periphery, not allowing anyone to approach.

"Bishop McKinley, how are these materials disposed of? Will it appear in the exchange of war merit? " Asked the Archbishop of mally.

"These materials belong to the great God and will be returned to God through sacrifice." Returned bishop McKinley.

"Can great gods look at these materials?" Said speaker Gould, approaching.

"Speaker Gould, don't embarrass me. The Archbishop has told me that these materials must be recycled!" Bishop McKinley stood in front of speaker Gould and explained softly.

Speaker Gould nodded. He said nothing more.

He did this to show the attitude of the temple to the rest of the Templars.

It took some time to deal with such a huge corpse. When the dark gold claws and teeth were taken away, every Paladin watching was deeply dissatisfied.

This dissatisfaction is not only for the corpse of the purple flame beetle king, but also the temple's deception.

"Speaker Gould, I need to report the situation to the federal command immediately. I'm going to leave first." The federal lieutenant general said goodbye to speaker Gould after seeing the last piece of material put away.

"In the future, there may be hope to reopen the space gate, and we hope there will be opportunities for cooperation." Said speaker Gould, nodding.

The federal lieutenant general and the rest of the people present thought that this was speaker Gould's scene words, but only speaker Gould knew that this was his real idea.

The temple may be able to invade the Zerg world, but speaker Gould did not have much hope for the temple.

From the treatment of the temple control space door, the five temples did not intend to invade the Zerg world, but took the defensive.

Speaker Gould is thinking about Lord Arthur. Lord Arthur can know the Zerg's actions against the lander planet in advance. Maybe he can get through the space gate again.

Of course, if David knew what speaker Gould thought, he would definitely reject speaker Gould directly.

As long as there is a temple here, David can't be here.

David has too many secrets. He can't get too close to the temple. Once he is watched by the gods, he will be in big trouble.

The opposite side of the space door lost its value, and there was a temple to complete the defense here. There was no need for the Knights originally arranged here to stay.

After the loss of "lander planet", the whole war came to an end. The Knights returned to their families one by one, and the corresponding war rewards began to be realized.

Speaker Gould did not feel relieved because of the end of the war. A lot of fighting achievements need to be verified, and some war pensions will also be issued. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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