Transcendent David

Chapter 1100: CH 1098

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If someone compares the Zerg of tens of thousands of years ago with the Zerg of today, it will be found that the Zerg's overall talent has been greatly improved.

For the nine resource stars in the territory, there are special Zerg to exploit them. Most of these resources will be given priority to the elite of Zerg, and the rest will be allocated to ordinary Zerg, so that ordinary Zerg can survive.

These are all known by David through the Zerg contact network of the "king of the golden winged beetle". The survival of the fittest is very obvious among the Zerg. After birth, each Zerg will determine his or her life's destiny according to his own talent.

The residence of the "king of the golden winged beetle" is the only area of the Zerg planet that has no holes. The energetic ore piles into a hill, which is the nest of the "golden winged beetle king".

Within 10 kilometers of the nest, no Zerg dares to approach.

The three nearby galaxies are the territory of the "king of the golden winged beetle", which is equivalent to the Lord of the God's great world. However, its leaders are more loyal and do not need any management at all. They will work according to their instinct.

This also saves David's trouble. He thought he had to deal with the high-level Zerg when he returned to the territory. When he really returned to the territory, he found that the subordinates of Zerg world would not come over voluntarily as long as the "golden winged beetle king" did not call.

The "golden winged beetle king" also has five levels of Zerg, and they also have their own territory, which is in the territory of the "golden winged beetle king".

In fact, this is the real Zerg. In the Zerg world, there is very little direct communication between the Zerg. Most of the time, it is through the Zerg network.

Just as David wants to send orders to Zerg in his territory through the "golden winged beetle king", he only needs to give orders directly in the Zerg contact network, and the Zerg in the territory will follow the orders.

David, who controls the golden winged beetle king, sits in a heap of ore, the most humble dwelling he has ever lived in.

But look at the rest of the Zerg, a cave is densely packed with Zerg, crowded in a small space, no self space, this area with a radius of 10 kilometers is already an excellent place to live.

While David was observing the environment, 500 meters away from the king of the golden winged beetle, the space fluctuated.

He suppressed the impulse to make a move. He knew that the "king of the golden winged beetle", as a demigod, would not dare to challenge any Zerg in his own territory.

A level 5 "space beetle" emerged from the space and cautiously came to the king of the golden winged beetle.

"Your honor, please accept the resources assigned to you!" "Space beetle" lowered his body and said.

Then the "space beetle" inspired a space wormhole, from which a pile of cultivation resources were sent out.

Through the Zerg network, David sensed that the "space beetle" was subordinate to the "golden winged beetle king".

This is a good confirmation that the subordinates of the "golden winged beetle king" can have special labels in the Zerg contact network, and the "golden winged beetle king" can issue mandatory orders to the "space beetle".

David didn't say anything. The "big space beetle" had been used to this job for a long time, and when he finished, he automatically broke open the space and left.

"Space beetle" is not a mutant Zerg. Compared with the one David met and killed before, this "space beetle" can only be regarded as an ordinary level 5 Zerg.

But this feeling of peace with the fifth level Zerg makes David extremely novel. The life and death of all Zerg in the whole territory is determined by his mind.

David looked at the resources piled up on the ground. Most of them are "top grade kryptonite". There are also some ores. The most precious of them are two "perfect kryptonites".

He felt the breath of Zhanxing from the "top kryptonite". The "top kryptonite" mined by Zhanxing is more abundant in energy reserves than the other "top kryptonite". This is due to the special environment of Zhanxing.

However, if you think about it, the "golden winged beetle king" is a demigod, and has a very high status within the Zerg. It is normal to have the right to allocate warstar resources.

David suddenly thought of one thing: did the "golden winged beetle king" have private collections here before.

The spirit of the "golden winged beetle king" is released. Scanning in this area seems to be because the former "golden winged beetle king" did not worry that any Zerg would steal its private collection, and the location of the collection was not very hidden.

David steered the "golden winged beetle king" to that location, and a huge stone slab was pulled open to reveal the cave below.

The cave is also extremely spacious due to its large body.

The collection of "king of golden winged beetles" is kept according to the classification, which shows that the "king of golden winged beetles" is very good at sorting.

There are more than 50 "perfect kryptonites" beside them, and the rest are bright gemstones. It seems that the powerful Zerg people are very interested in the bright gems.

David is still a little disappointed. The collection here has little effect on David except for "perfect kryptonite".By manipulating the "golden winged beetle king" to close the treasure house again, David sensed an alarm message coming from the Zerg contact network of the "golden winged beetle king.".

This is a message from the patrolling Zerg of the "golden winged beetle king" territory. The territory has been invaded by enemies.

When David saw this information, he couldn't help but wonder that some Zerg dared to invade the territory of a demigod Zerg.

The king of the golden winged beetle activates the flapping ability. In a flash, it rushes into space and flies toward the direction where the patrolling Zerg finds the enemy.

When David manipulated the "golden winged beetle king" flight, the Zerg contact network kept sending back information about the killing of patrolling Zerg.

The ability of "flapping wings" is very fast, and the "golden winged beetle king" is famous for its speed, and soon gets close to the target position.

In space, dozens of patrol Zerg corpses float. A legendary "half body spider king" saw the "golden winged beetle king". He was obviously stunned, and then turned around to escape.

Geographically, the territory of the king of the golden winged beetle is the marginal area of the territory of the king of the golden winged beetle.

The "golden winged beetle king" gave the territory to the demigod "golden winged beetle king", which also wanted the "golden winged beetle king" to help protect the territory.

This time, the "halfling spider" clan received news that the owner of the territory, the golden winged beetle king, had left the territory for a few days, so the legendary "halfling spider king" came to make a surprise attack.

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The contradiction between the "golden winged beetle emperor" and the "half body spider emperor" has been put on the surface, and the friction between the two territories has continued.

The demigod, the golden winged beetle king, left the territory and was discovered by the half bodied spiders. The half bodied spiders, with the cunning of the Zerg, decided to take advantage of the absence of the golden winged beetle king to raid the territory.

Raiding the demigod territory will give the "golden winged beetle emperor" a huge blow in face, and will also be able to obtain the resources in the demigod territory.

Originally, the plan was very good. The "golden winged beetle king" was to track down the territory of the "sword blade Mantis emperor". It would take at least several decades to go back and forth.

In this period of time, a legendary "half body spider king" can wipe out the territory of the "golden winged beetle king". This level of struggle can not lead to the level of "golden winged beetle king".

However, the "half body spiders" did not expect that the "golden winged beetle king" who should still be in the territory of "blade Mantis emperor" returned to the territory so early.

Although David is not proficient in manipulating the king of the golden winged beetle, he needs to catch up with the legendary half winged spider king, who is one level above the demigod level.

With the acceleration of the innate ability of "flapping wings," the "golden winged beetle king" uses the energy in his body to generate a stream of air, which completely covers the surrounding area and stimulates the "wind field".

"Half body spider king" only feels a slow speed, as if it is stuck by glue, making it very difficult to move.

The giant body of the golden winged beetle king turned into a ray of light and shadow in space, and came to the front of the half body spider king.

"Half body spider king" suddenly ejected a ball of spider silk. After leaving its body, the silk opened like a fishing net and wrapped around the "king of golden winged beetle".

David has studied spider silk. He has dealt with the incarnation of "half body spider emperor" and is familiar with the particularity of spider silk.

The "king of the golden winged beetle" turned in a direction to avoid the attack of the spider silk ball in the high speed. Although the silk ball had already started, it did not attack the "golden winged beetle king".

The "golden winged beetle king" was far more powerful than the "halfling spider king". In addition, the "halfling spider king" was afraid of the demigod in his heart. When the "golden winged beetle king" dodged the spider silk, and then came close to the "halfling spider king", the "halfling spider king" did not make a timely defense.

This can not be blamed for the "half body spider king". The legendary level meets the demigod, and the strength is too different.

Demigod is also a divine level. It is far beyond the legendary level in the application of strength, speed and special abilities.

The state before demigod is mole ant, and it is only after reaching the level of demigod that one is truly on the road of divine level.

The "king of the golden winged beetle" was stabbed out of the front leg, and the "half body spider king" was stabbed into the spine by its forelimbs before it could react.

Both the planetary Federation and the divine world have a deep research on the "half body spider" family, which is related to the fifth level of "half body Spider Queen" in warstar. Zerg, which are more active in warstar, will receive the attention of both worlds.

The interstellar Federation, in particular, has used biology to analyze the structure of "half body spiders" and find out various ways to deal with them.

These methods are part of the feasibility study and have not been applied in actual combat, but David has learned this knowledge.

When he manipulated the "king of the golden winged beetle", he destroyed the body control ability of the "half body spider king". There was a gap between the back of his brain and the spine.As long as you destroy this place, you can cut off the connection between the brain and the body of the "half body spider king." the "half body spider king" not only loses the ability to control the body, but also blurs the consciousness.

"Half body spider king" is not dead. It is in a deep coma.

It's not that David can't bear it. It's that he wants the soul of the half body spider king. The legendary soul is still very attractive.

Carrying the body of the "half body spider king," the "golden winged beetle king" returned to his home, and the victory of the "golden winged beetle king" against the invaders spread through the Zerg network.

At first, it was only spread within the territory of the golden winged beetle king, but it was soon known by the golden winged beetle emperor.

The conflict between the two Zerg divine realms, the "golden winged beetle emperor" and the "half body spider emperor", has always been the "golden winged beetle emperor" side suffering losses.

It's no wonder that the "half body spider king" is better at scheming. Although the strategy is not very detailed, it is very rare in the Zerg world.

The "half body spiders" plan and move later. Naturally, the "golden winged beetles" are very passive and often suffer losses.

This time, the "king of the golden winged beetle" solved the raid of the "half body spider" and successfully killed the legendary "half body spider king", which greatly improved the face of the "golden winged beetle emperor", and naturally attracted the attention of the "golden winged beetle emperor".

"You've done very well. I'll give you a galaxy territory!" The attention of the "golden winged beetle emperor" is very direct.

David expressed his gratitude to the "golden winged beetle king" by using the Zerg contact network of the "golden winged beetle king". At this time, he also found that there were more Zerg people under direct orders in the Zerg contact network.

A coordinate has been sent, and that galaxy is the reward of the golden winged beetle emperor.

David looked at it. The galaxy was next to the territory, which was also the border of the golden winged Beetle Kingdom. It seems that the golden winged beetle emperor wanted him to protect more areas.

Fortunately, there is no need to accept this kind of territory. After the order of the "golden winged beetle king" is issued, all the Zerg management rights in the new galaxy are automatically transferred to the name of the "golden winged beetle king". Orders can be given through the Zerg network.

As for the management of galaxies, there is no need for the "golden winged beetle king" to worry about.

All Zerg planets have their own mode of operation, and each Zerg has its own division of labor, which perfectly controls the development of Zerg planets.

"In due course, you can fight back and make the halfling spiders suffer some losses!" Instead of forcing orders, the "golden winged beetle emperor" said in the Zerg network in a consultative tone.

"Yes David didn't know what attitude to reply to the king of the golden winged beetle, so he could only reply as briefly as possible. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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