Transcendent David

Chapter 1102: CH 1100

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Archbishop gay entered a special space debris, which was designed for the meeting of five archbishops.

He stood in front of a jade box and began to sing.

White light flashed on the jade box, and the divine patterns were flying. This is to open the seal of the jade box.

At this time, four figures appeared, which were the spiritual embodiment of the four archbishops.

"Archbishop gay, what are you doing?" Asked Archbishop Adele, frowning.

The spiritual separation of the four archbishops was shocked by the movement here. Every object stored in this space debris does not belong to any temple, but to all temples.

"Divine metaphor, use artifact" Knight forbidden card "!" Said Archbishop king, with a deep wave of his hand.

"Archbishop gay, you'd better be careful when using the artifact" Knight forbidden card ". Don't let out the effect of artifact" Knight forbidden card " Archbishop Julian said with some uneasiness.

This artifact "Knight forbidden card" has never been used. The reason is that the temple has enough influence on the nobles and knights, so it is unnecessary to use the artifact "Knight forbidden card".

However, once the news of the existence of the artifact "Knight forbidden card" is leaked out, it will create a huge gap between the temple and the aristocracy.

No one wants to have such a artifact on top of his head. As long as the artifact "Knight forbidden card" is used, the knight can lose his resistance ability.

If there is a split face between the temple and the nobility, it doesn't matter.

But now the temple and the nobility are almost integrated together. Most of the deities in the temple are of noble origin. Once there is a contradiction between the nobility and the temple, the consequences are really hard to predict.

Whatever the war temples do, the four temples will not care, but the interests of the four temples will not be affected.

Despite the fact that the five temples jointly manage the gods, they belong to the big world. On the surface, they seem to be friendly. In fact, there has always been competition in private.

The five temples respectively use their own influence to attract the top nobles, which is a kind of embodiment.

For example, the earth temple is an extremely successful example. The bishop of Boleyn was born in the mein family. Now the mein family has become the first aristocrat of God in the world, and President Gould has become the leader of the Supreme Council. This has greatly increased the influence of the earth temple among the nobility, and has also made use of this relationship to obtain more benefits.

"If nothing happens, I'll take the artifact" Knight forbidden card "and leave Archbishop gay ignored the reminders of the archbishops. He was under the command of the God of war, and he was God's agent at this time.

When the jade chest was opened, the eyes of the five archbishops were curious. They only knew that the artifact "Knight forbidden card" existed. This was the first time that they saw the artifact "Knight forbidden card".

Archbishop gay reached out to grab the artifact "Knight forbidden card", carefully put it in the space object, and then left the space debris.

Archbishop gay did not say who he was going to deal with. The other four archbishops did not ask. If Archbishop gay wanted to say something, he would say it without asking.

After Archbishop gay left, the four archbishops did not leave. They first stood in silence.

"Who is the war shrine trying to deal with?" Archbishop Adele first asked.

"Who else can it be?" Archbishop Barney replied with dissatisfaction in his eyes.

In fact, when he heard that Archbishop gay wanted to use the artifact "Knight forbidden card", four archbishops Ziqi came up with a name.

If there is a knight worthy of war in God's world, Lord Arthur will be the only one in the temple to use the artifact "Knight forbidden card".

The relationship between Lord Arthur and speaker Gould, and the mein family is well known in the whole god world. This has resulted in the natural closeness between Lord Arthur and the earth temple.

"If you don't tell us who we want to deal with, it's not for fear that we'll tell the news." Said Archbishop Julian coldly.

The five shrines all have considerable contact with Lord Arthur, especially the garmicin wine in each temple, which is the witness of friendship with Lord Arthur.

But to say that the God of war wanted to capture Lord Arthur, the archbishops of the other four shrines would tell the news, which was impossible.

The order of the God of war is second only to the archbishops who believe in gods themselves. Although this order is not given to them, they will not destroy it.

"But why?" Archbishop Adele asked.

"It's none of our business. We'd better try our best to reduce the influence of Lord Arthur's capture." Said Archbishop Ambrose in a deep voice.

As the Archbishop of the temple of knowledge, Archbishop Ambrose thinks most about it. Lord Arthur's influence on the great world of God is very clear to him.

Not to mention the thirteen Knights of the temple directly under Lord Arthur, among them there are Lord Harlow, the Lord of the highest nobility. That is to say, among the Lords of the whole God belongs to the great world, there are not a few who are closely related to Lord Arthur.In particular, Lord Arthur holds the secret of making "warm heart lotus seed soup", which is related to the survival period of level 5 Templars. Once the interests involved break out, it will cause turbulence in the divine world.

Archbishop Ambrose thought that the high God of war had no idea why he wanted to capture Lord Arthur, but he never considered the stability of God in the great world.

Perhaps in the eyes of the God of war, a little chaos in God's big world is nothing.

But in the Archbishop of Ambrose, it is a very important thing. The God belongs to the great world. Now it is facing many enemies, and the internal chaos is likely to intensify many contradictions.

"Don't talk about the nobles. Even inside the temple, Lord Arthur's influence is very strong." Said Archbishop Adele, shaking his head.

The four archbishops communicated, and they all understood that it was useless to say anything here. Unless they reported to their respective gods, who tried to persuade the God of war to change his mind, everything would be empty talk.

It is even more delusional to ask the God of war to change his mind.

Due to the end of the war, except for remaining at the huge temple of the space gate, all the other deities have returned.

After many successive wars, they were exhausted physically and mentally, and most of them were at rest.

But the bell of the main temple of war rang, so that the relaxed gods immediately gathered toward the square.

"Thirteen bells, which evil spirit appears again? Why didn't you hear the news? " When bishop McKinley came to the square, he asked the Knights of the temple of Annabella.

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The thirteen rings in the temple represent bad luck, and the strong smell of evil appears in God's world.

At the same time, the thirteen bells also represent war, the war at the highest level in the war shrine, and the war related to gods.

The speed of the gods was very fast. Five Templars and the paladins of Annabella came to the temple, six from the fifth level sacrifice, and fifty from the other four levels.

The figure of Archbishop gay appeared in the square, all the voices in the field disappeared, and all the people's eyes were focused on Archbishop guy.

"God says, capture Arthur Luce, ask that Arthur Luce must be kept alive!" Said Archbishop gay in a deep voice.

The announcement of Archbishop gay caused a calm in the square, which never happened.

We should know that Shenyu represents the will of the God of war. In the past, as long as there was a divine metaphor, the only response after the announcement was unified enthusiasm and madness.

"According to God!" A deity responded and said in a loud voice.

However, more people are still in deep puzzlement, especially those in high position and power. They know that without any information against Lord Arthur, how could such a divine metaphor suddenly appear.

The rest of the magistrates and Knights of the temple thought of the consequences of war with Lord Arthur. They would fight against the terrible Lord Arthur. A kind of creepy feeling made their scalp tingle.

Lord Arthur's reputation has been achieved in many battles. The Knights of the temple, the five evil bishops, the legendary class and the demigod "Knight of the Holy Spirit" died in Lord Arthur's hands. These achievements are based on facts or rumors, but they all constitute the world's understanding of Lord Arthur.

Although the title of "invincible Knight" was given to Lord Arthur by the temple, it was only when Lord Arthur's own strength reached the recognition of all knights that he was granted the title of "invincible Knight".

Among them, the gods who participated in the Zerg world invasion war are more worried.

The powerful figure that blocked the tide of insects made every deity feel his soul trembling when he thought of it.

How many people are prepared to lose in the war shrine against such a Lord Arthur and still capture them alive?

"You are God's servants, and God's metaphor is your mission." Said Archbishop gay, gritting his teeth.

"According to God!" The people who were awakened by a word from Archbishop gay said in a hurry.

"I don't care which of you has any connection with Arthur Luce. Arthur Luce is the one designated by my Lord to be captured alive. You should correct your attitude!" Archbishop gay looked coldly at bishop McKinley.

Bishop McKinley bowed himself in a gesture of absolute obedience.

Originally, bishop McKinley was promoted in the war shrine because of his close relationship with Lord Arthur. However, he did not expect that the situation reversed in an instant, and his relationship with Lord Arthur became a big problem.

It is not only bishop McKinley who has doubts in his mind. Besides, the fifth level sacrifice of hevised has a good relationship with Lord Arthur. At this time, his heart is full of confusion.

Of course, the most complicated mood is the Anabella Templars, who have been in a bad mood recently.

Due to the fall of the God of many wars, the strength of Annabella Templar Knights will be improved, and even the legend of level 5 promotion will be around the corner.

This was supposed to happen, and the Knights of the temple of Annabella applied to the war shrine for promotion to legend.This application is mainly about Temple support, resources, and knowledge related to promotion legend.

Annabella Temple Knights have no source of income. She relies entirely on the war shrine to obtain the resources and knowledge of cultivation.

However, Annabella Temple Knight's application was rejected, and the war Temple banned any temple knight from promotion to the legendary rank on the ground of the mutiny of the demigod "Knight of the spirit.".

For the first time, Annabella Templar was disappointed with the war shrine, and she clearly remembered what Archbishop gay had explained to her.

"My Lord has rejected your application for promotion to legend. Don't ask for it again in the future. Do what the God should do." That's what Archbishop gay said at the time.

The Knights of the temple of Annabella gave her everything to the temple. She still remembers that after the first fall, she was so weak that she almost died.

Although she recovered, her strength was greatly improved, making her a rare female Templar, but she also understood that she was lucky.

The name of "God emissary" sounds very noble, but the weak one will die directly after the fall of God, which depends on the time when the God exists.

The fragile body can't support the existence of gods for a long time, but the gods hardly think about this. The gods will only end their descent after finishing what they should do.

The Knights of the temple of Annabella are very lucky. She has become one of the few deities who have survived many times, which makes others think that this is the love of the God of war.

The Knights of the Templars, Annabella herself, had always thought so, until the God of war had refused her request for promotion, she realized that the God of war had never noticed her.

She is just a tool, and the God of war only needs such a suitable tool.

If she can't become a legend, it means that her life is limited. The Knights Templar of Annabella can only survive for hundreds of years. She has lost the hope of a stronger prospect.

Unlike the rest of the believers, Anabella Templars have more clearly felt the feelings of the God of war, that kind of indifference, that kind of high above, which she thought was the emotion of the gods before.

But recently, the Knights of the temple of Annabella are more and more aware of the God of war, indifferent to all life.

Although an idea that should not exist in the hearts of believers rose up in Annabella Templar's heart, she knew that this unrealistic idea could not be realized.

Today, the Knights of Annabella Temple heard the news that the war shrine was ready to capture Lord Arthur. If Lord Arthur resisted, and if Lord Arthur successfully resisted, she would fight together.

Annabella Templar is not a sacrifice. She does not rely on faith to enhance her strength. Losing her faith may make her a wanted person in the temple. However, as long as Lord Arthur can set an example, she will follow in the footsteps of Lord Arthur.

No one thought that, just above the square of the war temple, the God of war, the powerful Annabella Templar Knight, made a terrible decision.

"Ready to go to garmi!" Archbishop gay ordered in a deep voice. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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