Transcendent David

Chapter 1112: CH 1110

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Speaker Gould did not expect that just a glass of spirit wine would enable him to reach the legendary level, and his blood power began to solidify.

He doesn't want to be promoted to the legendary level at this time. In order to promote the legendary level, he has prepared a lot in Maine.

This is not the Mayne star, without any preparation, promotion to the legendary level is a great risk.

However, none of this is transferred by the will of speaker Gould. The effect of spirit red wine is so good that he is directly promoted by the energy of spirit red wine when he is unprepared.

Just when speaker Gould was worried, Lord Arthur took him away, instead, he settled his mind.

In terms of who speaker Gould trusts most, Lord Arthur can definitely rank first. In addition, he knows that Lord Arthur is the legendary rank, and he also helps Annabella legend to be promoted successfully. He has rich experience in promoting legendary rank.

David and President Gould flew to the center of the super large spirit gathering array. In fact, you can enjoy the effect of super large spirit gathering array in the legendary castle of Annabella, but there are too many people there, which is not conducive to the promotion of speaker Gould.

"Don't be distracted. I'm everything." David said in a deep voice.

When speaker Gould heard this, he couldn't help smiling.

With a wave of David's hand, ten "perfect kryptonites" were scattered around speaker Gould, and the super large spirit gathering array began to work.

As for the promotion to the legendary rank, even if David wastes some resources, he does not want speaker Gould to fail because of the resource problem.

The process of promotion was very smooth. With David's care, coupled with the input of spirit wine and massive resources, speaker Gould finally became a legend after more than an hour's promotion.

In this more than an hour, the guests of the promotion reception were all upset.

Their attention is not in the reception, but outside the castle, where they can feel the increasing breath outside.

However, without the consent of Lord Arthur and Annabella legend, none of the guests present went to see the promotion process of speaker Gould, although they were eager to see it in person.

Annabella legend is also very helpless, this reception was destroyed by speaker Gould, but she did not complain about it, instead, it was a sincere blessing.

How can the legend of Annabella, an old friend of many years, not know the aspiration of speaker Gould for legendary rank.

If speaker Gould is promoted alone, the legend of Annabella may still have some worries, but with Lord Arthur taking care of him, the legend of Annabella is extremely relieved.

"The promotion was successful!" Annabella legend to feel a unique breath of legend level rise, she can not help but exclaim.

No need for Annabella legend to say, all the guests also feel the legendary atmosphere.

What are the reasons for speaker Gould's promotion to the legendary rank?

After thinking of this, some guests have already looked at the wooden barrel, and a glass of spiritual red wine will promote speaker Gould to the legendary level.

They also drank it. Although the effect is not as amazing as that of speaker Gould, it also has the effect of at least half a year's ascetic. How high will the value of this spirit wine be?

Needless to say, spirit red wine alone may help promote legend, which makes it invaluable.

Because of the fact that speaker Gould saw with his own eyes, the guests all believe in the value of spirit wine.

Even some guests believe that the reason why Annabella legend can be promoted to legend is also the effect of this spirit red wine.

It's a pity that after the robot empties the wooden wine barrel for each guest, there is not much spirit red wine in it. The robot has always held the wooden barrel in its hand. As guests, they are not easy to snatch.

"Another spirit wine for me!" Lord Ludwig suddenly said to the robot.

Without hesitation, the robot poured another spirit wine for Lord Ludwig.

At this time, the rest of the guests also suddenly realized that they asked for a refill. However, the spirit red wine in the wooden barrel would not have been filled half a cup.

Lord Ludwig saw the cannibal eyes of the crowd. He swept his spirit and put the spirit wine and the wine cup into the space ring.

"Annabella legend, I'll borrow this wine glass, and I'll send you a brand new set of wine later!" Lord Ludwig knew it was too rude, but he told the legend of Annabella.

Lord Ludwig didn't want to drink a second glass of spirit wine at this time. Since the spirit red wine can help promote the legendary level, his next thing is to find the legendary Knight cultivation method.

Only when he has obtained the legendary Knight cultivation method and is ready to upgrade to legendary level, will he use the second spirit wine.

Seeing Lord Ludwig put away the spirit wine, the rest of the guests turned their eyes to another knight who had got half a glass of spirit wine. The knight learned from Lord Ludwig and explained to Annabella legend that he put half a glass of spirit wine into the space items.At this time, Lord Arthur came in with speaker Gould.

Speaker Gould's face was in high spirits, and his long cherished wish was fulfilled, which made him feel very happy.

For all that Lord Arthur did for him, he didn't say any more words of thanks. He kept this great kindness in his heart.

Spirit wine, perfect kryptonite, super large spirit gathering array and immortal vitality were all consumed by Lord Arthur for the promotion of speaker Gould, especially the value of immortal vitality.

"Congratulations to President Gould The guests came forward and bowed.

"Good luck!" Speaker Gould replied with a smile.

To be honest, speaker Gould's unexpected promotion legend raised hopes for all the guests present. If only Annabella's legend of promotion was successful, it might be only by accident, but speaker Gould's promotion was also successful, it was not an accident.

Perhaps the knight's spring is coming, and the knight's bottleneck will no longer be the fifth level Templar Knight.

"Thank you for coming. That's all for today's reception. Speaker Gould still needs a rest." Annabella legend sensed that speaker Gould's breath was not stable. She patted her hand to focus all the guests' attention on her, which was announced aloud.

The reception is over, but the influence is not over. Instead, it is growing.

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The news that speaker Gould was promoted to the legendary rank was even more sensational than the legendary promotion of Annabella.

Who is the Annabella legend?

It was the envoy of the God of war. No matter whether the legend of Annabella betrayed the temple of war or not, in the process of many previous deities, the legend of Annabella got a chance to realize the power beyond her own realm through the divine surrender.

Although the legend of Annabella's promotion has also had a great impact, for many knights, her promotion has a special chance, which can not be regarded as the independent promotion legend of ordinary Templar Knights.

However, speaker Gould is different. His identity is very clear. There has never been a legend in the mein family for many generations. This promotion legend shows that he succeeded by his own promotion.

Speaker Gould did not go to the shining star of the Supreme Council before returning to Maine after the stability of Gami.

In an uncertain situation, Maine is much safer than the shining stars that can be freely accessed.

At least speaker Gould would have to get the attitude of the five shrines towards the legendary order before he could appear in public.

This is also the trouble of happiness, but if you let speaker Gould choose, he will still choose to become a legend, and it is worth taking some risks.

Master, Lord Ludwig, please see you Said housekeeper Hayes, with an excited face.

Since speaker Gould was promoted to the legendary rank, the whole mein family was extremely excited. Few of these people knew about the blockade of the temple to the legendary rank.

Lord Ludwig has been very close to speaker Gould recently. He wants to come to Maine. The people who manage the planetary portal will not refuse to apply.

"I've just met. Why are you so anxious and want to meet again?" Speaker Gould said to himself in a strange way.

"Master, Lord Ludwig has brought a lot of gifts to congratulate you on your promotion to the legendary rank!" Said housekeeper Hayes.

"Lord Ludwig, please come to the reception room." Speaker Gould didn't believe it very much when he heard this reason. It was obviously an excuse, he said, waving his hand.

According to the Convention, a promotion gift should be given only after speaker Gould has announced the promotion to the public. Before that, the promoted person may need a long time to revise.

Although promotion is the promotion of realm and strength, it will also cause great damage to the body.

Like Annabella legend and speaker Gould, if David did not use "immortal vitality" therapy, the harm in the promotion process, not to mention whether it can be safely promoted, is that the promotion success can not be recovered without a long time of repair.

Lord Ludwig's visit was obviously untimely, which showed how anxious he was to see speaker Gould.

"Speaker Gould, congratulations on your promotion to the legendary rank!" Lord Ludwig entered the reception room and bowed to congratulate speaker Gould.

"Lord Ludwig, there is no outsider here. If you have anything to say, sit down and speak up!" Speaker Gould returned the salute with a smile and pointed to the chair beside him.

"I dare to come today." Lord Ludwig was not polite either, he sat down and said.

Speaker Gould did not answer, watching Lord Ludwig wait for him to continue.

"When you are promoted to the legendary level, spirit red wine has played a great role. But if there is no legendary Knight cultivation method, you will at most be the same as me. The blood power in your body will be more condensed, and there will be no qualitative change!" Lord Ludwig considered the wording and said.

"What do you mean?" Speaker Gould was slightly surprised. His face did not change. It was normal for the other party to guess this.Even a small number of top nobles will have this conjecture, because in the inheritance of the top noble families, a few inheritance have the description of the legendary level.

To promote the legendary level requires the corresponding legendary Knight training method, but the legendary Knight cultivation method has been lost thousands of years ago.

Even if the legendary Knight cultivation method is not lost, this cultivation method will only spread in the temple, and will not flow out at all.

"I want to ask you for this legendary Knight training method. You can give me the price as long as I can do it!" Lord Ludwig bit his teeth and said in a deep voice.

Lord Ludwig's purpose is very clear. His situation is very similar to that of Chancellor Gould. They are all struggling to break through the realm of level five Templars.

For this purpose, he is willing to pay all costs.

Lord Ludwig's strength was stuck at the top of the fifth level. This time he drank the spirit wine, which made him realize one thing.

If there is no legendary Knight training method, no matter how hard he tries to practice, the result will be the same.

Maybe one day, like his predecessors, he will lose his self-consciousness at the level of level 5 Templars and become a disposable fighting machine of the family.

If there is no possibility, Lord Ludwig will recognize it.

But the legendary promotion of Annabella and the promotion of speaker Gould on the spot show that the fifth level Templars are not the end of knights.

Lord Ludwig, in particular, fought hard at the promotion reception and snatched a glass of spiritual red wine and put it in the space ring, which gave him the same preconditions as chancellor Gould.

Now only speaker Gould's legendary Knight training method is needed. As long as there is legendary Knight training method, he can definitely be promoted to the legendary level.

The foundation of the top aristocrats is very rich. As early as I don't know how many generations, the Golden Dragon Hopkinson family began to prepare resources for promotion to the legendary rank.

In today's Hopkinson family, there are enough resources in reserve for Lord Ludwig to try his way up the legendary ladder.

"Lord Ludwig, to tell you the truth, I have promised others that the cultivation method of legendary knights can only be inherited in my own blood!" Speaker Gould said that, Lord Ludwig was anxious to speak, and he waved to stop him.

"I know how you feel. I have paid a lot for the promotion of legend. Lord Ferdinand, Lord Merlin, Lord Emil and Lord Luca went into the small world of Gladstone, the God of pestilence, to kill God. In that war, all four of my close friends fell, if not for the four friends Death will send me out, I will also fall there.

Since then, I have a stronger obsession with the promotion of the legendary rank, which is not my hope alone. I carry the expectations of the fallen Lord Ferdinand, Lord Merlin, Lord Emil and Lord Luca. Now I can comfort them! " Said speaker Gould in a deep voice. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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