Transcendent David

Chapter 1117: CH 1115

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The shadow attendant flew out automatically, ready to absorb the soul of Archbishop gay. At this time, a white light gate appeared in the sky, and the soul of Archbishop gay was about to fly to the white light door.

In David's perception, there is no trace of energy in the white light gate. If it was not for the real appearance of the white light gate, he would not have been able to perceive the white light gate with the rest of his perception ability.

The identity of Archbishop gay is very special. His soul has the mark of the God of war. As long as he falls, his soul will be attracted by the small world of the God of war.

If there is no shadow to serve the life created to deal with the soul, perhaps the soul of Archbishop gay might be taken back by the small world of the God of war.

But how special the shadow service is, even the divine soul cannot escape from it, let alone the legendary soul like Archbishop gay.

The shadow attendant pounces on him and devours the soul of Archbishop gay before he enters the white light door.

The failure of the white light door to lead to Archbishop gay seems to have triggered some mechanism. The white light door burst out a suction force and sucked it in the direction of the shadow.

The shadow attendant's movement is not a normal movement, but like a flash of space, after absorbing the soul of Archbishop gay, he instantly disappears in place, avoiding the attraction of the white light gate.

After all, the white light gate is just a special pattern attached to the soul of Archbishop gay. After the death of Archbishop gay, it will be activated. The white light gate can not really use the energy of the small world, and the power of the explosion is extremely limited.

At this time, the white light gate also used up the energy, the ineffectiveness turned into a little white star light dissipation.

David hesitated. He folded the space ring from Archbishop Gay's body and threw it to the five fifth level priests who were standing in the air behind him.

Although David killed Archbishop guy, in fact, Archbishop gay attacked him and was killed by him.

As the top nobles in the great world, the members of the Supreme Council, when their lives are threatened, are supported by the law, which can prevent the other four temples from appearing.

As a reasonable party, David did not get the divination of his own gods in the four temples at least. He would not take the initiative to break the noble law and help the war shrine at the risk of breaking with the nobility.

As for the body of Archbishop gay, some of them can only be said to have been returned by the archbishop.

The value of resurrection of this kind of corpse eroded by the power of faith is very small. Even if the resurrection is successful, the strength displayed is much different from the normal legendary level.

It would be better to return the body of Archbishop guy generously. Although it can not reduce the hatred with the war shrine, it can obtain the approval of the other four temples.

A fifth level priest took over the body of Archbishop gay in disbelief. Since Lord Arthur sent back the body of Archbishop gay, did he mean that he would not kill them.

The five level five priests have no confidence in dealing with Lord Arthur. They can kill them instantly by looking at the demigod "Knight of the spirit" next to Lord Arthur.

"If you don't attack me, I won't embarrass you. You take back the body of Archbishop gay and tell the war shrine what happened today. If there is another time, I will destroy the war temple one by one in all the temples in the God's world." David said in a deep voice.

"We'll take your words back!" The fifth level sacrifice rushed back.

Then the five fifth level priests fled with the body of Archbishop gay as quickly as possible.

"How can we go so fast? It's too wasteful not to take away the battle space array!" David sensed the power of the battle space array around him and could not help shaking his head.

He didn't think about it. How dare those five level five sacrificial rites stop here for one more second, which is more dangerous. Who knows if he will suddenly change his mind and kill all the five level five sacrificial rites.

Lord Fred regained control of the blood force in his body after David put away the artifact "Knight forbidden card.".

Lord Fred wanted to leave the battlefield secretly, but he didn't dare to make a move, because a pair of eyes were staring at him. If he dared to make any move, the owner of those eyes would kill him on the spot.

The master of that pair of eyes is the demigod "Knight of the Holy Spirit". The demigod "Knight of the Holy Spirit" is very weak in the demigod level, but it is more powerful than expected when dealing with smaller enemies.

David didn't hate Archbishop guy much, and archbishop guy dealt with him for the sake of faith.

But David was very angry with Lord Fred.

David thought that he had been kind to Lord Fred before, and that he was not close to each other, but he was also very harmonious.

As a member of the Supreme Council of the great world, David does not believe that Archbishop gay can really threaten Lord Fred. With the bad relationship between the war shrine and the nobility, Archbishop guy can not deal with Lord Fred as long as he says that he does not want to help Archbishop guy.So Lord Fred helped the war shrine for the greater good.

"Lord Fred, I said I would destroy your family, and I would do it!" David said, looking coldly at Lord Fred.

"Lord Arthur, I do things alone and act as one. I am willing to end my own affairs. Please don't involve my family!" Lord Fred looked desperate, he said, gritting his teeth.

Lord Fred, now in a state of despair, was deeply sorry for his actions.

Even if the cooperation with the war shrine is successful, Lord Arthur will be captured alive, and archbishop guy will not let Lord Fred go.

When Lord Arthur was captured alive, Archbishop gay used the artifact "Knight forbidden card".

It is impossible for Archbishop gay to let the news of artifact "Knight forbidden card" leaked out. Once the artifact "Knight forbidden card" is known to the aristocrats, the consequences will be extremely serious.

Lord Fred didn't want to live. He just wanted to keep his family and Morse family.

"I need a deterrent, to deter those who want to deal with me, so that when they want to deal with me, they will take into account the consequences, and your life will not be enough!" David said in a deep voice.

He said that with a wave of his hand, the demigod "Knight of the Holy Spirit" appeared in front of Lord Fred, and a Sword Pierced Lord Fred's heart.

David shook his head, and his spirit wrapped around Lord Fred's body and put it into the space pendant.

Until now, Annabella legend is still in shock, just a series of things let her temporarily unacceptable.

From the appearance of the demigod "Knight of the Holy Spirit", to the artifact "Knight forbidden card", and then to David's killing Archbishop gay in one fell swoop, things happened too quickly.

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Each of these events was enough to shock the whole God into the great world. The demigod "Holy Spirit Knight" turned to Lord Arthur. The war temple had the artifact "Knight forbidden card" which could restrain the blood power of any knight. Lord Arthur killed the contemporary Archbishop of the war temple.

Compared with all this, Lord Fred's death has a sense of insignificance.

"Lord, thank you for your help Annabella legend wakes up and bows down to give thanks.

"Annabella legend, thank you so much. In the future, you should also pay attention to not leaving garmi until you have solved the tension with the war shrine!" David said aloud.

"Yes, Lord!" When it comes to leaving garmi, Anna Bella's legendary face shows shyness. She also knows that the other side has taken advantage of her weakness.

"Clean up here, take away the battle space array, and we'll go back!" David pointed to the main city of Bama.

Annabella's legend nodded with a smile. The battle space array is the divine pattern array of the war temple, and each set is extremely precious.

The legend of Annabella finds the divine pattern array card and easily puts away the array cards that no one controls. With the closing of the first array card, the battle space array loses its effect instantly.

It is a required knowledge for the high-level of the war temple to arrange and collect the battle space array.

The legend of Annabella used to learn how to collect knowledge of the battle space array in the war shrine, which is the top level of the temple. This can be done so easily.

The five fifth level priests were transported back to the war shrine through the star level portal. When the five people holding the body of Archbishop gay appeared in the war shrine, screams were heard around them.

At the same time, the bell of the main temple drove the bells of every war temple in the god world to ring.

Fifteen bells, the sound of the fall of the archbishop.

All the war shrines in God's great world can't believe their ears.

Archbishop guy is in the heyday of spring and autumn. How could he fall down? Thinking of the recent rumor that Archbishop gay arrested Lord Arthur, all the magistrates could not help but feel cold. Lord Arthur's Revenge came so quickly.

The four bishops of the war shrine were all in the temple, and they heard five fifth level priests describe the event.

After hearing that the demigod "Knight of the Holy Spirit" had turned to Lord Arthur, Archbishop gay had taken out the artifact "Knight prohibition card", and that Lord Arthur had killed Archbishop gay, several bishops took a breath of breath.

They never knew that there were artifact "Knight forbidden card" in the temple, which was a big killer for knights. But the trouble is, now the artifact "Knight forbidden card" is in Lord Arthur's hands.

Not to mention that a strong man such as the demigod "Knight of the Holy Spirit" protects Lord Arthur, we can say that if the war shrine sends people to intercept Lord Arthur after the war, we can't send knights.

Because any knight can't resist in front of the artifact "Knight forbidden card", it's useless to send many knights from the war temple.

If you don't send knights and sacrifice with limited attack power, it is almost impossible to capture Lord Arthur.

The demigods claim that the Lord is invincible. Unless they can lure Lord Arthur to come to the temple, they are doomed to fail if they want to capture Lord Arthur."How did Lord Arthur let you back?" Asked bishop McKinley curiously.

According to bishop McKinley's understanding of Lord Arthur, the enemies of Lord Arthur will not survive. The five level five priests can return to the temple safely, which is not like Lord Arthur's style.

"Lord Arthur said we didn't fight him, so we came back with the body of the Archbishop!" A fifth level sacrifice returns.

The four Bishops' eyes flickered for a moment. They all thought of one thing. Lord Arthur's leniency means that as long as they don't deal with Lord Arthur, Lord Arthur will not attack them.

Now that the position of the archbishop is vacant, it is a big problem who will take over the position of the archbishop.

If we put it in the past, four bishops would scramble for this position, especially if Archbishop guy accidentally fell down and did not leave a specific successor.

But there is a problem, that is, who takes over the position of Archbishop guy, the task of capturing Lord Arthur needs to be continued.

And this task is still a compulsory task, which can not tolerate a trace of rejection.

The God of war's divine metaphor, which allows the successor of Archbishop gay to disagree, can only be completed with all his strength.

Lord Arthur showed the strength, so that the four bishops did not have the slightest confidence to capture Lord Arthur.

As for the enemy of Lord Arthur, they have to face the consequences. The price that the war shrine paid this time is that all the hundred sacrificial rites and archbishop guy who went to participate in the mission fell. They may also pay such a price to deal with Lord Arthur.

"Tell this to my lord first." Said bishop McKinley in a deep voice.

Bishop McKinley did not know whether the God of war knew about the fall of Archbishop gay. What needs to be done at present is whether the God of war knows about the fall of Archbishop gay. Whether the God of war knows about this matter or not, he should inform the God of war of the details and wait for his response.

What bishop McKinley wanted most was for the God of war to withdraw his previous mission, but he also knew that this was unlikely, because the God of war would never allow anyone to challenge the dignity of the gods.

From the historical records, Lord Arthur is most likely to be pursued more fiercely by the war shrine.

In fact, the fall of Archbishop gay was known by the God of war at the first time. The God of war waited for a while, hoping to wait for the soul of Archbishop gay to return to the small world and ask Archbishop gay what had happened.

But the God of war waited for some time and did not find the soul of Archbishop gay being channeled back into the small world.

But the soul of every god of war.

Each Archbishop's degree of piety has reached the level of crazy believers. In addition, he has communicated with the God of war for many times, and has received much more divine rewards than others in the temple, which makes his soul have a special change.

The change of the soul is the intention of the God of war, which is to have a greater effect when the soul returns to the small world after the fall of the archbishop. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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