Transcendent David

Chapter 1130: CH 1128

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David couldn't imagine how such a huge space stone needed to be bred.

But these are not important, his spirit wrapped in the huge space stone, forced to pull the huge space stone from the underground, into the space pendant.

At this time, space stones are constantly spitting out under the ground of the "half body spider emperor" nest. The quality of these space stones is good or bad. I think they are the space stones in the original super large space stone veins here.

All of a sudden, David made a move. He got a message through the Zerg network of legendary half body spider king.

That's the order of the half body spider emperor, asking all the Zerg near its lair to encircle the enemy who has sneaked into the nest and hold the enemy to wait for it to return.

David knew that his action had been discovered by the half body spider king for a long time, but the half body spider emperor was delayed.

At the same time, outside the nest came the sound of insects. It was the sound of the tide of insects.

Apparently, the order of the Zerg has been carried out.

If it wasn't for the fact that there were no underground caves near the nest, it would not only be the insect tide on the ground, but the underground would also participate in the all-round encirclement of the nest.

Among these Zerg, there are a large number of fifth level Zerg and a small number of legendary Zerg.

It's hard to escape in a short period of time as long as you're trapped by the tide.

David activated the space wormhole leading to the "God's big world safety point", while opening his mouth, he sent out a "high frequency howl".

His spirit is far more than ordinary demigods, and even many gods are not as good as his spirit, which greatly increases the power of "high frequency howl" talent ability.

In addition, the nest of the "half body spider emperor" has become a natural resonator. The terrifying "high-frequency howl" sounds. After the resonance of the nest, it spurs out to the outside of the nest.

The swarm of insects that are rushing towards the nest comes into contact with the "high frequency howl" which has been enhanced many times. All the level 5 Zerg are rushed out by the "high frequency howl", and the weaker level 5 Zerg die on the spot.

Zerg below level 5 don't even have the chance to be swept away. They are directly torn into blood mist by the power of "high frequency howl".

Legendary Zerg are better, but they can only lie on the ground and try to reduce the impact.

David did not continue to exploit the space stone. In fact, the essence of the space stone mine was taken as decoration by the "half body spider emperor". The mining space that he meets the requirements of the world tree is not large.

David dodges into the space wormhole, which then closes.

"High frequency howl" lost its source and disappeared in an instant. Several suppressed legendary Zerg rushed into the nest for the first time.

Qi's wormhole is like a hole.

This is a disgrace to the halfling spiders, who are the leaders of the half bodied spiders. The ransacking of their nests is tantamount to a slap in the face of the half bodied spiders.

The half body spider emperor, who was still fighting against the golden winged beetle emperor, got news from his territory that his nest had been looted and the enemy had disappeared.

The eyes of the "half body spider emperor" can not help turning red. In its view, this is the arrangement of the "golden winged beetle emperor". Otherwise, how could it be so ingenious.

When the nest is attacked, the most important thing is that the "golden winged beetle emperor" is cooperating with the enemy who looted the nest. Otherwise, it would have returned to the nest and caught the looter.

"You have to pay for it!" Yelling, the "half body spider emperor" changed direction and flew toward the planet where the "golden winged beetle emperor" nest was located.

Previously, although the "half body spider emperor" was angry, he also knew that he could not target the nest of the "golden winged beetle emperor", and that would never die.

But now, the anger of the "half body spider emperor" has long since dissipated the reason. What it wants to do is to let the "golden winged beetle emperor" feel the same shame.

"Half body spider king, what do you want to do?" "The king of the golden winged beetle" also found that it was not right. He asked loudly.

The "half body spider king" ignored the "golden winged beetle emperor". It constantly broke out its own silk, forming a multi-layer protection around itself, which made it not afraid of the attack of the "golden winged beetle" for a short time.

Strangely, the two Zerg gods burst into the atmosphere and did not produce a flame due to friction with the atmosphere.

"Half body spider king, do you know what you are doing?" "The king of the golden winged beetle" exclaimed.

The "golden winged beetle emperor" has already made it clear what the "half body spider emperor" wants to do. The Zerg gods inside the planet will bring disastrous consequences.

The answer to the "king of the golden winged beetle" is that a silk beside the "half length spider emperor" suddenly grows longer and sweeps down heavily.

The power of terror and the power of the inside make the silk glitter with gold.At this time, the Zerg on the surface of the planet are scared to death. They crawl on the ground and dare not move. The fighting breath of the two Zerg gods is far from what they can fight against.

Even some of the lower level Zerg's souls collapse directly under the breath of the two Zerg gods.

Zerg on the ground do not dodge the attack of spider silk, nor can they dodge it. This is not the strength they can resist. Once the God is angry, all they can do is bear it.

The sound of "boom" was a tremendous noise.

The surface of the planet is swept by spider silk into an abysmal kilometer fissure, and then hot magma gushes out of the crack.

Both the ground and the underground Zerg dare not move at all. They can only let the magma fill the underground caves, and the Zerg are turned into ashes by the magma.

The strike of the "half body spider emperor" changed the terrain of a region on the surface of the planet and wiped out life.

This is just a spider silk attack, and the attack power of spider silk is one of the weakest among Zerg gods.

The eyes of the "golden winged beetle emperor" are also red, and the golden wings appear behind it. It turns into a golden light and strikes the "half body spider emperor".

Its impact position is exactly the gap exposed by the "half body spider emperor" when it attacks the surface of the planet.

Although the "half body spider emperor" was angry, he still kept a careful attitude towards the "golden winged beetle emperor". After the "golden winged beetle emperor" started full speed, the "half body spider emperor" blocked the gap in the spider silk with its four legs.

From the beginning of the battle to now, the two Zerg gods are really in physical contact.

The collision of feet and limbs containing divine power forms a shock wave centered on two Zerg deities.

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Due to the impact in the atmosphere, the shock wave ignited the surrounding air, and the huge fireball spread from the two Zerg gods with incomparable impact force.

Under the two Zerg deities, the ground was hit by a huge depression.

In the surrounding direction, the thick layer of the surface is lifted directly, and the flame then burns the remaining ground black.

Even the Zerg of the whole planet are aware of this shocking collision.

When the two Zerg gods touched each other, the huge depression on the ground erupted several kilometers of magma. This is not the result of the spider silk strike of "half body spider emperor".

There is a terrible wound on the surface of the planet. If the eruption of magma is not controlled, the eruption of magma will bring devastating disaster to the whole planet.

This is the reason why the divine level can't make all-out efforts on the planet, especially the Zerg God level, which can only use their magic power roughly. Once they fight, they will go all out and will not leave any remaining strength.

"Stop it. Do you want to destroy the planet?" The voice of the "mother emperor" sounded in the ears of the two Zerg gods.

This is the mother emperor's voice in time to prevent the continuation of the divine war after receiving the news.

In any major world, a planet that can accommodate life is precious.

If the gods are allowed to fight on the planet, every battle will be buried with the planet.

In front of us, there are huge deep holes on the surface of the planet. The continuous gushing of magma and the death of a large number of Zerg. This is only the aftermath of a battle between the two Zerg gods. If the "mother emperor" comes later, the planet will be hard to preserve.

The "mother emperor" intervened and let the "golden winged beetle emperor" be angry. He looked at the "half body spider emperor" fiercely.

"Half body spider emperor" also did not abate, just because the "mother emperor" in and did not continue.

In this kind of hatred, the two sides ended the divine war. The "half body spider emperor" broke through the space and left the territory of the "golden winged beetle emperor". It was eager to go back to check the losses.

The "mother emperor" shook his head helplessly. It was very clear that the two Zerg gods had a feud this time, but they didn't know whether they could stop the next war.

David appeared 500 meters underground in the God's great world of garmi. After closing the wormhole in the upper space, he was relieved.

After the spirit swept the space pendant, his face showed a smile.

No matter how dangerous this time, he got enough space stones he wanted.

In addition, there are a large number of various gems, which are more and of higher quality than those collected in the nest of the half length "golden winged beetle king" last time.

It seems that the strong of Zerg have the same preference as the dragon. These gems are worthless in David's eyes, but there is excitement from Alexis, the black dragon.

"Alexis, these stones are for you!" David's spirit swept through the gems, leaving a few particularly pleasing, the rest were taken out.

Alexis, the black dragon, was not polite. His spirit swept away the piles of precious stones before they touched the ground.

There are also some semi divine level materials, which are not large in quantity, but enough to make twenty long swords.

David wondered whether to replace weapons for all his avatars. As the strength of the knight's Avatar was upgraded to legendary level, the original level 5 light sword did not match the strength of the knight's body.As long as it is not forging artifact, he can still forge satisfactory weapons with his master level "forging" ability.

When David thought about it, his spirit was already taking out the space stones one by one and sending them to the world tree 20 meters above his head.

The world tree constantly absorbs the energy in the space stone and fossilizes the space into powder.

Although we took a lot of risks this time, the harvest was very big. The decorative space stones taken from the walls of the "half body spider emperor" nest all met the requirements of the world tree and were of high quality.

A space stone is absorbed, and David's small world of soul space increases, and the world tree above his head is also shrinking into the small world.

David thought that the space stone obtained this time was enough, but he was obviously wrong. After the world tree had the last meter left on his head, the world tree did not even want to absorb these space stones with excellent quality.

David had a pity to take a look at the huge space stone in the space pendant. He originally planned to keep the huge space stone and build it into a "star flying boat" made of space stone.

Of course, at his present level, it is impossible to make full use of the huge space stone. He needs time to study his own "sky breaking pattern", and use the ability of "master alchemist" to draw the "broken space pattern" onto the spaceship.

Although the ability of "breaking the sky" is only level 5 ability, its complexity and space make it very difficult. Even if he is a master, it will take a long time to study it.

"Forget it, let's not meet it!" David used the ability of "breaking the void" to leave the "God belongs to the safety point of the big world", while thinking secretly.

He can't help but leave the "God belongs to the big world security point". The space here is too small to accommodate the huge space stone.

The diameter of this huge space stone is more than 300 meters, and it is enough to blast the safety point when it is taken out at the safety point.

David came to space, and his "breaking the sky" talent and ability in the Zerg world can not be compared with those Zerg gods, but in the god world, no one can compare with him.

Even in the Zerg world, the ability of "breaking the sky" is the most top-level ability in space. Otherwise, it will not be valued as much by the half body spider emperor.

This time, it's far away from garmi. It's quiet enough for no one to disturb.

David took out the huge space stone and put it close to the world tree, which is only one meter above its head.

He had a feeling that he was like the monkey in his previous life, to be crushed by a mountain.

David shook his head and put aside the strange idea. He contacted the huge space stone with the world tree, and a branch of the world tree came forward.

Just when he thought that the world tree was going to absorb the huge space stone, the branch of the world tree actually penetrated into the huge space stone.

The strange thing is that the stone surface of the huge space is not even damaged, so it is penetrated by the branches of the world tree.

The branches of the world tree can be changed freely between the virtual and the real when necessary. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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