Transcendent David

Chapter 1135: CH 1133

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David put two pieces of semi divine grade materials on two forging stands, and the energy in his body flashed out.

In front of Annabella legend, he doesn't want to show the rest of his avatars. In fact, the best choice for Anton's legendary Knight's separation is staying in garmi. However, it is difficult to explain how Anton's legendary Knight's split is also a "master forging" problem.

In addition, with David's spirit today, it is easy to take care of multiple forging at the same time, let alone only two forging.

He didn't add any other materials in this forging. At the semi divine level, there are few materials in the world that can match it. It's better not to add them.

In the end, David himself did not reach the divine level and was unable to obtain materials only existing in the turbulent flow of time and space, where there were matching materials between demigods and gods.

Unfortunately, although he emptied the nest of "half body spider emperor", his more precious treasure was not placed in the nest, but in a more hidden treasure house.

David doesn't need to be too demanding. The weapons forged by semi divine materials are powerful enough. Although they are not as powerful as the artifacts forged by gods, they are also the strongest weapons under the artifacts.

With a touch of his finger, a purple flame appears, and two demigods are placed on top of the purple flame.

The ability of "controlling purple fire" is a level 5 ability. Generally speaking, it can't affect the semi divine level materials. But who is the spirit of David who uses the ability of controlling purple fire.

In addition, the ability of "controlling purple fire" is not a one-time attack, but a continuous baking. The power requirement is much weaker.

The legend of Annabella stands aside, silent and silent, but it doesn't mean that she is not surprised.

Lord Arthur forged it by herself, which was beyond her imagination. Who would know that Lord Arthur could forge demigod grade materials? Even the "master forging" could not be sure.

The first is the flame. There is no flame in the secular world that can melt the demigod grade material. If it can't melt, it can't change its shape, let alone forge it.

Annabella legend is still a few meters away from the purple flame, but she can still feel the terrible temperature of the purple flame, and she can be 100% sure that the purple flame can hurt her legendary level.

Two parts of semi divine grade materials turned red in the purple flame. Under the spiritual influence of David's body and energy embodiment, two pieces of semi divine grade materials fell on two forging platforms respectively.

Two forging hammers full of alchemy patterns were held by the body and the energy separation body, and they were heavily smashed to the semi divine grade materials.

It's better to calculate two and a half pieces of long swords when it's a little bit longer.

Of course, if two semi divine grade materials are forged into light long swords according to normal forging, it can not be done in a day. This is still calculated according to David's legendary strength.

If it's the power of the Templar, it's estimated that it will take months.

If you want to reduce the forging time, you need more power, which can easily shake the strength of demigod grade materials.

Even if the semi divine grade material is softened by purple flame, the softening is relatively speaking. Without flame softening, its appearance cannot be changed.

David's method is to use the "force rule field". On the surface, it seems that the body and energy are involved in forging semi divine grade materials. In fact, it is the "force rule field" acting on the semi divine grade materials.

The legend of Annabella felt that her brain, which she thought was still smart, was not enough. She saw that the semi divine material was rapidly molded under the impact of two alchemy pattern forging hammers.

She doubted that it was still semi divine grade material. When could it be forged so well.

Annabella legend went to one side and checked the same set of forging hammers with alchemy pattern on the shelf, and confirmed that this was an ordinary forging hammer with alchemy pattern, not a artifact.

In a short period of ten minutes, after twice reheating, two pieces of semi divine grade materials were forged into light long swords. Due to the precise application of power, the edges of two light long swords were directly forged out.

David also felt the power of the "rule of power" field. Although the distance is only 10 meters, within 10 meters, he can control the maximum power within 10 meters, which is no more than 50 times the mass of the small world in the soul space, and the smallest force can be infinitely small.

David is also lazy to use alchemy tools, of course, the most important thing is that none of the tools can leave a mark on the demigod material.

He took out his "artifact Knight Sword" and engraved "acceleration pattern" on the handle of two light long swords.

David's operation seems easy, but if it was not for the combination of his "master of alchemy" and "master of forging", it would take a long time to engrave patterns.

The "alchemist" draws the pattern, while the "forging master" carves it into the weapon, which is then adjusted and activated by the master alchemist.David is to omit all the steps, direct inscription, which also makes the "accelerated pattern" effect to achieve the strongest.

"You can choose the decoration of the handle and the scabbard. I will give this decoration to speaker Gould!" David's spirit wrapped in one of the long light swords, casually thrown to the side of Annabella legend.

The legend of Annabella quickly took over the sword. The light sword was not decorated, and even the handle was not installed. However, this did not affect the unique style of the light sword.

With a light sword of dark gold, Annabella's legend dare not even approach the blade because she is worried about whether her spirit will be hurt by the blade.

This is definitely the first semi divine light sword equipped by knights in the divine world. Annabella selectively ignores another semi divine light sword forged at the same time.

She began to search in her own space ring for the material of the hilt that could match the semi divine light sword, but no matter how she chose, she felt a little bit less interesting.

On the other side, David has found a piece of spirit wood. His spirit controls the carving knife. In a short time, he turns the spirit wood into the sword handle of the ancient servant and puts it on the semi divine light long sword.

David held a demigod light sword and felt the touch in his hand.

The light breath from the wood makes the palm comfortable, which makes it more comfortable to hold the sword.

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The reason why he chose spiritual wood was because he had many spiritual trees. In the "artifact space card" cultivation space, he randomly selected a hard spiritual wood and dug out a section of it. The restoration of spiritual family would not affect the growth of spiritual trees.

"Lord, can you give me a piece of wood? Just like this one! " Annabella legend to see David's luxury, although some heartache, but as long as you think that this is a demigod class light sword, it is worth it.

Almost no one will use the trunk of the spirit tree as material, because it is too wasteful. The most precious thing of the spirit tree is the fruit, even the leaves.

Cutting the trunk is tantamount to treating the spirit tree as a disposable consumable, which is intolerable to any power.

David did not refuse the request of Annabella legend, he took out the same size of wood and gave it to Annabella legend.

As for how to carve, follow Annabella's own ideas.

He also found a ready-made ordinary scabbard, and David collected the semi divine light sword into it.

"It's almost time. Let's go." David looked at the time, and there was still an hour to go before speaker Gould's promotion reception. Although it was a little late, it was still in time.

With Annabella legend is ready to leave, David thought, a figure from his shadow.

It is the demigod "Knight of the Holy Spirit". In the past, the demigod "Knight of the spirit" arranged him to be hidden in the shadow because he needed to keep it secret. However, now that the demigod "Knight of the spirit" has been made public, and David has mastered the "rule of power", his real combat power is not weaker or even stronger than that of the demigod "Knight of the spirit", and there is no need for a demigod "Holy Spirit Knight" Protection.

David was in front of him, followed by the demigod "Knight of the Holy Ghost" and Annabella legend. When their figures appeared in the star ball portal of Maine, they attracted the attention of many nobles.

The main reason is that these three famous people are so great that Lord Arthur, needless to say, has suffered a lot in the war shrine.

The legend of Annabella betrayed the temple of war and was the first knight in the world to promote legend.

As for the demigod "Knight of the Holy Spirit", more attention was paid to it. All the Knights present had guessed about the identity of the demigod "Knight of the spirit", but they were not sure.

In fact, the holy and solemn temperament of the demigod "Knight of the Holy Spirit" belongs to the whole god world, and there is no second person.

It is just that the legendary demigod will appear at the promotion reception of speaker Gould, which makes every nobleman feel honored.

"The" invincible Knight ", the master of the Luce family, the great Lord Arthur, brings the legend of Annabella, and the" Knight of the Holy Spirit "comes to us Housekeeper Hayes saw the list first sent by Annabella legend and announced in a slightly excited voice.

When hearing the name of the demigod "Knight of the Holy Spirit", some originally reserved nobles began to pay attention to the demigod "Knight of the spirit". Even some noble ladies moved to this side to get close to the demigod "Knight of the spirit".

According to the age of the demigod "Holy Spirit Knight", they are many times older than the oldest people here. However, the face of the demigod "Holy Spirit Knight" is still young, which has the reason of "immortal vitality" and the effect of natural beauty after reaching the demigod level.

In addition to the divine temperament of the demigod "Knight of the Holy Spirit", it is natural to be welcomed.

"Lord Arthur, legend of Annabella, Knight of the Holy Spirit, demigod, my master asked me to apologize to you, and he will come soon!" Housekeeper Hayes came to David and said in a low voice.

"It's OK. I don't need to be so polite about my relationship with the main family." David also knows with his eyes that this promotion reception is of great scale, far from the legendary promotion party of Annabella before. As the host, speaker Gould is very busy and normal.Besides, the main reason is that he himself. The guests who attend the reception usually arrive in advance, and the host has enough time to take care of the important guests one by one.

But David arrived just before the start of the promotion reception, and speaker Gould was expected to be preparing for the tedious business of dressing up and delivering a speech.

"My master is here!" As housekeeper Hayes was about to delay a little longer, he saw speaker Gould coming from the air and said with a smile.

Here came three important guests. Speaker Gould, as the host, did not come to meet him. Outsiders would only say that speaker Gould had lost his courtesy.

"Lord Arthur, it's very kind of you to come." Said speaker Gould, bowing.

"Speaker Gould, I know that it is natural for me to come to support you on your important day. As long as you come a little late, it's very impolite." David said with a smile.

In public, although the relationship between the two is good, they also need to maintain proper etiquette, and the rest of the nobility should not be allowed to see jokes.

"Annabella legend, how do I feel that you have something that makes me feel threatened?" Speaker Gould asked with a trace of doubt in his eyes as he turned to look at the legend of Annabella.

He is too familiar with Annabella legend. Even after the legend of Annabella is promoted to legend, he should not have this feeling, because he is also a legend.

"Speaker Gould, today is a promotion reception. I won't compete with you. When we have time, you will know!" Annabella legendary face with a satisfied color back.

The legend of Annabella has been inherited by David. She has transformed the knowledge of "swordsmanship" into the talent of "swordsmanship". No matter whether David's knights are separated, she is sure to count swords against other knights.

However, the time for Annabella to acquire the ability of "swordsmanship" is too short, and she can't restrain the talent of "swordsmanship".

Speaker Gould, as a legendary level, is so sensitive in his perception that he feels this sharp edge from his "swordsmanship" talent.

"Did Lord Arthur pass on swordsmanship to you?" How clever speaker Gould was, he immediately knew that Annabella's legend depended on.

We should know that the strength difference between speaker Gould and Annabella legend is not big. Even after they are promoted to the legendary rank, their strength is not similar to that of Bozhong.

Annabella legend did not answer, but the expression on his face explained everything. Speaker Gould could not help but feel envious. This is the benefit of joining a strong family.

The problem is that the whole God belongs to the big world. Even if he devotes himself to the temple, there will be no inheritance of "sword skill" talent. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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