Transcendent David

Chapter 1158: CH 1156

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Although the cube super intelligent system was taken away by David, garmi star still keeps a large server as a backup intelligent system, which is enough without considering other affairs and focusing on the control of defense weapons.

David was not ready to leave like this. He was not willing to try to defend himself.

Garmi from desolate to now lush, he spent a lot of thought, here is his real home in the god world, a dedicated to his planet.

David is ready. If the super star gun fails to work with all kinds of defense weapons, he will not stay here to fight the war shrine.

The huge temple of space war is equivalent to a small moving world of the God of war. Within the area of the temple of space war, the God of war can use the power of faith to gather his body for divine surrender at any time.

Three space war shrines have been set up in the war shrine, which can greatly enhance the available strength of the God of war after he has descended.

For David, let alone the three space war shrines, that is, the divine descent of a space war temple, which he can not face.

Last time in Haida star, it was only the divine descent of the fourth level sky Knight God envoy. Restricted by the strength of the God envoy, the God of war's divine descending body could play a limited role. However, even in that kind of God descending body, David was also defeated in the frontal battle.

In the space, three space war temples are flying in the golden light, and the chanting sound can be heard faintly in the temple. That is the ascetic chanting the book of God of war.

Archbishop jotter stands on the platform of the war shrine in the middle space, and several deities control various kinds of divine pattern array with the power of faith as the energy.

"Report, found that there are a large number of interstellar Federation produced aircraft, this aircraft has no attack power!" The detective God called out.

"Open the" retribution "magic attack to destroy all aircraft Said Archbishop jotter, without even thinking about it.

The deity who is responsible for manipulating the attack array hesitates. Instead of asking, he acts according to the order.

It's no wonder that the magistrates are hesitant. The attack of "retribution divinity" requires a great deal of faith power. If the StarCraft is such a target, the two knights can be cleaned up in the past.

The Archbishop did not want to use the idea of a powerful Lord in the past, but he didn't want to give him a chance.

He studied Lord Arthur's style of conduct and found that as long as Lord Arthur was given a chance, he might be seized by Lord Arthur and fight back effectively.

As for the consumption of the power of faith, this time Archbishop jotter is taking the God of war's divine metaphor action, and the power of faith can be consumed at will.

Of course, it is not that there is no way to save the power of faith. The use of "light divinity" is the best choice under general circumstances.

But this does not include Lord Arthur. Archbishop jotter did not know why Lord Arthur had fought with the God of war, but Lord Arthur was not designated as evil. Therefore, Archbishop jotter could not attack Lord Arthur's territory with "magic of light".

The "discipline divinity" was activated, and the power of belief in the three space war temples was drawn out and entered into a special array. Five five five level sacrificial rites chanted the divine word of "punishment divinity".

The golden light extends from the three space war shrines, and all the unmanned detectors within thousands of meters have become the targets of "punishment divinity".

The golden light swept through the unmanned detector, which was directly hit into powder.

Archbishop jotter's method was successful. Although it consumed a lot of faith, it effectively eliminated the eyes of garmi in space.

Using the powerful "punishment magic" to deal with unmanned scout is like shooting mosquitoes with artillery. David did not expect anyone to do so when he set up garmi defense.

We should know that in the eyes of the powerful people in the big world, there is no threat at all. Who will consume a lot of energy to destroy the wide range of unmanned detectors for the sake of non threat items.

However, Archbishop Joe's steady and steady fighting style, which did not care about the consumption of the power of faith, made garmi's defense system suffer a great impact.

The scope of the UAV's scanning range and the holy stripe scanning array in the last three space war temples were completely destroyed by "punishment divinity" before the space war temples were discovered.

David was waiting for the arrival of the war shrine on garmi, but he didn't expect to wait for the news that the unmanned scout was destroyed.

In a short period of time, most of the UAVs were destroyed. Only some of them near garmi may have exceeded the scope of attack and have not been affected.

"The man who came to the temple of the war is a talent. He knows how to clean up the unmanned scout!" David shook his head and said to himself.

Where did he know that Archbishop jotter didn't know that it was an unmanned scout, but because he didn't want to fight him at a close distance, he wanted to stop him at a long distance, and even wanted to let him escape ahead of time through the prestige of "discipline divinity".Archbishop jotter is timid, which has something to do with his experience.

If the previous two archbishops had not fallen in succession, the five level elites of the war shrine would have fallen a lot together, and would not have been able to take over the position of Archbishop jotter, who had been a marginal figure in the war shrine for a long time.

In a long time away from power, Archbishop jotter learned to be cautious. He was extremely afraid of Lord Arthur.

It is better than two legendary archbishops, and even the divine emissary, who was killed by Lord Arthur. As long as he was close to Lord Arthur for a certain distance, his fall was inevitable.

David didn't want to stay in garmi any more. He took all the "Super Star Destroyer" and other things that could be taken away in a short time. Then he activated the ability of "breaking the sky" and left garmi through the space channel.

Under the orders of Archbishop jotter, the "discipline divinity" of the three space war shrines has never stopped. Even after it is close to garmi, the "discipline divinity" is constantly applied to the surface of garmi.

Several deities who followed him looked at the garmi star in front of them and couldn't help but wink. From just now on, the "discipline divinity" has consumed the power of belief accumulated by the three space war temples, and has continuously used the belief network to supplement the power of belief for each of the three space war temples for four times.

The cost of this operation is more than that of the last war with Zerg. The main reason is that during the war with Zerg, the relatively low consumption "light divinity" was used, and this time, the huge consumption of "punishment divinity" was used.

"Once again, the power of faith should be replenished. Don't stop" punishing divinity ". Every inch of garmi should be cleaned up and garmi should be scanned comprehensively." Archbishop jotter did not feel relieved by the arrival of the space war shrine near garmi, he ordered in a deep voice.

Instead of being attacked at all, Archbishop jotter was a little suspicious. He wondered whether Lord Arthur was preparing something for him.

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The inner array of the three space war shrines was activated, and a golden beam of light rose from the sky. At the nearest ten war temples, the golden beams were also raised to connect with the golden beams of the three space war temples at the speed of penetrating through the space.

The power of faith in the ten war temples poured into three space war temples through the connection of golden beams.

"Report to the archbishop, the power of faith is full!"

"Report to the Archbishop that no life has been found in garmi!"

It was only a moment before the Apocalypse reported to Archbishop Joe.

"Raise the defense shield to the highest level and land on garmi!" Said Archbishop jotter, waving his hand.

The invisible shield on the surface of the three space war shrines has become a pale gold shield under the influx of a large amount of faith.

Seeing the pale gold shield, Archbishop jotter felt safe in his heart. The light gold shield could withstand several attacks from evil gods. I believe that as long as Lord Arthur appears, the light gold shield will be enough to support the space war temple to complete the divine landing.

The space war shrine slowly descended, scanning waves sweeping across the ground.

As a matter of fact, the ground that has been baptized by the "discipline divinity" has long lost its original lush, hard to control desert, and once again lost its green coverage.

Many of the interstellar federations and plants of the great world, transplanted by David, have been destroyed by the merciless "punishment divinity", and even the lakes on the mainland have disappeared completely under the "discipline divinity".

How can there be life in such a garmi.

What's more, the residual energy of "punishment divinity" will always destroy garmi. If garmi wants to return to its original state, it will not be able to recover in 1000 years.

"Archbishop, Lord Arthur must have left early!" The deity on one side took a look at the information from the scanning array and bowed down to report to Archbishop Joe.

"Really?" Archbishop jotter's face was surprised, but he soon realized that he had lost his temper. He quickly changed his serious look and asked, "where did you make sure?"

Even with three space war temples, Archbishop jotter's sense of security is not 100%.

Lord Arthur is not only incomparable in combat power, but also recognized as the first assassin in the great world.

Archbishop jotter's purpose this time is not really to capture Lord Arthur, but to give an account to the God of war.

He told the God of war that I was doing what you told him, but Lord Arthur was too cunning to meet me.

"Please look here. According to the information we got, this should be the location of a planetary portal. If you look here, this is Lord Arthur's castle, and here, it should be the legendary castle of Annabella. Now there is nothing left here!" The deity pointed to the scanning array and explained.

"Is it possible that it has been destroyed by the discipline divinity?" Archbishop jotter asked with some uncertainty.

Archbishop jotter used to be on the verge of the war shrine, and even stayed away from several wars. Therefore, he did not have a clear understanding of the power of "punishment divinity" in the temple of space war.He was not sure whether the power of the discipline divinity would destroy the buildings beyond recognition.

"Archbishop, Lord Arthur's castle is built with the yaojinshi, and the" discipline divinity "can't completely destroy the castle built by yaojinshi The deity continued to explain.

"That is to say, Lord Arthur has taken away the two castles and the important things on garmi? Lord Arthur left early? " Archbishop jotter asked the point.

"Yes, that's for sure!" The deity confirmed the way.

As long as it is within the scanning range, there is almost nothing that can avoid the scanning of the array.

The temple used to use this scanning array, even the evil gods could not escape the scanning of the scanning array.

"Send a message to the main temple, we have achieved the initial results of the war, successfully occupied garmi star, destroyed Lord Arthur's nest, and ordered the war shrine's intelligence department to investigate Lord Arthur's trace immediately!" Archbishop jotter stood up straight and said in a loud voice.

Archbishop jotter seems to have forgotten that his mission was to capture Lord Arthur alive, not to occupy gamy.

But how could he forget that he had just become an archbishop, and had done what Archbishop gay had not been able to do. This merit must be announced inside the war shrine to highlight his achievements.

Even for this useless result, Archbishop jotter consumed a lot of faith, but the one who had no casualties occupied Jamie. At least it was much better than Archbishop guy who lost a lot of fighting power and finally ran away.

"Archbishop, what about here?" The Oracle pointed to garmi outside the temple of space war and asked.

Since Archbishop jotter wants to show the results of the battle, the garmi star needs at least a short time to be manned here.

Otherwise, we can't take Jamie and leave all of them when we turn back, and return garmi to Lord Arthur again. What's the effect of Archbishop Joe's achievements.

"Leave a temple of space war, mobilize resources as soon as possible, and prepare to build a temple on garmi, so that the glory of my Lord will last forever!" Archbishop jotter thought and arranged.

No one here is against Archbishop jotter's arrangement. Although his prestige is not enough, some high-ranking and powerful deities and sacrificial rites have basically fallen down after many times of consumption in the war shrine. Now these deities and sacrifices are also in power for the first time. There are still some concerns about opposing Archbishop Joe.

"Yes, Archbishop!" The deity bowed down to take orders.

In order to keep a space war temple, a large number of people must be left to maintain the operation of the space war temple, and these people will stay in garmi for a long time. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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