Transcendent David

Chapter 116: CH 116

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"Mr. David, the relationship between the military and you is as good as it is rumored. This kind of land tiger is used by you!" Mr. Boone, sitting in an armored Land Rover II, said with a smile to David next to him.

"The land tiger is no better than our Titan armored vehicle!" Manson whispered.

"What nonsense!" Mr. Boone glared at Manson and said in a low voice, "Mr. David, our consortium bid for the armored levitation vehicle project from the rock star army, and it failed. But it's not that the Titan armored vehicle is not good enough, but it's not cheap enough!"

Although Mr. Boone blamed Manson, David still recognized that Mr. Boone himself had a deep disdain for the type-2 land tiger armored vehicle.

"This is all because of my security problems, the military gave me a little protection!" David quickly explained for the perland military.

"Mr. Boone, there is the air station ahead. You need to apply to the airport for access!" Ivsworth, in the driver's seat, reminded Mr. Boone.

"I'll contact you!" Mr. David says hello to Mr. Boone and begins to operate the bracelet.

"We're ready to apply!" Ivsworth was a little surprised why he replied so quickly, he said.

"I haven't applied yet!" Mr. Boone was stunned and stopped. Then he turned to David and said, "Mr. David, I didn't expect that your status in perland is so high that you don't need to apply to enter the airport!"

At this time, David remembered that when the military gave him the type-2 land tiger armored vehicle, he said that the floating vehicle could enter and leave any place at will in peran city. The military did not lie.

But David is now all attracted by the two high-altitude cruisers next to the spacecraft.

It was a large blue spaceship, and the high-altitude cruisers looked a little smaller next to it.

Of course, these are two completely different types of vehicles, and the long hulls of the high-altitude cruisers allow them to fly better in the atmosphere.

The Titan S600 transport spacecraft is more focused on the transport of goods, the huge belly makes it can not get the best flight experience in the atmosphere, but the Titan S600 transport spacecraft with a warp engine can navigate between the stars.

When he arrived at the Titan S600 transport ship, David immediately turned his head and looked at Mr. Boone, who was laughing strangely.

Because the alloy used in the S600 transport spaceship of Titan is not the alloy in the configuration, but the alloy added with the first-class worm shell. David has seen this alloy many times. This alloy is mostly used in military supplies, but rarely seen in civil use.

David didn't believe it at all that the Titan consortium took a day or two to recreate a spaceship made of a completely different material from the perland city government.

"Mr. David, let me tell you the truth. After receiving the order from perland city government, we found that this is a spaceship for you, so we immediately asked the factory whether there was any stock. It happened that Mr. Bonner, the successor of the consortium, had a S600 transport ship built according to his idea and was finishing up. I contacted him and he agreed to transfer the spaceship to you!" Mr. Boone explained with a smile.

David shook his head, the Titan consortium is really not simple, this is to increase a human relationship.

He also knows that, as the successor of the consortium, such a spaceship is only a toy at most, but the attitude of the other party is extremely human.

"Please thank Mr. Bonner for me, and I will thank him face to face if I have the chance!" David thought about it and said.

"Mr. David, you'll meet Bonner!" Mr. Boone replied with a smile. He went on to say, "the procedures for the spaceship are complete. We are here to deliver this ship. This is all the formalities."

After he finished, he transferred several documents from the identity bracelet to David's identity bracelet.

"Then you will enjoy it slowly, and we will leave first!" Mr. Boone finally said with a smile.

David put them on the high-altitude cruiser, and again came to the S600 transport ship.

He lightly pressed the identity bracelet, and the elevator of the spaceship came down. When he saw the elevator, he found that it was inlaid with many precious stones. Moreover, the handrails and pedals of the elevator were more like works of art. Even in the smallest details, beautiful decorative patterns could be seen.

David's mouth twitched, and he found that the present he took over was really a big toy for the heir of the consortium.

He couldn't bear to step on the up and down stairs. He carefully went up the steps and entered the cab.

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The cab in front of him is completely different from the one he imagined, or the one on the instruction document of the S600 transport spaceship.

It's extremely luxurious at first sight. David can't recognize what kind of material the ground is. On the driving position, a sleeping intelligent housekeeper is waiting for David to make certification at any time.

This set of driving operating system has been modified, which simplifies the original cumbersome and huge driving operating system to a small area in front of intelligent housekeeper.

It can be seen that Mr. Bonner, the successor of the consortium, did not want to drive the spaceship by himself, but was completely operated by the intelligent housekeeper.This gives the cab a lot of space, and there is a very large bed.

We can imagine what kind of experience it is to watch space sleep in a half transparent cab.

There is also a cloakroom on the side, which is completely empty without any items. But here David sees a household intelligent housekeeper sleeping.

Even in the driver's cab, he found the bathroom, which was built exactly like the top hotel.

The designer spent a lot of money on all the driving systems and replaced them with more advanced driving systems, just to fit the bathroom, cloakroom and bedroom.

In order to live more comfortable here, it is equipped with a separate intelligent housekeeper.

David has no words for the rich people's ideas. It is estimated that the value of these humble decorations here is more valuable than that of the spaceship, let alone the reduced version of the spacecraft control system.

It is very troublesome to reduce the control system of the spaceship. We need to change a set of stronger central intelligent system. We can handle the affairs that can be handled by hundreds of chips by one chip.

At the same time, the original S600 transport spacecraft will not be compatible with the miniaturized version of the control system.

"Bedroom, toilet, cloakroom all have, poor recreational area!" David murmured to himself, but in a moment he thought of something and went back.

After opening the luxurious and artistic rear door, David was shocked again.

As soon as he entered the cargo hold, he saw that the whole cargo hold was green and the air became much clearer.

Looking around, dwarf fruit trees and various vegetables are distributed around the cargo hold in a multi-layer way, and near the middle part are planted with various ornamental flowers and plants, and the top is simulated sunshine, a school of comfortable ecological environment.

There's also a swimming pool with an umbrella on the side of the pool.

David can't even imagine that the value of this ecosystem, which can be maintained in space, must be extremely amazing.

"But where is my hold?" David looked at the scene and wanted to cry.

This is completely for the rich sky play, where like a cargo ship?

However, he looked up and found that the height was not right. He quickly searched for the identity bracelet, and sure enough, he found the relevant introduction.

He presses on the identity bracelet, and an elevator descends from the top of the sky. The elevator needs authentication to enter.

Through the elevator, David finally saw his cargo hold. Although it was half the height of the original, but the area was not small. After calculation, not only his beacon and land tiger II could be put down, but also there was a lot of space.

In the whole spaceship, only the cargo hold is normal, and the rest of the ship is full of the decadent atmosphere of credit points.

David also smiles when he sees the cargo space that meets his needs. At the same time, he is not disgusted with the luxurious arrangement. Who would not like to have more fun in space travel.

David also discovered that the original design of the crew room, because the control system has been reduced, and intelligent housekeeper to drive, so all of them have been converted into luxury rooms.

It can be said that David's S600 transport ship has nothing in common with Titan's S600 transport ship, except that the shell and cargo hold are the same as what he imagined. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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