Transcendent David

Chapter 1163: CH 1161

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The light sphere of knowledge was introduced into the small world of soul space by David from the shadow servant, and then attracted by the branches of the world tree, forming a fruit on the branch.

David's mind and spirit contacted the fruit. One part of the fruit differentiated into "light divinity" knowledge into his brain, and the other into "light divinity pattern" into the soul fortress.

He collated his knowledge of "light divinity" and found that he had underestimated "light divinity".

Since the sacrificial rites of the five temples can be used from low to high level, it is the most familiar divinity in the big world, and also the representative divinity of the five temples.

However, this does not mean that the "light divinity" is not strong. On the contrary, the use of "light divinity" in the five major temples shows the practicability of the "light divinity".

As long as it is regarded as evil, it can be used to attack it.

The most terrible thing is that the "light magic" has a very wide range of attacks, which can attack all enemies in the range at one time.

Divine level 'light magic' can directly designate the target as evil, and then the target will become the target of 'light magic'. This is also the ability of divine level 'light magic' to be more than ordinary 'light magic'.

To tell you the truth, if the "light magic" is just like this, David will not pay too much attention to it, because he has a lot of natural abilities, and the range attack ability is even more powerful than the light divinity.

"Magic of light" can only target evil targets. If the opponent is not evil, he needs to specify evil first. This is a bit of trouble.

However, the magic of light has an effect that no other natural ability can have. That is, it can give the magic of light to its followers.

Of course, this believer has extremely strict requirements. First of all, the degree of belief must be up to standard. Secondly, he must have spiritual talent. Only in this way can he display the "magic of light".

David didn't get the inheritance of becoming a God, but he got the first divinity that could be given to the believers, although he did not have qualified believers.

He felt that the God of war was like a treasure, with unexpected gains.

David turned his mind to the shadow, and this time he found four thousand complete souls.

The 4000 complete souls are the souls of the ascetics, but why did the shadow attendants not transform these souls into spiritual energy and extract the useful light sphere of knowledge and the source of soul?

David had a question in his heart, and the shadow attendant gave the answer after what he thought.

The soul of the ascetic who has experienced a hundred years is an important wealth to any God.

There are many devout believers, but there are not many who can achieve crazy faith. Among them, the belief of ascetics is more solid.

In the course of a hundred years, the ascetics have been honing their beliefs. In human life, a hundred years of time is so precious that it is extremely boring. Few people can support it.

The ascetic must have a certain strength, otherwise a hundred years of tempering simply can not bear, this is not a problem that can be solved by firm faith.

Even in the war shrine, the number of one hundred year ascetics is not very large.

The spirit of the bald and strong man who makes shadow servants also decomposes the soul according to its value. Like the soul of a hundred year old ascetic, it is extremely valuable and does not need to be decomposed into soul energy.

This does not mean that the shadow attendants did not deal with the souls of the 400 year old ascetics. After the souls of the 400 year old ascetics were absorbed, part of their consciousness was purified.

The soul of a hundred years' ascetic, purified by consciousness, has become a tool to produce the power of faith.

David's mind moved, and the soul of the 400 year old ascetic appeared in the small world of the soul space, surrounded by the temple of destruction.

As soon as the soul of the 400 year old ascetic entered the small world of the soul space, the branches of the world tree swayed slightly, and a stream of pure life energy gushed out.

The soul of the ascetics was originally illusory, which was enriched by life energy. The bones and flesh were generated, and the ascetics regained their body.

In fact, this is also because David's own strength has not reached the divine level. Otherwise, the small world of his soul space does not need the world tree to display its ability, and it will automatically reshape the body of the soul that has been accepted.

David sensed that there were 4000 channels of faith between the 400 year old ascetics and the "destruction of the temple". Each one of them was like a water pump, conveying a large amount of concentrated power of faith into the "Temple of destruction.".

In terms of the quantity of belief power, a hundred year ascetic can compare with the belief power of 10000 devout believers. In terms of quality, the belief power of a hundred year ascetic is like the gap between diamond and glass.

David did not think that the first human beings in his small world of soul space were crazy believers of the God of war.

Before that, there were only illusory human beings and spiritual families in the small world. Although the illusory human beings look like human beings on the surface, they are composed of the human souls remaining in the sphere of knowledge and the illusions generated by the "illusions".His mind entered the statue of "destroying the temple", and the power of 400 year old ascetics gathered here, and the speed of "divine power crystallization" increased several times.

Don't underestimate these ascensions. We should know that the spiritual family and illusory human beings in the small world of David's soul space have reached a high degree of piety and, in a sense, crazy faith.

The 400 year ascetic is equivalent to the power of faith provided by 40 million devout believers, which is several times the sum of the number of spiritual families and illusory humans in his small world of soul space.

Perhaps this 400 year ascetic is nothing to a God who rules the world like the God of war, but it is an unimaginable wealth for those who have no master world identity.

It is not easy to cultivate a centennial ascetic. First of all, it is the source of a hundred year ascetic. Generally, only one hundred million believers can have a hundred year ascetic seed.

If there is still a hundred years of forced cultivation, there will be no guarantee for those who are willing to work in this area.

These conditions make the evil gods have no ability to cultivate ascetics at all. Only when they are lucky, a hundred year old ascetic appears occasionally for many years, which is like a treasure.

If David did not have the help of shadow attendants, he would not have been able to become his own believer even if he met a hundred year old ascetic.

To change the belief of a hundred year old ascetic requires a strong study of the soul. The original owner of the shadow service, the bald headed strong man God, is good at soul research.

David estimated that within a month, he would have his own "magic crystal", and in the future, "divine power crystal" will continue to produce at the same speed.

He had the idea of actively looking for the war shrine, in order to kill more ascetics to enhance the small world of soul space.

But David didn't have any impulse. He knew that many times he had caused great losses to the war shrine, and the God of war was expected to do his best to deal with him.

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If he wants to come, as long as he knows his position, it is estimated that the next war temple will look for him again, which is likely to be the God of war.

Because almost all the means were used in the war shrine, the divine envoy's divine descent was still the strongest among ordinary means, and then the most powerful war machine, the space war shrine, was launched.

If the war shrine did not hide more powerful means, then the war temple could hardly deal with David.

If you want to be sure to deal with David, the God of war is the most likely thing.

David released the five demigod clones from the "artifact space card". After this period of consolidation, the realm of the demigod clone avatars has also stabilized and can continue to improve.

When the five demigod clones appeared in the Zerg world, all the deities in the Zerg world felt the influence of the "imperial inheritance pattern".

"Find the man!" The consciousness of the mother emperor reverberates in the minds of every Zerg in the Zerg world.

Through the demigod "golden winged beetle king", demigod "electric light beetle king" and legendary "half body spider king", David also felt the mother emperor's command.

Only the legendary "blade Mantis king" was resurrected in the divine world and did not enter the Zerg network, so he could not accept the consciousness of "mother emperor".

David doesn't worry at all. This time, unlike before, he had no influence in the Zerg world, so he could only stay in the space cracks. Even in the space cracks, he was worried that space Zerg would find there.

But now it is different. He is in the domain of the demigod "golden winged beetle king". Here, the demigod "golden winged beetle king" is the master. All Zerg are under the management of the demigod "golden winged beetle king".

In addition, the demigod "electric light beetle king" patrols around, which can guarantee 100% that this place will not be found by Zerg.

David can confidently and boldly let the five demigods clone themselves to use the "imperial level inheritance pattern" for cultivation. Only when he reaches the divine level earlier can he be helpful.

Archbishop jotter knelt on the floor of the hall, his body trembling.

In front of him, the God of war sent out a terrible threat, so that he could not support his body, only kept the posture of lying on the ground.

Archbishop jotter is more afraid of the anger of the God of war. The anger sent by the statue makes the air in the hall look like substance.

How can the God of war, who is in a small world, not be angry.

The temple of space war is no ordinary object. It is the material created by the God of war in the small world with the power of faith, and then made by many generations.

Although the space war shrine is not a artifact, it is not different from the artifact. At least it can be compared with the weaker artifact in material.

There are also some materials obtained by the God of war from the turbulence of time and space. Otherwise, the temple of space war would not have built only four in 10000 years.

However, such a precious Temple of space war was lost in the hands of Archbishop jotter.

The God of War didn't know what Lord Arthur had done. Anyway, he couldn't feel the position of the temple of space war.We should know that even if the space war temple is placed in space objects, the God of war can find out its exact location according to the internal positioning of the divine pattern array in the space war temple.

As long as we find the location of the temple of space war, the God of war can even send out the body once for the sake of the temple of space war.

The God of war resisted the idea of beating Archbishop Joe to death. Archbishop jotter was the Archbishop he had chosen. In addition, although Archbishop jotter was incompetent, the more reason was that Lord Arthur had so many means that he could not blame Archbishop Joe.

Archbishop jotter felt his whole body loose. His body could no longer support him. He collapsed on the ground.

Although his whole body was weak, he was still glad that he had not been killed by the angry God of war.

"I'm still alive, I'm going to live!" Exclaimed Archbishop jotter.

When the God of war left the statue of the main temple, he did not give orders to Archbishop jotter, which made him understand that the God of war should not want himself to complete the task of capturing Lord Arthur alive.

Archbishop jotter thinks so, which gives him a long sigh of relief.

Finally, it is worthwhile to bear the wrath of the God of war without facing the terrible Lord Arthur.

The God of war did not know what Archbishop jotter thought, otherwise he would have killed him with one hand.

The God of war at this time had a helpless look in his eyes.

As one of the five gods in the big world, God is the master of the big world, but he has no way to deal with a half god, which makes him lose face.

Next, the God of war has to do something more shameless. With a wave of light and shadow, the God of justice is in the shadow.

"God of justice, I have something to ask for!" The God of war did not want to be associated with any of the four gods, but in order to find Lord Arthur, he contacted the God of justice.

"God of war, please tell me something!" The God of justice's face is the standard God's smile, which is the God of justice's intention. Otherwise, he can't guarantee whether he can keep his expression and let the God of war see what.

Recently, the God of justice has known for a long time that the temple of war has failed repeatedly.

Since the God of war did not inform the four gods, I think they have their own plans, so the four gods should not know about it.

However, what happened later surprised the four gods. Two archbishops of the war shrine fell in succession, and the God of war was defeated. Recently, even the temple of space war was lost, and a large number of Centennial ascetics fell.

All these things show that the God of war has suffered losses. In the past ten thousand years, it is the first time for the four gods to see the God of war suffer such a great loss.

Although the five gods are close to each other and share the God's world, there is competition among them, from various interests to various resources.

After the defeat of the God of war, a large number of belief resources will be emptied. Therefore, when the four gods saw that the God of war suffered losses, they let it go and did not actively ask for intervention. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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