Transcendent David

Chapter 1167: CH 1165

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President Biddle changed into a formal suit, which was equipped with a miniature life support device to support David in case of an accident.

Although his status is noble, he is only an ordinary person, which is too fragile.

Although it is impossible for the war shrine to set a trap against President Bedell, it is not only worthless, but also meaningless. Even if the Federation lacks one president, it can elect another president at any time.

However, the accident may not come from the war shrine's targeting, but from the war shrine's misunderstanding of President bidel's strength. As long as there is a trace of misjudgment when meeting in space, President bidel may have problems.

Oxygen, low temperature, sudden changes in pressure and so on, many situations can make ordinary people fatal.

Instead of wearing a general's uniform, David changed into a federal suit similar to Secretary chambers, and his young face stood behind President Biddle like a guard.

This is a meeting between President Bedell and archbishop jotter, which is a government affair. David's task is to protect President bidel, not to participate in the meeting.

In addition, David doesn't want to expose himself in advance. In case there is any action in the war shrine, it will be easier to deal with it without considering his presence here.

Of course, another reason is that General David is very famous in the god world, and his presence may cause unnecessary trouble.

"It's almost time!" President Bedell looked at the time on the identity bracelet and said in a deep voice.

The president's spaceship has reached the barrier of the great world of God. Standing in front of the porthole, you can see the black and white world inside the world barrier in front of you. There is the big world of God.

On the other side, a huge "star boat" appeared.

What David saw through the eyes of the demigod clone is the black and white "star boat". Two spaceships produced by different knowledge systems in two big worlds are separated from each other and the world barriers are opposite.

Archbishop jotter is also looking at the presidential spaceship opposite, and he is paying more attention to the 200 battleships not far behind the presidential spaceship.

After a period of mending, Archbishop jotter also knew about the warships of the union.

Two hundred battleships are already a powerful force that can threaten the class five strongmen. It can be seen that the federal government attaches great importance to President bidel.

Archbishop jotter's face showed a faint sense of disdain. This powerful use of foreign objects is simply a wrong way of development.

It is because there is no God shining in the interstellar Federation that this abnormal growth occurs.

Archbishop jotter flew out of the "star boat". He pointed to the world barrier with his Scepter in his hand. The "star boat" sent out a pure white diaphragm.

This diaphragm through the world barrier, strange things happened, the diaphragm will be the world barrier through, in the middle of the world barrier formed a pure white channel.

The passage did not stop until it reached the front of the presidential spaceship.

"President Biddle, I can't leave God's world because of my identity. Let's meet in this passage." Exclaimed Archbishop jotter.

Archbishop jotter spoke the language of God, and Secretary Janet was there to translate for president bidel.

President bidel's face changed slightly, and he did not expect Archbishop jotter to meet in this way.

He is just an ordinary person. Although there is a life support system in his clothes, the system has no defense. It is very dangerous to enter space directly.

President Biddle did not go to see General David behind him. If he asked General David's advice, Archbishop jotter would not see him as the federal president.

What's more, General David is not wearing a uniform. He must not want to expose himself.

If President Biddle exposes General David, he will certainly be dissatisfied with him. He still has a clear distinction between these matters.

"Archbishop jotter, if you ask, we will meet in the passage!" President Bedell nodded.

Naturally, President Biddle spoke federal language, and a priest next to Archbishop jotter was translating for him.

The meeting at this level, even if Archbishop jotter has mastered the federal language, also needs translation. This is a gesture.

When Archbishop jotter saw that President bidel agreed, he flew into the passage with two fifth level divinities and two fifth level sacrificial rites, and flew to the middle.

To tell you the truth, Archbishop jotter didn't mean to make trouble for the interstellar Federation, but because he was the representative of the God of war and could not leave God to belong to the big world.

Once he left the God belongs to the big world, he lost contact with the God of war, and most of his strength could not be exerted, and the divinities that needed to communicate with the God of war became ornaments.

This is the reason why only five temples belonging to the five gods were built in Zhanxing temple to negotiate with Zerg gods, and only a small number of deities were assigned to maintain it. The main reason is that the worship of the temple could not perform divinities on the warstar and could not turn the warstar into a place of faith.

It is relatively difficult for president Bedell to enter the passage. After leaving the presidential spaceship, he lost the artificial gravity, even ordinary people can fly in space.But it is difficult for ordinary people to control their flight in space without training.

Fortunately, the six extraordinary entourage, respectively, took President bidel, Minister chambers and Secretary Janet to the passage. David flew to the passage himself, but he didn't need the help of the extraordinary.

After a period of stable separation, semi divine clone can now converge his breath. At least Archbishop jotter, the following five level priests and five level sacrifices cannot find his strength.

In fact, bishop Joe didn't notice David at all, and it was no surprise that he could not feel David's strength.

In the perception of Archbishop jotter, together with the extraordinary six guardians, their strength is equal to ordinary people in the eyes of Archbishop jotter.

So it's no surprise that he doesn't feel David's strength. In the opinion of Archbishop jotter, David is estimated to be a top man.

President bidel's life support system works after leaving the presidential ship, creating a film of air in his head that allows him to survive in space.

However, after entering the pure white channel, the maintenance system automatically stops running, not the problem of the living system, but the living environment is detected by the living system, and the maintenance device is automatically shut down.

The two sides met in the middle of the pure white channel, in which the color is normal, but outside the channel, it is still one side black and white side color.

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Standing on Archbishop jotter's side, the world where the war star is located is black and white, while President bidel is on the other side of the world barrier, and the world of God belongs to the world is black and white.

Secretary Janet opened the camera. This is a historic meeting. President bidel, who is the top of the world temple, is disdaining Archbishop jotter. What is the Supreme Council, is it not in line with the war shrine?

David, who was watching the meeting, frowned when he saw President bidel.

Although President bidel's expression has not changed in any way, it is not necessary to see emotions and ideas through expression, and spiritual changes can be detected.

Archbishop jotter was a five level sacrifice with a strong spirit, and President bidel was almost defenceless in front of him.

President bidel's mind was not to be concealed from Archbishop Joe at all.

David knows that, but he can't intervene at this time. This level of meeting is solemn, there is no accident, he can't interrupt.

"President bidel, the interstellar Federation and God belong to the world for thousands of years. There have been defectors who have been traveling to the interstellar Federation for thousands of years. My Lord God has said that the interstellar Federation is required to expel all the defectors from the country. Please cooperate with you in this request!" Archbishop jotter was a little upset, and he made a direct request.

President bidel was a little bit shocked, and he never thought that Archbishop jotter's request would be this.

Although he is the president of the Federation, he seems to have great power, but it is not a simple force to protect God from the defectors of the world.

Even if he, the federal president, wants these forces to obey his orders is not easy.

"Archbishop jotter, the interstellar Federation is an equal world, and my president's power is not as big as you think. In addition, there are too many defectors involved, and my ability is limited!" President bidel shook his head and said.

To be honest, if it wasn't for General David to be around, and he had told him yesterday that the war shrine is now in a tight relationship with the supreme assembly, President bidel really needs to consider the demands of Archbishop jotter.

Because Archbishop jotter had had an impact on President bidel since his first meeting, which was not spiritual but perceptual.

Archbishop jotter has developed divinity, which is transformed into energy channel, and forms a living environment for human beings in the channel. These means are not very important to the gods of the world, but for president bidel of ordinary people, they are extraordinary means.

Archbishop jotter also asked President bidel to enter the energy channel to negotiate, and suppressed President bidel in momentum.

"President bidel, are you rejecting my Lord's request?" Asked Archbishop jotter in a deep voice.

The spirit of the five level sacrifice was greatly enhanced.

Of course, Archbishop jotter was afraid to hurt President bidel, which would be a diplomatic event that would cause great trouble in the diplomacy of the interstellar Federation and the world of God.

The situation of war shrine is not good now. Because of the diplomatic problems of the two big worlds, it will have a negative impact on the war shrine.

Just as archbishop jotter rose, the two men stepped forward and stood in front of President bidel.

The two extraordinary faces were extremely ugly, but they were strong.

David didn't take the hand, and he felt Archbishop jotter's control of the breath, and he didn't mean to hurt.

"Archbishop jotter, what do you mean?" President bidel added.

"I am abrupt. I am not used to the fact that someone refuses my Lord's God!" Archbishop jotter took back his breath, and said it faintly.A fifth level priest behind Archbishop jotter, with his companion's body as a cover, waved his fingers in front of him and drew a complex pattern with his spirit.

"If there's nothing else, we'll leave!" President Biddle didn't like Archbishop jotter's way of communication, he said in a deep voice.

"Just a moment, please." Said Archbishop jotter, waving.

President Bedell looked at Archbishop Joe and waited for Archbishop jotter to say something more.

"President Bedell, no one can disobey the divine metaphor of my Lord. If you agree to my request, then everything is fine. But if you refuse me, I can only use some means." Said Archbishop jotter coldly.

Although Archbishop Joe was very timid in dealing with Lord Arthur, he showed unimaginable determination when dealing with ordinary people in the interstellar Federation.

After Archbishop jotter finished drawing the pattern in the hands of the fifth level priest behind him, and the pattern flew to President bidel.

President Biddle looked shocked. Although he did not know what the pattern was, he also knew that it was not a good thing.

Two extraordinary people want to resist, but find that the waves on the pattern make them slow down, and their brain seems to slow down.

Archbishop jotter looked coldly at President Bedell, believing that he would soon be under the control of divinity and would be 100% obedient.

As for the rest of the people here, after controlling President bidel, they will use the same means to control them all.

With the help of President Biddle and the power of the interstellar Federation government, it is not difficult to find and expel Lord Arthur in the interstellar Federation. The order of the God of war can also be completed.

As for the discovery of divination against President Bedell, Archbishop jotter did not believe anyone in the interstellar Federation would find out.

The pure white channel alone has the effect of shielding all signals. All the federal ships and warships watching outside are false pictures, and the real situation in the channel will not be found by spaceships and warships.

In the final analysis, Archbishop jotter despised the interstellar Federation and thought that the interstellar Federation was a group of low-level ordinary people besides long-range space weapons.

Under this concept, we can come up with this method.

There are also reasons for being forced too tightly by the God of war, and the relationship between God and the Supreme Council of the great world is bad. It is almost impossible to achieve this through the Supreme Council.

The use of divinity to control is the lowest cost and the easiest way to succeed. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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