Transcendent David

Chapter 1169: CH 1167

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"It's reported that God's" star flying boat "is found in front of us. The other party requests to open the contact channel The crew reported to President Biddle.

As a matter of fact, the escort fleet found the other party as early as the appearance of the starboat, but the starboat had no weapons at all, and it completely opened up its defense, allowing the convoy to scan its interior, which showed that there was no hostility.

That's why the convoy allowed the other side to get close to the scanning range of the president's spaceship and had the opportunity to contact the president's spaceship.

"It's a" star flying boat "in Battlestar Secretary Janet explained softly to President Biddle.

Secretary Janet has studied Warcraft. Because of the need to keep in touch with the interstellar Federation, the StarCraft in Battlestar will be equipped with the interstellar Federation communication system to facilitate communication with the interstellar Federation.

"Open the communication channel!" President Bedell nodded, and he said in a deep voice.

With the opening of the communication channel, a projection appeared in front of him. It was Viscount dwood.

"Yes, Admiral David!" Viscount dwood's projection glanced inside the cabin. After seeing David, he bowed down and saluted. Then he saluted president Bedell and said, "see President Bedell!"

No one in Viscount dwood's mind was more important than general David, and he did the same.

He doesn't need to care about President Bedell's views at all. Maybe he can see the essence of Biddle's identity more clearly. At present, it is a symbol with limited real power in his hands.

"Viscount dwood, is there anything you can do to stop me?" President Biddle had no influence on the order of the greetings of viscount dwood, he asked.

If such a problem had not occurred before General David, President Bedell would have been resentful.

But since seeing the strength of General David with his own eyes, President Bedell has no idea to compare with General David.

"President bidel, there is news from the Supreme Council that you have detained Archbishop jotter and his party who met with you. Is it true?" Asked Viscount dwood.

"It's true, Archbishop jotter and his four entourage are on board the ship!" President Bedell nodded.

"President bidel, could you please wait for your spaceship here for a moment? Speaker Gould of the Supreme Council is coming. He will talk to you about this matter!" Viscount dwood did not show any excitement, continued calmly.

"I want to see speaker Gould, too!" President Biddle agreed.

President Biddle looked at General David beside him, and his heart was full of confidence.

Biddle did not want to deal with the affairs of the president, but he did not want to deal with the affairs of the president.

The convoys were scattered to protect the president's spaceship, which was stationary in outer space of warstar.

Viscount dwood's "star boat" did not leave, and stopped not far from the president's spaceship.

It didn't take long to wait. Just two hours later, news came from the convoy, and it was found that the "star flying boat" of God's great world was approaching.

When the luxurious "star boat" approached, David's lips showed a trace of smile, and the speaker's "star boat" came.

The "star boat" revealed its identity and then directly connected with the president's spacecraft. The president's spaceship is a telescopic channel, and the speaker's "star boat" is an energy channel.

After the two channels were connected, speaker Gould walked alone through the aisle to the presidential spaceship.

President Biddle stood at the entrance of the presidential spaceship, welcoming speaker Gould.

President Bedell is also an old politician. Seeing the expression on speaker Gould's face, he did not show any anger. He believed more in his heart that there was a contradiction between the war shrine and the Supreme Council.

"I think both President Biddle and General David understand the purpose of my coming here. I want to know why the interstellar Federation wanted to detain Archbishop Joe and his party?" As soon as he was seated, speaker Gould asked.

"Speaker Gould, in my capacity as president of the interstellar Federation, I am sending a diplomatic note to the Supreme Council of the divine world, which contains a complete video of the meeting between Archbishop jotter and us in the temple of war!" President Bedell had been prepared, and he was also waiting for people with sufficient status in the divine world to come over, so that he could hand over the diplomatic note to his face.

A diplomatic note, written in two languages, and a video player that can be played directly, was put in front of speaker Gould by Secretary Janet.

Speaker Gould picked up the diplomatic note and looked at it carefully. His face gradually became ugly.

Before he came, speaker Gould had a guess.

Because of its conflict with the Supreme Council, the war shrine skipped the Supreme Council and contacted the interstellar Federation directly.

Because the war shrine has no diplomatic experience, and perhaps it is also a noble Archbishop of the war shrine, he wants to meet with the federal president directly.

With the hegemony of the war shrine, once there is a problem in the talks with the federal president, the war shrine is likely to adopt unconventional means.As it happens, President Bedell has just become the president of the Federation. After receiving the application for a meeting with Archbishop jotter, the war shrine, he does not have much experience. He only thinks that this is a great achievement of historical significance.

However, the ministers and marshal Andre were still calm, so general David was invited to accompany them.

Speaker Gould, who understood what happened, felt extremely ashamed. Although it was not done by the Supreme Council in diplomacy, the war shrine also represented the great world of God.

The interstellar Federation will not separate the Supreme Council from the war shrine. It will only think that God belongs to the big world, ignoring the most basic rules of diplomacy.

"President bidel, on behalf of the great god world, I am deeply sorry for this matter. We will make appropriate concessions on some interests, and hope that this incident will not affect the long-term alliance between the god world and the interstellar Federation!" Speaker Gould stood up and said with a deep salute to President bidel.

"Speaker Gould, I also understand that the war shrine is different from the Supreme Council. I accept the apology of the Supreme Council!" President Bedell also stood up and said.

Speaker Gould understood what President bidel meant. President bidel could accept the apology of the Supreme Council, but he did not intend to accept the apology of the war shrine, because speaker Gould only represented the Supreme Council.

"President bidel, I will inform the other four temples of the course of this incident. The four temples will discuss the handling of the war shrine. But you can rest assured that there will never be any war shrine participating in foreign affairs in the future." Speaker Gould promised.

Both sides sat down again, and speaker Gould could see that President bidel was willing to solve the problem and did not want the problem to become too intense.

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This also gives speaker Gould a sigh of relief. He is worried that President bidel will do something unreasonable.

The alliance between God's great world and the interstellar Federation is related to the interests of warstar. If the alliance breaks down, the defense line between the god world and the interstellar Federation against the Zerg world will disappear.

In the end, the interests of God in warstar will suffer huge losses, and may even cause the complete collapse of warstar.

You should know that once any of the three parties, namely, God belongs to the big world, the interstellar Federation and the Zerg world, can't benefit from warstar, then that party will not allow warstar to continue to exist and continuously deliver resources to its opponents.

The alliance between God's big world and the interstellar Federation has broken down. The God's big world needs at least ten times the current combat power on Battlestar to barely keep its interests.

Because the interstellar Federation did not have high-end combat power, it would lose the benefit of warstar. At that time, the "doomsday line" composed of ten man-made planets close to warstar could destroy warstar.

"President bidel, what are you going to do with Archbishop jotter?" Speaker Gould asked only after the atmosphere eased.

This is also what speaker Gould is most concerned about. In any case, Archbishop Choate is the Archbishop of the war shrine. He is entrusted by the four shrines and must do something.

No matter what Archbishop jotter did wrong, he would take it back from the interstellar Federation, and what to do when he came back was up to the decision of the temple.

"You don't need to ask me about it. Archbishop jotter is a prisoner of General David, and it's up to him to decide." President Biddle didn't want to decide on behalf of General David, he showered.

This is not a shirking. It is really difficult for president Bedell to make decisions on behalf of David. He needs to consider David's attitude.

He was saved by David himself, and archbishop jotter was also captured by David.

Of course, President Bedell heard that speaker Gould had only mentioned Archbishop jotter, and he only answered Archbishop jotter.

He could see that speaker Gould was going to give up the two fifth level priests and the two fifth level priests accompanying Archbishop jotter.

Speaker Gould also thought that, if it was not for the sensitive identity of Archbishop jotter, he would not even want to return.

Isn't it right to make such a big mistake in diplomacy to apologize to death?

"Admiral David, we are old friends too. I wonder if, in my honor, let me take back Archbishop Joe?" Speaker Gould turned to David and said with a smile.

Speaker Gould and David still had a lot of contact with each other. They fought side by side on the battlefield, so speaker Gould spoke at will.

"Chancellor Gould, your face will still be given. I will let Archbishop jotter come out. I will take some booty and let him go!" David didn't want to keep Archbishop jotter forever. He followed the words of speaker Gould.

"Admiral David, as long as archbishop jotter is alive, the rest is at your disposal!" Speaker Gould saw that David had given him so much face that he naturally gave his card.

David nodded to show that he understood what speaker Gould meant. He stood up and walked out of the reception hall. When he came back later, he had Archbishop jotter in his hand.

David threw Archbishop jotter on the ground in the middle of the reception hall, and archbishop jotter collapsed to the ground, without the demeanor of a war shrine archbishop.Archbishop jotter saw speaker Gould. He did not feel any joy at seeing the Savior. Instead, he lowered his head.

At this time, if there is a hole in the ground, Archbishop jotter would like to put his body into the hole.

Speaker Gould did not feel much happy when he looked at Archbishop jotter. He was one of the most important people in the world, but now he is crouching on the ground like a dog, which only makes him feel sad.

David stretched out his hand, took down the scepter which Archbishop Joe held in his hand, and took the space objects of Archbishop jotter.

He swept through the space objects with his spirit, and when he saw the objects inside, he could not help frowning and dissatisfied with the harvest.

However, considering that Archbishop jotter has just become the Archbishop of the war shrine, it is estimated that he needs to wait for his position to be stable before he wants to take over.

"Give it back to you!" Archbishop jotter didn't care about space objects at all. After David took his scepter, he reacted very much and reached out to grab it back.

David didn't have the slightest politeness. He kicked him to the ground.

"Chancellor Gould, I'll take the booty, and the Archbishop of jotter's men will give it to you!" David pointed to Archbishop jotter on the ground and said.

Speaker Gould's eyes twinkled. It was obvious that there was an energy in the foot of General David just now. His strength was not as good as that of General David. He could not see the effect of that energy, but it was not a good thing.

"Is Archbishop jotter in good health?" Speaker Gould asked Archbishop Joe, but his eyes swept over David's side.

"There is absolutely no problem with life!" David said with a faint smile.

Archbishop jotter, hearing speaker Gould's inquiry, reluctantly rose to his feet. Without speaking, he told him that he was OK.

"President bidel, I will communicate with you through ambassador Kaming about the follow-up of this incident. I'm leaving first!" Speaker Gould stood up and said.

"I am also very concerned about the follow-up of the matter, I hope not to wait too long!" President Bedell also stood up and said.

In fact, President Bedell was very unwilling, but he also knew that Archbishop jotter could not be left to the interstellar Federation.

And the court of the interstellar Federation could not judge Archbishop jotter. The location of the attack was at the border between the God's world and warstar, which was not within the scope of the interstellar Federation.

Archbishop Joe can't die unless he is killed on the spot.

President Biddle can only remind speaker Gould of his dissatisfaction with Archbishop jotter by saying that he is concerned about the follow-up.

"Admiral David, I'm in your favor this time!" Speaker Gould said to David when he left.

Speaker Gould was in front, and archbishop jotter barely kept up. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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