Transcendent David

Chapter 1195: CH 1193

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"I'll go out and negotiate with them. You warn the Hopkinson family and ask them to come forward!" The head of the McNair family looked despairingly at the gods and priests of the war shrine surrounding the castle, but he still had to show calm. The people of the McNair family needed his stability, he ordered.

"Patriarch, you can't go out. These gods are not good at coming." Said the fourth level Knight of the clan.

"Don't say it. It's an order. I'm going to procrastinate!" The head of the McNair family waved.

As one of the family's three four level sky knights, the head of the mcner family did not walk out of the gate, but jumped from the castle platform.

The situation was so urgent that he did not dare to open the door, which would give the war shrine an opportunity.

The patriarch of the McNair family walked to the place 10 meters away from the chief deity. The God on the opposite side was a fifth level Temple knight. He looked at the head of the McNair family coldly with a look of fright in his eyes.

The head of the McNair family saw the little mark on the knight's shoulder, and his eyes froze and his pupils shrank.

That's the mark of the guardian deity. The guardian deity is the most terrible organization in the temple. Their task is to punish the traitors and blasphemers on behalf of the Lord.

"I don't know why the war shrine surrounded my castle. My McNair family has never committed any crime. Besides, if the McNair family has committed a crime, it should be handled by the noble affairs office and the Supreme Council." The head of the McNair family suppressed his shock and said in a deep voice.

"I, the Knights Templars of Leon, have been ordered by the Archbishop to arrest the whole family of McNairs. Anyone who dares to resist will be killed!" The Leon Templars did not answer the McNair's question, but announced directly.

"Leon Templar, I need an explanation. Why should I arrest my whole family? What crimes have my whole family committed? " Asked the head of the mcner family.

"If you want to know, just wait until you go back to the temple, and someone will talk to you!" Said the knight of the temple in Lyon.

After that, without waiting for the head of the McNair family to continue to speak, he waved his hand, and all the Knights formed the Knights' battle array. The pure white light of the sacrificial hands behind him sprinkled on the Knights' battle array, making the Knights put on a pure white energy armor.

The first to go out was the Leon Templar, who rushed to the head of the McNair family.

The head of the McNair family had no hesitation. He was very clear that he could not fight against the powerful Templars, so he immediately called out his flying mount and wanted to take off.

However, the speed of Leon Temple knights is too fast. As soon as the McNair family leader is about to take off, he gets close to him. Without any pity, a light sword of level five pierces the head of the mcner family's heart.

Although it was an arrest, in fact, there was a desire to kill in the temple of war. To a certain extent, Lord Johnston was the mentor of the gods.

Many of the deities and sacrificial rites there have read the works of the God Johnston and gained a lot of knowledge from them.

The assassination of Lord Johnston caused great repercussions in the war shrine. All the guardians came here with vengeance.

In addition, in recent years, for various reasons, the war shrine has been in a state of extreme depression.

At this time, there is a vent, naturally need to vent some.

"Patriarch!" When the people in the castle saw that the patriarch was killed, Qi Qi wailed.

"Let go of the crossbow More people grow up to cry.

The arrow made of grade 3 materials, with the help of complex mechanical crossbow bed and alchemy pattern, can produce strong power.

This is also a defense method commonly used by the middle and large nobles, but the powerful nobles and the top nobles will not use this defense means.

Because this kind of defense means can only deal with some weak knights, such as today's well-trained knights who form a knightly battle array, the effect is almost nil.

The arrow of green light shoots at the periphery of Knight battle array, and is blocked by the shield of blood force.

The only function of these crossbows is to stimulate the anger of the war Temple gods. The huge sword blade composed of the blood force hits the castle's defense shield.

With a roar, the defense of the castle was broken, and the cavalry battle broke through the gate of the castle.

Subsequently, there were screams and screams coming from the castle, and the gods of the war shrine were killing wildly in the castle.

"Stop it!" There was a roar in the sky, followed by a terrifying force like Tianwei, which made the castle quiet inside and outside.

Lord Ludwig, dressed in Black Knight's armor, appeared in the sky, and his anger erupted like a volcano at any time.

The strength of the legendary class, coupled with the fact that he took "spirit wine" again recently, has improved his strength. Now, Lord Ludwig's strength is at the beginning of the legendary stage.

Although they have not found their own rules, they have obviously suppressed the knights who are lower than the legendary level.Inside and outside the castle, only the Leon Templars stood alone, but his body was also maintained with great effort.

During this period of war, the temple lost too many level 5 paladins and five level sacrifices. The strength of Leon Paladin was only the early stage of the fifth level Paladin, which was different from Lord Ludwig. It was able to stand under the strong power of Lord Ludwig, which was his will was strong enough.

Lord Ludwig saw the body of the mcner family chief outside the castle, and the bodies everywhere in the castle, and his eyes were full of anger.

As his anger rose, a knight of the war shrine was forced to lie on the ground, unable to do it with a single shot.

Lord Ludwig looked at the paladin of Leon, who walked from the air to the paladin, and every step he took in the void would increase his power.

The Leon Paladin inspired the power of blood, and was in a state of madness, trying to resist the terror of legendary Lord Ludwig.

Lord Ludwig was getting closer and closer, and the teeth in the mouth of the paladin of Leon had already shed blood from his mouth because of his too much bite.

Although the knees of the Leon Paladin were not bent, their feet were deep below the ground.

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"The war shrine must give me a confession. Why to kill my people, all the clergy here are left, and several sacrifices go back to tell Archbishop mckinser my attitude!" Lord Ludwig held his anger under pressure, knowing that the handling of the matter needed the support of the supreme assembly and could not directly conflict with the war shrine.

With a wave of the Lord Ludwig's hand, the body of the Leon Templar was hit and fell heavily on the ground, unable to move any more.

The control of this strike force is extremely accurate. The Leon Paladin has not been seriously damaged, but it makes the Leon Paladin unable to exert his power. The blood of the legendary Golden Dragon enters into the body of the Leon Paladin, blocking the heart and sea space of the paladin.

At this time, the Knights brought by Lord Ludwig arrived, and they quickly controlled all the clergy and began to cure the remnant of the mcna family.

It is not appropriate to say that the treatment is inappropriate, because there are no wounded people under the hand of the God of the war shrine, all of which are deadly attacks.

Only some of the clans of the mcna family escaped the search of the war god officials. If not Lord Ludwig came fast enough, the last of the mcna family would not be able to live.

Lord Ludwig watched a body be sorted out, and his eyes were full of anger.

This is the family of Hopkinson, protected by the Hopkinson family, and now slaughtered by the war shrine, how can not Lord Ludwig be angry.

But Lord Ludwig was also the leader of the top nobles, Hopkinson, who needed to consider for the family and could not risk killing these war god officials.

He is not Lord Arthur, and he cannot compete with the war shrine without the powerful power of Lord Arthur.

But Lord Ludwig was not bullied either. He did not leave the mcner family castle and contacted Chancellor Gould after entering the castle.

The Leon Templars and the rest of the war knights were all placed on the Castle Square, and the bodies of the mcna family were placed on the other side.

Several sacrifice of war shrine left yia star through the star level gate. They returned to the main temple to report the situation here.

Lord Ludwig waited not for the people of the war shrine, but speaker Gould, and eight legendary leaders, and the other two lords who did not reach the legendary level did not want to come, but they were ready to hit the legendary stage again.

Speaker Gould, who was lowered from the air, looked at the body of the square in silence, and his expression was extremely ugly.

This act of war shrine is a provocation to the aristocratic system again.

"Lord Ludwig, this matter must be told by the war shrine. I have sent letters to the temple of justice, the earth, the knowledge and wealth in the name of the Supreme Council. As long as we take the lead, the war shrine must pay the price for the event!" "And the Lord Ludwig said, looking at the Lord Gould.

Speaker Gould would stand on the side of Lord Ludwig, whether for the sake of the noble reputation or for the benefit of the dawn alliance.

Similarly, the eight legendary lords who came with speaker Gould showed their attitude with practical action.

It is also recognized by the supreme assembly that the legendary leader, including speaker Gould, has become the true core of the supreme assembly.

On the one hand, knights are respected for their strength. Legendary knights are far more powerful than the paladin, and are naturally respected.

On the other hand, almost all the legendary knights are knights close to speaker Gould, which also makes the power of President Gould in the Supreme Council unlimited.

The legendary Knight known, including the first legendary knight in the world, Annabella legend, followed by ten legendary rank leaders, and Lord Harlow, even those legendary Knights unknown to the outside world, namely, David's legendary rank knights, were 100% on the side of President Gould.Of course, the Supreme Council may have intentionally or unintentionally excluded the name of Lord Arthur when dividing its strength.

This is mainly because Lord Arthur has gone beyond the scope of individual strength. Lord Arthur is the enemy of the war Temple alone, and makes the God of war helpless.

"Speaker Gould, and all of you, thank you for coming!" Lord Ludwig bowed in thanks.

"Know what it is for?" Speaker Gould came to Lord Ludwig and asked softly.

In fact, all the Lords on the scene understood that there must be some reason for the war shrine to send so many knights to encircle the McNair family.

"I've been investigated. The McNairs usually keep a low profile. Who would have known the disaster?" Said Lord Ludwig, shaking his head.

In the main temple, Archbishop Macintyre looked coldly at the bishop of Abu Soren. When he heard that a group of guardians had been detained by Lord Ludwig in the McNair family, he knew something had happened.

Bishop Absalom is the new bishop promoted by Archbishop Macintyre. He is responsible for the power of guarding the deity.

Since the war shrine experienced the fall of the Archbishop for three times, the high-level of the war shrine is extremely lacking, which makes up for the lack of high-level experience.

"Archbishop, Lord Johnston was assassinated, and there was a mark of the McNair family on the scene. You know that the relationship between the temple and the Supreme Council is tense, and the death of Lord Johnston has a great impact on the temple. I want to send the guardian deity to deal with this matter directly. This is also a precedent." Bishop Abu Soren explained.

"Nonsense. When was the time when the guard deity handled some noble affairs? At that time, the Supreme Council was obedient and the whole aristocracy was under our control. Didn't you aggravate the contradiction between the temple and the Supreme Council?" Said Archbishop Macintyre with some headache.

Archbishop Macintyre naturally knew bishop Absalom's idea that the war shrine could not command the Supreme Council, and even the noble affairs office did not listen to the war shrine.

If the matter of the assassination of God Johnston was referred to the Supreme Council for investigation, the final result would probably be nothing.

The God Johnston had a very high reputation in the war shrine, especially in the middle and low-level deities. If such people were assassinated by nobles, the temple would be in great trouble if they did not respond in time.

However, before the operation, the bishop of Abu Soren rashly sent a guardian priest without consulting Archbishop Macintyre.

Now Lord Ludwig is asking for an account of the war shrine. Does Archbishop Macintyre have to go there in person?

Just as archbishop Macintyre spoke, a message reached his contact phalanx. His spirit swept away and his face changed again.

"Bishop Abu Soren, you can go there now. Ah Xing, tell Lord Ludwig this matter clearly. You must communicate with me in time during the conversation." Said Archbishop Macintyre in a deep voice. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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