Transcendent David

Chapter 1211: CH 1209

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"It seems that I need to go to the interstellar Federation!" Speaker Gould said to David.

"The Archbishop of Ambrose is not bad. He still attaches great importance to the life of knights. He does not hesitate to ask the interstellar Federation for help." David said with a smile.

"That's because of you!" Speaker Gould said in his heart that he stood up and left. The other twelve legendary lords remained in the castle.

Speaker Gould knows very well why Archbishop Ambrose does not want to sacrifice a lot of Knights' lives. That is because the Archbishop of Ambrose needs a fair arrangement.

If there was no such powerful presence among the nobility as Lord Arthur, even if speaker Gould and others were legendary, the Archbishop of Ambrose would be mainly composed of noble knights.

Now not only noble knights are sacrificed, but also Knights of temples. Archbishop Ambrose will not see a large number of knights consumed even for his own temple of knowledge.

As speaker Gould left for the interstellar Federation, four Zerg gods were also discussing it on the other side of the space gate.

"It has been confirmed that God belongs to the big world and knows our plan of attack in advance." "Heaven fire illusory butterfly emperor" said in a deep voice.

Although the phantom attack of "sky fire illusory butterfly emperor" did not achieve the best effect, the Knights affected by the illusion perceived the layout around the door of God's large world space.

The gathering of a large number of knights is definitely not an ordinary defense.

The Zerg world has had a lot of contact with the god world. In addition, the Zerg world has deliberately peeped into it, and has some understanding of the god world.

Maybe the knight of level 4 and below is easy to transfer, but it is not so easy to transfer the knight of level 5.

Usually, the space gate needs to be defended, and a team of six level 5 Templars will be sent at most, which is a very high standard.

Just now, the "sky fire illusory butterfly emperor" perceived at least ten fifth level Temple Knights through the Knights controlled by the illusion.

"How can we leak the plan? This time, even the Zerg on the other side of Warcraft don't know about it!" "Polar electricity Scorpio emperor" said puzzled.

You should know that the warstar region, which can reveal the trends of Zerg world, is also related to the god world.

In order to keep secrets, the Zerg didn't inform the Zerg on the other side of warstar about this move.

"There is only one possibility, that is, the guy who has obtained two" imperial inheritance patterns "will disclose the news to the god world, so that the God belongs to the big world can be prepared in advance!" "Ice silkworm emperor" analysis.

Naturally, Zerg gods knew the reason for the war.

Because of the lost "imperial inheritance pattern" after the fall of the "blade Mantis emperor" and "Titan golden armor emperor", they still share the power of all Zerg God level beliefs in the Zerg world.

When the "mother emperor" told the Zerg gods that this matter was related to Lord Arthur, who belonged to the big world, there was no objection. All Zerg deities supported the "mother emperor"'s war orders.

"I really want to find out that guy. Are we Zerg traitors?" "Sky fire illusory butterfly emperor" asked suspiciously.

The reason why the Zerg world can unify the whole world depends on unity.

For the sake of race, every Zerg can give his or her life.

Although the more powerful the Zerg is, the stronger the Zerg's self-thinking ability is, unless they become gods, the inherent responsibility of obedience in the Zerg gene will make the Zerg die for the race at any time.

However, it is impossible for the Zerg divine level to collude with foreign enemies. The "imperial inheritance pattern" is indeed very important, but it is not enough for the Zerg divine level to betray its own race for it.

All Zerg deities have their own "imperial level inheritance pattern". No more than one can help. At most, they can cultivate their own descendants.

But it's not realistic to betray the Zerg for the sake of the younger generation. Should we pay such a high price for the sake of the younger generation? Do you think that the younger generation can not be open to the public?

"Could it be a demigod?" "Polar scorpion emperor" asked softly.

Its voice was suppressed to the level that the four Zerg gods could hear, and it did not spread out.

This is not a random guess. In fact, the demigod is also an introduction to the divine level to some extent, and also has a strong sense of self.

However, due to the characteristics of the world rules and race, these demigods can not be promoted after they become demigods and remain in the demigods forever.

Each of these demigod Zerg has a very strong talent. It is only because there is no "imperial inheritance pattern" that they can not become gods.

Some of the demigod Zerg have the biggest complaints about this, but they are forced to suppress by the divine level due to their strength.

The "polar scorpion emperor" doesn't want to cause unnecessary trouble, so it lowers its voice.

"This attack on the gods belongs to the big world. The" mother emperor "asked almost all the demigods to participate in this action. It was also taken into account. Under observation at that time, if some demigods' strength increased too fast, it would be very suspicious. If it was directly reached the God level, it would be much less to say!" "Sky fire illusory butterfly emperor" whispered.After such a long time of cultivation, the strength of demigods will certainly make great progress.

Every half god Zerg in the Zerg world knows how long they have practiced and how strong they are. The Zerg gods generally know that there are so many resources that they can hardly improve their strength quickly.

They don't think about the level of the Zerg God. They don't need the power of the Zerg to inherit from the world.

Zerg deities can use their divine power to strengthen every part of the body, consuming the power of faith in this most primitive and wasteful way.

The rest of Zerg can only allocate the resources produced by Zerg world and warstar. These resources need to support a large number of Zerg. Even the demigod Zerg, the resources that can be allocated are extremely limited.

Without resources, Zerg demigods will be extremely slow to upgrade if they have talent.

If there is a Zerg demigod whose strength is much faster, it will be particularly obvious.

After the phantom attack, there is no attack in front of the space gate, and it becomes extremely quiet.

But everyone knows that this is the peace before the war, but I don't know how long it can last.

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However, it is beneficial for God to belong to the big world, so that God belongs to the big world and has more time to mobilize the fighting power.

First of all, a large number of knights were recruited. The lowest strength of these Knights was level 4 sky knights, because the subsequent war might be sky wars, and the low strength knights could not even survive.

Aristocratic knights and temple knights were assigned to battle formations in a certain proportion.

Five days later, speaker Gould arrived with a fleet of 100 large interstellar Federation transporters.

"Archbishop Ambrose, I brought back the first batch of federal high explosive bombs with a quantity of one million, which were provided by the interstellar Federation for free. President bidel and Grand Marshal Andre showed me the attitude of the interstellar Federation. As long as the God belongs to the great world, the interstellar Federation military will definitely give full support to it!" Speaker Gould came to greet him with a report from the Archbishop of Ambrose.

"Hard speaker Gould, I didn't expect that the interstellar Federation would support us so much!" Archbishop Ambrose was also pleased with the support of the interstellar Federation, he said with a smile.

"In fact, the interstellar Federation is more suitable to deal with ordinary Zerg than we are, and our high-end combat power is just for sniping high-level Zerg!" Speaker Gould did not make it clear, but the meaning of his words was that he hoped Archbishop Ambrose would agree to ask for military support from the interstellar Federation army.

"I know what you mean, but this is a war of gods. We are all just waving flags and shouting!" Said Archbishop Ambrose with a wry smile.

Since the last joint war between the interstellar Federation and the divine world, Archbishop Ambrose has learned about the battle mode of the Starfleet. In terms of the speed of eliminating the middle and low-level Zerg, the speed of the interstellar Federation fleet is far faster than that of the Knights of the divine world.

Moreover, the battle mode of the interstellar Federation fleet is long-range attack. As long as the strong combat power is in short-range defense, the loss of the fleet will be minimal.

At a very low cost, you can defend the Zerg's most terrible middle and low-level insect tide, which is the advantage of the interstellar Federation fleet.

If it's like the space gate battle before, the interstellar Federation fleet can still play a great role, but this is the big world war, the protagonist is God.

Even for the sake of God's dignity, Archbishop Ambrose did not want to invite the fleet of the interstellar Federation to join the war.

Speaker Gould did not say much, but led Archbishop Ambrose into the flagship to meet with the representatives of the interstellar Federation.

The representative of the interstellar Federation this time is lieutenant general north, who is one of several commanders in the theater.

It's very urgent for the military to send one million bombs from the federal war zone.

Lieutenant general Noen has no ability to fly in space, nor can he wear life support equipment to meet with God's great world in space, which is very clear to the god world. Therefore, the meeting place was chosen in the flagship.

The interstellar Federation also attaches great importance to this meeting. The last meeting between Archbishop jotter and President bidel in the war shrine worsened the relationship between the divine world and the interstellar Federation due to Archbishop jotter's malice.

This meeting is an opportunity for both sides to re-establish a deep alliance.

When Archbishop Ambrose and speaker Gould walked into the hatch, they saw two rows of neat ceremonial beetles welcoming them with the highest standard of the Federal Military welcome ceremony.

Lieutenant general North stood at the front, smiling as he saw Archbishop Ambrose and Chancellor Gould.

"Lieutenant General north of the interstellar Federation war zone has met Archbishop Ambrose and speaker Gould!" Admiral North saluted.

"Lieutenant General north, say hello to President Biddle and marshal Andre for me and express my thanks!" Archbishop Ambrose returned with a smile.

The camera on the side recorded this scene of great diplomatic significance, which was the first contact between the Federal Military and the highest level of the God's great world temple.The two sides enter the ship's cabin and take their seats separately.

"Grand Marshal Andre is very concerned about the Zerg's actions. Some of the strongest fleets in the Federation are being mobilized and will be stationed in the garrison star within half a month." Admiral North introduced it to Archbishop Ambrose.

"Speaker Gould, you will arrange some high-ranking knights to cooperate with the defense of the federal fleet." When Archbishop Ambrose heard the introduction of lieutenant general north, he nodded and told speaker Gould beside him.

"I will send a legendary knight, but the interstellar federal army also has strong men. I wonder if General David will participate in this military operation?" Speaker Gould said as he looked at lieutenant general north.

Speaker Gould still remembers the one who existed in the war, one man and one sniper gun, blocked the fifth level Zerg in the insect tide, and cooperated with the federal fleet to suppress the pest tide.

At that time, there were not so many legendary knights in the great world, but even now, speaker Gould still dare not belittle the powerful existence of General David.

In particular, the God of war himself said that General David was the blood of black dragon, and the power of God level life was beyond imagination.

"General David is the deputy commander in chief of the federal command. Unless he meets an irresistible enemy, he will not participate in the first-line war." Answered lieutenant general north.

The Archbishop of the Federation, David Broder, also wanted to meet him again.

But General David is the deputy commander in chief of the military. According to the regulations of the federal army, the deputy commander will not appear in the front-line battlefield.

The deputy commander is the commander. If the deputy commander is required to appear in the front-line battlefield and personally participate in the battle, then there is no need for the existence of many interstellar Federation fleets.

After a simple meeting, it will be the transportation of one million high explosive bombs. In this regard, God's great world has a more convenient way.

A deity carries a space box dedicated to storing strategic materials and places a high explosive bomb in it.

The volume of high explosive bombs is very large, each of which is 10 meters long. One million high explosive bombs are enough to fill 100 transport ships.

However, the magistrates used only a "star boat" to transport a million high explosive bombs with a full space box.

These high explosive bombs have been modified to explode within five seconds of pressing a button.

In order to make the high explosive bombs more powerful, the Archbishop of Ambrose ordered 100 high explosive bombs to be dropped into the space door each time.

On the other side of the space gate, the newly assembled Zerg are attacked by a sudden high explosive bomb.

To tell you the truth, high explosive bombs are far less powerful than the "crack God print" card, but they are enough to cause devastating damage to all low-level Zerg within 3000 meters.

Coupled with the extremely low cost of high explosive bombs, the Zerg in front of the space gate was in chaos for a moment. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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