Transcendent David

Chapter 1218: CH 1216

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Archbishop Adele was watching the battle when her body shook and she knelt on one knee.

Archbishop Adele's body glittered with pure white light, which made Archbishop Barney, Archbishop Julian and archbishop Ambrose all fell on one knee.

The three archbishops can see that Archbishop Adele is accepting the divine metaphor. Even if it is not the god they believe in, he needs to be treated with great ceremony when witnessing the divine metaphor.

Only Archbishop Macintyre was still a little confused about what had happened.

Archbishop Ambrose grabbed Archbishop MacIntyre, who was not stupid and knelt down on one knee.

Archbishop Adele accepted the metaphor of the God of wealth. In front of her, a golden channel appeared in the void. Then a small dark gold brand flew out of the golden channel and fell into her hands.

The pure white light disappeared. Archbishop Adele stood up with a small sign. The other four archbishops also stood up.

Even Archbishop MacIntyre, who was the least informed of the situation, did not ask anything, because he was very clear about the content of the divine metaphor. If he could say it, the Archbishop Adele would take the initiative to say it. If not, no one could force Archbishop Adele.

"My Lord and the four great gods wanted to see Lord Arthur, so they gave the contact card with the divine pattern." Archbishop Adele said, looking at the contact plate of the divine pattern in his hand with some unknown expression.

Because this parable concerns five temples, Archbishop Adele did not keep it secret.

Archbishop Ambrose took a breath, and the meaning of the contact card for Lord Arthur was extraordinary.

"What is the Shenwen contact card?" Asked Archbishop Macintyre suddenly.

It can't be blamed for Archbishop Macintyre. He took over the war shrine for a short time, and he has not come to know many secrets of the temple.

"Shenwen contact card is a kind of ultimate glory. According to legend, only the strong people who are recognized by the gods will be given. The Shenwen contact card can directly contact the gods without praying!" Archbishop Ambrose explained.

Archbishop MacIntyre's eyes widened, and he understood what the divine stripe contact plate represented, which was equivalent to being able to contact the gods at any time.

As the Archbishop of the war temple, Archbishop Macintyre can not contact with the God of war casually. Only when some major events occur can he contact the God of war.

And his contact is generally unilateral, reporting events to the God of war, usually there is no response.

"Archbishop Ambrose, I'll go to Lord Arthur first!" Said Archbishop Adele, bowing to Archbishop Ambrose.

Archbishop Ambrose was the commander in chief of the war, and archbishop Adele had to report to him if he wanted to leave.

Archbishop Adele flew out of the temple of space toward Lord Arthur's castle.

At this time, David was looking at the battlefield through the eyes of the demigod "Knight of the spirit". The reason why he did not pass through the eyes of the thirteen legendary Knights was that once the thirteen legendary knights were in danger, David could directly control the demigod "Knight of the spirit" to save people.

Besides, it is a very dangerous behavior for him to rashly take over the legendary knights in the Knights' battle array, which may cause the collapse of the Knights' battle.

At the same time, David still has half of his mind in the Zerg world on the other side of the space gate. This is because the legendary "Scorpion King" suddenly appeared, which made him realize that he was still careless.

If it's not the legendary Scorpion King, but a demigod Zerg, then that sudden strike will definitely do a lot of damage to the legendary Knight battle array.

The status blessing ability of the demigod "Knight of the spirit" is not enough to resist the attack of the demigod level.

Just as David was dual purpose, he sensed that someone was coming towards him.

Because he is very close to the space temple, he has always been on guard against the space temple.

David's research on the space temple is very deep. He knows the horror of the space temple. The 14 space temples together can expand the influence scope of the space temple at any time.

As long as his castle is within the scope of the space temple, he may be attacked by five gods at any time.

You should know that the influence scope of the space temple is equal to the extension of the God's small world. Here, the power of God descending will be greatly improved.

David is very careful. If there is any change in the space temple, he will leave with the castle immediately.

He stayed here not only to help prevent Zerg invasion, but also to harvest the spirit of Zerg.

Just in the time just now, he got three fifth level souls and one legendary soul.

Only this kind of high-level war can have such a harvest. David doesn't want to leave here until he has to.

David's spirit swept over and found that it was Archbishop Adele. He was also a little strange. How could Archbishop Adele come here in such a tense time of battle?We should know that God belongs to the big world. In addition to David's own combat power, the highest combat power that can be resisted without disturbing the gods is the legendary level.

That is to say, the battle that the temple and the Supreme Council can participate in is to fight against the legendary Zerg. At any higher level, either David or the gods will be invited to intervene.

David appeared at the castle gate in a flash.

Both Annabella legend and Anton legend Knight also stood beside David. This is a respect for an old archbishop. As long as David is not provoked, David still pays great attention to the etiquette of getting along with such a dignified person.

"Welcome Archbishop Adele David bowed to welcome him.

"Yes, Lord Arthur!" Archbishop Adele descended in front of David, bending down with obvious formality and returning the salute.

David was puzzled whether he should use this kind of etiquette to return the ceremony in the position of Archbishop Adele.

He didn't believe that Archbishop Adele would use the wrong etiquette, that is, what happened to Archbishop Adele to make such a change.

The only thing that can affect Archbishop Adele is the gods. David thought of it and his heart moved.

"Archbishop Adele, come in and speak David made an invitation.

Because there may be gods involved, David did not let Archbishop Adele go too far into the castle, but sat down in the hall.

"Lord Arthur, I will give you the contact card of the divine pattern in accordance with my God's metaphor. Please accept it!" Archbishop Adele solemnly took out the contact plate and put it on the table.

"I don't know what the great God of wealth meant to send me the contact card with divine pattern? What's the function of the Shenwen contact card? " Instead of touching the Shenwen contact card, David asked.

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David didn't want to rush into contact with all the objects of the gods, especially at such a close distance from the space temple.

If this is a trap set by the gods, there will be big trouble.

"Lord Arthur, my Lord wants to contact you directly through the divine stripe contact card. This is a kind of supreme glory!" Archbishop Adele explained.

David thought of the "sensing beetle king" whisker cut sent by the "mother emperor". This divine pattern contact plate should be similar to that of the "sensing beetle king", which can contact with God.

But he did not understand why the God of wealth suddenly wanted to contact him.

David did not feel a trace of malice from Archbishop Adele, but Archbishop Adele showed a clear sense of respect.

Since the God of wealth compared with Archbishop Adele and sent Lord Arthur a contact card, it means that the God of wealth regards Lord Arthur as an equal existence.

Archbishop Adele could no longer maintain his original attitude towards Lord Arthur, who had direct contact with the God of wealth.

"Thank you. I'll take it." David sweeps the Shenwen contact card with his spirit to make sure there is no trap on it. Then he says with a smile.

"Lord Arthur, my mission has been completed and the battle is still going on. I need to go back there and watch the war. Goodbye!" Said Archbishop Adele, standing up and bowing.

At this time, Anton legendary Knight came in with a cup of "spirit coffee" and was about to deliver it.

"Archbishop Adele, why are you in such a hurry to leave without a cup of coffee?" David did not intend to keep Archbishop Adele, said politely.

"It's OK. I'll take this cup of coffee and drink it!" Archbishop Adele took the "spiritual coffee" from Anton's legendary knights, bowing and laughing.

Then Archbishop Adele rose into the air with "spiritual coffee" and left the castle.

David opened his mouth to say something, but he couldn't say it. Archbishop Adele came fast and walked faster.

Archbishop Adele's behavior is a little impolite, but she doesn't care, because she has tasted "spiritual coffee".

I thought it would take me a long time to taste the "spirit coffee" again. Who knows that this visit to Lord Arthur still got "spirit coffee.".

Archbishop Adele flew all the way back to the temple of space, back to the four archbishops.

Looking at Archbishop Adele turning around with a cup of coffee, Archbishop Ambrose recognized that it was "spiritual coffee". He secretly swallowed his saliva and suppressed his natural reaction after seeing it.

"Archbishop Adele, why have you come back with Lord Arthur's cup?" Asked Archbishop Barney in surprise.

Archbishop Adele discovered that the cup she had brought back was a cup with thousands of years of history and engraved with the Luce family emblem.

Such a cup does not say the value, for any aristocrat, this kind of tool with thousands of years of history is extremely important.

David shook his head. He wanted to stop Archbishop Adele to return the inheritance equipment. However, it was embarrassing to stop Archbishop Adele for a cup. Not only was he embarrassed, but also Archbishop Adele was embarrassed.

He began to observe the divine pattern contact card in his hand. It can be seen that the material for making the divine pattern contact card is not ordinary material, but the same material as the artifact.To some extent, the contact card with divine pattern in his hand is a artifact.

"Alexis, have you ever seen the Shenwen contact card?" David asked Alexis, the black dragon on his shoulder.

Alexis, the black dragon who has been in sleep, hears his problem and wakes up immediately.

Alexis, the black dragon, practices "black dragon sleep". Deep sleep is the practice of the dragon clan.

"Shenwen contact card is a tool for gods to communicate with each other in the era of gods. It can be contacted by many people or by one person. I haven't used it before!" Alexis, the black dragon, recognized the contact plate, he explained.

"There's no danger in using the Shenwen contact card?" David asked anxiously.

"There's no danger, it's just the daily necessities of the gods!" Alexis, the black dragon, replied very positively.

David nods. He uses a little energy and taps it on the Shenwen contact card, and immediately sends out a light mask from the Shenwen contact card to wrap him and Alexis, the black dragon on his shoulder.

There were five more figures in front of David, and he recognized the God of war at the first sight.

However, in the illusion of the contact plate, the God of war is only the height of ordinary people, and the other four figures are needless to say four gods.

"See the great God of war!" David didn't expect it would be a scene of multiple contacts. He bowed down to the God of war he knew.

For the other four gods, although David can guess the identity, but in this case, he is also worried about greeting the wrong object, rather than pretend not to know.

"You're welcome. I'd like to introduce you to him. This is the God of wealth, this is the God of justice, this is the God of earth, this is the God of knowledge. They are very interested in you, and they want to ask you something!" The God of war volunteered to introduce David.

"I have seen the great God of wealth, the great God of justice, the great God of earth, the great God of knowledge!" And David saluted the four gods one by one.

His heart is also extremely shocked, he should have met the five gods who are the rulers of the great world in this way.

"Arthur, I'll call you by your name, and you don't have to use honorifics. Since we invite you to meet, we treat you as an equal partner." The God of knowledge said with a smile.

"It's my pleasure!" David responded.

David's attitude was very good, which made the four gods who met David for the first time very satisfied. David did not forget because he had fought against the God of war.

"Arthur, this Zerg world opens the big world war. Will the two Zerg gods you invited last time participate in it?" Then asked the God of knowledge.

This problem can be confirmed only after the war, because the God of war has fought with the two Zerg gods. As long as the two Zerg gods appear, the God of war will be recognized.

The problem of the God of knowledge is just a foreshadowing for the future.

"Those two Zerg gods will not participate in this war!" David replied positively. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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