Transcendent David

Chapter 1220: CH 1218

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"Knight charge!" Speaker Gould's high spirited, 26 legendary Knights of the knight battle array, let him feel incomparably powerful.

In front of the legendary Knight battle array, the insect tide can't resist at all. No matter how many insects come, it's not enough to kill the legendary Knight battle array.

In front of the legendary Knights' battle, the level five Zerg was easily killed just like ordinary low-level Zerg.

Of course, speaker Gould's brain is still very clear. He knows that although he is already a legendary knight, it will not be a short time for him to fight alone with level 5 Zerg, even if he can defeat level 5 Zerg.

He felt that the level 5 Zerg was weak. On the one hand, the 26 legendary Knights gathered together to form a powerful battle array. On the other hand, there were 13 legendary knights who mastered the talent of "swordsmanship".

Before the "swordsmanship" talent, as long as the Zerg enters the attack range of these 13 legendary knights, they will almost die.

Even the legendary Zerg, surrounded by four legendary knights, was instantly killed.

The legendary Knights battle array rushed back and forth in the insect tide, but they were also careful, not too close to the space gate, leaving a certain distance.

In order to avoid being attacked by the powerful Zerg just as before.

One hundred meters in front of the space gate is reserved for the insect tide to flow out of the space gate. Leaving this 100 meters is the area where the legendary Knight battle array is constantly charging.

Under the blessing of the demigod "Holy Spirit Knight", every legendary knight can feel his whole body full of energy, and the physical consumption of fighting can hardly be felt.

The killing continued for an hour, but it was strange that the Zerg did not send any more legendary Zerg, which was consumed by the insect tide.

This kind of insect tide can't do any damage to the legendary Knight battle array. It only increases the damage of Zerg.

This is not a low-level insect tide before, but a wave of five levels of Zerg from time to time.

When speaker Gould excitedly directed the legendary Knight battle array towards the space gate, and opened the knight charge in the insect tide, the insect tide of the space gate suddenly stopped.

The reason is that the Zerg with a huge body takes up all the space in the space gate and occupies it continuously.

There are ten legendary stage "bumping into Giant Ant King". Ten legendary stage "crashing Giant Ant King" occupy two rest time of space gate, and after two rest, insect tide continues to flow in.

The legendary class "the king of the giant ant" has long been ready. When it appears, it immediately launches the ability to collide with the legendary Knight battle array.

The speed of the ability to collide with talent is much faster than that of the ordinary Zerg, which makes the Zerg in front of the legendary "crashing into the Giant Ant King" become obstacles, and are directly hit by ten legendary class "crashing Giant Ant King.".

The ten legendary "king of the giant ant" also formed a simple formation. In the pyramid arrangement, one legendary "king of the giant ant" was the sharp corner of the collision.

"Lord Harlow, you are the arrow to change the arrow battle array!" Gould suggested a drink.

Although the ten legendary Zerg are powerful, speaker Gould is also full of confidence in his legendary Knights' battle. He decides to break up the ten legendary Zerg "attacking the Giant Ant King".

The 100 meter long legendary stage "the king of the giant ant collision" lowers his body, and the huge sharp teeth on his head are shining with dark gold light.

Although the formation of the legendary "crashing Giant Ant King" doesn't have the special bonus of Knight battle array, the ability of collision talent makes up for this.

The distance between the two sides is not far, and this distance is even more insignificant when hedging at the same time.

The breath of legendary stage permeates the battlefield. Even the Knights watching the war in the temple of space feel nervous. This is the collision of legendary steps.

Generally speaking, the combat power of a legendary Zerg can fight at least six legendary knights. However, with the increase of the number of legendary knights, the power of Knight battle array will also increase in geometric progression.

Although there are as many as ten legendary knights who "collide with the Giant Ant King", the knight battle array composed of 26 legendary knights is not weak.

At the moment when the two teams were about to collide, all the people watching the battle stopped breathing.


With a loud noise, the 26 legendary Knights' battle array collided with ten legendary "King ant bumpers".

Before the collision, Lord Harlow's demigod sword accurately pierced the head of the legendary "king of the giant ant" at the front, but this did not weaken the force of the collision.

Although one legendary stage "crashing against the Giant Ant King" was killed, the rest of the legendary stage "crashing against the Giant Ant King" rushed together with the legendary Knight battle.

The ground above the ground protected by energy can not bear the impact force, and the ground around the impact point is all cracked to tens of meters around.

The power of terror made the nine living legendary steps "collide with the Giant Ant King" to fly upside down, sweeping the insect tide in the rear out of several green blood channels.Speaker Gould also made a wrong judgment. He compared the power of the legendary Knight battle array with that of the ten legendary Zerg alone. However, what he did not expect was that the legendary class "crashing the Giant Ant King" had the ability to collide with the Giant Ant King. The impact power of the legendary class "crashing against the Giant Ant King" could be increased several times.

Therefore, after Lord Harlow stabbed a sword, all the other legendary knights could not make their swords again, because the terrible force made the legendary Knights' blood force shield collapse, and the huge force directly acted on them.

The legendary Knight battle array was stopped in place for a rest by the impact talent ability of the legendary "impact Giant Ant King". After the shield disappeared, their bodies were also thrown away.

If it had not been for the status blessing of the demigod "Holy Spirit Knight", the relatively fragile human legendary body would have suffered a lot of damage due to such a collision force.

Even if the knight's whole body was destroyed, even if it was a legend.

The status blessing on legendary knights can offset all kinds of damage, but can't completely resolve the pure huge force collision. Legendary Knights need a little time to recover.

However, it was not easy for the legendary stage to "collide with the Giant Ant King". Not only one legendary stage "collision with Giant Ant King" was lost, but the other nine legendary stage "collision Giant Ant King" were also suffering from the huge impact.

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To tell you the truth, this collision is due to the advantages of both sides, and the collision force is evenly matched.

The result of the collision is that both sides will lose. Because of Lord Harlow's "swordsmanship" talent, the legendary "collision Giant Ant King" loses more.

All the people's eyes, including speaker Gould, were attracted by the legendary class "the king of the giant ant" and did not notice that at the moment of the collision, a five level "sonic boom iron beetle king" followed the insect tide through the space gate.

When they leave from the space gate, the space energy of the rest of the Zerg in the swarm is normal. Only this level 5 "sonic blaster beetle king" has extremely violent spatial energy.

Among the sounds of the clash between the legendary Knights' battle array and the legendary "collision with the Giant Ant King", a relatively light explosion did not attract the attention of others.

The rule of the "space" is destroyed by the "big iron" space.

A 200 meter high giant Zerg appears. This is a semi divine Zerg who uses the inner space of level 5 "sonic blaster beetle king" to sneak through the space door and pay for the life of level 5 "sonic blaster beetle king".

The demigod Titan king of gold is helpless. It is chosen to take advantage of the opportunity to kill the legendary Knights of mankind.

The reason why they chose it was because the "Titan gold armor" clan did not have the divine level now, but also because the "Titan gold armor emperor" lost the "imperial level inheritance pattern", which was the fuse that triggered the war.

So even if the demigod, the Titan king of gold, does not want to, it must be assigned to perform this mortal task.

It means that we must die because there is no way out for this task.

He used the level 5 "sonic blaster" to sneak into the divine world, but even if God gave him time to enter the space gate, he could not find another level 5 "sonic blaster" to sneak in again.

The problem is that once the demigod "Titan king of gold" kills the legendary Knights of mankind in the war, it is impossible for the gods to let it go. It is estimated that the gods will come and kill them immediately.

The demigod Titan king of gold knows that there is not much time left for him. He has only a very short time to kill legendary knights.

For the choice of target, the demigod "Titan king of gold" has long had a target. The legendary knight who has been commanding the battle of legendary Knights must be an important person, and he is the first target.

After killing the commander of the legendary Knight battle array, it is up to the demigod "Titan king of gold" to kill a few more legendary knights.

The demigod Titan king of gold only wants to kill as many legendary knights as possible before being killed.

Speaker Gould's heart is also upset, his command error, let the legendary Knight battle array spread, his body also suffered a huge impact, although not injured, but not very good.

Just as he adjusted his internal Qi and blood to quickly regain control of his body, he saw a huge figure rushing towards him.

The speed was too fast. When he saw it, the figure was already in front of him.

The demigod Titan king of golden armor mobilized the power of Titan. It also knew that the target had a special state. It was totally attacking with all its strength.

The claw spines on the front legs hit speaker Gould's body, which is the size of the demigod "Titan king of gold". No matter what part of speaker Gould's body is attacked by the claw thorn of the front foot, it will bring death.

Not only did Chancellor Gould not expect the appearance of the demigod, but also David, who watched the war.Who would have thought that if we sent out the second round of legendary Zerg, a demigod Zerg would be hidden.

The war at this time should still be in the process of mutual exploration. Before the decisive battle, how could we send out semi God level strong men.

When David reacts, the only thing he can do is to control the demigod "Knight of the spirit" and block a small demigod level shield in front of the claw thorn of the demigod "Titan king of gold".

The separation of the demigod "Holy Spirit Knight" has always been hidden in the shadow of Chancellor Gould. At this time, the hand is taken away from the state of shadow of Yin.

Although the "Holy Spirit Knight" is a demigod like the demigod "Titan king of gold", the power gap between the two sides can be described as a world-wide difference.

In terms of auxiliary ability, the demigod "Holy Spirit Knight" is extremely strong, but when it comes to fighting ability, he can only be regarded as the strength of a new demigod.

The strength of the first demigods is still the strength of the semi gods of human beings, and the strength gap between the semi gods of human beings and the semi gods of Zerg is a huge gap.

In the first half of the time, it was too late for the demigod "Knight of the Holy Spirit" to use the "Holy Spirit Realm". When David controlled the demigod "Holy Spirit Knight" Avatar to use the semi divine level shield, he still used some shield skills to reduce some of his attack power.

However, it is obvious that the skill of releasing power depends on the target. The power of the demigod "Titan king of gold" is the greatest among the demigods. With the blessing of "Titan's power", it will be greatly improved.

The claw sting of the demigod Titan king of golden armor hits the demigod level shield which is separated from the demigod Holy Spirit knight. The demigod level shield is directly penetrated by the claw thorn of the same level.

However, although the talons of the demigod "Titan king of gold" pierced through the demigod level shield, Juli first threw the demigod "Knight of the Holy Spirit" out of the way.

At this moment, the power difference between humans and Zerg is obvious.

The demigod "Knight of the Holy Spirit" has been famous for many years, but under the contact with the demigod "Titan king of gold", he is defeated without any resistance.

In the process of throwing, the arm of the demigod "Holy Spirit Knight" presents an unnatural bending, that is, the arm bone is broken.

David clearly sensed the state of the demigod "Knight of the Holy Spirit". Not only the arm, but also a small part of the whole body of the demigod "Knight of the spirit" was fractured. There were extensive injuries to the muscles and skin, as well as to the internal organs to varying degrees.

In order to save Chancellor Gould, David used the weakness of the demigod "Knight of the Holy Spirit" to fight against the strongpoint of the demigod "Titan king of gold". As a result, the demigod "Knight of the spirit" was defeated.

Even so, David still remembers the safety of speaker Gould. At the moment when the demigod "Knight of the Holy Spirit" separated, he seized speaker Gould with his spirit and flew back together. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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