Transcendent David

Chapter 1243: CH 1241

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The "judgment of God" continues, but the scale is falling more and more to the right.

The shadow of the six golden scales falls to the right by the same extent. All the six Zerg gods have a feeling. As long as the shadow of the golden balance falls completely to the right, extreme danger will come.

However, those who want to fight the emperor of scorpion and the emperor of scorpion can't mobilize the power of the emperor and the emperor of scorpion.

Only the "mother emperor", it is the most powerful, there are cards have not been used, this time it only risk.

"Queen Huang" does not dare to ensure that the prepared essence of life can come and heal the harm of "God's trial". If "God's trial" is the direct death ability, any treatment is unnecessary.

The "mother emperor" did not worry about his own life. The body of the war was only a small part of the soul of the "mother emperor". Even if the soul was lost, it would not cause irreparable damage to the "mother emperor".

However, the "mother emperor" was reluctant to give up the fighting style, which was the most perfect one. It took tens of thousands of years to kill more than 40 Zerg demigods during this period.

It is impossible for the "mother emperor" to recreate a combat body. Today, it is different from tens of thousands of years ago. The threat of the interstellar Federation and gods in the big world makes Zerg have to guarantee a certain number of demigods.

Without these demigods' deterrence, Zerg will have to consider their own security.

Besides, in the Zerg world, who knows whether there will be any remaining other races. Although the Zerg world has been occupied by the Zerg, the hidden life of other races is not completely absent.

The life that can survive in the Zerg world is either extremely tenacious or extremely powerful.

The "mother emperor" can't reduce the Zerg's strength for tens of thousands of years in order to create a second combat body.

Most importantly, the Zerg lost two Zerg gods, and the "mother emperor" could not afford to lose.

The spatial ability solidified in the mother emperor's body is stimulated, which is not directly stimulated, but is solidified in the body in a semi excited state.

This is the life-saving ability of the "mother emperor", and it is the only ability it can use now.

"There's an accident!" Said the God of war in a deep voice.

At this time, a huge space wormhole appeared in front of the "mother emperor". The space wormhole produced a little suction and sucked the mother emperor's body in.

"The judgment of God" is an attack on the rules of the world, which means that God belongs to the great world to judge the "mother emperor".

The sudden action of the "mother emperor" triggered a backlash against the rules of the divine world. The power to tear everything apart acted on the wormhole in space.

The wormhole, which is said to be indestructible, collapsed under the great force of the world rules.

Vaguely, several gods and Alexis, the black dragon, heard the howl of the "mother emperor".

Just listen to the howl of the "mother emperor", and you can imagine how much damage the "mother emperor" was. The space wormhole collapsed and the attack of world rules added up, it was a miracle that the "mother emperor" could survive.

The "mother emperor" was very miserable. In order to keep the fighting style, it opened a space wormhole to escape. This was the best way.

The space wormhole has the strongest defense, as long as you enter the space wormhole, you can be protected by space energy.

However, the "mother emperor" did not expect that it would arbitrarily destroy the process of the "judgment of God", which made it more attacked than the "judgment of God".

The first is the so-called inviolable wormhole, which is directly destroyed by the power of the big world rules.

The "mother emperor" encountered the space squeeze caused by the collapse of the space wormhole. Even the perfect fighting body of the "mother emperor" could not support this kind of extrusion. Its fighting body was seriously injured from the outside to the inside.

in order to live, "mother Huang" had to use the cream of life, which was the life-saving cure for it.

usually "mother Huang" does not make the essence of life, the essence of life is not easy to preserve, it is placed in space objects, will slowly overflow. In

space, time is static, but rule power can be infiltrated. The essence of life will be affected by rules and slowly lose its utility.

, plus the pride of the queen, does not think that it will need to use two cream of life, and the essence of life represents the treatment of a serious injury.

green liquid directly enters the mother's body from space. This kind of life essence produced by the life of the Zerg has a strong therapeutic effect on the Zerg body.

In an instant, the wound in the mother emperor's body was light.

However, the second attack came again. This time, it was the power of the rules of the big world, which exerted heavy influence on the battle style of the "mother emperor".

"mother Huang" war crack, golden blood flow, fortunately, there is more than the essence of life after constant treatment, it did not let it fall on the spot.

The original spatial location was the nest of the Zerg world's "mother emperor", but this time it was not able to be transmitted there.The destruction of the wormhole in space makes the spatial positioning deviate. This is the luck of the "mother emperor". If the transmission of the space wormhole is interrupted directly, it may be directly thrown into the space turbulence.

When the "mother emperor" was severely damaged, it was thrown into the turbulent flow of space, which was no different from the direct fall of the "mother emperor".

"Run away?" The God of knowledge can't help but exclaim.

This is the "judgment of God". In order to stimulate the "judgment of God", the cooperation of the five gods and the strong support of Alexis the black dragon led to this result.

But this was the case. The "mother emperor" took the opportunity to escape.

"Let me see where the" mother emperor "has been transmitted to The God of war came to the place where the space collapsed and let go of his mind.

When the God of war opened his mind, he immediately felt a familiar breath in the collapse of space. He knew that this was the mysterious special life of Lord Arthur.

It is this mysterious special life and some of its gods that have robbed the souls of the dead Zerg, so that their achievements in collecting Zerg souls have been zero so far.

Although the shadow servant was found, the God of war did not make any action. At present, there is a cooperative relationship between the God of war and Lord Arthur, and the black dragon Alexis is on the side.

Therefore, the God of war only explored the collapse of the space and did not pay attention to the shadow attendants.

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"The mother emperor has returned to the Zerg world!" Said the God of war in a deep voice.

His words also set the rest of the gods at ease. If the existence of "mother emperor" entered into the inner world of God, it would cause great harm.

We should know that with the strength of the "mother emperor", unless Alexis, the black dragon, joins hands with the God of war, he may still be able to hold down the "mother emperor".

At least the emperor wants to kill the gods together.

David is also exploring the situation of the departure of the "mother emperor". He has the talent of "breaking the sky", and his ability to explore space is no worse than the God of war.

Not to mention that he is more familiar with the Zerg world than the God of war. The "mother emperor" returns to the Zerg world through the wormhole in space. He can even vaguely perceive the position of the space exit.

David, who is in the "artifact space card", has an odd expression, because the position of the "mother emperor" is very close to David's "Zerg world safety point".

David has been using the ability of "spatial coordinates" in the divine world for a long time. Through the space wormhole, David locates the space passage from the god world to the "Zerg world safety point", which makes the space have the memory of this space channel.

When the "mother emperor" opened the space wormhole and wanted to return to her own Zerg world nest, the space wormhole was destroyed, and the space wormhole automatically found the coordinates that were more easily connected because of its frequent use.

"The mother emperor has been attacked twice. If he can survive, he will be very lucky." Said the God of knowledge in a deep voice.

Of course, the state of the "mother emperor" can not escape the perception of the gods. At that moment, the "mother emperor" was successively attacked by the collapse of space and the rules of the world of God belonging to the big world. Each of them can make the God level suffer heavy damage. After two consecutive attacks, the "mother emperor" defense is not far away from death.

At this time, the golden balance on top of the five Zerg divine levels tilted to the right to a large extent. At this moment, a terrible force of world rules hit six Zerg gods from the void.

After the attack, the judgment of God was completed.

According to the judgment of the gods of the great world on the power of the "judgment of God", the general level of gods will suffer heavy damage even if they do not fall directly.

At that time, a few gods just need to clean up the battlefield, which can solve most of the Zerg's God level combat power and completely destroy the threat of the Zerg world.

The power of "God's judgment" is really strong. The five Zerg gods are hit by the terrible force, and half of the gods are under the great power. The insect shells are broken and the golden God blood splashes.

At this time, the shackles of the "judgment of God" also disappeared.

All the five Zerg deities were nearly mortally wounded, just as the God of war, the God of knowledge, the God of earth, and the God of wealth were ready to finish, solve the five Zerg gods and end the war.

The green light rises from the five Zerg gods. The life energy of the five Zerg gods is surging. In the package of the green light, the severely damaged spirit body is constantly nourished.

Although the God body that has just been hit hard can't fight fiercely for a short time, it has no problem to escape.

The "heavenly fire illusory butterfly emperor" spurted out a mass of flames, which turned into countless fire butterflies. The red spots of fire on the fire butterflies immediately blocked the sight of several gods, such as the God of war.

The God of war rushed the fastest. Without any hesitation, he rushed into the fire butterfly, and then felt the whole body tight.

After the illusion under the fire butterfly cloth is a spider web released by the "half body spider emperor", and the God of war rushes into the spider web.

At ordinary times, the God of war is not so careless. The God of war also has judgment. Even if it is a pair of five, he has absolute confidence to deal with the five seriously injured Zerg gods.Alexis, the black dragon, also arrived. His breath was controlled with great precision. It did not hurt the God of war, but completely burned the cobweb.

The Golden Books in the hands of the God of knowledge in the rear turned, and countless golden arrows flew out, shooting into the illusion under the cloth of fire butterflies.

The God of the earth waved the Golden Sickle in his hand, and gold boulders fell from the void and smashed at the positions of the five Zerg gods.

The God of wealth did not show any auxiliary ability. He sent out a gold needle, which was also fired after the five Zerg gods.

With the sound of "boom", a wall of ice was broken, and countless attacks continued to attack.

At this time, under so many attacks, the illusion made by the "heavenly fire illusory butterfly emperor" also lost its effect.

Several gods saw that the "polar scorpion emperor" was carrying the electric light, and with the other four Zerg deities, they had already appeared in front of the space gate, and half of their bodies entered the space gate.

The short-range movement of the "polar scorpion emperor" is faster than that of the space moving ability because of its faster speed and shorter distance.

In addition, the "golden winged beetle emperor" also gives the "polar scorpion emperor" acceleration ability, which makes them escape the battlefield in time when several gods attack.

When the God of war saw the five Zerg gods enter the space gate, they also lost the idea of pursuing.

Although God belongs to the big world, this victory, but the strength of Zerg God level is not weak. If the Zerg God level is not restricted in the god world, and the ability of God belongs to the big world God, it will suffer such a big loss.

In Zerg world, the advantage is Zerg God level. Besides, the gods of war are all gods, and they cannot leave the scope of space temple.

So a few gods in helpless eyes, watching the five Zerg gods left the god world in confusion and disappeared in the space door.

David didn't look at the space door. He looked through the shadow attendant's eyes at the area where the gods had attacked.

There, the space cracks are slowly healing. There are countless space cracks, which are caused by the ability attack of the God of knowledge, the God of earth and the God of wealth.

In previous battles, these three gods were not so powerful.

That is to say, in the previous battle, the three gods have been hiding their strength until they need to kill the enemy before showing their real combat power.

It's no surprise that the five gods grew up on the bones of countless gods and stood on the top of all gods.

Of course, the five gods were very strong, and David really understood why they could rule God and belong to the great world.

The God of justice nearly annihilated six Zerg gods at the cost of one divine body.

Every blow of the other gods has the power to break through the space. These are not the full strength of the gods. David doesn't think that the other gods have no cards. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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