Transcendent David

Chapter 1246: CH 1244

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"The dead worm emperor, search for the trace of Lord Arthur there. Lord Arthur and the black dragon Alexis can find my fighting body so quickly. They must have used some kind of space ability. There must be residual space energy nearby!" "Mother emperor" body saw the message of "dead worm emperor", it ordered.

The "mother emperor" did not blame the "dead worm emperor", because it also knew that the time taken for the black dragon Alexis to subdue him was too short for the "dead worm emperor" to rescue him.

The "mother emperor" also knows that it is the "dead worm emperor" who has found Lord Arthur and Alexis the black dragon. It is hard to say whether it is the opponent of Alexis, but it is difficult for him to stop.

If you can't find the trace of Lord Arthur this time, it's hard to avenge him in the future.

The "mother emperor" really had a big world war with God, and realized that God belongs to the big world is not so easy to deal with.

After the Zerg world lost two Zerg deities, the number of the remaining Zerg gods could not compete with the number of gods in the big world.

You should know that the Zerg world has always been dominated by quantity. If not for the sudden fall of two Zerg gods and the sudden addition of Alexis the black dragon, the original divine power of the Zerg world would be very strong.

The more he thought about it, the more angry he became. He did not call back the demigods to save him. He was ready to let the demigods participate in the search for Lord Arthur.

This is not enough. The "mother emperor" contacted many Zerg who had mastered the search ability of legendary and demigods to search for the location where the battle body fell.

For the next two days, David sat in a crack in the space and saw the Zerg pass outside through the divine stripe array.

Or he arranged in advance, so as not to expose the space cracks.

Two days later, the Zerg disappeared, which should be no search for any clues left.

David was also relieved. He stayed in the space crack for several days, until he was 100% sure that the Zerg had given up searching this area. He took back the artifact "phantom necklace". As for the artifact "creeping head crown", he still left it in the divine pattern array of the space crack.

At least he won't take back the artifact "creeping head crown" until he rearranges the formal hidden pattern array.

As David's most important safety point, he can't be too careful.

Even for the sake of safety, he even stopped the operation of the underground base where the demigod "the king of the golden winged beetle" was part of the territory, hiding all the breath.

Over the past few days, what David hears most from the Zerg network is that the Zerg are frantically exploring all over the country. This time, the "mother emperor" is completely angry. He has mobilized all Zerg that can be mobilized.

Even the Zerg of the demigod, the king of the golden winged beetle, had to carry out the search task at the command of the mother emperor.

David also let the five demigod clones come to the "Zerg world safety point" through the portal. He took the demigod clones into the "artifact space card.".

His "artifact space card" also takes Alexis, the black dragon, and two Zerg deities to open the space wormhole and return to the divine world.

From the underground of garmi, David is transferred directly to the space castle at the space gate of chaos star domain through the star level portal.

"My Lord, you are here!" Annabella legend saw David, smiling and bowing.

If you want to say who is the happiest here, it is the legend of Annabella.

Now David's status has been improved, and the biggest benefit is the legend of Annabella.

The legend of Annabella was wanted for betraying the war shrine before.

Just because of David's protection, even if the war Temple God knew that Annabella legend was in garmi, it was not good to go to garmi to arrest her.

But Annabella legend is also subject to great restrictions, can not openly walk outside.

This is very uncomfortable for Annabella, who loves to make friends.

The only place that Annabella legend can stay is garmi star, Lord Arthur's other territory, Lord Harlow's territory, and she worries about causing trouble to her friends when she goes to other places.

Because once the war shrine knows the trace of Annabella legend, it is likely to implicate friends.

Not everyone has the ability to fight against the war shrine. Lord Arthur also paid a lot of price for fighting against the war shrine.

But now it's totally different. Just a few days ago, the war shrine lifted the ban on Annabella's legend.

This means that Annabella legend can freely move in the God's world without worrying about the threat of war shrines.

The Annabella legend naturally knows what this is for. Lord Arthur's relationship with the five gods can be seen by anyone.

Alexis, the black dragon who followed Lord Arthur, even participated in the battle against Zerg gods with the five gods, and showed great fighting power.Archbishop Macintyre of the war shrine could not have offended Lord Arthur for the sake of Annabella legend. Moreover, the wanted man was just a show, which had no effect. It was better to stop and give Lord Arthur a face.

"How is it going?" David saw that Annabella was in a good mood and asked with a smile.

"All the aristocratic Knights have left, and the fourteen space temples have not left. They still keep surrounding the space gate. However, no Zerg has come to the space gate these days. It's very quiet there!

Besides, the war shrine has withdrawn my wanted Annabella legend in the report, did not resist to say their own situation.

"It's OK. You don't have to stay in gamisin all the time. There are not many things in garmis. You just have to do your own work and arrange the rest of the time by yourself!" David said with a smile.

"Yes, my Lord!" Annabella bows in gratitude.

"Now you leave first. I will take back the castle and return to garmi. We will not be needed here for the time being." David waved.

The legend of Annabella follows David's arrangement and returns to garmi through the portal.

David also let Anton legendary Knights return to garmi through the portal. He then takes the castle back into the space pendant.

Before leaving, he looked at the locations of the fourteen space shrines.

David suddenly sensed that a strong spatial fluctuation was generated, and the position of the spatial fluctuation was just in the direction of the space gate.

He was startled, and with a wave of his hand, he tore a space passage in front of him. When he reappeared, he was already in the outer space temple.

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David saw that the space door was shining brightly. It seemed that he wanted to release his energy completely in a moment.

This is also the last resplendence of the space door. The collapse of the space door did not produce a space energy shock wave, but after the bright light, it was like being forced to suppress and slowly shrink.

The bright light of the space door was engulfed by the void and finally disappeared.

Peace was restored in space, and there was no trace of a space door.

As the "mother emperor" judged, the space gate that was forcibly expanded by the Zerg using "empty ticks" only lasted for five days.

David just saw the final dissipation of the space gate, and only the gods and priests on duty in the space temple could see the spectacular scene.

This is the real miracle of the big world. The existence of the space gate, which can't even be destroyed by the gods, finally failed to withstand the squeeze of the two big worlds and collapsed.

In the temple of knowledge in space, the five archbishops who were resting with their eyes closed were awakened by the fluctuation of space energy, but they woke up late.

After experiencing a great world war, the five archbishops also watched a god war participated by many gods and gods. They were extremely tired in spirit.

But they did not leave the command room, insisting on commanding the work of the space temple.

The rest of the five archbishops is to close their eyes and pray for a while, which can also restore their mental fatigue, and will not affect their judgment of affairs because of excessive fatigue.

But now the five archbishops are a little annoyed. If they knew that the space gate would disappear in only five days, they would never rest.

You should know that the five archbishops are prepared to stay here for a long time, so that they can rest by praying.

Some of the five archbishops looked at the position of the space gate in the space without tears. There was nothing there. They missed the process of the space gate's dissipation.

It is very beneficial for the five archbishops to watch the collapse of the space gate. In the classics of the temple, it is recorded that many of the powerful people had their epiphanies only after watching the wonders of the world, so that their strength had a leap forward.

Perhaps the collapse of the space gate has no effect on ordinary deities and sacrifices, but it has a great effect on the five level and legendary level gods and sacrifices. Especially, the legendary stage needs to master its own rules and this opportunity to watch the wonders of the world.

On the contrary, David, a demigod, has established his own path of growth. Watching the collapse of the space gate is just a memory.

"The war is over, the war of the big world is over!" Said Archbishop Ambrose in a deep voice.

Archbishop Ambrose was not in a good mood. The war was not a good experience for him. He made the right decision, but it brought bad consequences.

It was hard for him to imagine how much conflict would arise between the temple of knowledge, or even the five temples, with the nobility, with the Supreme Council.

This is all because of an order of Archbishop Ambrose, which has not yet achieved the desired effect.

Another bad mood was Archbishop MacIntyre, who murmured over the end, thinking of the loss of the war shrine.

After the war shrine experienced this time, it is estimated that it will not be able to actively participate in all kinds of clean-up missions for at least several decades.

The God of war likes to fight, which is why the temple of war always comes forward and takes the initiative to carry out its mission in the face of major events.Because only through constant fighting can the God of war pay attention to the temple and get the God's grace.

MacIntyre, the archbishop, is probably the most unpopular God of war among all the archbishops. If he does not make achievements, he may not be able to sit still until more outstanding talents appear.

"Lord Arthur is not far away in space!" Archbishop Barney warned.

"Do we still invite Lord Arthur to visit us?" Archbishop Ambrose glanced at the array and said in a deep voice.

Now Archbishop Ambrose can't deal with Lord Arthur, let alone him, even the other four archbishops.

This is an urgent matter for the five temples to discuss, because there was no precedent before, and the five temples needed to unify their opinions.

"Just don't see it. When you go back and study it, what will you do to Lord Arthur in the future?" Said Archbishop Adele.

"I am Archbishop Ambrose, commander of this war. I officially declare to all the sacrifices and gods in the temple of knowledge, the temple of earth, the temple of justice, the temple of war and the temple of wealth that the war between the great world of God and the world of Zerg is over. We have defended the great world of God and fought back the invasion of Zerg.

This war will be recorded in history forever, and you will become a part of this war and be remembered by later generations. " Archbishop Ambrose opened the phalanx in front of him and delivered a public speech to 14 space temples.

The collapse of the space gate just happened, and not many people knew about it. The words of Archbishop Ambrose surprised everyone.

Although the Zerg's divine escape made the gods and priests of the five temples think that this war will surely win, but who knows what crazy things the Zerg world will do next.

Think about the attacks made by the Zerg world during this war, which made everyone who has experienced the war feel numb.

After hearing the news of the end of the war, many deities and sacrificial rites could no longer control themselves and cheered wildly.

In particular, the two "space war shrines" were filled with tears. The war shrines lost too much in this war.

In a "space war Temple" alone, more than 10000 deities and sacrifices died, and all five Temple knights who participated in the war also fell.

The surviving deities and sacrificial rites, more or less, have known friends who died.

When the war was over, the news made every deity and sacrifice relax. Whether they were fighting or praying in the space temple, they wanted to return to the land and the temple on the earth.

"All space shrines are ready to return!" The Archbishop of Ambrose finally announced.

"My command task is over, thank you for your cooperation!" Archbishop Ambrose bowed to the four archbishops.

The four archbishops saluted. They didn't say anything because they didn't know what to say.

This time, Archbishop Ambrose's command did not bring any benefits to Archbishop Ambrose, but caused a lot of trouble. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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