Transcendent David

Chapter 1249: CH 1247

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Archbishop Macintyre had known about the impoliteness of the nobles. Not only he, but also four other archbishops, knew this.

That's why Archbishop Macintyre arrived, because Archbishop Macintyre was the weakest and could not refuse the demands of the other four archbishops.

However, Archbishop Macintyre himself is willing to come. This is an opportunity to ease the relationship with nobles, especially to meet Lord Arthur. This is the most important thing.

This time, Archbishop Macintyre brought a great gift, which was to give it in exchange for Lord Arthur's favor.

From the beginning to the end, he did not mean to fight against Lord Arthur. The three archbishops before the war shrine fell directly or indirectly into the hands of Lord Arthur because they were enemies of Lord Arthur.

Not to mention that in this big world war, Lord Arthur had direct contact with the five gods, and his black dragon Alexis fought side by side with the five gods.

The five gods all recognized the existence of Lord Arthur and could contact him directly. Archbishop Macintyre only wanted to ease the relationship with Lord Arthur.

The five great temples, even the five archbishops who want to contact the five gods, are all through the way of prayer.

The way in which the message is sent to the episcopal office is the way in which the message is sent to the episcopal office.

Even if it is important information, the God can completely ignore, or simply a reply, and will not have too much contact with the archbishop.

But Lord Arthur's "divine contact card" is different. It is a artifact that can directly contact the five gods.

"Welcome to Arthur, the great demigod Speaker Gould looked at David as he got out of the carriage and bowed over.

"Is this your arrangement, Chancellor David bowed back and asked.

David looked at the many top nobles standing beside speaker Gould. There were about 80 top nobles here. Almost all the top nobles were here. This kind of welcome scene was really big.

In addition, the aristocracy's address to David, and speaker Gould's address to David, all became demigod Arthur, which should be the meaning of Supreme Council, or speaker Gould.

These top nobles all bowed down and saluted, not only against David, but also against Alexis, the black dragon on David's shoulder.

The noble knights and temple personnel who participated in the big world war all know that the pet that lies on David's shoulder like a kitten is a god level black dragon, which can resist the existence of several Zerg gods.

"To welcome you is spontaneous of all members. Many members have already mentioned to me that you can no longer be called Lord, because that kind of address makes members feel embarrassed to regard themselves as lords!" Gould replied with a smile.

In the battle of the big world, David's show was so much more than ever before.

This also made the nobility of God's great world really understand David's strength for the first time. Previously, they only heard that David could compete with the war shrine, but when Alexis, David's black dragon, appeared with the five gods, the nobles understood how strong David was.

For a long time, the most honorable title of all people to the top nobles and members of the Supreme Council is Lord. The status of Lord is more than that of householder and Councillor, and it is also the most noble status among nobles.

However, Lord Arthur is obviously far more than all lords, which makes all members of the Supreme Council want to find a title to define the identity of Lord Arthur alone.

After some discussion, he was finally named "semi God Arthur".

The Lords believe that only with the title of God can show the extraordinary of David, and God is also a name beyond the secular world.

Moreover, according to records thousands of years ago, demigods at that time would be given the title of demigods before their names. This tradition is only because there are too few demigods and there is no specific regulation.

"Demigod Arthur, please rest inside. Lord Ludwig will accompany you." Speaker Gould said to David with a smile.

David nodded. He knew the process. There would be guests in front of the gate of the Supreme Council. He couldn't keep in the way.

Of course, in the great world of God, there is only Archbishop Macintyre who represents the gods. This identity is not the identity of Archbishop Macintyre himself, but this time Archbishop Macintyre came to confer a reward on behalf of the gods.

However, when David entered the Supreme Council, as many as 14 other legendary lords accompanied him to leave, which suddenly reduced the standard of welcome in front of the gate.

In front of the gate, in addition to the speaker Gould who could not leave, there were only non legendary Lords.

In doing so, the Supreme Council obviously wanted to show that the status of the demigod Arthur was higher than that of Archbishop MacIntyre, who represented the God of war.

Annabella legend looked at the scene in front of her eyes, showing a trace of strange thoughts.David did not take care of the Archbishop Macintyre. He came to the lounge with the legendary lords of the dawn alliance.

Fourteen legendary lords invited David one after another to visit their family when he had time.

This is the sincere invitation of the fourteen legendary lords who have lowered their identities and regarded David as a higher level of existence.

David did not change his attitude because of the change of his identity. He was smiling and talking with the fourteen legendary lords, answering questions of the fourteen legendary lords from time to time.

"Demigod Arthur, I want to ask you something!" Lord Ludwig stood up and bowed respectfully.

The rest of the legendary lords were not curious about Lord Ludwig's attitude. They had already known Lord Ludwig's plan.

"Lord Ludwig, what can I do for you?" David asked, a little puzzled.

Lord Ludwig's ceremony is not appropriate. There must be something important to ask for at this time.

And if it's important, why not ask in private.

In fact, Lord Ludwig also had no way. In the whole God belongs to the big world, few people can contact David. Especially after the war of the great world, Lord Ludwig had little chance to get along with David in private.

"Demigod Arthur, I have encountered problems in my cultivation. I don't know what the future direction is. Please solve your doubts!" Said Lord Ludwig, bowing.

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"Demigod Arthur, I have the same question as Lord Ludwig. Please answer me!" Lord Daryl stood up and bowed.

The other twelve legendary lords also stood up and bowed.

"Sit down, Lord Ludwig. Let me examine your body defense!" David waved.

"Thank you, Arthur Lord Ludwig recognized that this was a promise and went to David.

As for the matter of letting go of physical defense, is there any difference in safety between letting go of physical defense and not letting go of physical defense in front of a demigod?

Lord Ludwig took all the blood force of his body back to the sea of mind space, and completely released his body.

David's spirit swept through Lord Ludwig's body, and he immediately understood Lord Ludwig's problem.

The "Twilight cultivation method" is a very good training method. Although it is not as good as the "perfect knight training method", this simplified version is far better than other knight training methods.

At least the "dawn cultivation method" can be cultivated to the legendary level, and even have the opportunity to become a demigod.

But the problem is that the legendary level is not like the previous Knight training. As long as you constantly improve your blood power, you can improve your strength.

To the legendary level, it is a qualitative change in the control of power.

At the beginning of the legendary stage, you only need to enhance the power of blood to the extreme, and then you need to master a rule, so as to reach the second stage of the legendary level.

Today, the whole God belongs to the big world. Even among the families of these top nobles, there is only a word about the cultivation of legendary rank.

Among these fourteen legendary lords, not all of them have reached the ultimate level of blood power, and only Lord Ludwig and Lord Daryl will achieve it.

However, these experienced legendary lords also found big problems in their cultivation through their own cultivation, and they could not find their own rules.

Cultivation is a very personal thing. They planned to try it by themselves, but after such a long time, they can't even find a direction.

"What do you want to know about the rules?" David asked, looking at Lord Ludwig and the rest of the legendary Lords.

"Please help us!" Lord Ludwig, together with the other legendary lords, bowed down in a ceremony.

"Your situations are different, especially Lord Ludwig and Lord Daryl. You are the blood of the dragon. If I guide you, you may lose the opportunity to master the rules contained in your blood. As for other lords, your blood is very high-level, and there are rules in your blood. You just need to find out! ”David explained in a deep voice.

In practice, David can really be their mentor.

Although David is a man groping for cultivation, he has been exposed to too many rules and has a demigod state. He is qualified to teach these legendary lords in terms of rules.

Just like his own 14 legendary knights, all of them are black dragon blood. He has passed on the knowledge of "the rules of black dragon power" to these 14 legendary knights.

As for when the fourteen legendary knights can completely master the "rule of the power of the black dragon", it depends on their comprehension ability.

However, due to the soul connection of the 14 legendary knights, I believe that through mutual cooperation, they can quickly master the "black dragon power rule".In fact, among these legendary knights, the one who went furthest is the legend of Annabella. When she became the legendary stage, she activated the gravity rule of Caifeng's blood. Although she has not mastered much now, she is the first to find the right path of cultivation.

"Demigod Arthur, can you ask his highness Alexis of the black dragon for information about the blood of the golden dragon?" Lord Ludwig secretly took a look at Alexis, the black dragon, and asked David.

"Alexis, look at Lord Ludwig's Golden Dragon blood. Is it possible to activate the power of rules in the blood?" David asked Alexis, the black dragon on his shoulder.

Alexis the black dragon opened his eyes and glanced over the Lord Ludwig, and at the rest of the legendary Lords.

"My Lord, the blood vessels of the two giant dragons here are extremely thin. Unless we try to increase the blood vessels of the two dragons by more than twice, it is impossible to obtain the rules in the blood vessels!" The black dragon Alexis replied.

Both Lord Ludwig and Lord Daryl were extremely disappointed when they heard the answer of Alexis the black dragon. They understood that only the rules in the blood of the dragon were in line with themselves.

"Thank you, your highness Alexis, the great black dragon!" Lord Ludwig and Lord Daryl bowed to Alexis the black dragon.

This is a god level instruction, but they did not even dare to think about it before.

Alexis the black dragon closed his eyes and paid no attention to them. This did not make Lord Ludwig and Lord Daryl have any thoughts. The two legendary lords thought that the attitude of Alexis was normal.

If David hadn't asked, it would not have been worthwhile for Alexis, the black dragon, to wake up from his sleep.

The sleep of Alexis the black dragon is cultivation. It's not everyone who can disturb a god level practice.

"Well, I will leave a piece of knowledge of rules with speaker Gould recently. If you really can't find your own rules, you can go and see that piece of knowledge.

I hope you will understand one thing. Once you look at the rules, you will lose your way of cultivation. Maybe your strength will only stay at the legendary level, and the demigod will never be able to do so! " David thought about it and said in a deep voice.

What David is going to bring out is a piece of knowledge about the rules of the wind, which is the rule of the golden winged beetles and a rule with strong universality.

David also has other rules, such as the lightning rule, the blade rule, and the holy word rule, but these rules have many limitations and require preconditions.

If the legendary lords here really learn the rules of the wind, they will never master the second rule with their soul strength.

Of course, the "rule of wind" is also very strong. It can be regarded as the middle and upper level rules among many rules, but it is not a rule suitable for itself.

In addition, the knowledge of the "rules of wind" is given by others, which makes the legendary lords who study the "rules of wind" unable to further develop the "rules of wind" and form a "field of wind", which means that they have no relationship with demigods in this life. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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