Transcendent David

Chapter 1253: CH 1251

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In the small world of the God of death, in front of the throne, is an illusion, where there are eleven strange figures.

These are the shadows of the eleven evil gods. They have their first meeting after awakening in their own small world.

"Death, is this what you call the best opportunity?" Asked the savage.

As the last God to wake up, Savage God immediately learned about the situation of God in the big world through various means.

He found that God belongs to the big world. Although it is turbulent, the rule of the five gods is still unbreakable. As for the temple, it is of little use to the God level.

We should know that the five gods can solve the problem of nobles at any time by means of divine metaphor.

At present, gods belong to the aristocrats of the big world. They are dissatisfied with the actions of the five temples, but their belief in gods remains unchanged.

Of course, the more powerful the noble knight is, the weaker the belief will be. Unless God is a knight trained by himself, he will maintain a devout faith in God.

Mastering powerful power can make people understand the world more clearly.

"Savage God, don't complain. Nobody thought that the war between Zerg world and God's big world would come to an end so soon!" Death shook his head helplessly and said.

Indeed, the reason why death dares to awaken all the evil gods is that God belongs to the war between the big world and the Zerg world.

In the eyes of death, this will be a long and protracted war. In particular, his space gate will connect God's big world with Zerg world. If the space gate does not disappear, the war will not stop.

Where did death think that in order to increase the capacity of the space gate, the Zerg tried their best to squeeze the space door, and finally let the space door collapse ahead of time.

What's more, he didn't expect that the powerful Zerg world and so many Zerg gods were almost killed by the five gods in the big world.

"This time is also good. At least the war between Zerg world and God world gives us a chance to wake up safely." Said the God of fire in a deep voice.

Through the battle between the Zerg world and the big world where God belongs to the big world, the "gods Twilight" organization can awaken an evil god at a lower cost.

"What are we going to do?" The shadow God's figure is vague, and his voice has a deep feeling.

The problem of the God of shadow makes most evil gods look at the God of death. Who let death wake up all the evil gods.

"Let me first talk about the current situation that God belongs to the big world, and then give some feasible directions. Then we can discuss which direction to start from!

God belongs to the five great temples of the great world. They are in opposition to the Supreme Council of the nobility. Although there is no war between them, it is not easy for them to cooperate.

The demigod Arthur is a newly rising power in the God's great world, especially with the black dragon Alexis at his side Death's expression was somber when he spoke of Alexis the black dragon.

Most of the evil gods present knew that Alexis the black dragon was trapped by the God of death, and understood the feeling of death losing a god level puppet.

"Somehow, the God of war accepted the existence of the demigod Arthur, and even tolerated Alexis the black dragon, who played an important role in the war of the great world." Death continued.

"Is it worth saying? They don't need the power of the black dragon, and they don't need the power of the black dragon Said the God of fire in a deep voice.

"At present, we have several directions to choose from. One is to choose to cooperate with demigod Arthur. It is said that demigod Arthur once mobilized three deities to fight against the God of war. In the end, there was no victory or defeat!" Death some tangled said.

If possible, death does not want to cooperate with the demigod Arthur, but his hatred of the five gods is far from being comparable to that of the demigod Arthur.

Half god Arthur showed his own value, so death in order to be able to regain a place in the God belongs to the big world, bite teeth also want to cooperate with demigod Arthur.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!" Cried the Savage God.

The rest of the gods do not believe in the power of the wild.

"Death, where did you get the news?" Asked the God of fire, frowning.

"One of my believers has a connection with a small aristocratic family. Recently, this story has been spread in the aristocratic circles. In addition, the God of war can join hands with Alexis the black dragon to deal with Zerg gods. I believe this rumor is true!" Death explained.

The fact that David mobilized three gods to fight against the God of war was only circulated among a few top nobles. Recently, the Supreme Council leaked the news in order to make the nobles have the confidence to fight against the temple.

"I still don't believe that if there are gods fighting with the God of war in a long distance, I still believe that it is impossible for the three gods to reach a tie with the body of the God of war!" The wild God of power still does not believe.

The God of savage power is a god of close combat as the God of war. He has fought with the God of war, and naturally he knows the horror of the God of war in close combat.The feeling that his whole body strength was nowhere to be applied and that he was targeted everywhere in the process of fighting made the Savage God of power go crazy.

Even after tens of thousands of years, the Savage God of strength always felt cold from the bottom of his heart when he thought about the battle with the God of war.

But the Savage God also knows how proud the God of war is. If his strength is not recognized, the God of war will not fight against Zerg gods together with Alexis the black dragon.

"Whether to discuss with demigod Arthur after cooperation, I want to say another direction is to cooperate with the dragon clan!" Death waved.

The words of the God of death made the gods in the illusion stand still. All the gods here have participated in the God war with the dragon clan, and they are also the survivors of the war that has experienced tens of thousands of years.

In the age of the dragon, human beings were enslaved, and the gods lived with care under the pressure of the dragon.

Until the gods can no longer bear the rule of the dragon, raised their weapons, launched an attack on the dragon clan.

During that war, many planets were completely annihilated, and many gods fell into eternal sleep.

It was a time when gods came forth in large numbers. At that time, every human genius would be valued and cultivated by powerful gods to become new gods.

It is also because of the cooperation of the gods in the age of the dragon that the number of gods has greatly increased.

At the end of the age of the dragon, it was a long drawn out war, and the whole world was full of battlefields.

The greatest advantage of the gods is immortality. As long as there are believers, the gods can hide themselves in the small world, relying on the gods to descend to attack the dragon.

At the most, the damage to the spirit is limited.

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In addition, with the cooperation between the gods, even if the gods are damaged, their own believers will not be robbed, and there are enough believers to provide the power of faith to restore themselves.

No matter how powerful the dragon clan is, it can not support the gods' War of attrition. The dragon is indeed powerful, the darling of the big world and the proud son of heaven.

But the giant dragon is too powerful and restricted by the big world, and its fertility rate is extremely low.

On the one hand, there are almost endless deities, on the other, there are fewer and fewer dragons. The dragon family abandoned this world, and they spent a lot of money to break the barriers of space and move the whole family to other big worlds.

It is also the dragon family that is expelled, and the inferiority of human beings is exposed. Even gods grow up and have the same inferiority.

Without a consistent enemy, the big world has not ushered in peace.

For the sake of believers, the gods began to attack each other. Many gods who did not fall into the age of the Dragon fell into the hands of other gods after the end of the age of the dragon.

It was a chaotic time of gods, and the war between gods became a war of consumption.

The resurrection and the fall again and again made the gods more and more weak. Each defeat would reduce a large number of believers, and the recovery of the gods was also slowing down.

It was in the age of the gods that the five gods stood out. They united and trusted each other, bringing one God down.

Looking back on the past, the gods hesitated to cooperate with the dragon.

"The third direction is to infiltrate into the big world of the interstellar Federation. The power of the gods in that world will be greatly suppressed, but it is not to say that faith cannot be generated. As long as we establish temples in the interstellar Federation, we can obtain faith from the interstellar Federation." Death continued.

"I studied the interstellar Federation after I woke up. As far as I know, the interstellar Federation is a desert of faith. It's very difficult for Federalists to have faith." Said the God of fire in a deep voice.

The divinity of fire is the God who wakes up earlier. In addition, the believers of the God of fire have the least evil smell, so they can get a lot of important news.

God belongs to the big world. After many times of cooperation with the interstellar Federation, the mutual blockade is no longer the same as before, and a lot of information about the interstellar federation can be obtained.

"It is the desert of faith that we can open up our faith. The population of the interstellar Federation is many times larger than that of God's great world." Death said definitely.

If it was not for the belief in the interstellar Federation that needs the cooperation of other gods and believers, the God of death is ready to try it on his own. His followers have fallen too many, which is really unable to expand.

"The third direction, penetration of the interstellar Federation, may not work in a short time?" Asked the God of blood in a deep voice.

"Yes, but as long as we succeed, we can stop worrying about the believers and concentrate on fighting the God of war for a long time." Death nodded.

"It can be operated, and it's worth a thousand years and ten thousand years!" Said the God of shadow.

"Who's going to contact the demigod Arthur?" Asked the God of fire.

The storm God shrunk his body slightly. He didn't want to face the demigod Arthur at all. Besides, he didn't even have a god envoy, so it was impossible for him to come down.

"I won't go!" Said the God of blood in a deep voice.He also had a fight with the demigod Arthur, although at that time the semi God Arthur's fighting power was not very strong.

"We're looking for a God who doesn't have an evil smell to pass by, and it's easy for Arthur, the demigod, to accept it!" Death suggested.

Among the twelve evil gods here, only the flame God and the Forest Mother God have no evil smell. Originally, the storm God can be counted, but the God of storm wakes up to sacrifice with the semi God Arthur's leader. The storm God dares to appear in front of the demigod Arthur. It is estimated that the demigod Arthur will direct his hand.

"I'll meet the demigod Arthur!" The Forest Mother God said lightly.

Although it is an evil god, it does not mean that all gods use evil means. This evil god refers to a God that is not recognized by the great world.

However, most of the gods who didn't have any means fell early in the age of the gods.

It is easier for the gods with evil means to survive, so many evil spirits appear among the twelve evil gods.

Of course, this is not to say that the God of fire, the mother of forest and the God of storm are good gods. Sometimes goodness is not related to one's own ability.

For the gods, the human standard of goodness is not suitable for the gods.

In the eyes of the gods, ordinary human beings can only be regarded as tools and sheep. The gods often refer to designated bishops as shepherds.

"How about contacting the dragon clan?" Asked death.

"I don't want to see the dragon clan again until I have to!" Said the God of fire in a deep voice.

"So am I. even though I am afraid of God's name, I will turn into fear when I see a dragon in the sky!" The bitter God said.

"No one will like the dragon people. If they are arrogant, rude, impatient and greedy, if we cooperate with them, we will fight against them again. I have no confidence to rely on our twelve gods to defeat the dragon clan!" The God of blood also said.

After experiencing the age of the dragon, the gods have a deep fear of the dragon family. It was a dark era.

The gods do not want to face that era again, and the return of the dragon clan is likely to be worse than it is now.

"I'll discuss the dragon clan again!" Death's eyes flickered slightly, he said in a deep voice.

The gods did not ask how to contact the dragon clan. It was because when the dragon clan left, there were still some remains of the dragon. There was a magic array to contact the dragon clan.

However, it was also one of the last resort of the gods. All the gods thought that to contact the dragon family to return was to die with the five gods.

No God will use this method until the last moment.

Of course, no one knows the current situation of the dragon clan. Their judgment is based on the combat power of the dragon family when they left.

When the dragon clan left, they still retained enough self-protection level dragon, which was enough to make any big world fear. The gods did not think that the dragon clan could not survive and reproduce after reaching the new world. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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