Transcendent David

Chapter 1280: CH 1278

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The legendary "half body spider king" and "half body spider king" are very close, but David did not immediately act.

He's waiting for an opportunity, a chance to kill.

In fact, now that we are so close to the "half body spider emperor", there is already an opportunity to kill him. However, when David looks at the research status of "half body spider emperor", he thinks that there is a great possibility that there will be better opportunities in the future.

David contacted a lot of researchers, but he knew that once the research was carried out, his mind would be higher and his reaction to the outside world would be slower.

"Half body spider king" picked out a piece of flesh and blood from the split body of the legendary "half body spider king". The green blood gushed out and stained the ground.

"Half body spider king" perceives the blood of "half body spider" in the flesh and blood. It finds that the split body of the legendary "half body spider king" and the fallen legend "half body spider king" are the same "half body spider", which makes it more doubtful.

The fall of the legendary "half body spider king" and "half body spider king" are known, and have a conflict with the "golden winged beetle emperor".

The "half body spider king" opened a wound on the split body of the legendary "half body spider king" and took out a piece of flesh and blood again.

David didn't care about the split body injury of the legendary "half body spider king", which can be recovered after treatment.

"Half body spider emperor" puts the flesh and blood in his mouth, which makes it more intuitive and accurate to judge some problems.

David finally didn't wait any longer. Half body spider king was very focused at this time. What's more, he was afraid that something would happen if he waited any longer.

It can be seen that the "half body spider emperor" obviously found something wrong.

David's mind moved, and the body of the body was almost attached to the body of the half body spider emperor.

The vigilance of the "half body spider emperor" is very high. When a strong person is found to appear, it is the first time to stimulate the silk to protect the body.

Only when he saw the body of the war body, the "half body spider emperor" was slightly stunned. This is to recognize the origin of the war body.

The "mother emperor" did not disclose to the public the destruction of its fighting body, which would ruin its reputation.

The Zerg world has the idea that the strong should be respected. Although the "mother emperor" can issue an order to the Zerg through her natural ability, only the Zerg below the legendary level can obey this order unconditionally.

Not to mention the divine level, even the demigods will consider whether the orders of the "mother emperor" are appropriate.

Therefore, the "mother emperor" paid a huge price, consumed a lot of Zerg talents, and completed the production of the battle body.

By virtue of the fighting style, the "mother emperor" also has the ability to suppress the Zerg deities in terms of force, which also makes the "mother emperor" gain the respect of the Zerg gods.

When it comes to the Queen's body, it's the first person to look for the Queen's body.

That is to say, the "half body spider emperor" lost the chance of self-help.

The sudden appearance of the body split, three pairs of forelimbs launched a stab in the form of ejection.

It is easy to use even if it is used 100 times. The combat body separation uses a similar way to deal with the "shadow God" to control the whole body of the "half body spider emperor".

This time, two forelimbs directly pierced the heart of the "half body spider emperor." the huge insect body of the "half body spider emperor" struggled twice when the six forelimbs of the battle body were lifted up, and their life was dissipated.

Even if the six negative states of Lien Chan's body, such as paralysis, poison, deceleration, burning, bleeding and freezing, had not yet come into play and played a role, the battle was solved.

David brought three Zerg gods this time. He thought that in case of any problems, there would be a black dragon Alexis.

But David didn't think of it. He just sent out the battle body to separate himself and solve the "half body spider king".

In fact, the "half body spider king" is the weakest defense among all Zerg divine levels. Its first half body is similar to human beings, and its front half lacks a strong defense insect shell. Compared with other Zerg God levels, it still suffers greatly in defense.

Of course, the "half body spider emperor" has a stronger means. As long as its silk does not meet the targeted ability, it can produce a very strong control effect.

If the "half body spider emperor" is allowed to choose the battlefield, the combat effectiveness of the "half body spider emperor" will be greatly increased.

The biggest function of spider silk is not to spit on the spot, but to arrange traps. Once trapped, the more struggling and tighter the spider silk will be.

"Half body spider emperor" is also one of the Zerg deities who is not good at close combat. In the Zerg world, it mainly assists other Zerg deities in fighting.

The shadow servant flies out to intercept the soul of the half body spider emperor who is ready to escape. David is also a spirit scroll, and catches the "imperial inheritance pattern" flying out of the "half body spider emperor".

After getting the "imperial inheritance pattern", David was very happy. This time, his purpose was to "inherit the imperial pattern".There is no white risk. Another "imperial inheritance pattern" has been obtained.

David resisted the joy in his heart. His spirit rolled up the body of "half body spider emperor" and put it into the space pendant.

The nest is quiet. Because of the weak strength of the six level three "half body spiders", the breath of the battle body will crush the six level three "half body spiders" until their souls collapse.

The activity of the nest was not small, but the two Zerg demigods outside the cave did not respond.

this nest has the effect of isolating everything inside. Although the Zerg can not grasp the plotting of the map, it can extract some specific energy from the specific species of the Zerg to form a specific effect.

On the inside of the cave, two small pieces of Zerg bones are actually isolated.

the technology to isolate skeletal fragments is very cruel. It needs to raise the isolation ability of the Zerg to more than four, and then through the secret art to isolate the natural energy of the Zerg's body to solidify its isolation talents.

Finally, the whole body of the Zerg and most of the bones become the raw materials to solidify the bone fragments of the ability to isolate and isolate.

According to the understanding of the two Zerg demigods, it is impossible for anything harmful to the half body spider emperor to happen in the hole * *.

The mission of the two Zerg demigods is not to protect the "half body spider emperor", but to protect the nest from random access. As for the protection of the "half body spider emperor", relying on the combat power of the two Zerg demigods, it is really not qualified to say anything about protecting the "half body spider emperor".

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David's spirit sweeps through the cave, and everything that can be taken away this time will be taken away.

It is estimated that this is the last time David has come to this nest. Now that "half body spider king" is killed, the nest will also fall apart.

It was just a moment. David did this and made the body stand on the side of the cave.

"My Lord, please come in!" The legendary "half body spider king" said to the two demigods outside the cave.

The two demigods didn't hesitate, and they didn't think it was the order of the halfling spider emperor.

The two demigod Zerg are the demigod "half body spider king", which is the same family of the "half body spider king" and is specially transferred to strengthen the defense of the nest.

The other is the "one eyed beetle king" of the demigods, which is also a very destructive existence among the Zerg demigods. The light emitted by one eye has a petrochemical effect and is extremely terrifying.

The half god "half body spider king" and the half god "one eyed beetle king" entered the cave. Just after two pieces of isolated bone fragments, they were suppressed by a heavenly power.

Then, the body of the battle body flashed into the middle of the two Zerg demigods, and the lightning stabbed out the two forelimbs.

Even if the two Zerg demigods knew in advance, they could not dodge the active attack of the battle body.

In fact, only David's God level sub body can do such a thing. Maybe David himself is only a demigod, and he has no divine consciousness.

So in terms of combat style, there has never been any idea of equal play.

As long as he can achieve his goal, David doesn't care about the means.

One of the top gods stealthily attacked two Zerg demigods. Under normal circumstances, none of them would do this.

Similarly, shadow master is responsible for absorbing souls, and David is responsible for collecting the two Zerg deities.

David didn't dare to stay for a long time. He directly exerted his talent of "breaking the sky" and opened a space channel. He took the combat body and the legendary "half body spider king" into the "artifact space card", and his figure disappeared in a flash.

Just three breaths after David left, the "golden winged beetle emperor" appeared outside the nest.

The "king of the golden winged beetle" rushed into the nest and looked at the empty cavern.

Just now, the "half body spider king" sent out a distress signal. The signal seems to be because the time is too tight. It only came and sent out the distress signal without additional information.

The "golden winged beetle emperor" is the nearest one. It immediately contacted the "mother emperor" and several other Zerg deities. After knowing that they would arrive soon, it broke through the space and came to the nest of "half body spider emperor".

Because of this delay, David calmly took away the body of "half body spider emperor" and killed two demigod Zerg guarding the cave.

There is no way for the "golden winged beetle emperor" to get help. It suddenly receives a distress signal from the "half body spider emperor". However, it has a lot of hatred with the "half body spider emperor". Without notifying the other Zerg gods, they rush to the nest of the "half body spider emperor", which may lead to some misunderstanding.

The space broke open again. This time, the "polar Scorpion King" arrived. The two Zerg gods were the fastest and the first to arrive.

"Have you found the half body spider emperor?" As soon as he entered the nest, he saw the king of the golden winged beetle and immediately asked."No, there is still some residual breath. It is estimated that" half body spider emperor "was here a moment ago "Golden winged beetle emperor" is very familiar with "half body spider emperor", it said in a deep voice.

A look of horror flashed in the eyes of the "polar scorpion emperor". You should know that the "half body spider emperor" had an accident in the nest. From the time of receiving the distress signal to their arrival, they had only 10 breaths.

What kind of enemies did the "half body spider emperor" encounter? Even ten breaths did not support it.

Or should not say ten breaths, should be far less than ten breaths, otherwise they should be able to meet each other.

"There's a breath of space energy here. The killer used the remote space ability to leave here!" "Polar scorpion emperor" also has a careful perception, it has also found.

The "golden winged beetle emperor" also came to the position perceived by the "polar scorpion emperor". The wings behind it fanned and opened up the space. It sensed and gave up the idea of tracking.

"We can't find the location of the other end of the assassin's space passage!" "The golden winged beetle emperor" said helplessly.

The "golden winged beetle king" can't perceive the other end of the space passage, so there is only one possibility. This kind of remote space ability is not the same as their Zerg divine strength tearing space.

If you are born with the ability to move in long-range space, you can open a space channel recognized by the world, which is hard to track.

The "golden winged beetle emperor" and "polar scorpion emperor" looked at each other with deep fear.

The two Zerg gods feel a strong threat from the existence of a terror that can kill "half body spider king" in seconds and can come and go freely in the Zerg world from a long distance.

Originally, there were nine deities in the Zerg world, which did not include the battle style of "mother emperor", but referred to the divine level with "imperial inheritance pattern".

But now there are only six Zerg gods left, and the two Zerg gods are in great panic when they think of this place.

"What's wrong with the golden winged beetle emperor, half body spider emperor?" The queen inquired in the soul of the golden winged beetle emperor.

The feeling of "mother emperor" was very bad. After the "half body spider emperor" sent out a call for help, a "emperor level inheritance pattern" no longer absorbed the power of faith.

Two events happened at the same time, which made the "mother emperor" think more about the connection.

"The half body spider emperor is likely to have fallen, and its nest is empty. In addition, there should be two demigods guarding the half body spider emperor's nest, and they are no longer there. The possibility of all being killed is extremely high! " "The king of the golden winged beetle" replied in a deep voice.

"All gods come to the insect nest. We are not allowed to act alone. We are in big trouble!" Through her own ability, the "mother emperor" issued orders to several Zerg deities who were coming.

The "mother emperor" is no longer considering the killing of "half body spider emperor", but can't let the Zerg God level lose any more.

The number of Zerg gods has dropped to an extremely dangerous level. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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