Transcendent David

Chapter 1288: CH 1286

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Lieutenant general Radner and lieutenant general Bradford were surprised and did not understand what admiral David was going to do.

It's hard to say that it's a rebellion against the interstellar Federation. Although General David has a huge jurisdiction over the airy region, he does not have much military power, which is the least of all the Deputy commanders.

"Admiral David, level one combat readiness will be activated immediately. What should we pay attention to?" Lieutenant general Radner responded first.

Lieutenant general Radner has the greatest military power in his hands. He controls the entire defense line of the 19th fleet. He does not hesitate to respond, which shows his loyalty to General David.

"Admiral David, at your command Lieutenant general Bradford only hesitated for a moment, then returned.

"In fact, it's not a big deal. It's just that my strength is about to break through, which may cause a lot of noise. Of course, I'll report it to marshal Andre. You can control the officers and men under your hands, and don't be surprised by the abnormal situation of the convoy flagship." David nodded with satisfaction.

His explanation calmed the minds of lieutenant general Radner and lieutenant general Bradford, and General David would report it to marshal Andre, so they would not have to be in a dilemma.

We should know that lieutenant general Radner and lieutenant general Bradford were arranged by Grand Marshal Andre. Although Marshal Andre had told them before the arrangement, as long as he obeyed General David's orders, they were deeply indebted to Grand Marshal Andre, so it was not easy for them to get over.

Of course, neither lieutenant general Radner nor lieutenant general Bradford were careless. General David said it was easy, but General David's strength was about to break through. However, General David's arrangement, even the first level of combat readiness, was opened. Where could it be an ordinary event.

As long as General David didn't betray the interstellar Federation, the generals would obey all orders of General David.

"Get me Marshal Andre!" David closed his contact with the two generals and ordered major general Morris.

"Admiral, the convoy will fight for your safety Major general Morris said in a deep voice as he got through to marshal Andre's communication.

David smiles and nods. In God's world, the military personnel who are really bound to him are major general Morris.

As the manager of David's convoy, major general Morris was branded with the mark of General David when he became the manager.

If major general Morris betrays General David, for whatever reason, he will lose all credibility in the military from now on.

"Admiral David, I haven't been in touch for a long time. How can I be free today?" Marshal Andre's imaginary projection appeared in the command room. He looked at David and asked with a smile.

Grand Marshal Andre is very satisfied with David's placement in the airy realm. Previously, the cult followers infiltrated the interstellar Federation, that is, the airidian defense line to which David belongs, and killed all subsequent infiltrating cult followers, thus reducing the possibility of being threatened by cult followers within the Federation.

So Grand Marshal Andre didn't say much about General David's long absence from the meeting of the federal command.

General David has made more achievements than the Deputy commanders who attended the meeting of the federal headquarters on time. In this regard, Grand Marshal Andre and the Deputy commanders did not have the idea of investigating.

In particular, those Deputy commanders were very satisfied with General David's attitude towards power. No one wanted a colleague who robbed power, and was also a colleague with terrorist power and influence.

"Grand Marshal Andre, I'm going to break through. The airidia sector has entered a state of first-class combat readiness to protect my breakthrough process from being disturbed. I also hope that you can convey this matter to the fleets and hope that they will not get close to the airidia domain, so as not to cause unnecessary misunderstanding!" David didn't have time to talk to marshal Andre more. He went straight to the subject.

"How much noise will your breakthrough cause? Do you need to put the army into a state of combat readiness?" Marshal Andre asked in surprise.

"I'm going to build a deity in the realm of aridia David answered without concealment.

It is inevitable for the military to become a God in the interstellar Federation. The military can have the equipment to monitor the breath of God. Once the breath of God is monitored, the "doomsday weapon" will be activated.

David doesn't want to be destroyed by "doomsday weapons" in the process of promotion.

Even if it's just a clone, David is not willing to let it take risks. If you know that the clone can't be copied any more, David doesn't know if he will be able to work out the results of the Institute of immortality in the future.

In any case, he has tried many times before, and has not been able to successfully replicate the results of the Institute of immortality.

There may have been unexpected mutations in the study, many of which are chance that cannot be replicated.

Fortunately, David's military power is not weak at present. He has been promoted to the divine level in the airy region. By virtue of his position and the army in his hands, even if someone wants to deal with him, he should also consider the existence of the 19th fleet of the Federation."What, are you going to be a God?" Marshal Andre didn't expect to get such an answer at all. His voice rose a lot and lost the steadiness of the first military man.

"Marshal Andre, I'm a god level man who has cultivated into a God. Unlike those gods who belong to the big world, I don't need to spread faith, but I reach the divine body through my own cultivation!" David explained.

Grand Marshal Andre nodded. He understood General David's explanation. From this point of view, General David's breakthrough has nothing to do with the interstellar Federation, and will not have any bad impact on the interstellar Federation.

On the contrary, General David's breakthrough into a divine level is tantamount to giving the interstellar Federation a divine level combat power.

Of course, Admiral David has always had no interest in power, which is what matters most.

Let's take the matter of assigning airdia to General David. If it is the other deputy commanders who have military jurisdiction, the first thing they should do is to seize the power in their hands and place trusted subordinates.

Looking at General David, even the general in charge of the army, asked Grand Marshal Andre. This shows the attitude of General David towards power.

Besides, General David's original strength is very strong. He can sweep all forces of the interstellar Federation for a long time. How much difference does it make if he is stronger.

In addition, marshal Andre will not become the great force of the enemy.

"Although you are relieved to be promoted, I will give orders to the whole army. Without my command," doomsday weapon "will not be opened!" Marshal Andre assured.

"Thank you, marshal Andrey David smiles and salutes Grand Marshal Andre.

After closing the contact, David turned to see the crazy adoration of major general Morris.

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The growth of General David has been recorded. He is a federate, not a God. He will become the first federate to become a God in the interstellar Federation.

Major general Morris knows that he will witness a period of history, an important history that will be recorded in history.

"Major general Morris, I'm going to make a breakthrough in space, and I'll leave the matter of safety to you!" David said in a deep voice.

"Yes, Admiral David!" Major general Morris responded heavily.

David smiles and leaves the command room in a flash. When he reappears, he is already in the space next to the escort flagship.

When using the ability of "breaking the sky" to reach space, his noumenon entered the "artifact space card", replacing the noumenon with the demigod clone.

"The whole convoy, surrounded by General David, forms a warship defense. General David needs our protection. No one can hurt General David before we fall down!" Major general Morris called out to the command system.

In peacetime, major general Morris constantly instilled the concept of absolute loyalty into the convoy. Every soldier selected into the convoy will be subject to strict examination before being qualified to be a member of the escort fleet of the deputy commander.

At this time, major general Morris ordered 200 battleships to move.

With General David as the center, five defense walls with battleships as defense lines have been formed. No matter from which direction to attack General David, at least five battleships must be broken to hurt General David.

The 200 battleships did not have the idea of saving energy at this time. All the energy was replenished into the defense shield.

David's body is in the artifact space card, and the artifact space card is not far away from the half god clone.

The divine power produced by the "imperial inheritance pattern" of the four demigod clones who stopped practicing in the Zerg world was first introduced into the "destruction Temple" of the Zerg world, and then the divine power was transmitted to David's small world of soul space through the power transmission between the "destruction temples".

David also transferred his divine power to the demigod clone to help him break through.

David's mind and spirit entered the body of the demigod clone. At this time, the energy in the body of the demigod clone reached 99%, and his whole body was almost condensed by the power of the black dragon.

But the last one percent of the material is the last barrier to the achievement of God level.

Although the "imperial inheritance pattern" in his body could not receive divine power, the divine power from the outside was constantly filling his body.

David felt like the clone was about to solidify. His body was completely filled with divine powers, which squeezed the final barrier of the clone.

Although clone incarnation is a human body, it should be the body of black dragon to some extent, because whether it is blood, or the cultivation of skills, all are the purest inheritance of black dragon.

As the body of black dragon, that is, God level life, when breaking through the God level, the obstacles are the least.

With enough magic power and the best black dragon's body qualification, the success rate of clone sub promotion is more than 90%, and the last one is the consideration of unexpected circumstances.

The voice of thunder came from the clone body. "The power of the black dragon" collided with the last substance of the demigod. David felt that the body of the clone was extremely unstable.Clone avatar is like a container filled with energy. Once this container can't bear to collapse, the warships around the entire defense line will be affected.

On every warship, scanning equipment is constantly sounding alarms, and scanners are constantly reporting energy overruns to the captain.

"General David is breaking through. Don't panic. Our mission is to protect General David from being disturbed." Lieutenant general Radner spoke to all the soldiers of the 19th fleet of the Federation.

In fact, lieutenant general Radner himself was surprised that this is the energy that humans can produce.

In the data in front of him, the peak of energy had already exceeded the red warning line, reaching extremely dangerous levels.

However, no matter how dangerous it is, lieutenant general radna and the 19th fleet of the Federation will still be on their posts. They are soldiers, and their orders are defense. Even if the 19th fleet of the Federation is destroyed, they will only die on their posts.

Not only the defense lines, but also the warships in the airy region also detected strong energy fluctuations. Lieutenant general Bradford also made corresponding orders, but the army was not in chaos.

There was a light and crisp sound from the clone body in space. After this sound, David felt that 99% of the energetic process in the clone body suddenly jumped forward, and the last substance in the body was removed.

All of the spirit breath scanners in the interstellar Federation are alerted, and the scanners give accurate positioning.

The fleet with "doomsday weapons" sent one by one to Grand Marshal Andre for the use of "doomsday weapons", but Grand Marshal Andre all refused.

At the same time, it was announced to the soldiers of these fleets that General David was breaking through the divine level. General David was in a very high position in the army. This legendary deputy commander, with his own efforts, fought against the insect tide and became a hero worshipped by every soldier.

Grand Marshal Andre did not intend to make public the achievement of General David at the divine level. However, he did not expect that the breakthrough of General David would have such a great impact. If he did not make it clear, who would know whether any army would act arbitrarily.

According to marshal Andre's judgment, as long as General David does not betray the interstellar Federation, any officer who wants to order soldiers to deal with General David must consider the possibility of mutiny.

There will be a large number of admiral David's admirers among the soldiers who will oppose the attack without the proof of General David's crime, and the crazy admirers will do extreme things.

With Marshal Andre announcing the news that General David had broken through the divine level, the federal army went crazy.

For a long time, the federal army can only rely on the firepower of long-range warships to maintain its existence in front of the divine world and Zerg world. At close range, the federal army can not compete with these two big worlds.

Now the interstellar Federation finally has its own divine level, which makes every federal soldier have a sense of pride. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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