Transcendent David

Chapter 1290: CH 1288

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David left the airdiya defense with his clone, and found a safe place in space, opening a space wormhole leading to the "Zerg world safe point.".

To return to the Zerg world with the divine clone avatar, we need to put the divine clone avatar into the small world of soul space.

David's body is only the strength of demigod. The wormhole opened by David can only allow demigods to enter and leave.

Back at the underground base, David released the divine clone avatar, which returned to 150 meters after it appeared.

This state is the best state for divine clone avatar. In this state, divine clone avatar needs to start using the divine power produced by "imperial inheritance pattern" to strengthen the black divine stripe.

The divine clone avatar appeared in the Zerg world, and immediately felt the suppression from the Zerg world.

However, the continuous divine power provided by the "imperial inheritance pattern" will not have a great impact on the divine level clone separation, let alone affect the cultivation of God level clone separation.

David didn't know that his unintentional move actually broke the limits of the Zerg world.

Originally, if it was normal, the divine clone avatar should be promoted in the Zerg world, because without the divine power support provided by the imperial inheritance pattern, the promotion failure rate would reach a very high level.

That is to say, without the "imperial inheritance pattern", the demigods who have been relying on the "imperial inheritance pattern" will fail in the promotion process.

No Zerg deity can get two "imperial level inheritance patterns" before promotion, and also has its own temple. Through the temple, it can transmit the power of "imperial level inheritance pattern" to another big world to help promote.

There are too many impossibilities among them. First of all, the temple is built only by the gods who belong to the big world. Besides, there is no soil for temples in the Zerg world.

Although the power of belief in the Zerg world is extremely large, the believers they pay for are not gods, but "imperial inheritance patterns". This is in the genes and is limited by the Zerg world will.

Without a belief in a certain deity, we can't talk about building a temple. Even with the corresponding technology, we can't do it.

Not to mention the two "imperial level inheritance pattern". Which Zerg deity level is not as precious as the "imperial level inheritance pattern". Of course, there is no need to think about the current Zerg divine level. They all have one "imperial level inheritance pattern".

Originally, using this "imperial inheritance pattern" for promotion, the divine clone avatar would occupy a divine place in the Zerg world. However, since the divine clone Avatar was not promoted in the Zerg world at the time of promotion, it did not occupy the divine level quota in the Zerg world.

David didn't think about this. Even the "mother emperor" didn't know that there were not as many divine places in the Zerg world as he thought.

The fallen Zerg level was resurrected by David, because it was the Zerg level resurrected in the Zerg world, so it still occupied the place of Zerg world.

Even if the "mother emperor" and the five Zerg Gods plan to succeed, they will not be able to achieve the four Zerg gods they imagined, and the Zerg world will have at most one God level place left.

The news of David's promotion of the divine clone avatar is too big. He is worried that such a scene will happen in the god world, which makes David's plan to immediately delay the promotion of the other four demigod clones for a period of time.

David needs divine clone avatar to stabilize his strength, and he also needs to build artifact level equipment for the divine clone avatar and the other four semi divine clone avatars.

We should know that even if the divine clone avatar becomes a god level one, its strength is the weakest among the black dragons. The reason is that although the divine clone Avatar has the "black dragon spirit body", it does not have the black dragon's claws, teeth and tail. Besides, it is impossible for the divine clone avatar in the human state to use the black dragon's fighting style to fight.

In order to develop the combat power of the God level clone sub body, it needs a complete set of artifact to arm him. The God level clone sub body with artifact weapon and without artifact weapon is two completely different combat power.

Of course, in this period of time, David also needs to let God level clone to master the "God of war" talent ability, which is also a shortcut to rapidly improve the combat power.

David was not stingy this time. He got God level materials from the nests of "blade Mantis emperor", "half body spider emperor" and "sky fire magic butterfly emperor", which are the most precious items in the Zerg divine level collection.

In quantity, it is enough to make five sets of artifact, including a complete set of artifact armor and a artifact sword.

David didn't make artifact in Zerg world. He needed more suitable place. Although he can make artifact in Zerg world, the power of artifact can be enhanced in better conditions.

He activated the space wormhole leading to the "God belongs to the big world safety point", and then directly contacted the small world of "mother forest God" in the "God belongs to big world safety point", which opened a channel for the small world of "mother forest God".

David stepped into the leading channel and came to the small world of "mother forest God".The small world of the "mother forest God" has changed. A large planting area in the middle has become much smaller.

The smaller areas are all planted with some food materials. The quality of these materials is better than before. It can be seen that the "Mother God of forest" is dedicated.

"My Lord, you are here at the right time. I have cultivated a batch of new ingredients and am ready to cook better dishes for you!" As early as the "mother forest God" had been waiting at the small world's leading channel when he saw David bowing down.

"You have a mind!" David said with a smile and a nod.

"I can only do so much for you "Mother forest God" heard David's praise and said with a smile.

The Mother God of forest made great efforts to cultivate food materials in order to show its value in front of the demigod Arthur.

The "mother forest God" has no combat effectiveness, and even the cultivation and cultivation resources that he is best at are not appreciated by the demigod Arthur. This is not a good thing for the "mother forest God".

Without the value of utilization, how can the demigod Arthur help the "mother forest God?" this is the concept of "mother forest God", which has made him live through countless chaotic times.

After discovering the semi God Arthur's taste for food, the "mother forest God" finally has a little confidence. As long as it has value, he can serve the demigod Arthur, and is not a useless God.

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"Mother forest God, do you have any inheritance of artifact making?" David ignored the idea of "mother forest God." he asked aloud.

"Mother forest God" heard this question from the demigod Arthur, and his eyes lit up, and his value was reflected again.

"Tell your honor, I used to make artifact in the time of gods, and gained some secret artifact making ability!" "Forest Mother God" said quickly.

Indeed, when the "Forest Mother God" followed the previous God, she had one task besides planting resources, which was to make artifact.

Making artifact will consume a lot of faith. As long as you have the corresponding knowledge, this work can be operated. Therefore, the LORD God put the work into the hands of "mother forest God".

This kind of consumption has increased the workload of "mother forest God", but also made the strength of "mother forest God" unable to improve.

Of course, the "mother forest God" likes this work very much, because he doesn't need to fight in the battlefield, he just hides in the small world and specializes in planting and manufacturing.

After the fall of the former God, the "mother forest God" joined the "twilight of the gods". Since every God in the "twilight of the gods" could not get enough faith, it naturally would not ask the "mother forest God" to make artifacts.

In addition, the "Forest Mother God" also conceals his ability to make artifact. After joining "twilight of gods", he has not made artifact again.

In the face of the demigod Arthur, the "mother forest God" only wants to show her own value. She only hates that she has too few abilities, so she can not hide them.

Besides, "mother forest God" is very clear that the demigod Arthur is not inferior to the power of faith. As long as he is willing, the demigod Arthur can provide him with a steady stream of faith power.

David was surprised to see the mother forest God. He didn't think that the mother forest God had such ability.

He originally planned to make artifact by himself, but he still has the name of self-knowledge. With his short-time experience, he may be able to make artifact, but it can only be said that it is not too bad. It is almost impossible to achieve excellence or perfection.

"I'm looking for you right this time." David said with a smile.

The era of gods is the highlight period of the development of gods. That era was the end of the Dragon era, and a large number of gods passed on and communicated with each other.

Although the competition is extremely fierce, it has to be said that almost all powerful artifacts were produced in that era.

On the contrary, now, the five gods control the gods and belong to the big world. There are a lot of less gods and lost the competition. As a result, artifact materials are scarce. Even the five gods rarely make artifact.

"Don't worry, my Lord. I will make artifact for you with all my heart." The "Mother God of the forest" promised once again.

"Look at the materials first. I want to make five sets of armor and artifact suit of Knight's sword. Is it enough?" David points to the material and puts it out.

"Forest Mother God" looked at the divine grade materials on the ground, and his eyes changed. He stroked a pair of God level blades of the blade Mantis emperor with his hand, and touched the God level insect shells left by "half body spider emperor" and "sky fire magic butterfly emperor" when they were shelled, especially the pair of transparent wings of "sky fire fantasy butterfly emperor".

Even if the "Forest Mother God" had served for the powerful God in the era of gods, and made full-time artifact, there was no such high-quality divine grade material.

Of course, it doesn't mean that there was no equivalent or even surpassing these divine level materials in that era, but at least they were all materials left from the dragon body, which could not be produced by "mother forest God", and even the God of "Forest Mother God" was not qualified to have it.After stabilizing the mind, the "mother forest God" carefully calculated the divine grade materials on the ground.

"My Lord, I need to know something about the use of the five sets of deities. Please let me know!" "Forest Mother God" after calculating the grade material, asked again.

"It's not a God, it's five human gods. They have black dragon spirit body, practice" black dragon sleep ", and are good at swordsmanship. They are 150 meters tall in spirit state, and they are the same as me in normal state." David explained.

After hearing David's explanation, the "mother forest God" felt that his mind was not enough to think about.

In other words, Alexis, the black dragon, has passed on the blood of the black dragon to human beings. Even in the age of the dragon and the gods, no one can do this.

What makes the "mother forest God" wonder is why he has never heard of such five human gods.

Although the power of the "twilight of gods" is not as powerful as the five temples, it is still good to collect intelligence. At least, if such five human deities really appear, "twilight of gods" will get news.

"My Lord, I'd like to ask you how many divine level materials you need to invest in the relationship between the five gods and you?" Looking at the grade materials on the ground, the "Mother God of forest" asked again.

"At present, there is only one divine level, and the other four have not yet broken through. They are all my sub bodies, and they are made by completely copying my body!" David did not hide the "mother forest God" and told the story about the separation of the five clones.

However, because he could not explain the cloning technology of the interstellar Federation, he could only explain it in a way that the divine world could understand.

The "mother forest God" felt that his world outlook for thousands of years had been shattered by the demigod Arthur. Although he was only a demigod, he had already cultivated his self-image into a divine level. Although only one achieved the divine level, judging from the great writing of the demigod Arthur, this means that he has great confidence in the other four incarnations.

What's more, according to the "Forest Mother God", this incarnation of God level achievement should be the first human God level in the world in recent tens of thousands of years.

God belongs to the great world. Almost all human beings believe in gods. Even if the God of war is such an alien, it just shows a strong ability of close combat in the body of a God. It is not a true God level.

The most important reason is that the human body is not suitable for being a God. The cultivation of God level needs a stronger body. God belongs to the big world, and only the dragon race is the most suitable race to cultivate into God.

"As for how many divine level materials I put in, all the God level materials I got are here. You can use them! In addition, I have some semi divine level materials here. You can help me make artifact for adults! " David thought of the demigod level materials, and he took out all the demigod level materials and said to the "mother forest God.". , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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