Transcendent David

Chapter 13: CH 13

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Translator: Dragon Boat Translation

Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

“David, you’re here! I’m sorry it’s such a mess, come with me!” Officer Bob exclaimed after he spotted David. Drenched in sweat, he squeezed through the crowd and moved towards David.

David followed Officer Bob out of the conference room and into an office, where Officer Bob poured a glass of water and placed it in front of David.

“David, here’s the agreement for the compensation. Take a look at it and if it’s fine by you, please sign it.” Officer Bob seemed to be very busy, taking out the document that had already been prepared beforehand and handing it to David.

After David grabbed the compensation agreement, he realized that it briefly stated the terms and a description of the situation. However, the compensation amount was rather high, almost 100,000 credits.

“Officer Bob, are these credits from the bounty on that wanted fugitive?” David asked apprehensively, surprised at the amount.

There were plenty of casualties during the accident. He had only been slightly injured, yet he received 100,000 credit points as compensation. In that case, how much was the bounty!?! 

“David, your father, Deputy Director Hans, is in the judiciary system. I’m not going to lie to you. One of the people killed by this wanted fugitive named Abbott was a member of the Decker Consortium, so the Decker Consortium put out a huge bounty for Abbott. This time, the bounty is going to be used to compensate the victims!” Officer Bob explained softly after looking around.

He would not have informed David of such details if he had not wanted to form good relations with him.

“Officer Bob, may I see the information on Abbott?” David wanted to know if the former fugitive, Abbott, was an armorer with a talent in sniping. He could tell that Officer Bob took him, or rather his father, rather seriously. Hence, he decided to make that request.

“It’s a small matter!” Officer Bob said rather straightforwardly. While speaking, he activated his identity bracelet and transferred a file to David.

“Thank you, Officer Bob!” David didn’t look at the file right away. Instead, he smiled and thanked Officer Bob before signing the compensation agreement.

100,000 credit points was a large sum. Lately, he had been cash-strapped, but with 100,000 credit points, he could purchase more strengthened meat. 

“Officer Bob, you go ahead. You’re busy, so I’ll leave first!” David said while handing Officer Bob the compensation agreement. David could see that Officer Bob was busy and decided to take his leave.

As he left, David could hear the cries and furious yelling continue. However, he could only offer his sympathy.

Standing behind the door of the police station, David hesitated and looked around instead of leaving right away.

Due to the arrival of a large number of family members of the victims, there were not many people in the lobby at this moment. There was only a policewoman at the reception, who did not pay attention to him, instead focusing on the conference room.

David controlled the Shadow Servant and made it penetrate through the door of the police station. Through the Shadow Servant’s viewpoint, he saw the car that had been tailgating him. It seemed that the stalker did not leave, instead waiting for him to return.


Malor drove the car and made a turn at the corner of the road at an appropriate speed. Then he drove back to the front of the police station and found a spot to pull over.

In his head, he was thinking about how he was going to have to report this situation to his boss and inform him that he did not discover the target leaving the house yesterday morning because of his own carelessness. 

Actually, he was not to blame. David’s daily routine had always been regular, never leaving the house in the morning during holidays. As a result, he didn’t know that David had appeared at the scene of the major accident last morning.

However, the fact that David had gone to the police station today made him overthink things. 

“Hello, boss!” Malor answered respectfully.

The man got straight to the point, asking, “Malor, what’s the situation?”

“Boss, everything is fine!” Malor answered quickly.

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“Have you seen David?” the man asked in disbelief. 

Eager to avoid trouble, Malor nodded eagerly, saying, “Yes, boss, David just left the house in a car. I’ve been keeping an eye on him!”

“Continue with your work!” the man ordered after a pause. 

“Yes, boss!” Malor answered. Waiting until the man ended the call on the other end, he lamented under his breath, “He wants me to keep an eye on a little kid. What a pain in the neck!”

However, he quickly felt happy again due to the response that he had given. His boss hadn’t discovered that he had been slacking off! 

He didn’t know that David’s Shadow Servant was floating beside him when he connected his identity bracelet, and that David had heard his entire conversation. 

Unlike the man named Malor, David had heard the apprehension of the man on the other end of the line. David understood that the man was puzzled about the fact that he was still alive.

At the same time, David found that voice very familiar. It was as if he had heard it somewhere before.

It hadn’t been long since he had regained his memory, so he couldn’t recall the owner of the voice at the moment. However, he was sure that the next time he heard it, he would definitely be able to identify him. 

“David, why are you still here?” asked Officer Bob, who was done handling some administrative procedures. He hadn’t gone to the chaotic conference room at the moment, instead heading to the lobby to get some air. He happened to see David standing there and couldn’t help but ask him that question. 

When David heard the voice, he couldn’t help but remove the peculiar connection from the body of the Shadow Servant. If his body wasn’t leaning against the wall, he wouldn’t even have been able to maintain his balance. After hearing Officer Bob’s voice, he had no choice but to stop controlling the Shadow Servant. 

However, he didn’t have to control the Shadow Servant much, as it couldn’t be more than ten meters from him anyway. Hence, no one would find out.

“Officer Bob, I’d like to ask you to do me a small favor.” 

David suddenly had an idea. He could tell from Officer Bob’s tone that the latter was trying to cozy up to him, and his father through him. Why shouldn’t he make use of that?

“I can help you with anything that’s within my purview!” Officer Bob agreed with a smile, afraid that David might say something absurd. To be safe, he pointed out the conditions under which he could help. 

“Officer Bob, can you help me find out who owns that vehicle over there, with that license plate?” David requested, pointing at the inconspicuous car that was parked outside the police station.

“No problem!” Officer Bob answered, taking a glance at the parked car. 

He pointed the identity bracelet on his arm at the car and activated a police scan at the same time. Not only would it scan the vehicle’s history and origin, but also the identity of the person inside the car.

Officer Bob didn’t bother to ask David why he was doing that. As far as he was concerned, he just had to do David the favor. 

Although David’s father, Hans, was in a position where he didn’t have to do much, there was no one in Pelan City who would underestimate a statesman like him.

“Here’s all the information about that car and the person driving it at this time!” Officer Bob said, transferring a file full of information to David’s identity bracelet. 

“Thank you very much for your help. I will mention to my father that you’ve done me a favor!” David thanked him.

“David, if you need help, you can contact me anytime!” Officer Bob had gotten the results he wanted, so he answered David with a smile.

As David walked out of the police station, he didn’t look at the car that was following him, simply getting into his Gladstone III and heading back the way he came.

The car that was tailgating him also started to follow David from a distance, but only after the Glaston III had driven a hundred meters away. 

The Shadow Servant had already returned to David upon hearing his command. The car was still traveling at a steady speed of 70 kilometers per hour, headed towards his home on Lanca Street.

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