Transcendent David

Chapter 1300: CH 1298

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David communicated with the "mother of the forest" small world, and a channel appeared. He took five God level clones into the channel.

"My Lord!" As usual, the mother of the forest stood outside the passage to meet David.

"This is your statue. It's up to you With a wave of David's hand, a god level clone puts the statue of "mother forest God" in front of "mother forest God".

The "mother forest God" looks at her statue with a look of gratitude on her face.

As a God who is only good at planting and artifact making, we need to concentrate on it. If we are constantly desecrated by the believers of the God of death, then for a long time, the "mother of the forest God" will not be able to concentrate on all the work.

In addition, the blasphemy of "mother forest God" is more unbearable than the pain from the other side of shennian.

The "mother of the forest" saw with her own eyes how Arthur, the demigod, treated the statue of death. Standing in the hall, Arthur, the demigod, made ten gods dare not come down. What's more, she blasphemed the statue of death recklessly, which made the "mother of the forest" feel happy after revenge.

"Mother forest God" has only one idea. To be the God of Arthur is the most correct choice he has ever made.

As for talking about their gods, they can stay in the small world.

Now, with the support of Arthur, the demigod, the "mother of the forest" feels that her believer's belief has become insignificant.

Of course, this is not to say that the "mother of the forest" has given up the believers. It's just that he doesn't pay as much attention to the believers as before.

"There's also a statue of death. Do you need it?" David continued.

"My Lord, take care of the statue of death!" "Mother forest God" quickly refused.

He understood what David meant and wanted to give him the image of death to let him take it out at any time.

It's just that the "mother forest God" doesn't have this idea. Now he has his own work. Even if all the artifacts are finished, he needs to make every effort to cultivate better edible plants and cook more delicious food for the demigod Arthur.

"Well, I'll take the statue of death. What do you know about death? Is there any clue to find him?" David thought about it and asked.

"I'm sorry, sir, I haven't paid attention to this before, but if you need, I can ask the believers to sort out the information of the" God of death "believers!" "The Mother God of the forest" said helplessly.

David almost forgot that the "mother of the forest" was one of the Twelve Gods in the twilight.

Although the "mother forest God" has the lowest status among the Twelve Gods in the "twilight of the gods", there are believers who live in the "twilight of the gods".

Now, although the believers of the "mother forest God" have left the "twilight of the gods", they are more familiar with the situation in the "twilight of the gods" than anyone else.

"Then give me a message about the believers of death!" David nodded.

Without any hesitation, the "mother of the forest God" began to release the simile to the believers, and news related to the believers of "death" came back.

Because of the strength of belief, the "Mother God of the forest" is also a little generous, and has given some divine grace to the believers who have provided useful information.

David didn't wait long before he received a message from the "mother of the forest.".

There have been too many believers of death before, and very few of them are really strong. They were all promoted by God's grace recently.

This makes the believers of "mother of the forest" provide less information, especially the three bishops of grade five.

Among them is the fifth bishop of Glaston, who is banned from all senses and thrown into the ring of call.

"Here's the Archbishop of Glaston the fifth, and it's up to you!" David threw the ring to the "mother of the forest," and he continued to look at the other two bishops' messages.

The "mother of the forest" takes over the ring. She enters the ring and sees the fifth level bishop of Glaston.

The eyes of the "mother forest God" have flashed through the cold light. It's not that he has no means to survive from the chaotic era of gods. He will never let go of those who dare to blaspheme him.

In his heart, he has made a series of plans to torture the fifth bishop of Graton for hundreds of years until his death. Death is not the end of his suffering.

The soul of the fifth grade bishop of Graton will continue to be tormented by the "mother of the forest". When the pig excrement extract is used to desecrate the image of the God, the fifth grade bishop of Graton must consider the Revenge of the God.

In God's world, even ordinary verbal blasphemy will be punished by the gods.

Not to mention the blasphemy of Archbishop gladon V, which is the most serious blasphemy, and the Revenge of the gods will be the most terrible.

The "mother of the forest God" let go of the perception of the fifth grade bishop of Glaston. The fifth grade bishop of Glaston found himself in a strange space with rich energy, the freshest air and comfortable warmth.However, the fifth grade bishop of Glaston did not feel a trace of joy, on the contrary, his whole body was cold.

The fifth grade bishop of Glaston saw the "mother of the forest", which is not a statue, but a real "mother of the forest".

The fifth bishop of gladon recognized the "mother of the forest" at a glance, because the appearance of the "mother of the forest" was consistent with that of the statue.

He thought of his own behavior, after blaspheming a spirit, he was caught by the spirit. What would be the consequence?

In his heart, the fifth grade bishop of Glaston wanted to connect with his lord death, but found that he seemed to be in another world and could not get in touch with death at all.

Even divinity could not be used. As soon as this feeling came into being, the fifth bishop of Glaston thought of a possibility.

The emergence of the "mother forest God", the special space and everything all show one thing, that is, this is the small world of the "mother forest God".

The small world of the gods has its own rules, especially for the soul.

In the small world, as long as the spirit has the power of belief, it can revive the soul indefinitely.

If it falls anywhere in the big world where God belongs, his soul will return to the small world of death.

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But in the small world of "mother forest God", after the fall of the fifth grade bishop of gladon, the soul will still be in this small world.

Unless the "mother forest God" takes the initiative to destroy the soul of the fifth grade bishop of Graton, the soul of the fifth grade bishop of Graton will always exist in the small world of the "mother forest God".

The "mother of the forest" throws out the fifth grade bishop of gladon, and a special plant grows fast on the ground, just catching him.

There is a huge flower in the center of the plant. The fifth bishop of Glaston falls among the flowers, leaving only his head outside.

The flowers secrete a variety of toxins, which make the Archbishop of Glaston five feel numb and itchy for a while, painful for a while, burning like fire for a while, and falling into ice for a while.

These toxins did not cause death or even injury to the Archbishop of grade 5, but they constantly tormented the Archbishop of grade 5.

The "mother of the forest" will not let the Archbishop of Glaston V die so easily. He needs to use the Archbishop of Glaston V to recover the disgrace of blasphemy. This process will be very long.

David left the small world of the "mother of the forest God". If he left the small world, he would only appear near the small world. He didn't want to enter the small world. As long as he had the control power of the small world, he could open the access to the small world at any time.

"Gould, this is a piece of information. Launch the intelligence network of the Supreme Council to find out them. Don't panic. Let me know as soon as you find out!" David sent the information of the two bishops in the information provided by the believers of "mother of the forest" through the Lord level contact method, and left a message.

"I'm going to arrange a full follow-up. Are you going to start with that one?" Speaker Gould replied immediately after receiving the news.

Speaker Gould looked at the two bishops in the materials, the fifth bishops of Jervis and the fifth bishops of Lockhart. They were not only introduced in the materials, but also detailed in the facial features and frequent areas.

Speaker Gould did not doubt whether David had the strength to deal with death. He should know that the God of shadow had been killed by David himself. Otherwise, where did David's spirit of "God killer" come from!

"I've got some information, and I'm just going to teach death a lesson!" David said in the name of God.

"I can't help you in battle. There is absolutely no problem in intelligence!" Speaker Gould said helplessly.

Even if you become a legendary knight, even if you add all the legendary Knights of the Supreme Council to form a legendary Knight battle, you can't help David to deal with death in terms of combat power. Speaker Gould is well-known for this.

It will take some time for intelligence. David returns to garmi with his "breaking the sky" talent. He continues his cultivation in the "Temple of destruction in space.".

The five divine clone avatars and battle avatars were not sent back to the Zerg world, but stayed with them.

A day later, the Supreme Council's intelligence network throughout the divine world found the trace of the fifth bishop of Jervis.

The main reason is that the information David sent in the past is too detailed. It has the appearance characteristics of the fifth grade bishop of Jervis and the scope of his appearance, which has greatly helped the intelligence organization.

It took David more than ten minutes to use his "breaking the air" ability to come to the star of the fifth level bishop of Jervis.

The fifth patriarch of Jarvis had a good status on the planet of Esser, a baron with a small fiefdom.

As for what kind of means he used, it is not known.

In fact, it's very easy for believers to gain meritorious service by selling the status of evil gods.

This also makes it extremely difficult for others to trace the identity of the fifth level bishop of Jervis. Who would have thought that a baron whose God belongs to the big world was actually a fifth level cult believer.This time, it was found that there was still a problem with the appearance of the fifth grade bishop of Jervis, who was targeted by the intelligence officers. Because they were worried that the fifth grade bishop of Jervis would be disturbed, the intelligence officers found many suspicious points in the files of the noble Affairs Office, indicating that the identity of the fifth grade bishop of Jervis was suspicious.

That's enough. The intelligence can only do this without disturbing the Archbishop of Jervis grade five.

The shrinking black dragon Alex appears in the sky of a castle. David hides himself in the "artifact space card" and does not let go of his spiritual perception. He senses the "God of death" of the fifth level bishop of Jervis.

The strength difference between the two sides is so great that there is no escape for the fifth grade bishop of Jervis.

David can't show up in the daytime. The black dragon column above his head is too eye-catching. In this way, Alexis, the black dragon, takes the "artifact space card" and David uses the "air breaking" talent in the "artifact space card".

David didn't do it. He thought a moment. The legendary Lord of Mike opened his eyes from the castle of the leading star, and then rose into the air.

Michael's legendary Lord is one of David's 14 legendary knights. At present, with the help of the Supreme Council, the construction of the leading stars of the 12 new legendary lords has started, and all the initial castles have been completed.

In addition to completing the tasks assigned by Chancellor Gould, these legendary lords almost stayed in their castles to practice.

David just made a mental inquiry, and when Mike's legendary Lord was free, he called him.

When Michael's legendary Lord appeared from the star level portal, his legendary Knight breath rose to the sky.

Michael's legendary level Lord is flying towards the castle of the fifth level bishop of Jervis without any disguise. The fifth level bishop of Jervis in the castle is shocked by the breath of the distance.

The fifth level bishop of Jarvis did not dare to have the slightest chance. The legendary Knight suddenly appeared, whose goal was clear was the direction of his castle. There was only one possibility. He revealed his identity.

The Archbishop of Jervis grade five rushed into his basement, where there was a single portal.

He looked around a little reluctant, then resolutely activated the single portal and entered it.

Just after the fifth level bishop of Jervis enters the single portal, the figure of black dragon Alexis appears next to the single portal, and David's spirit is connected to the single portal. Using his familiarity with space, he finds out the target location of the fifth level bishop of Jervis.

David did not use the portal, but directly opened the "breaking air" talent ability. After ten breath, Alexis, the black dragon, carried the "artifact space card" to pass.

The transmission distance of this single portal is less than the limit of David's "breaking the air" talent, so it only takes one "breaking the air" to reach the destination.

After the black dragon Alexis appeared, he found that it was a cave. The walls of the cave were painted with isolation array. It was a safe house.

The fifth level bishop of Jervis has already left. He has encountered a sudden attack. After escaping, he naturally reports the matter to the police immediately and finds out the cause of the exposure. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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