Transcendent David

Chapter 131: CH 131

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"Doctor, when can I be discharged?" Bored David saw the attending doctor coming in and asked quickly.

He checked the state of his bones, and the bones have grown well. With the advanced treatment conditions and the best drug support, the recovery speed of various injuries is very fast.

"Mr. David, I'm just about to tell you that you've just seen your scan report and that you've recovered and can be discharged at any time." The attending doctor replied with a smile.

"Great!" David jumped out of the bed and exclaimed excitedly.

If his father Hans did not come to watch him several times a day, he would not have been so obedient in the hospital.

Just as David got out of bed and was about to pack up and leave, he heard the noise outside the door.

Then the door of the ward was pushed open, and he saw his father Hans, his aunt Bertha, and little Eddie, who was rushing towards him. He picked up little Eddie and held it up high.

"David Jim and Daley came in again.

"Why are you here?" David said hello to them with a smile.

"Myron and dequincy were supposed to come, but they're going to class now, so we're here first!" Jim said, smiling and hugging David.

Daly also came forward to embrace David, and since the last desperate rescue of the two of them, the relationship between each other has gone a step further.

"Your armored floating car will help you park outside. There is a discharge gift from your father in the car. In fact, it is also your booty!" Jim said mysteriously.

"Booty?" David was curious.

In terms of the normal process of the battle on that day, the police exoskeleton armor will be taken back by the police. The exoskeleton armor with special police marks is impossible to flow out.

Even the second level Epee will be taken back as evidence because it involves serious cases.

As for the later battles, he used long-range sniper guns to snipe, which was equivalent to the military action.

The characteristic of the military operation is that all the high-value Booties are handed in, and the things that can be left behind are not of great value.

For a moment, he couldn't think of any discharge gift. Was it the second grade Epee that the police didn't list as evidence?

"David, the formalities for Naan have been handled. You can go to Naan tomorrow. Today you will get together with your friends!" Hans took little Eddie out of David's hand and said with a smile.

In fact, Hans understood that David should have offended a large organization, otherwise there would be no continuous action against David.

Even the scale of the operation was almost unprecedented in perland.

A senior police officer kidnaps two military children and coerces David. It is impossible for nakushi not to know the consequences.

Hans thought of the greatest possibility is "not old holy water", so he was anxious to send David to the safer city of Naan.

Coming out of the hospital, David saw his land tiger type 2 armored vehicle. Opening the door, he got into the car with two friends.

"David, let's pick up Myron and dequincy and find a place to play!" Jim said with a smile.

David started the type 2 land tiger armored vehicle. After setting the position, he did not care about driving any more. Instead, he began to check in the vehicle.

The type 2 land tiger armored vehicle rushed up to 30 meters and flew to the destination.

David saw four exoskeleton armor kits, the land lion exoskeleton armor, the police exoskeleton armor, and the two trophies, heavy armor and flexible exoskeleton armor.

"What's the matter, Jim? Is this police exoskeleton armor not recovered by the police? " David asked, looking at the police exoskeleton armor in surprise.

"The police wanted to recover it, but it was pushed back by my father. He said that this is a military case, which should be solved by the military itself. Where is the turn for the police to intervene?" Jim said, following the tone of his father, Lieutenant Eaton.

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"But the police logo on the police exoskeleton armor has been removed, and the scars on it have been repaired for you!" Daly interposed.

"Although a warrior can only fight with one exoskeleton armor, it's always good to have more spare exoskeleton armor." Jim said, pointing to the emphasis on the exoskeleton armor and flexible exoskeleton armor, continued: "these two exoskeleton armor have been changed for you, the size has been changed to your current body size, and can be slightly increased, so that you may be able to grow in the future!"

"I won't be polite to you!" David said, smiling at the two exoskeletons.

These two exoskeleton armor are special types of exoskeleton armor, even if not used, it is a good collection.

"The land lion's exoskeleton armor is too badly damaged. My father directly made it into military wear and tear. He handed in the damaged exoskeleton armor and replaced it for you!" Daly said, pointing to the last container.

"I'm satisfied with the present!" David was also worried about how to repair the land lion's exoskeleton armor, which was his first exoskeleton armor, which was destroyed as soon as his upper body was destroyed."These are all you deserve. They are not gifts, but you have so many second class weapons!" Jim glanced enviously at the weapon storage boxes behind the car.

David noticed that all his weapons had been collected here, and the box of the second class spear was found.

The first grade army stab and the second level long sword are all here, except for the first grade heavy axe put at home.

"Why, why an extra storage box?" David asked, looking at the bottom weapon box.

"Ha ha, this is the real gift!" With a smile, Jim took the weapon box and gave it to David.

David opened the weapon box. This kind of weapon box is filled with heavy weapons.

As soon as the weapon box is opened, it shows a dark blue light, which is a second class hammer.

"Jim, give me this second class hammer, won't your father make a mistake about it?" David, happy as he was, asked in a voice.

"No, the battle five days ago was defined as a conflict between mercenaries and the army. It was not a military action. You were invited to help the army. The spoils were distributed according to their contributions. In fact, the spoils were still less distributed to you!" Jim shook his head.

As a matter of fact, Jim didn't say something. Lieutenant Eaton reported David's performance this time to his superior. The military appreciated David's behavior of helping the soldiers with injuries.

David's ability to put aside, there are not many sniper beetles in the army, but this kind of support attitude to the military is to the satisfaction of the military leaders.

That's why the second class Warhammer was assigned to David. You should know that this is a heavy class II weapon, and its value is far higher than ordinary class II weapons.

Although five of the first class soldiers in the pelan city have class II weapons, they are all military goods, not personal.

Take the second class Warhammer in front of you. It's impossible to make such a big hammer without nearly ten second level Zerg materials in this weight and volume.

The handle of this class II Warhammer is detachable, which can be randomly formed into a long handle hammer for use with exoskeleton armor, or as a short handle Warhammer.

"Should I say thank you?" David's eyes were full of joy, he said with a smile.

"Under call!" Jim patted David, and the relationship between them said thank you was the mark.

"I didn't expect that you would become a beetle in a twinkling of an eye. You were so fierce that you overturned a peak beetle with spear stem!" Daly exclaimed.

"It's just luck!" David couldn't tell the truth, so he said with a smile.

In the police's information, Kush is a top class beetle, but Kush prefers to participate in police work, so he did not join the special action team of the police.

But only David, who had fought with him, knew that the other side was definitely not just the top class beetle. In this battle with Kush, he used almost all the cards.

If Kush's goal was not to interrogate him, he would have been killed if he had wanted to kill him.

Through that battle, David really realized the gap between himself and the powerful warriors. Indeed, he had the help of shadow guards and leaped through the process of accumulating combat experience and learning combat ability, but the gap in strength determined the upper limit of his strength. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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