Transcendent David

Chapter 1319: CH 1317

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The gods of "the gods at dusk", including "the God of fire", all lost a lot because of the plan put forward by "death" to start the Dragon summoning Dharma array. In addition, the five temples of God's world and the Supreme Council jointly attacked the cult believers, making the gods lose the soil for survival.

When the God of fire agreed to meet David in the small world, he decided to become David's God.

This is the only way for him to live. If he doesn't want to find a support, his eternal sleep will be his end.

For the God of fire, who has lived for thousands of years, he is not willing to be silent.

After seeing the separation of the battle body brought by David, the "God of fire" made up his mind completely. David is a powerful Lord God and is worthy of refuge.

Maybe now David is only a demigod, but it is because of this that David can see the strength of the God of fire.

This "God of fire" has been considered. After David reaches the God level, he will not be able to see the strength of "God of fire".

"God of fire, you have the contract ready. Now we can sign the contract of" God's letter belongs to God! " After observing the small world, David understood the situation of the God of fire and nodded.

The God of fire, with a helpless look on his face, even asked him to prepare his own contract. However, this is also a good thing. He can guarantee that there will be no special content in the contract.

Of course, it is impossible for him to add something beyond the power of God. He knows that David has accepted the power of God, and he does not dare to take any risks at all.

If David turns over, even if he is in a small world, the God of fire can't bear the anger from David.

With one move, the "God of fire" flew his collection of ancient materials. Unlike the "Mother God of forest", the "Mother God of forest" wanted to become a God, and had already consciously prepared the "contract of God's text to God", but he needed to make it on site.

It doesn't need too much trouble to have a "divine contract". In a small world, the "God of fire" has the ability to create things.

After a while, the "divine contract" was successfully made, with its own divine imprint added and handed over to David.

Now David doesn't need to help Alexis, the black dragon, to check. He has a deep understanding of the divine contract by reading a large number of divine level and divine classics.

After seeing that there was no problem with the contract, David left his mark on the position of the LORD God with his own spirit.

"The divine text belongs to the divine contract" disappears in a ray of light, and the will breath from the big world comes.

"Yes, my Lord!" The God of fire is respectful.

With the achievement of the "divine text belongs to God contract", the "God of fire" became David's God, and he immediately changed his name.

"God of fire, since you have become my God, you should not let the believers do any sacrifice in the god world in the future. I will allocate the power of belief to you regularly for your use!" David said after receiving a gift from the God of fire.

"Please rest assured that I have never asked believers to hold evil sacrificial ceremonies!" "God of fire" quickly agreed.

As for David's request, the God of fire fully supports it, and he himself can't stand the evil sacrifice of the gods at dusk.

In addition, the number of believers of "God of fire" has been very small. Even the number of temples has been reduced by two. He is really desperate in the world.

"By the way, I'll give you permission to open the small world!" "The God of fire" thought of an important thing and went on.

Naturally, the "God of fire" is eager to give the authority of the small world, because only by giving the authority of the small world can David use his means to introduce the power of external belief into the small world.

Besides, giving the LORD God his own small world authority is also something that God should do.

David takes over a fire given by the God of fire, which is the control authority of the small world. When his spirit contacts with the fire, he has contact with the small world.

With a wave of his hand, David received a channel of faith power from the small world of shadow God, and the power of faith poured into the small world of flame God along the channel.

Feeling the increasing power of faith in the small world, the God of fire has a feeling of tears in his eyes. In order to live, he used many means to obtain the power of faith. In the end, he really achieved his goal by becoming a God.

The God of fire also perceives that the power channel of belief is connected from another small world. His strength is stronger than that of the mother forest God, and he perceives more things.

Although he doesn't know which God owns the small world on the other side of the power channel of faith, he can be sure that this is not the small world of "mother forest God".

It's hard for the God of fire to guess that God belongs to the big world and who else has taken refuge with David.

God belongs to the God of the big world. As long as he is not the God of recent tens of thousands of years, he knows it."The God of fire, it's time to call the Mother God of the forest. He hasn't been to my territory. Let's go this time!" David said to the God of fire.

"Is it the past, my lord?" "God of fire" asked hesitantly.

Having been a God for so long, the God of fire has long been used to hiding himself in the small world. After becoming a God, his noumenon has never been out of the small world.

Rashly accepted the LORD God's invitation, let him some at a loss.

The God of fire doesn't think that the LORD God will frame him. If he really wants to do harm to him, he can be easily killed just by the separation of the battle body.

"I'll let you rest assured this time." David laughed and said.

David has the authority of "mother forest God" and "God of fire" in two small worlds. His mind moves, and a space door is opened between the two small worlds.

At David's command, the "mother forest God" enters the small world of the "God of fire" through the space door.

The "mother forest God" looks at this small world curiously. Although he is with the "God of fire" at the "twilight of the gods", this is the first time that he has really met, let alone seen the small world of the "God of fire".

"Wronged you, first into my space, I want to take you through the barriers of the big world!" David said to the two gods.

"Mother forest God" and "God of fire" accepted David's guidance and entered the "artifact space card".

David also left the small world of the God of fire, opened a space wormhole outside to the safe spot of the Zerg world, and entered it.

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Now David's ability to use Zerg's "open space" from the surface of the underground world has reappeared.

He released the "mother forest God" and "God of fire". Today's homestead star is no longer desolate. Although it has not been completely transformed, most of the areas have the rudiments of a green planet.

Standing in the main world, the "God of fire" and the "mother of forest" clearly feel the oppression from the main world. It is not God that belongs to the big world.

It's no surprise to them that God belongs to the big world, and there is no living space for God, otherwise they don't have to hide in the small world and dare not show up.

The "God of fire" and "mother of forest" are not used to the feeling of standing in the Lord's world, which makes them extremely insecure.

Together with the suppression of the Lord's world, their strength is greatly affected.

Just as the "God of fire" and "mother of forest" were observing the situation of the home star and flying behind David, they heard a dragon chant, followed by several dragon chants.

"My Lord, there is a dragon!" "The God of fire" changed his face and cried out in a hurry.

The God of fire fought with the dragon in those years. He knew the terror of the dragon, especially the God who used the ability of fire, which naturally had a huge limit on the dragon's strong defensive divine life.

"I've seen the Dragon Emperor!" Alfred, the golden dragon, was so fast that he appeared in front of David when the God of fire screamed.

Like the two gods, Alfred, the golden dragon, in order to cater to David, also became smaller.

Even if the dragon's body is only four meters long, it still puts great pressure on the God of fire. If it wasn't for David's presence here and his "divine contract", he would have turned around and fled.

However, after hearing Alfred's greetings, the God of fire was stunned, and so was the mother of the forest.

The God of fire shakes his head in disbelief. Has he not been out of the small world for a long time? Is there something wrong with his ears?

"Golden dragon, Alfred, what can I do for you?" David asked with a smile when he saw Alfred was very excited.

"It's a golden dragon egg, sir Golden Dragon, said Alfred, unable to hide his joy.

"That's a good thing. Congratulations!" David was happy, too, he said with a smile.

Alfred, the golden dragon, was certainly excited, not only because he was a young golden dragon of the same race, but also because he was the first magic dragon of the dragon family in tens of thousands of years, which was of great significance.

This represents the hope of the rise of the dragon clan. The hatching effect of the "destruction Temple" is really beyond imagination.

"Alexis, prepare a resource for the little guy. I don't want him to sleep through his childhood!" David said to Alex, the black dragon on his shoulder.

In general, this is the shortest way for a young dragon to spend a thousand years in the metropolis.

But it's not because of the problem of resources. To get through their infancy by absorbing energy, of course, they need to sleep. If they have enough resources, their infancy will be much shorter."Yes, my Lord!" Alexis, the black dragon, answered as he left David's shoulder.

"Lord Xie long!" Golden Dragon Alfred said with a happy smile.

He came here in such a hurry that he wanted to get some resources from David, otherwise these God level dragons would supply their own resources to the young dragons.

This will affect their service for David. They need to keep enough fighting power and wait for David's call at any time.

After Alfred, the golden dragon, and Alexis, the black dragon, left, the "God of fire" and "mother of the forest" came to their senses.

"Is that you, Lord Huanglong?" "God of fire" is not sure of the truth of this matter even though he has heard the name of Golden Dragon Alfred many times.

He didn't really doubt David, but it was too incredible.

It was the dragon clan, the rulers of the Dragon era. They spent a lot of money to open the Dragon summoning array, so the "twilight of the gods" fell apart.

"I can only be regarded as the Dragon Emperor. I haven't reached the God level yet. I can't be regarded as the Dragon Emperor!" David returned with a smile.

"The God of fire" guesses that after the Dragon summons the Dharma circle to summon the dragon clan back, something must have happened to make the dragon clan find David to take refuge.

Thinking of this, the "God of fire" is no longer a bit uncomfortable about becoming David's God. Instead, he feels very proud of his decision.

This is the Dragon Emperor. The former Dragon Emperor sneezed, and the God belongs to the world.

Today's dragon clan is weak, but it is also the dragon clan of God level life. A thin camel is bigger than a horse.

"There are only nine God level dragons in the current dragon clan, including Alexis, but it will be better in the future, and a new baby dragon will be born!" David introduced with a smile.

The "God of fire" nodded and swallowed, but the "Mother God of forest" did not speak. As a God, she looked silly. She was shocked.

"In the Zerg world, more than half of the star fields belong to my territory. At present, our home star is still in the process of transformation. I am going to build home star into a training base for gods to cultivate and live!" David continued to introduce, he stopped in the air.

It's the first time that the "God of fire" and "mother of the forest" know about this, which has even more impact on them than David's becoming the Dragon Emperor.

This means that their Lord God essentially controls the Zerg world, which is a real big world, a big world that can compete with God's big world.

They knew in their hearts that it was not because of the dragon clan, because the Dragon summoning array had only been opened for a long time, which should be the achievement of the forces before David.

The God of fire and the God of the forest suddenly felt that the rules of the Zerg world were not so hard to suppress, and they felt relaxed.

To be a God is the beginning of bondage. They work hard for the power of faith all day long, but they are losers and hardly enjoy the air of freedom. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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