Transcendent David

Chapter 1321: CH 1319

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The small world of death has passed through the big world barrier of the big world of God, and leaped to the outer space of Zhanxing.

This region is centered on the war star. There is no other star in the region except a star that revolves around the war star in a way that violates the rules.

At the time of the confluence of the three worlds, of course, there will not be only war stars. The rest of the stars will be destroyed and turned into space debris at the moment of confluence and collision.

He came to the conclusion that "the information gathered from all over the world is not stable, but it also brings the consequences of death to the small world.".

As long as you occupy this place, you can make the five gods who belong to the big world dare not act rashly.

When the small world leaves the big world, the God of death feels what the small world has lost. The ability to hide and move in the big world is lost.

The small world seems to have lost its momentum and stopped outside the boundaries of the divine world.

As soon as death's face changed, he didn't think that would happen.

"It can't stop here!" Death is awe inspiring.

Although this position is far away from God's world, it is not safe. It is still some distance away from his target war star.

If you lose the hiding ability of the small world, you will be discovered by the big world, and then you will be chased by the five gods.

Death has paid such a price, but it doesn't want to give up halfway.

There was a flash of determination in his eyes, and his divine body appeared outside the small world.

The world of death is very small, and the world of death is very heavy.

This reminds death of the first time he lifted his little world and flew to the sky when he became a God.

If he does not succeed this time, he will lift his own small world for the last time.

Try hard to get rid of this bad idea, and death's eyes become firm again.

His eyes look at the war star, where there is a huge population, and everyone has a good fighting power.

As long as we send the small world and occupy it, death can have a large number of believers.

And if his calculation is correct, it's at the intersection of the three worlds, and the five gods can't attack Zhanxing with all their strength.

Death has figured out that as long as he occupies Zhanxing, he will block the passage between Zerg world and Zhanxing for the first time. The passage between Zerg world and Zhanxing is the smallest.

As for the rest of the interstellar Federation, death doesn't care at all.

If it's within the interstellar Federation, with the power of the "doomsday weapon", perhaps death will worry about it. However, warstar is not within the interstellar Federation, where the power of death is not limited.

Of course, there is great uncertainty and risk in the whole plan.

But death has no way out in the big world where God belongs. With the fall of the twilight of the gods and the fall of a large number of believers, and the consumption of a lot of faith before, the best result of death is the collapse of the small world after ten thousand years of deep sleep.

Death is not willing to die like this. Although attacking warstar is risky, there will still be a chance of life.

"Find divine energy, find divine energy!" A patrol fleet of the interstellar Federation first found the "God of death" who was carrying the small world forward. The alarm system sounded inside the ship and also sent back to the headquarters.

"Intercept immediately, at all costs, we must prevent the gods from approaching the war star!" Admiral Adams of theater headquarters immediately issued an order to the patrol.

General Adams has the information of the war star in his hand. According to the analysis of the super intelligent system by federal researchers, the level five combat power will fully activate the energy on the war star, which will cause chaos of the local energy of the war star.

The higher the energy, the more intense the energy chaos.

It's hard to imagine what the consequences would be if the gods came to Warcraft.

The location of Zhanxing is very special. It is the intersection center of the three worlds. Influenced by the overlap of the three worlds, Zhanxing has endless resource regeneration capacity, which is also extremely dangerous.

Some researchers have even predicted that once the war star is destroyed, it is very likely to trigger a chain reaction among the three worlds and pose a great threat to the three worlds.

So even if he knew that the patrol fleet was going to kill the gods, general Adams also hoped to stop them and fight for some time.

Because death is on the side of God's world, the "doomsday defense" composed of ten man-made planets on the side of the interstellar Federation is unable to attack death.

To attack death, ten man-made planets need to move into outer space and find a suitable angle.

This will take time. Although the "doomsday line" composed of ten man-made planets has the ability to move, it has not moved for a long time. It will take some time to move from static to mobile.Orders were sent out from the theater headquarters, and the situation here was also sent to the federal headquarters.

The emergency military situation led Marshal Andre to hold the highest level military meeting, which was attended by all the Deputy commanders except General David.

It's just that it takes the same time for the machine to be able to start a massive attack.

The "God of death" was attacked. The main gun of the patrol ship fired, and the energy beam broke through the void to attack the "God of death".

Death doesn't have time to pay attention to the patrol fleet. He has to speed up and push the small world to the battle star. At 1:00 pm, all the three worlds will react. He will be attacked by the three worlds at the same time.

As he thought, two demigods flew out and stood in front of him, letting the energy beam hit him.

After a round of attack, the two demigods flew towards the patrol fleet, facing the rest of the firepower of the patrol fleet.

A large number of attack missiles hit the demigod skeleton puppet, and there was no trace on the skeleton of the demigod skeleton puppet.

The fighting power of the two sides is not equal at all. Here in Zhanxing, without the suppression of the big world, the fighting power of the demigod skeleton puppet is not affected at all.

The most powerful main gun of the patrol can't damage the demigod skeleton puppet, let alone other space weapons.

But with the military order in hand, the patrol fleet did not retreat. They were frantically exporting all their ammunition.

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Every officer and soldier in the fleet knows very well that when the two demigods and skeletons get close to each other, they will be destroyed.

Warstar's Zerg and Templars also feel the breath of death. Three Zerg and three Templars fly into space separately.

Before we got close to death, the six energy components were smashed to pieces in space.

Once the body and soul of the Zerg are destroyed by the energy of the temple, they will have a level of three body damage.

The three level 5 Zerg and the three level 5 Templars did not hesitate. They resisted the pain and flew into space.

In the process of launch, they met, no words, no communication, they have the same spirit of protection.

They constantly conflict with each other for the sake of their different races, but this kind of thing can not be said who is right or who is wrong, it is for their own big world.

In the face of a powerful foreign enemy, they made the same choice and chose to die without hesitation.

The three fifth level Templars formed a simple Knight battle, and the three fifth level Zerg blocked the front of the fifth level Templars with their worm bodies. They knew each other very well. Although they never cooperated formally, they formed a perfect battle formation at this time.

"Die!" Death's emotionless voice surges in a strange way in space.

The vitality of the six strong men in the charge suddenly disappeared.

The six bodies belong to different races. Due to the reason of charging, they still keep the momentum of charging forward after their lives disappear. Finally, they collide with the small world, and the six bodies turn into red and green blood fog.

"Seek your own death!" Death said coldly.

His eyes looked at the war star, and there was a burning light in his eyes.

There will be a place of hope for him. If he controls it, he can get rid of the pursuit of the five gods and rebuild his faith on the war star.

Although this is not the empty window of the war star, the God of death does not care about the red fog on the surface of the war star. He pushes his small world towards the war star.

With a loud bang, an accident happened. The God of death only felt that the small world had entered the scope of the war star, and the terrible energy was washing towards the small world. This was the node where the three big worlds met. After the small world of the gods entered, it caused unknown consequences.

The God of death feels that the energy coming from all around has the power to tear his body apart.

Without hesitation, death entered the small world.

Zhanxing is obviously not the heaven imagined by the God of death, but a hell more terrifying than the pursuit of the five gods.

The small world is above the battle star, causing local energy shocks. The small world has a special defense mechanism and can withstand the damage caused by the energy shocks.

However, the energy shock in the sky makes the whole war star begin to shake. Both Zerg and human can't stand because of the terrible energy fluctuation.

In particular, the relatively vulnerable human beings, those soldiers who are not equipped with exoskeleton armor, suffer heavy damage in the first time in the power of heaven and earth.

The energy shock is constantly increasing because death's small world has been hovering over the Battlestar.

Injured human body began to collapse, those wearing exoskeleton armor armour, are also struggling to support, it is estimated that it will not last long.

The shell of the weak Zerg can't bear the power caused by the energy shock, and the body of the insect explodes one by one.Even the third and fourth level Zerg, knights and supernatural can't escape from the battle star. They can only look up at the sky helplessly, waiting for the arrival of destruction.

Zhanxing always has the principle of not allowing the level five strong to attack here, because the energy of the level five strong will cause great damage to Zhanxing.

Both the Zerg world and the divine world are abiding by this rule.

But life on Battlestar never thought that this kind of destruction would be so terrible.

"Death" is in his own small world. Looking at the situation outside, the energy surge around his small world is the most terrible. The more he moves around, the faster the energy surge weakens.

But he found that with the existence of the small world, the power of terror is slowly expanding outward.

Around the small world, "death" as a God can not bear the power of energy surge, and once this power continues to expand, the whole war star will be completely destroyed.

"Death" is now trapped in a small world. It is similar to life on Warcraft. It is waiting for the energy surge to increase and destroy itself.

The power of the energy surge around the small world is increasing, from the unbearable level of the God of death to the unbearable level of the small world.

The God of death regretted this choice. He did not expect that this choice would become death.

Once the small world can't bear the external energy surge, then the terrible energy will make "death" instantly killed.

What death doesn't know is that the energy shock produced by Warcraft also affects the three worlds.

All of the three worlds experienced fluctuations in space energy, which made every planet in the three worlds vibrate slightly, with the power like a magnitude 34 earthquake.

"God of war", "God of earth", "God of justice", "God of knowledge" and "God of wealth" found this anomaly. They used the temples all over the god world to find that the whole god world was in a slight shock.

Although this kind of shock can't cause great harm at present, the terrible thing is that it spreads all over the great world of God. This is a major problem in the great world.

The first thing that the five gods thought of was the war star. After the three worlds met, the gods wanted to occupy the war star. Unfortunately, they didn't wait for the gods to get close. It was just the arrival of the first group of level five Templars, and the level five energy started to shake the energy of the war star.

According to the analysis of the five gods, Zhanxing can't bear the energy of level 5 or higher, which will cause the explosion of its own energy.

The five gods no longer consider the matter of noumenon. They walk out of the small world at the same time, and the "door of faith" opens. They appear at the barrier of the big world, separated by a layer of barrier, which is the outer space of Zhanxing.

At this point, the five gods have already determined what happened, and the breath of death is particularly striking in the energy of the battle star.

The faces of the five gods are extremely ugly. Now no one can intervene. They can only hope that the small world of death will collapse earlier. In this way, the war star will lose the source of detonating the energy shock, and maybe the energy will return to calm. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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