Transcendent David

Chapter 1323: CH 1321

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"Death" knows his own situation. He wants to kill the enemy who destroys his small world before it falls, but he can't.

Because David's anger was suppressed to the extreme by death.

All the material weight and rules of the whole world act on the body of the God of death. Even if he is seriously injured, it is difficult to move easily in this kind of suppression.

"You're Arthur. Are you a God?" "Death" recognized David, and he said in disbelief.

"Confinement!" With a wave of David's hand, countless divine lines flashed around death's body. These divine lines made death's body unable to move and solidified its power.

Death's injury has been temporarily stabilized. David uses "confinement" in his own world, which is surprisingly terrifying.

"Death, you have an old feud with Alexis. I think he will be interested in spending tens of thousands of years to let you enjoy his suffering!" David said in a deep voice.

"Death" could not speak at this time, and his eyes were full of the desire to die.

Death is a perpetual sleep for the gods. The God of death now wants to enter a perpetual sleep and does not want to fall into the hands of Alexis, the black dragon.

He has tormented Alexis for tens of thousands of years. He can't imagine what will happen when he falls into the hands of Alexis.

In the age of the dragon, the Dragon had a lot of punishment for the gods, and any kind of punishment was frightening among the gods.

David threw death aside. He finally had time to see his own world.

His observation was conducted from the perspective of God. His world covered the star field between the original three worlds. In the past, there was only one star in the star field, and the star revolved around the star.

Now the rules of the world have returned to normal, the star has become the center, the War Star revolves around the star, and there is another star rotating with the war star.

On that planet, there are illusory humans, David's believers, spirit clan and so on. David's "Temple of destruction" is also there. Everything in the small world of David's soul space has moved to that planet before.

David didn't see the world tree. Just as he was thinking about it, he sensed the existence of the world tree. In the core of the star, the world tree grew quietly there.

In a flash, he came to the core of the star. He is the master of the world, and the core of the star has no influence on him.

The world tree is very pleased with David's choice to integrate the small world of soul space into the real world.

In particular, David chose this special place. Although it is the intersection of the three worlds, it is also a world independent of the three worlds. The integration of this special world can make David's world have a strong independence.

From now on, this world will become another big world on the same level with the three big world. Although it is still very small, the future here is very broad.

This world is the link of the three worlds, and they cannot leave this world.

The will of the world tree, with David's will, looks towards the edge of the world. Beyond the edge of the world, there is chaos. But in the chaos, David seems to see that stars are forming.

David understood that the world tree was to tell him that the world was not the size he saw in his eyes, but a real big world. Any big world grew from small to big.

"World tree, am I a God or a God?" David asked the question in his mind.

"Does it matter?" The world tree did not answer, but asked.

Yeah, does it matter?

David felt his own strength. He thought that the separation of the battle body was the peak of the divine level, but now he knows that the divine level or spirit he understood was only the divine level and spirit he saw, and the real strength he did not understand.

David left the world tree inside the star, and the connection between him and the world tree is still close, as one.

He didn't have any influence because of this formal separation. He could even use the power of the world tree whenever he wanted.

David suddenly found that the ten man-made planets of the "doomsday defense" were also in his big world.

The "doomsday defense line" composed of ten man-made planets is intended to move to a position where it can attack death, but in fact it only moves a short distance.

This is a short distance into the outer space of war star. When David's small world of soul space shrouds this space, the "doomsday defense" will be shrouded together.

David wants to feel the situation in the "defense line of doomsday". At this time, he finds that his spirit has long been transformed into divinity, which seems to be the reason for his promotion in his own world. It may also be the reason why his spirit is extremely strong. The number of his divinity has reached trillions.

It's no wonder that he finds that he can draw conclusions when he thinks about any problem like lightning.

It turns out that one's own spirit has been sublimated into a deity, and there are still trillions of deities.It's not that there are no gods in David's hands. There are even "shadow gods" who can be studied at will.

There are only a million thoughts of "the God of shadow", the "Mother God of forest" is not as good as "the God of shadow", and the "God of flame" is almost the same as "the God of shadow".

What David doesn't know is that there is really no God who is promoted by a real world in the soul space, which is the reason why his mind is booming.

David doesn't know enough about his body now, but with his exploration, everything will become familiar.

His ideas swept over ten man-made planets, and all the secrets of the "doomsday defense" were thoroughly grasped by him under the analysis of trillions of ideas.

David sensed that the federal soldiers operating the "doomsday line" were at a loss. He shook his head slightly. Since the "doomsday line" arrived in his world, he had no reason to return it.

"This is my world. Let's call it war star world." David said to himself.

With a wave of his hand, Warcraft world will no longer block the three worlds, and the interstellar Federation, god world and Zerg world will see a new star realm.

"What's wrong with this region?" The general of the Federal Military was staring at the scanning device in front of him. He could not imagine that the war star had changed dramatically in a short time.

Where did the extra planets come from? Did someone move the planet? What kind of power is this!

"Is that admiral David?" The general saw the scanned image, a figure standing in space, the face is general David.

After confirming the identity of General David, the Federal Military immediately reported to marshal Andre.

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"Admiral David saved us!" This was the first thought of Marshal Andre after hearing the report.

At this time, President Biddle was speaking to all citizens. Marshal Andre sent a message to President Biddle.

President Biddle, who was speaking, took a look at the identity bracelet with a special reminder. The serious expression on his face disappeared and was replaced by excitement and joy.

"This abnormal vibration in all parts of the Federation has been determined to come from the war star. In every era, there will be Federation heroes. When the Federation is in danger, General David went to the war star to stabilize the war star and save the interstellar Federation. Please remember the name of David Kerr. This is the pride of the Federation!" Cried president Biddle.

Almost 99 percent of the people on the planets of the interstellar Federation are watching president Biddle's speech.

The extraordinary shock made everyone panic. Now president Biddle's words let everyone down. They cheered David's name.

God belongs to the big world, and the "God of war" and other five gods are also looking at David standing in space.

Although David changed his face, the God of war recognized him as Arthur.

Now it can't be called demigod Arthur any more. Arthur became a God.

"It seems that we need to discuss how to get along with Arthur!" "The God of war" said with a helpless smile.

The five gods can feel the breath coming from David. The breath is so strong that it surpasses the highest god level they have ever seen, and it has unimaginable power to destroy everything.

David has just been promoted. He hasn't stabilized his breath yet, but let the five gods see something.

David felt the sight from the God of war, and his figure appeared close to the five gods in a flash.

"I have seen five gods. From today on, this is my war star world!" David announced in a deep voice.

At this time, the "God of war" reacquainted and found the difference from the original war star. In his perception, the War Star domain did not have one more star, but became an independent world.

"Arthur, you have bred a new world and become a god of the new world. You are the God of creation!" The voice of the God of war has changed.

The faces of the other four gods are also very wonderful, which they have never thought of.

Creationism, a name that has never been recorded in any book, the God who created the world, has existed only in the knowledge of a few gods for a long time.

God belongs to the great world, which was created by the God of creation. The God of creation left the great world before ancient times. The world created by the God of creation has infinite potential, which is why the God belongs to the great world can accommodate so many gods.

"Creator God, I like this name. It's much better than my name of" God of destruction ". I'll call it creator god later." David said with a smile.

David didn't know the origin of the God of creation, but the name really matched him.

"Great creator, I hope God belongs to the big world, and your war star world will always be peaceful!" The God of knowledge bows down and says.

"I am also a member of God's world. Naturally, I hope God's world is peaceful!" David returned with a smile.The five gods looked at each other with unspeakable joy. They believed that the Creator would not lie.

As for the war with the creator, as long as they are not stupid, they can not fight.

Not to mention how terrible the creator God was, we can say that the creator God had so much divine fighting power that they could not resist.

Peace is the most important thing. After the five gods were guaranteed by the creator, their hearts settled down.

David's figure flashed again and came to the channel between Warcraft and Zerg world. He watched the spirit separation of "mother emperor".

"Meet the great Arthur, Zerg will always obey your orders!" The mother emperor said without hesitation.

The "mother emperor" is good at spirit. In his perception, David is more terrible than the 15 gods combined. In particular, David does not have the breath of steady energy promotion, and the breath of unparalleled "destruction energy" surging in his body from time to time makes the "mother emperor" even more frightened.

Long ago, the "mother emperor" and the five Zerg gods surrendered, but they were still in the stage of cooperation.

After truly perceiving the power of David, the "mother emperor" understood one thing, that is, the "imperial inheritance pattern" had no effect on David. In this case, the power of belief generated by the prosperity of the Zerg had no constraint on David.

Mu Huang is very clear about the current situation of the Zerg, and the only choice is to go to the strongest.

"Good, Zerg world, business as usual, you're in charge!" Said David, smiling and nodding.

He doesn't care whether the "mother emperor" is loyal or not, because the "mother emperor" and the five Zerg gods can only be solved with one hit.

To deal with the relationship between the god world and the Zerg world, David thought that the Union soldiers on the ten man-made planets of the "defense of doomsday" were removed from the war star world.

Tens of thousands of Union soldiers were wrapped in a survival shield and sent back to the interstellar Federation border.

David also scanned the situation of Zhanxing, and found that the resource regeneration ability of Zhanxing did not disappear. On the contrary, the regeneration ability of Zhanxing was stronger after the stability of the world.

He doesn't have a big demand for the resources of Zhanxing. The renewable resources here can still cooperate with the three major worlds. Of course, he doesn't need to be personally involved in this matter. His management personnel in the divine world will be transferred to help him manage Zhanxing.

As for the other planet, it will not be open to the outside world. It will become a spiritual plant base.

in peran City, the rock star of the interstellar Federation, young people in casual clothes walk on the Lanka street with beautiful girls with smart smiles. There seems to be some mysterious energy around them.

The appearance of a girl on an ordinary street must attract a lot of people's attention, but no one around noticed the two young people.

"David, this is your house. Many people come to visit it!" The girl saw a lot of people in line ahead and said to the young man in a low voice.

"I'll take you in, no one will find out!" The young man said with a smile.

Like ordinary lovers, they walk by the crowd and the side door opens automatically.

"Welcome back, master!" The same voice as the girl before sounded in the room. The girl looked at the young man with a smile in her eyes. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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