Transcendent David

Chapter 157: CH 157

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As far as he is concerned, Forrest doesn't know that he has no credit point at all.

He just wondered what the government contribution was. When he opened his identity bracelet, he found that there was an additional contribution point of the government of Naan City, which was shown as 5 points.

"Furness, what's the use of this government contribution?" David asked, looking up.

"Government contribution point is the currency to purchase government resources. For some important resources, the accumulation of Na'an city government is not much, so it is necessary to set some qualifications to purchase them. At the same time, after the government contribution points are used, the total amount is also a standard. Only when the total amount of government contribution reaches a certain amount, can rare resources be seen on the government resource station!" Furness explained with a smile. Then he looked at the time and said, "I'm starving. We're going to find a restaurant to eat. You've got a lot today. You have to treat me!"

"All right, you can choose the place you like!" David said with a smile and a wave. He didn't even have lunch since he came out in the morning. He was also hungry.

Just after finishing this sentence, his identity bracelet has a communication application.

David was stunned when he saw the correspondence applicant. It was Mr. Boone of Titan consortium who contacted him. He showed an apologetic look to Furness, and then connected the communication.

"Mr. David, I heard that you have arrived in Naan. Are you free now? Would you like to have dinner with me Said Mr. Boone, very politely.

"Mr. Boone, I'm free now. Where are you?" David looked at Furness, and he could not refuse such an invitation. He got a lot of benefits from the Titan consortium, and he could not do anything to turn his back on people.

"Mr. David, I'll wait for you at the garden hotel!" Mr. Boone, who seemed pleased, immediately replied.

David cuts off the voice of the identity bracelet, and then turns to Furness and asks, "Furness, there's a treat. Do you want to come with me?"

"No, but I'm on my way to the garden hotel. I'll leave after seeing you there. You owe me a meal!" Said Furness, laughing and shaking his head.

"I can't forget it!" David didn't try to persuade him. He didn't know what Mr. Boone was looking for.

"I'll send your equipment home!" Furness took David outside the garden hotel and waved goodbye to David.

As David jumped out of the suspended car, he saw Mr. Boone smiling in front of the hotel.

Looking at David's figure, Mr. Boone can't help but sigh. It's just a potential investment. It's not many days before this favor will be used up.

He doesn't know if it's right to do so. In fact, he can't make a decision at his level, which is beyond his control.

"Welcome, Mr. David. Please come with me." Said Mr. Boone, bowing.

"Mr. Boone, what can I do for you?" David and Mr. Boone also had some friendship, so they were not polite. They asked as they walked.

"Mr. David, master Bonner of the consortium has heard that you have come to Nan'an City. Please let me introduce you to him!" Mr. Boone led the way back in front.

David's heart moved. If Mr. Boone was looking for him, he might have just contacted his feelings.

But master Bonner is the successor of the Titan consortium, and his status is very high in the Titan consortium. What can I do to find him at this time?

Immediately David thought of the blade of liberty mercenary corps, and the Naan chamber of Commerce. The Titan consortium was also a major member of the Naan chamber of Commerce.

Guessing the intention of the Titan consortium, David did not speak any more, but followed Mr. Boone into a luxurious box.

There was only one young man sitting in the huge box. Just looking at his bearing, you could guess that he was master Bonner of the Titan consortium.

"Hello, David. I'm Bonner. I've heard a lot about you. I've finally met you today." When master Bonner saw David come in, he stood up with a smile, nodded and introduced himself.

"Mr. Bonner, thank you for the spaceship. I like it very much!" David said with a smile.

Mr. Boone opened the chair for David and then walked out of the box.

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"Ha ha, just a little toy!" Master Bonner laughed and invited David to sit down and said.

David is a potential talent discovered by the Titan consortium. They have always wanted to invest, but David's attitude is somewhat unclear. However, the Titan consortium still found the opportunity and sent a gift.

And this gift became extremely valuable because of master Bonner's intervention, far beyond the normal gift.

Originally, this was the willful behavior of Bonner's little axe. Even if the financial department of Titan Foundation found out this matter afterwards, it was only one of the many bad tastes of master Bonner.

However, no one expected that David would develop so fast that he became a Oracle and won the Silver Star Medal. When he came to Naan City, he was accepted as a disciple by Galen. This kind of deeds made the Titan consortium feel the value of this human relationship.

At this time, the freedom blade mercenary group even openly attacked David in the underground network of Naan City, and asked Galen to directly protest to Hadley Chaofan of Naan chamber of Commerce.At the same time, Alvin Chaofan of the military also sent a protest to Hadley extraordinary. The reason is that David was attacked because David helped the military. The action of the freedom blade mercenary group was to provoke the military.

The huge Naan chamber of commerce immediately took action to find out David's past and found that the Titan consortium had invested in David.

Mr. Boone, who participated in the human relationship investment, was originally the most suitable person to negotiate with David to ease the conflict with the freedom blade mercenary group. However, David is a superb disciple of Galen, and Mr. boon is no longer qualified to discuss with David on an equal footing.

If the Naan chamber of Commerce dares to let Mr. Boone talk with David, maybe David is young and won't say anything, but what will Galen extraordinary think behind him.

Therefore, Naan chamber of Commerce found master Bonner, who indirectly established friendship with David, which is the reason why master Bonner appeared here.

Of course, for the sake of the chamber of Commerce, you can't let the young master pay.

Two waiters served dinner. David looked at the standard etiquette of the waiter and immediately knew that it was a very formal dinner.

Three appetizers, caviar, foie gras and cream chicken crispy were served first, but David understood the value of these dishes.

Caviar and foie gras are made from other planets, and the cost of delivering them from afar and keeping them fresh is far from as simple as it seems.

After that, a series of dishes were served, including seafood soup, white cream juice, sirloin steak, mushroom juice, raw vegetable salad, cheese and juice.

The whole dinner follows the standard dinner etiquette, and the waiter delivers the right dishes at the most appropriate time.

If it wasn't for David's underage that he couldn't drink, he believed the best red wine would be on the table.

Although the dishes are as luxurious as rock stars, David is not very interested. He has been waiting for master Bonner to say what he wants to do today.

But master Bonner has always maintained the standard etiquette. Instead of talking about business during the meal, he chatted with David about some interesting stories.

When dinner was over, master Bonner invited David to sit down in the rest area. The waiter brought two cups of tea.

"David, I invite you to come here today. On the one hand, I want to know you, a young man, and on the other hand, I am entrusted by the Naan chamber of Commerce to mediate the conflict between you and the freedom blade mercenary corps!" Master Bonner picked up the cup, took a sip, and then said with a smile.

David had a guess in his heart, and it was no surprise to hear master Bonner say so.

However, the other party seems to have high regard for the love between the Titan consortium and him. Although the Titan S600 transport ship is indeed incomparably luxurious, it is not what David himself wants, nor is it a necessity.

Perhaps in other small matters, he will look at each other's friendship and make some concessions.

But the freedom blade mercenary regiment did attack him, if not for his strength, he would have died in the underground network at this time.

How could such a big feud be settled with a word from master Bonner.

Not to mention that Galen is extraordinary and involves some interests of related interest groups. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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