Transcendent David

Chapter 17: CH 17

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Translator: Dragon Boat Translation

Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

Holding the large cup of coffee and two sets of fast food that he had bought from the store at the corner of the street, Amos carefully took advantage of the cover of the trees to return to his car, which was parked near David’s residence.

He prepared the large cup of coffee because he was going to stay up all night. Meanwhile, the two sets of fast food were his dinner for today and breakfast for tomorrow. Of course, he wouldn’t stay awake for the entire night. As long as he waited until after one o’clock at midnight, he would be able to sleep in the car until he was awakened by the alarm clock at five in the morning.

To an armorer like him, four hours of sleep would be enough for him to recover and reach the best condition.

When he approached David’s residence, he discovered that the door was wide open, and he couldn’t help but be astonished as he wondered, ‘Had David gone out again?’

However, he quickly thought that if David had gone out, the door wouldn’t have been left ajar in such a manner. 

“No!” He saw the obvious cut in the door, and the two shadows in front of it, which left him in awe.

Due to the fact that he didn’t want to alert David and the numerous surveillance devices on that street, Amos kept himself hidden.

Amos was no ordinary man either. Although he rarely went out of town to partake in battles because he had become the head of security at the Strat Hotel, he still had his fighting instincts.

He treaded on carefully. Although he had received orders to spy on David, he knew who David was. Hence, he had to take action.

“There’s someone!” Captain Feroman exclaimed as soon as he sensed that someone was spying on them. He directed his gaze in the direction of the person peeking and alerted Edna.

At the same time, he held onto a glowing short sword and applied force with his foot, forming a dent in the ground. The rapid reaction caused his body to turn into a bolt of lightning and rush towards Amos.

Amos, who had just arrived beside the car, received a great shock. Before he could even make a move, he was already discovered. That meant that the other party was not a simple person.

“Dora, activate the automatic attacks!” he frantically ordered the smart assistant in the car. 

Although his car appeared ordinary on the surface, it shouldn’t be underestimated. It had plenty of combat configurations. 

He had been out battling for years, and although he no longer went out for battles, he always felt an extreme sense of insecurity when he did not have a weapon in hand. Accordingly, his car was his guarantee of safety.

“Da-da-da-da…” A machine gun ejected a barrage of bullets from the top of the car. 

Captain Feroman, who was advancing rapidly, did not panic at all even though he was attacked by the sudden assault. A light curtain was formed in front of him with the wave of his short sword while his body rolled around in an attempt to dodge. 

The creation of the light curtain couldn’t be attributed to Captain Feroman’s mastery of swordsmanship that had reached an extremely high level. In truth, it was due to the special nature of the short sword.

The short sword was a special combat sword that contained energy capable of activating a defensive light curtain, which could be used for self-protection at special times.

Of course, the defensive light curtain would be useless to bugs above Class 1 or weapons above Level 1. However, it could resist the bullets shot from a machine gun for a short period of time.

At the same time, Captain Feroman also knew that he only had to deal with Amos since he had the help of his companion Edna. He did not have to worry about this automatic combat system.

The moment the bullets were shot from the machine gun, Edna once again began to operate the device quickly with her slender fingers. Her fighting ability was inferior without the help of her exoskeleton armor. However, her forte was electronic combat.

It was easier for her to deal with the intelligent assistants in the car than the security systems in David’s residence. The rapid-fire machine gun halted after shooting for ten continuous seconds. 

As long as Edna had another thirty seconds, she would be able to control the car, which originally belonged to Amos. She could also, in turn, attack Amos with the machine gun.

That was the scary thing about the Electronic Warfare Division. Even if Edna wasn’t involved in the fight, she could play an important and effective role. 

“Why is there someone from the Electronic Warfare Division!?!” Amos hollered in anger. 

He knew that he was in trouble when he saw the machine gun terminating after Captain Feroman was only affected by it for a few short seconds.

The members of the Electronic Warfare Division were geniuses and prodigies. Very few of them were actually engaged in combat.

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At this moment, Amos had already reached the car. However, he was prohibited from controlling it because of Edna’s intervention. He leaped up and kicked the side of the car. 

Since he knew his car very well, he naturally knew where its weak spots were and where the weapons were stored. 

After he kicked the car, a crack appeared on its side, from which he pulled out a warhammer that was 1.5 meters long. It was emitting a unique glow that was made of Level 1 quality metal. 

With his own weapon in his hand, he did feel a lot safer.

The weapon in his hand was extremely different from Captain Feroman’s. Captain Feroman’s subordinates were all there to carry out infiltration missions which were neither difficult nor dangerous. Hence, the weapons they brought were all short and small.

However, Amos was holding his usual Level 1 weapon. Although he could not exert its full power without the addition of an exoskeleton armor, it gave him confidence.

“Ah!” he yelled and his muscles tensed up to a whopping 1,200 kilograms, thus making the Level 1 Warhammer feel as light as a feather to him.

“You guys, move faster. We’ve encountered some trouble!” Captain Feroman’s brow furrowed as he spoke into his identity bracelet.

Without the threat of the machine gun, he stopped bothering about Amos. However, the noises of the machine gun were far too obvious in the quiet night, just like Amos’s yelling. He was certain that the police would arrive soon.

Amos was furious when he saw that Captain Feroman wasn’t bothered about him at all. He might have stooped low and took on the task of spying on a kid, but such was also because his boss valued him greatly. He had a high status in the Strat Hotel. 

Besides, the advantage he had due to his weapon allowed him to have great confidence. 

He exchanged glances with Captain Feroman, and the two of them dashed over almost at the same time. 

“Boom!” After the weapons collided, Amos could not help but retreat, and he took five consequent steps back before regaining his stability and balance.

However, Captain Feroman who used the short sword merely swayed slightly, but he nonetheless looked at his sword regretfully. The sword was a special technological melee weapon and had sustained major damages after colliding with a Level 1 weapon. He reckoned that another collision would shatter it.

The corner of Amos’ eyes twitched, and he turned around to run away without hesitation. 

The collision just now made him lose the courage to fight. The enemy in front of him wasn’t even an ordinary armorer like him, but an extremely experienced one who had strong combat power.

There was no shame in running away when facing an opponent whom he couldn’t overcome. 

“Are you trying to escape? It’s too late!” Captain Feroman exclaimed with a sarcastic expression. He exerted force with his feet again, approaching Amos at a speed that was faster than Amos. 

At the same time, the rapid-fire machine gun on the car was also controlled by Edna, who made it shoot Amos automatically. 

As soon as Amos heard the sound of the machine gun opening fire, he understood that fleeing was just courting death at this point. He turned around and rushed towards Edna. On the other hand, the Level 1 Warhammer flew out of his hand, flying towards Captain Feroman who was chasing him behind.

Amos, an outlaw in his own right, was truly still an outlaw even when he was on the brink of death and despite living in the city which had changed his life. 

Every armorer who could survive decades of battle in the wilderness was definitely not a simple person. They were definitely cunning, maniacal, and bloodthirsty. When faced with a life-or-death situation, they would make the most logical choice.

Amos, who was unarmed, became much lighter after losing his weapon as he threw out the Level 1 Warhammer in his hand. Due to his reflexes and the potential that had been triggered by the life-and-death situation, he became twice as fast as before.

“Edna, be careful!” Captain Feroman cautioned as he reached out and grabbed the flying Level 1 Warhammer.

Edna, who was hanging her head low and operating the electronic invasion device, looked up after hearing the reminder, only to see the pair of murderous eyes belonging to Amos, who was only five meters away from her.

If she had a weapon, she could completely defend against Amos. However, she had been treating herself as a member of the Electronic Warfare Division, and wearing an armor was merely one of the means she used to stay alive during battles. 

During her normal missions, she would choose the safest place to engage in electronic warfare from afar.

If it weren’t for the fact that the mission today was simple and risk-free, she wouldn’t even be that close to the fight, much less even wear her exoskeleton armor. 

Edna tried to lean backward to dodge Amos’ attack, but she underestimated the desperation of an armorer.

The only way to stop the rapid-fire machine gun from attacking him was to kill her. As such, it was necessary for Amos to kill her in order to survive. 

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