Transcendent David

Chapter 180: CH 180

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"Second sister, a little bit of a problem. I was knocked down by the tearing flying insects!" David replied to Helena with a smile.

"The secret service has an exoskeleton armor repairer. Give me the exoskeleton armor when I go back!" Helena went up to check David's land lion exoskeleton armor, and then said reassuringly.

She could see that David was not injured, but from the situation of the exoskeleton armor damage, it should be forced by external force.

Experienced in battle, she naturally knows why this is, why a warrior would rather damage his exoskeleton armor, but also want to fight quickly. Needless to say, she also knows why David continued to support her so quickly.

"Little brother, you are too risky this time. You should contact me in advance, and then we will cooperate with you to snipe. In this way, you will not be attacked by" tearing flying insects " Helena pointed out the shortcomings of David's action, which is not a lesson, but a guide to the battle.

David nodded. It was the first time that he used a sniper gun in reality. He lacked a lot of experience.

Just like if he had a sound shield, he would have been able to cut off the huge shooting noise of "godolfen's anger.".

Although the Zerg can still judge the location of the bullet from the direction of its flight, it will not disturb those Zerg who have not observed the bullet flying.

As Helena said, if he said his identity in advance, he would let the secret service's Beetle cooperate with him.

However, according to his judgment at that time, the BLIS team had not left completely and would still receive the public channel in this area.

David didn't want to reveal his uniqueness, so he chose silent sniping.

"Let's get rid of them first." Helena looked at David's open mindedness and continued with a smile.

Back at the meeting place of the secret service team, the three captured warriors have taken off their exoskeleton armor and their weapons have been collected. They are sitting on the ground honestly.

For them, being able to survive is a blessing.

Without Helena's command, two beetles have gone to deal with the corpses of the "tearing insects" scattered along the road.

"Little brother, how did you come here?" Helena returned to her companion and asked aloud.

"I took over the task of the beetle association!" David replied somewhat sheepishly.

"My God, it's too wasteful for you to do the task of the Oracle Association. Next time, we'll take action together!" Helena patted David on the shoulder and said it without ceremony.

In her opinion, she felt the waste of David's behavior.

Working with the secret service, the mission accomplished is more important and the income is higher.

If it was in the past, Helena also needs to consider that bringing David into the team rashly would cause some unnecessary criticism.

However, as long as the real combat power shown by David this time comes out, it is estimated that any team will rush to ask David to join.

There were nine tearing flies in total. David solved five of them by himself, and he could wipe out three of them alone.

Of course, Helena also knows that David has the ability of close combat, but it seems that she has never heard of David using the big shield.

Thinking of this, she could not help but look at David's second-class shield.

She doesn't need to ask more questions. Just by looking at David's second class shield and his second level sword behind his back, he can kill a "tearing fly", and we can judge that David's shield is not weak.

Just as they spoke, two small combat ships came into the sky.

The combat ship is equipped with two missile launchers, which can deal with flying "tearing flies".

But apparently they are late, and the fighting is over.

David and Helena boarded one of the small combat ships, and the rest of the special service beetles escorted three of them into the other.

After an appointment with Helena, David was sent back to the villa by a small combat ship, and the land lion exoskeleton armor was taken away by Helena.

Neither David nor Helena mentioned the spoils, and only a team like blith would value those gains.

But as soon as David got home and had not sat down, the identity Bracelet received a message from the beetle Association.

After reading the news, he was informed to go to the beetle association to collect all the booty of the four "tearing flies" and 100 contribution points.

After killing only six "tearing flies" with blith team, they distributed all the spoils of the four "tearing flies" to David, and one third of the contribution points were allocated to David. This shows that BLIS is a man.

Unfortunately, there are few opportunities to cooperate with bliss team in the future. David can't refuse Helena's invitation. At the same time, he also wants to see the fight of the top class a team of secret service teams.

David let the shadow servant fly to his side. He put his hand on the shadow servant's shoulder and absorbed the last remaining soul of "tearing the flying insects".However, the stronger his spirit is now, the weaker the soul absorption effect will be. The seven "tearing flying insects" have only increased his spirit by 0.01, which is still based on the previous foundation. It is very likely that the souls of the seven "tearing flying insects" can not make him increase by 0.01.

However, his purpose is not spiritual growth. He has long focused his perception on the seven "speed talent (usable)" white knowledge spheres in shadow servants.

He moved a "speed talent (usable)" white knowledge light ball into his body, and then the "speed talent (usable)" knowledge light ball was transformed into a strange energy and integrated with his body.

On David's property panel, agility: 2.42 (1) becomes Agility: 2.52 (1).

David's mood is extremely excited, agility has always been his weakness, this time can make up for some.

He moved a "speed talent (usable)" knowledge light ball into his body, and his body fused with strange energy again and again.

His speed is about 12.5 seconds, which is only about 1.5 meters.

The previous improvement was not a huge increase in numerical value. At that time, it could not be seen that this time, with so much agility added, David felt that his arm movements were much more flexible.

But it also brings some problems. He needs some time to control the sudden growth of agility.

David decided to practice at home and read books in the armory these days.

The next morning, he got up at six o'clock and began to practice "high-level oracle". After that, he ate a portion of grade-1 fortified meat with full body injuries, and finally went to the gene repair cabin to use gene repair fluid for treatment.

He spent the whole morning in constant practice, because there is a lot of fusion knowledge, these knowledge need to be constantly familiar to be able to really apply it.

Although he got the way to get the soul of "tearing the flying insects", he still didn't want to give up the soft body technique.

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Compared with practicing the "high-level Oracle technique" which is injured once, he has long been indifferent to the pain of soft body technique. Moreover, it is a method that can continuously increase agility, which is far less risky than killing "tearing flying insects".

Now the consumption of David's cultivation is huge. Fortunately, he also began to have his own source of income.

The income from the underground network, three shops in the commercial pedestrian street, and a ten storey commercial building guaranteed the source of his long-term cultivation of credit points.

The cash from the ceremony, gifts from the guests, and the credit points for the previous loot disposal, etc., have been paid to David's account.

Now his account credit point has exceeded 50 million, which makes him no longer need to worry about the consumption of cultivation.

At least he doesn't have to worry about it in the first class, but he also knows that if he wants to be promoted in the future, he needs to accumulate resources constantly.

In the afternoon, he went to the government building, but he didn't have the authority to drive a floating car in the garage on the ground.

From entering the government building, David discovered the difference in his authority.

As soon as he entered the government building, a beautiful female staff member came to guide him.

"Mr. David, this way, please!" The female staff member politely indicated.

David is not surprised that the other party knows his or her identity, because when entering the government building, everyone must disclose his identity bracelet for security inspection. The information he came here should be known by the staff at that time.

Thank you David said with a smile.

After the female staff member, he came to the elevator beside the hall, which was different from other elevators because it was far away from other elevators, and there was a special elevator on it.

"Mr. David, this elevator goes straight to the 89th floor!" The female staff opened the elevator for David and respectfully introduced it.

David walked into the elevator. He was so sensitive that he felt his life was threatened.

He put a little bit of his mind into the shadow attendant, who walked through the elevator and saw what was going on outside the elevator.

There are dozens of laser generators arranged there. Once you start the elevator, there is almost no place for you to stay. As long as you don't wear exoskeleton armor, you will die.

In addition to the laser generator, David also saw the pressure bottle with unknown gas through his shadow server's eyes. Its outlet is facing the ventilation device of the elevator. Needless to say, it must be a poisonous gas device.

Even if you wear exoskeleton armor, if you don't use fully enclosed mode, it's also death.

In addition, there are some explosive devices. It can be said that as long as the identity is wrong, it is absolutely impossible to get out of the elevator safely.

David was shocked and sighed about the safety arrangements.

"Permission passed, start now!" At this time, an electronic stereo is on, and then the elevator runs soundlessly.

The elevator opened automatically in three seconds, and David saw the familiar armory.When David stepped out of the elevator and looked back, he thought to himself, who could have predicted that there were so many murders hidden in this humble elevator.

After continuous authentication, David came to five bookcases again.

Although Galen promised to arrange all the electronic archives of God's great world books in his fourth bookcase, he couldn't wait.

He did not take care of other books, directly took "ciphertext review", he wanted to use the recent period of time to crack his two encrypted books.

In his opinion, there should be a gap between the five important knowledge books in clear text collected by the armory and the two cipher books he got from the space ring.

This gap is judged according to the space ring owned by its owner. The items put into the space ring can not be opened unless the God belongs to the big world and the God gives blood to help open it.

Ciphertext is naturally more important than plaintext books, especially the book crystal meditation, which seems to be a method of cultivation.

5% proficient in mathematics, so that he did not have much difficulty in reading "ciphertext review", because the principle described in "ciphertext review" is not complex.

God belongs to the big world ciphertext encryption, the most commonly used method is to use a plaintext poem, or plaintext novel as the main body, and then according to the subject as the code to encrypt.

It is because of this simple and special encryption method that makes the interstellar Federation more difficult to crack.

Because it is impossible to guess which plaintext poem or novel is used by the owner of the ciphertext as the encryption subject, not to mention that there are very few plaintext poems and novels flowing into the interstellar Federation.

After integrating 99% of his mastery of divine language, David naturally acquired a lot of knowledge such as poetry and novels.

Even because of the special fusion ability of Yingshi, every word in his memory is clear.

With the content of these poems and novels, whether they can be successfully deciphered, it really needs luck.

David looked through the ciphertext review, and he suddenly found that he had written down a complete encyclopedia.

He opened "ciphertext review" in disbelief and began to compare them one by one, confirming that he had mastered the ability to remember the past.

It's just that David doesn't understand when he will master this ability.

The only way to think about the spirit as high as 5.07 is to be super strong.

David looked at other books. He thought it would take a long time to remember these books. It would be good to remember the important books before the college entrance examination.

But now he found that, unconsciously, his mind had long been different from before.

Memory became extremely simple for him, and it was his own ability, not the ability to integrate the light sphere of knowledge.

In fact, David's spiritual improvement is too fast, and the benefits of spiritual improvement need to be explored by him slowly.

David picked up the "analysis of Qi", carefully flipped it, and wrote down all the contents.

Only when he was ready to pick up the third book to read, but felt the spirit of fatigue, he found that the original use of the spirit to help memory, but also has consumption.

However, he only read two books a day. Fortunately, there are not many books here. In particular, he attaches great importance to only five books of God's great world, and the rest will get electronic files.

For the next few days, David kept his life like this. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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