Transcendent David

Chapter 184: CH 184

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"You can come here and have a rest." David opened the door to the back cabin and invited with a smile.

"You go and prepare for the war!" Helena nodded and told her men.

The secret service's beetles walk into the main cabin and see the layout at a glance, even if they are well-informed.

"My God, this ship is so cool!" Furness's eyes glowing at the central pool and running towards the pool.

"Little brother, who sent this ship?" Bray took David and asked softly.

He has seen the value of this spaceship. Although he has the wealth to make such a spaceship, it will be heartache even if he spends so much money.

But such a spaceship was given to David by others, which made Bray worry about David.

You know, there is a price to pay for accepting favors, especially David's current status.

Helena also looked at David with caring eyes. They were both extraordinary disciples of Galen. They were really on the same front. They were both prosperous and losing everything.

"This is the S600 transport ship of Titan, which was awarded to me by the government when I was in pelan city because of my meritorious defense. The Titan consortium found me and made a transformation of the spaceship. It is said that it was designed and used by Bonner, the successor of Titan consortium!" David explained.

"No wonder you let go of the freedom blade mercenary Corps. It seems that you owe it to you that time!" Bray said with a smile.

He knows David's position in Galen's extraordinary heart. If David does not let go of the free blade mercenaries, Galen will definitely uproot the whole free blade mercenaries.

"The Titan consortium lost its investment this time!" Helena said with a smile.

The reason why the Titan consortium lost money is that the value of the ship alone exceeded hundreds of millions of credit points, not to mention that David was required to return the favor by letting go of the attack and killing, which almost completely consumed the friendship with David.

If David was just an ordinary Oracle, the Titan consortium would not be in debt. However, David was Galen's extraordinary disciple and gifted genius. It's hard to imagine his future achievements. This is the biggest reason why Helena said the Titan consortium was in trouble.

"It's good to break the friendship with Titan foundation, and it won't affect the communication with Naan chamber of Commerce!" David said with a rather relaxed smile.

As he spoke, he gave Helena and Bray part of the ship's authority.

"Rock t000111 request lift off!" Helena then applied to the second air station, along with the special permission for the secret service.

"Rock t000111 can be launched at any time!" Ground controllers immediately return to command.

Originally, this kind of flight needs to wait for the allocation of air lines. In the sky above Naan City, there are not many channels for medium and large-scale spacecraft to fly, so a short queue is necessary.

With the special permission of the secret service, ground control has delayed all applications for takeoff.

When the Titan S600 transport spacecraft launched, all the spaceships on the ground were waiting, leaving the passage in the sky.

The Titan S600 transport spaceship first flew according to the air route. At this stage, it could not increase its speed, but could only fly slowly. After nearly 10 minutes, it left the protection range of Naan city's energy shield, and then the Titan S600 transport spacecraft made a horizontal straight upward flight into the sky.

"Another waste of energy function!" Said Helena, shaking her head.

She is talking about the ability to transport ships to fly horizontally upward. As a fighter, she likes to take off with blood boiling instead of enjoying it.

David didn't speak at this time. Although he had the Titan S600 transport ship that could carry out space flight, it was the first time that he watched the rock star from a distance.

His attention was completely captured by the panorama of the rock star.

David saw the gray land, the blue ocean, and the changing color of the atmosphere under the light of Kia star.

He is living on such a barren planet. Although there is an ocean, the ocean of rock star can not be used by human beings because of its various radiation, and the land is full of Zerg.

But the highly adaptable Federalists took advantage of Zerg and turned Zerg into a specialty of rock star.

"First time in space?" Helena, who was in operation, asked with a smile when she saw David's look.

"Yes David said, somewhat embarrassed.

As a person who owns a private spaceship, he has never been into space, and there are no people who believe it.

But in fact, it was not long before David got the Titan S600 transport ship. After that, he encountered many attacks and was unable to go out for safety reasons.

"When you have time, go to space and train yourself to fight in space. Space war is an important fighting ability of A-shi!" Helena manipulated the coordinates and turned to David.

Just as David nodded, he felt the light outside the cockpit distorted."It's OK. It's going into the speed of light!" Bray's voice rang at his side.

David moved his eyes from the transparent window of the cockpit back into the cabin, which made him feel the normal light.

For a long time, he has been wearing exoskeleton armor and holding relatively primitive weapons to fight with Zerg. Even if he has a floating flying car and various scientific and technological products, he does not feel like he is in the interstellar civilization.

Now, in his own private spaceship, flying at the speed of light, he felt the real interstellar civilization.

"Little brother, you go to a, the warp engine will stop immediately, and the rock six resource star will arrive!" Helena warned.

David nodded. He didn't wear armour in the cockpit. This is the bedroom. The material is not as solid as expected.

Helena and Bray also came to the main cabin with David, just to see 20 secret service beetles wearing exoskeleton armor, holding their respective weapons ready.

Furness, alone, was still lying by the pool, enjoying fruit snacks from the intelligent housekeeper chef.

"Big brother, second sister and younger brother, you are here. I'm waiting for you!" Seeing David and the three of them coming, Furness put half of the fruit in his mouth and said with a smile.

"Get your armor on at once!" Helena said in a deep voice, her eyes fixed.

Furness quickly started the armor. David also put on the custom-made exoskeleton armor and assembled the spear. The "anger of godolfen" sniper gun and double swords were carried behind him, and the army spikes were placed in the legs of the exoskeleton armor.

"Little brother, it seems that you are going to find some warriors to carry weapons for you!" Furness said with a smile as he looked at David's costume.

"I can beat you all over the ground with a spear Helena is also wearing exoskeleton armor, laughing.

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Furness, the weakest of all Galen's disciples, felt the decline of his status.

"Warning, warning, the ship is locked by radar, the ship is locked by radar!" Just as the Titan S600 transport ship had just turned off its warp engine and entered the vicinity of panshi-6 resource star, all the people in the ship heard continuous warnings.

This is the first time that David was locked by radar in space, so he quickly operated the identity bracelet to check.

Soon he saw a black, ghostly spaceship facing the Titan S600 transport ship, especially on a raised gun barrel in front of the opposite ship, where energy began to gather.

"Shut down the engine immediately and open the interface. We only need the goods and we won't kill people!" A voice came in through public communication.

David looks at Helena, who is in charge of the operation.

"Little brother, is your ship defensible?" Helena turned to David and asked.

"Yes David immediately gave Helena permission to operate the energy shield and said.

"Damn playboy!" Helena scolded softly, but there was a smile on her face without a mask.

She saw the energy shield, which was probably the reason why master Bonner, the successor of the Titan consortium, was afraid of death, or that all the rich people were afraid of death. The energy shield level of Titan S600 transport ship was very high, which was almost the limit energy shield that could be installed by medium-sized spaceships.

This kind of energy shield, the medium-sized energy main gun on the opposite side, wants to break through the defense of the Titan S600 transport ship. It is estimated that it will not be possible to do so within more than ten minutes. These are enough time for the spacecraft to restart its warp engine.

"Open the energy shield, and at the same time close to each other, ready for docking!" Said Helena, with a sarcastic look on her face.

"Answer immediately, or our main gun will make you space junk!" The opposite spaceship was obviously in a hurry and threatened to make a sound.

"Don't shoot, we agree to dock!" Helena's voice has become weak, she replied.

The opposite spaceship heard Helena's words and laughed wildly in the public communication. It seemed to have heard Helena's voice, and knew that the attack was certain.

But David saw the schadenfreude on the faces of the 20 secret service warriors. They knew exactly what their captain was.

"Captain, the opposite ship has opened the energy shield!" In the opposite ship, the radar officer reported to the captain.

"It doesn't matter. They're afraid we'll smash them!" Said the captain.

Of course, he is not aimless. Years of experience have made him never fail, because his judgment is extremely accurate.

Although the opposite spacecraft has opened the energy shield, it is obvious that the spacecraft is approaching them, and the docking signal is normal.

He chose the opposite Titan S600 transport ship, but he knew exactly what kind of ship the Titan S600 transport ship was.

It has larger capacity than ordinary medium-sized transport ships, and because of the expansion of cargo hold, other areas are reduced, making it impossible for Titan S600 transport ships to install defense weapons above medium size.In particular, the Titan S600 transport spaceship faced this time has no trace of adding weapons. It can be said that if you encounter this kind of spaceship in space, it is a duck to be slaughtered.

In order to purchase extraordinary medicine, many A-shi are accumulating funds. In the space without legal restrictions, encountering such a spaceship is his best chance to accumulate.

The captain didn't dare to rob a spaceship for a long time. He didn't dare to stay in the vicinity of some important ships.

"All the warriors are equipped with armour. When they pass by, kill all of them immediately. Don't leave alive!" The captain took his exoskeleton armor loading box and yelled as he carried the armor.

The most important reason why the captain has never failed in robbery for so many years is that he is cruel enough.

After the robbery in space, as long as there are no witnesses, then who knows that they did it.

Without witnesses, there would be no wanted and no criminal record. The captain was a robber in space, but after returning to the ground, he became an ordinary captain.

"Captain, that woman's voice is so beautiful!" One of the crew said with a smile after finishing his armour.

"Then leave it for three days and kill it in three days!" The captain knows how to boost his morale, he exclaimed.

"The captain is mighty!" Except for the captain, a total of six beetles cried out.

Even the crew members who are not on the other side of the ship are also shining with their eyes, and they can also enjoy the benefits.

"Ready for docking, docking, docking, docking, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1!" As the voice of one of the crew ended, the whole ship vibrated slightly.

"Brothers, the wealth that comes to your door is right in front of you. Kill!" The captain roared.

At this time, the captain's heart is full of confidence, the ordinary transport ship, can have two beetles is very important, sometimes even not even a beetle.

And the peak beetle is more unlikely to appear in this transport ship, because this transport ship can not afford to hire peak beetle.

On his own side, he is the peak of the Oracle, and the six behind him are all middle-level and above. His combat power is also extremely strong.

Such a configuration, not to mention medium-sized transport ships, is some large transport ships, he can also eat.

In my mind, I waved my first-class Tomahawk.

The hatch at the junction opened, and the captain saw a faint blue light rushing through the door towards them.

The scanners on the Titan S600 transport ship are much more advanced than those on the opposite ship. Although it is impossible to control the enemy spacecraft electronically, it can also monitor the sound inside the spacecraft as long as it is close enough.

So the conversation between the opposite captain and the crew was heard by everyone in the Titan S600 transport ship.

Everyone's eyes are killing. Just listen to the conversation between the captain and the crew, you can know that there are not many victims who died in these people's hands.

Although there is no legal restriction in the universe, it is not an excuse for the other party to kill at will.

In particular, Helena and the special service team's warriors here are all the law enforcers of rock star, and they hate such people.

Originally, Helena was just ready to seize the other party and then transfer it to the rock star court for trial, but she changed her mind at this time.

"We have a rescue mission, the other side is extremely vicious, this time no one alive!" Helena said in a deep voice to the Oracle beside her. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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