Transcendent David

Chapter 194: CH 194

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Helena looks at the corpse of the hunter Mantis king. After seeing the legs of the second class Zerg, Helena immediately takes a second level decomposition knife from the beetle next to her and takes off the second level claw of the hunter Mantis king.

However, when she opened the mouth of the hunter Mantis king and saw the teeth inside, she was surprised.

"Helena, what's the problem?" Asked Harrington, who was standing by.

Although Bray couldn't move, he looked at Helena with caring eyes.

"Only the claws of the hunter Mantis king are secondary materials, and all the teeth are primary materials!" Helena explained as she stepped aside to show Harrington the mouth of the hunter Mantis king.

"How could this happen?" Harrington and Bray both cried out at the same time.

After years of fighting with Zerg, how can they not understand the habits of Zerg? They have never heard that the second level Zerg has only been promoted to a certain level, and still retains the body parts of the first level Zerg.

"What's more, the shell of the hunter Mantis king is also the first-class material, not the second-class shell that the second-class Zerg should have!" Helena's decomposition knife moves on the shell of the hunter Mantis king. She finds it wrong and continues.

Originally, she thought it would take some effort to separate the shell of the king of the hunter mantis, but she didn't expect that the second grade would break the shell easily.

This is definitely not the defense that the second level Zerg should have. On the contrary, it is no different from the first level Zerg.

"Helena, you turn on the video and record the decomposition process!" Bray warned.

"It has been opened. When I return to Naan City, I need to report it to the higher authorities and put it on record!" Helena said as she decomposed.

After years of fighting with Zerg, any abnormality of Zerg must be reported to the interstellar Federation, which is the obligation of Every warrior.

It is because of these rules that the beetles of the Federation will be familiar with each Zerg, and the federal curriculum will have such detailed knowledge of Zerg.

These knowledge are collected by the front-line beetles and sorted out and identified by researchers before forming a systematic knowledge system.

"Fortunately, the fortified meat is still grade II!" Helena splits the knife gently, cuts out the two pieces of fortified meat, identifies them and says.

"No wonder the" Hunter Mantis "king never stops, even slows down, and is so timid Mine also understood the scene of the previous battle, said.

In previous battles, the "Hunter Mantis" King has been moving fast, even every attack is a surprise attack, and immediately withdraw after a strike.

Originally, with the strength of the second level Zerg, once you open a gap in defense, you should take advantage of the victory to pursue. However, the "Hunter Mantis" king always leaves with one strike.

It turns out that the defense of the hunter Mantis king is only a level one Zerg. It's no wonder that Bray's attack directly killed the hunter Mantis king, rather than the original estimate of the hunter Mantis king.

The only thing that can kill the second level Zerg is transcendence, which is the main force to fight the second level Zerg. Generally, the emergence of the second level Zerg is solved by the extraordinary.

Today, some extraordinary people don't have time, and the elite beetles here are enough to deal with the second level Zerg, so these beetles will deal with the second level Zerg.

"There is no king's heart core!" Harrington had not forgotten about the king's heart core. He rummaged through the corpse of the "Hunter Mantis" and said helplessly.

"This kind of King has no complete king even in evolution. How can he have a king's heart core?" Helena said speechless.

During this period, some of them collected all the booty of the "Hunter cockroach", while others helped the wounded beetles to cure. Several of them quietly put away the bodies of their companions.

Although the death of their companions makes the beetles feel bad, the task still needs to be completed. Without the reward of the task, the pension of the dead beetle will be much less.

Bray was carried behind by a special service beetle, and a special lock was set on the exoskeleton armor, which was prepared for this situation.

Bray, along with his exoskeleton armor, was fixed behind the secret service's beetle, as was the one who lost his calf.

After simple treatment, the rest of the injured beetles did not hinder their free movement.

David felt the tingling in his arm bones, which was a sign that the bones were recovering after taking the medicine.

However, despite the use of drugs, but the bone injury, so that he can no longer fight for at least three days, he can only follow the Oracle team, under the protection of the team.

It is still under the command of Helena, and the Jiashi of the two forces are under orders.

Both of his detectives were called back by jiarenba, and two of the former sergeants were sent back to protect him.

After defeating the "Hunter Mantis" group, according to the Zerg's regional consciousness, at least in a short time, there will be no other Zerg in this area, and at most there are a few "Hunter Mantis".The Zerg, who can pose a threat to such a large group of warriors, is afraid that they will not meet again, so Helena doesn't move forward too carefully. Instead, she speeds up and wants to finish the task earlier.

Although the wounded in the team have been treated, it is best to go back and have them treated by professional doctors.

The mining area soon appeared in front of us. In the video sent back by the Scout beetle in front of us, there were only more than ten "Hunter Mantis" in the mining area.

Two groups of ten beetles each rushed into the mining area. There were second-class big shield beetles in the group, and most of them were elite warriors with second-class weapons. More than a dozen "Hunter Mantis" were killed without any resistance.

David followed the team into the mining area. The injured people could not be arranged at will. This is not a safe place.

Of course, David doesn't worry about anything. There's a shadow servant in the air who always pays attention to everything around him. If there's a Zerg, he'll find out for the first time.

"Little brother, stay here with Bray and the wounded. Audrey will take a group of warriors to protect you." Helena looked at the injured several people arrangement way, looked at Furness said: "you also stay!"

"Good!" Furness reluctantly responded.

He was hit by the encounter in this mission, which is what Helena and Bray want. Only when he is stimulated in this way can he practice with all his strength.

"Bell, you don't have to go in either!" Helena said to sniper beetle bell.

Bell nodded. He was a sniper beetle. He couldn't give full play to his sniping ability when he entered the mine.

The rest of the beetles were divided into three groups and entered the dark cave, where the distress signal was sent.

David sat down on the ground, his body injury is not serious, only arm trouble, rarely rest, he is ready to sit for a while.

As soon as he sat down, there seemed to be something in his soul.

He immediately strengthened his spirit and felt it. Soon he found that it was a soul connection, the soul connection of the bewitched "Hunter Mantis".

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Is this the home of the hunter Mantis?

His heart is full of doubts, because this is a mining area, at least a few days ago was still mining minerals, how could it become the "Hunter Mantis" nest.

But if it's not the old nest, how can the escaped "Hunter Mantis" come here.

David thought to himself that some spirits had already manipulated the shadow waiter into the ground. After passing through the darkness, he saw a passage.

This passage is five meters above the ground. In the passage, two "Hunter Mantis" are resting, and the bewitched "Hunter Mantis" is not far from here.

David sent an order through the shadow attendant, and soon the bewitched "Hunter Mantis" came.

This is the first time to manipulate the bewitched Zerg, so when he saw this "Hunter Mantis", David felt a touch of intimacy.

However, he soon considered that if this place became the nest of "Hunter Mantis", then how would the distress signal be sent out? We should know that although the level 1 Zerg is not too strong, it can not be blocked by ordinary walls.

With the sickle and chainsaw limbs of the hunter mantis, ordinary steel can be easily cut. It is only a matter of time before the thick steel is broken.

David let the bewitched "Hunter Mantis" stop in place, and control the shadow to explore around. Although the distance is not long, it is enough to find out whether there is a hidden channel.

Unfortunately, he didn't find anything, but he soon thought of the lower part of the passage.

The shadow servant didn't enter the ground again. This time, he fell ten meters before he found out.

Ten meters below the passage is a completely different channel. The upper channel is like an ordinary mine passage, equipped with miner's lamps, and the ground is full of gravel and mining waste materials.

However, the passageway 10 meters below is a clean and clean steel passageway.

It's very abrupt to see such a passage in such a place. It should be in the military area, or in the basement of the rich in the city.

David on the ground stood up. He walked along the underground passage, trying to see where the passage led by the shadow attendant!

"Little brother, you should be careful. Don't walk around with injuries on your body." Bray saw David's action and couldn't help but remind him.

In fact, there is no problem with the safety of this mining area. Sniper Jiashi bell has found the best sniping point for a long time, and the ground of the whole mining area is under Bell's observation.

In addition, a group of elite beetles, led by Audrey, are looking at some corners. Safety is not a problem.

"All right, I'm just bored. I'll just walk around." David nodded.

The shadow attendant is walking in the underground passage. David follows him on the ground. After walking for more than 20 meters, he sees a password gate.

At the same time, the shadow attendant also saw the two shooting holes above the password door. It seems that if anyone enters, he will be attacked.However, this has nothing to do with shadow attendants. The invisible shadow attendants are like ghosts, ignoring all the defense systems and even the password gate in front of them.

David stepped forward a few more steps, and the shadow attendant went through the code gate underground.

As soon as he entered the password gate, the shadow attendant saw a huge space.

The reason is huge, because there are four rows of ten sets of culture tanks in each row, which are not the kind of incubators used by human beings.

David saw the creature in the incubator through the shadow's eyes. It was the hunter Mantis.

In this room alone, there are 40 sets of "Hunter Mantis" culture tanks, half of which are hollow, and the other half are floating in blue culture medium.

There are various kinds of thin or thick connecting lines on the body of the "Hunter Mantis". Some data are displayed on the screen in front of the culture tank.

Anger, extreme anger, that's how David feels at the moment.

Although he came to this world for a short time, he deeply felt the threat of Zerg to human beings.

Just before the Zerg invasion, peran was OK. Only some soldiers who guarded the city died. However, the city of sho, which is close to perland, was destroyed. Only a few million people survived in the end.

Looking back at history, humans and Zerg is an endless race war, and the winner gets the right to live.

But in front of the shadow servant, there are people cultivating Zerg.

David couldn't understand what was happening. Countless warriors died every year. Even today, some of them died under the claws of the hunter Mantis.

He soon thought of a possibility, that is, whether the "Hunter Mantis" and the "Hunter Mantis" kings were cultivated here?

The shadow servant went on and passed the culture room. At the end of the culture room, there was a same password gate.

Once again, the shadow servant passes through the code gate. This is an anatomy room. A dead "Hunter Mantis" is locked on the operating bed, but there is no one here.

There are two doors in the dissecting room, one is the password gate connecting the shadow service and the culture room, and the other is on the other side of the dissecting room.

David on the ground moved a few steps again, and the shadow attendant under the ground went through the door, and there was a passage in front of him.

Different from the clean passage just now, although this passage is also made of steel, there are many obvious incisions on the ground, which looks like the scythe and chainsaw limb of "Hunter Mantis".

The shadow attendant followed the passage and saw several torn corpses. Although the clothes on the corpse were not in good shape, David still judged that it was a research suit.

David can almost imagine that this is a Research Institute for the hunter Mantis.

It may be an accident that caused the hunter Mantis to run out and cause such a killing.

It's a pity that the killing time here has been too long, all the souls have dissipated, and the shadow maid has not absorbed any soul.

The shadow attendant went on, looking from room to room.

Most of the doors were destroyed by the hunter mantis, and only a few of them were still in good condition. The first door the shadow maid entered was one of the lucky ones.

There are more and more corpses of researchers. It seems that the "Hunter Mantis" is extremely disgusted with the researchers. Every corpse is torn to pieces. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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