Transcendent David

Chapter 209: CH 209

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Cather extraordinary will David on the ground of the single landing spacecraft, this single landing spacecraft has only one seat, he certainly can not let David sit.

He started the single landing ship, which suddenly rushed to the sky.

David was hit by the sudden rush from the ground on the rear cabin, but David was controlled, unable to cry pain and struggle.

Cather ignored David. He looked down at the city of Naan and let out a sneer.

The single landing spaceship left the rock star soundlessly and rushed into space.

After Cather had set up the flight data, he stood up and looked at David.

"Boy, I'll let you go. Don't try to resist. It will make me angry. Although I won't kill you, I will break your legs and arms!" Cather said to David in a deep voice.

He used extraordinary power on David, but the extraordinary power is not something that a warrior like David can bear for a long time. If the time goes on, there may be big problems.

He didn't want to go back with a body, and his mission would fail.

Cather supernatural pressed on David and regained his power.

David felt his whole body lightened and his strength returned to his body.

David didn't want to resist, but the other side was extraordinary. He had tried to be extraordinary and terrible, and he could not deal with it at all.

He lifted his breathing apparatus from his face, and there was oxygen in the small cabin, allowing him to breathe freely.

"Only an hour, we can return to the ship, in the meantime, you give me honest stay!" Cather was extraordinary and told David that he didn't speak.

David nodded to show that he knew.

Cather was very careful. He didn't take off his armor, just his face.

As an extraordinary man who has been through the battlefield for a long time, he will not underestimate anyone even under the absolute advantage.

On the battlefield, he has seen the relaxed extraordinary take off his extraordinary armor and be stabbed to death by a first-class Zerg.

So as long as there are enemies, he will wear extraordinary armor, regardless of the strength of the enemy.

It is this kind of care that allows him to survive in warstar and live well.

David was not willing to be captured like this. He knew that Cather was sent by a mysterious organization, so he decided to fight to death.

Because he believed that as long as he fell into the hands of a mysterious organization, he would probably be worse than dead.

He had a creepy feeling when he thought about the weird ways of the mysterious organization.

It is impossible to win a direct battle. David has no weapons in his hand, but Cather is wearing extraordinary armor. The comparison between them is not on the same level.

Now the only thing that is not in Cather's extraordinary grasp is the shadow servant.

Cather did not expect that there would be shadow servants.

Even though he has seen powerful shadow attendants in warstar, he has never heard of invisible shadow attendants. Moreover, this kind of invisibility is more like hiding in space than ordinary invisibility.

David, with half of his mind in the shadow, is examining the structure and installation of the single lander.

The structure of this single landing spacecraft is very simple, krypton crystal engine and some necessary survival devices are added to ensure that the single landing spacecraft is small enough.

Small talent ensures that when entering the interior of the planet, it reduces the chance of being found.

Think about a spaceship that can fly in space. It can only hold the next seat. At the same time, it should also ensure short-distance space flight, and can enter the atmosphere. The technology and cost required are amazing.

It is also for this reason that there is no gravity stabilization system installed on the single landing spaceship. The greater reason is that it is used by extraordinary people and does not need a gravity stabilization system.

David is now in weightlessness. He can only hold the ground with his hands to stabilize his body.

The last time David absorbed the souls of those space pirates, one of the knowledge that David thought was useless was 40% mastery level "ship maintenance" capability.

At the moment, it has an effect. He can see through the shadow attendant the functions of this single landing spaceship.

Because of its simple structure, it took only five minutes before and after the shadow attendant to check all the functions of the spacecraft.

This is not a regular spaceship, a lot less functions, including toxic gas detection function.

Perhaps even the designers who designed the single landing spaceship for Cather extraordinary did not think that Cather extraordinary would be affected by a little toxic gas, because once the toxic gas appeared, Cather extraordinary could use extraordinary armor to isolate the toxic gas.

David's heart moved, his hand was a little loose, let his body involuntarily roll in the cabin.

Then a hand grabbed David's neck and pressed it on the floor.

"Boy, don't do any tricks, you are a Oracle, stabilize your body, or I will tie you up!" Cather said with extraordinary ferocity.He didn't notice that just as David rolled over, the breathing apparatus that had been pushed over his head was put back on his face again.

Kather released David, sat back in his seat, took a book out of his metal wristband and read it.

David saw that it was a novel, but he didn't expect that Cather was still reading novels in his spare time.

David didn't move around any more. He fixed his body carefully and didn't provoke Cather.

He's waiting for an opportunity, an opportunity to launch.

"Why Cather extraordinary suddenly found that the communication device on his single landing spaceship was flashing.

We should know that the communication device of a single landing spacecraft can only be connected with the main spacecraft, and can not carry out remote communication.

"Is there something wrong with the main spaceship?" He thought to himself, and got in touch.

He didn't believe that anyone would dare to move his ship. The main ship had remarkable signs of transcendence.

"My Lord, general Adams has left a message for you!" The Butler's voice came from the main ship.

"What can I do for general Adams?" Cather asked strangely, and then he opened general Adams's message.

"Cather is extraordinary. David is my subordinate's child. Please return David!" General Adams's message was simple, firm and powerful.

"Damn it, what does this have to do with general Adams?" Cather scolded in his extraordinary heart, and his expression on his face was constantly changing.

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The face of general Adams was supposed to be given, but it was related to his life span. After losing this opportunity, where did he get so much "immortal holy water".

Only enough "immortal holy water" can affect his extraordinary life span. He is not ordinary people. The "immortal holy water" can repair his body. The weight of ten bottles is enough for him to adjust his body. At least, his life span can be transformed into a normal and extraordinary life span of 300 years.

He decided not to pay any attention to general Adams. At worst, he left warstar after completing the transaction. The universe is so big that he can't go there.

David also heard the message and found that it was to save him, but he also saw the look on Cather's extraordinary face.

In my heart, I knew that Cather would not want to let go, but I didn't know what kind of benefits the mysterious organization gave Cather.

Just as Cather was distracted, the shadow attendant took a syringe out of the space ring in the cabin air circulator.

Then the shadow servant pushed the purple liquid out of the disposable syringe. It was "nerve suppression type III poison", a terrible poison.

If you don't have the privilege at the time of purchase, you need 2000 points to exchange for such a "nerve suppression type III poison.".

The air circulation device converts the "nerve suppressor type III agent" into a gas, which is introduced into the cabin.

The narrow cabin space makes it easier for "nerve suppressor III" to work.

If it was Cather who was extraordinary and didn't get the attention of other things, he would definitely find something unusual.

But Cather's extraordinary energy was influenced by general Adams's message, and his confidence in his own strength made him not expect that David would still want to turn the table at this time.

Under the influence of cosmic light, the lavender water mist is integrated with light, which is difficult to find without special attention.

In the narrow cabin, only two people were breathing. David used breathing apparatus, and he did not breathe the air in the cabin at all. Thus, only Cather was breathing the air containing "nerve inhibition type III agent".

David's heart beat faster, and he watched Cather's extraordinary changes nervously.

"Boy, what are you thinking about? How can your heart beat so fast?" Suddenly Cather asked in a voice.

David was surprised, but he soon found out that there was a strange blush on kather's extraordinary face, with some purple in it.

"What have you done to me?" Cather extraordinary at this time also found his own wrong, suddenly stood up, yelled.

Just as soon as he stood up, his body was frozen and his expression became extremely unwilling.

The nerves of his whole body were out of control, which made it difficult for him to breathe.

David doesn't want to get too close to Cather extraordinary at this time. Who knows if he has the ability of dying.

He hides his body with his seat. If casser wants to kill him, he must attack the seat first.

Although this seat can't block the extraordinary attack, it can at least give David a little more time to dodge.

"Can you tell me how I got hit?" Cather felt that his muscles were out of control, and his tongue would lose control immediately. He wanted to know why, otherwise he would die with his eyes closed.

He has experienced countless life and death battles in Zhanxing. Although he has had many crises, he has all survived safely.

I didn't expect that this was just a simple task, but he was about to die.

"You've been poisoned with nerve suppressor type III agent!" David saw that Cather's whole body was purple, and he knew that Cather was really unable to attack, so he replied."No No But Yes Cather was unable to speak well, but he tried to stick to it.

Cather was not the first brother who had never been to the battlefield. After catching David, he searched David all over his body.

If there was a "nerve suppressor type III" agent, he would have found out for a long time. How could David have allowed the "nerve suppression type III agent" to be released.

"It's true!" David said in a deep voice.

Even if Cather is going to die, he will not reveal that he has the ability of invisible shadow service, which is his biggest secret.

"Nerve suppressor type III" is really overbearing. Fortunately, this agent is not transmitted through the skin. Otherwise, David will be as extraordinary as Cather.

What else does kaser want to say, but after this period of time, the "nerve suppression type III" agent has begun to explode. Most of his nerves in his body have lost their function, and his heart is also affected at this time, and his heart is beating more and more slowly.

"Neurosuppressive agent III" is a powerful agent that can cause second-class Zerg poisoning. However, the extraordinary body is not as good as that of the second-class Zerg. Although it is only transmitted by breathing, the narrow interior of the cabin allows the "nerve inhibition type III agent" to be brought into full play.

Cather's extraordinary breathing became weaker and lighter, and her heartbeat was almost inaudible.

But David didn't relax. He had a way to know if the other person was dead, so he was waiting.

Suddenly, the body of David was breathed in, and his soul was shocked.

This sense of relief lasted for a minute, then slowly subsided.

David was really relieved at this time, but he didn't dare to take off the breathing apparatus. The cabin was full of poisonous fog.

He came forward to grab the extraordinary body of Cather. At this time, the extraordinary armor of Cather's extraordinary body disappeared. He had only a set of underwear and space device on his wrist.

David didn't know where the extraordinary armor was, but when he saw the space device, he had a guess.

Without the control of extraordinary force, the extraordinary armor is likely to be automatically retracted space device.

David took the space device off Cather's extraordinary wrist and played with it in his hand.

David had seen Galen demonstrate the space device. He tried it with his spirit, but it had no effect on the space device. He called in the shadow attendant and wanted the shadow attendant to try it.

The mind left in the shadow servant enters into the space device with the shadow attendant's exploration of the space device.

David breathed a sigh of relief. The shadow boy never let him down. It was like omnipotent.

Even the space device that needs extraordinary force to open is as simple as shadow service.

Inside the space device is a space of about two cubes. The most obvious one is the extraordinary armor originally worn on Cather's extraordinary body.

At this time, the extraordinary armor remained in the state of wearing, but there was no one inside. David did not know what was required of this extraordinary armor, and he did not dare to try to die.

But he knew that exoskeleton armor for ordinary people to wear, will make ordinary people's body directly collapse, before he does not understand the extraordinary armor, he is impossible to try on the extraordinary armor.

Next to the extraordinary armor was a heavy axe protected by a leather sheath, and the rest were five bottles of "immortal holy water" which he was very familiar with, which was the deposit given to him by the knight of God's great world.

David also saw several books, some anonymous credit cards, and an agreement to arrest him in exchange for ten bottles of holy water. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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