Transcendent David

Chapter 218: CH 218

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After being busy for two minutes, David didn't continue. The intelligent core used by thunder II frigate is military products, which has a strong defense against attacks.

If you give David an hour or two, it might still break.

But he knew very well that he didn't have that long time. The Raptor was being pursued by the fleet, and every minute could not be wasted.

Of course, David didn't waste the two minutes. He got the interior layout of thunder II frigate.

David downloaded the interior layout of the thunderbolt II frigate into his exoskeleton armor, and labeled all the monitoring equipment on the layout.

At least he's in the thunderbolt II frigate now, and he won't be disoriented.

David has three choices. One is to go to the ammunition depot. As long as the ammunition in the ammunition depot is changed to explode, the thunder II frigate will be destroyed.

The second is to go to the engine area. As long as the engine is damaged, the frigate will lose its power, and it will be impossible to pursue the Raptor refitted ship.

Third, to find the intelligent core, David can control the lightning II frigate.

On top of the exoskeleton armor, David zooms in and out to find the location of the intelligent core.

His first choice is smart core, which he thinks is the most appropriate choice.

"Found it!" David marks the layout, then uses the small brain on the exoskeleton armor to analyze and judge the course of action, and soon a best route of action appears.

David took a look at the struggling repair robot and did not destroy it. Once destroyed, it would be discovered by the intelligent core of the frigate.

He ran fast in the passage, but as soon as he turned the corner, he found that the passage was closed by a sealed door.

The function of the airtight door is that in case of emergency, the spaceship will separate the damaged hull from other ships.

The sealed door is controlled by the intelligent core on the cockpit side. There is no open port here.

Even if David had electronic countermeasures, he couldn't do anything about the sealed door in front of him.

"It can only be broken by force!" David thought in his mind that the third class heavy axe in his hand had been raised.

But just as he was about to chop, he stopped in mid air.

He put his ear on the sealed door, and just now he heard a trace of footstep. Although it was separated from the sealed door, the hard foot armor of exoskeleton armor contacted the same hard steel ground, and the sound was not small.

Sure enough, when his ears were on the sealed door, he could hear more clearly, but the footsteps of the six warriors were very clear.

A little mind enters the shadow attendant's body, and the shadow servant passes through the sealed door. Through the shadow attendant's eyes, David sees six Armored Warriors in exoskeleton approaching the sealed door.

"Found out!" David is not familiar with the battle inside the warship, and there is no combat experience in this aspect in the light ball of knowledge he has obtained. Therefore, when he sees the appearance of six warriors, he instinctively thinks that he has been discovered.

The idea of sneaking into it was dismissed.

According to his idea, knowing the location of all the monitoring equipment, he can carefully avoid the monitoring equipment, and try not to let the people in the warship find out.

"War!" David chose this adventurous way to enter the thunderbolt II frigate. Since he had already planned to fight, he did not have any fear when he had no choice at the moment.

The third group is led by a team leader. This is a standard group of beetles, one with a big shield, two with hammers, two with heavy axes and one with spear.

"We have reached the A304 sealed door. Open the door and let us in!" The group leader said to the operator in the cockpit through the channel.

Six beetles stood at random in front of the sealed door, the group leader talked, and the rest were waiting for the door to open.

Since the sealed door has not been opened, they did not think there would be any danger, and there was no precaution.

Suddenly, a crack appeared in the sealed door, and a green light flashed from the crack.

David's first goal is to contact the team leader, who told the group leader to stop the most recently, while the rest of the beetles looked at the group leader, showing the group leader's unique status.

Next to the group leader is the big shield beetle. Even if it is safe, the big shield beetle is always ready to protect the leader.

Big shield beetle found the green light, he instinctively raised the big shield.

The green light is still unimpeded, the head of the group leader flies up, and then the first grade big shield of the big shield beetle is cut off, and the big shield beetle is divided into two parts.

"Team leader!" Exclaimed the other four.

At this time, the sealed door opened with a Shua, which was requested by the group leader, and the cockpit operator opened it as required.

But the operator did not expect that he opened the door of hell for the remaining four warriors.

This group is all elite beetles, who used to be in the army and have rich combat experience.

The loss of the team leader and the big shield beetle made the other four soldiers in a state of confusion. However, when David rushed out, he immediately responded.Two hammers and beetles swung their hammers in front of them, spear beetles stabbed at the back, and heavy axe beetles attacked on the side. David was almost facing the attack of four warriors at the same time.

But now David is holding a heavy axe of level three, and has 25% of the heavy axe master of the satisfactory level.

He didn't use the "extreme speed" talent. He made a curve in front of his third class heavy axe. The spearhead of the spear that attacked in front of him was cut off first, then two battle hammers were swept off, and finally the two heavy axes and axes intersected.

Third class heavy axe to first class heavy axe, the result does not need to think.

"It's a third class weapon!" Although he had seen the green light before, he still exclaimed that he had seen the third class heavy axe with his own eyes.

The four beetles retreated quickly and wanted to retreat.

But their speed, even if David does not use the "extreme speed" talent, is faster than them.

With his daily practice of "soft body technique" and various opportunities before him, his speed is far faster than that of the top one.

With a agility of 4.18, after David stepped forward, the heavy axe of the third class in his hand split the two Warhammer warriors and one heavy axe beetle into two like thin paper.

Only the spear beetle, the farthest away, was not killed at the first time, but he only ran two steps more and was chased by David, a heavy axe owl.

David shook his head as he watched the bloodshed scene in the passage.

With the third level heavy axe, his attack is more sharp. Fortunately, he is already a master of heavy axe. Otherwise, if an ordinary Oracle holds a heavy axe of level 3, his mastery of heavy axe will definitely be affected.

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"The leader of the third class a group dies, and one member dies!" In the cockpit of the thunderbolt II frigate, the scanners called out to report.

Commander Norton was surprised when he heard the speech. He looked up at the screen. The third group was located in the A304 area. In the side of the real-time body condition display of the six beetles, the display of two beetles has turned gray, marking the gray of death.

Just as commander Norton was about to ask what was going on, the display of the three beetles turned grey, and within a second, the display of the last one turned grey.

Six beetles, all killed in seconds.

During this period, Jiashi didn't even have time to report.

"Group one, group two, group four, go to A304 area immediately. The life scan of the whole ship will be started to guide the target for the first soldier!" Commander Norton had no time to be angry. He knew that a strong man had entered the warship. He immediately arranged it out loud.

There are eight groups of group A on the thunder II frigate, which is already a very strong armour force.

But commander Norton has no sense of security. All the warriors on his main ship are elite warriors of the thunder and lightning mercenary regiment, and the order of these groups is based on their strength.

This is also the incentive mechanism of the thunder and lightning mercenary regiment. The top ranked group A will get better treatment.

The third group has been very strong, but such a group was almost killed by seconds.

When the life scan of the whole ship is turned on, it is only ten seconds before the intelligent core of the warship finds David's position.

"Only one person?" Commander Norton's eyes were wide and unbelievable.

He can be sure that the other side is not extraordinary. If he is, he will not be afraid of his fleet.

It's very difficult for his fleet to lock in the extraordinary. If it's a real military fleet, it's still possible.

Although his thunder II frigate looks at the prestige, in fact, the heavy weapons on it are almost dismantled. Only one auxiliary gun, Gauss gun, and Some Antiaircraft rapid fire guns are left. The front and rear main guns on the frigate are all made up.

Of course, the auxiliary gun power of large frigates is much stronger than that of ordinary combat ships.

Commander Norton thought of David's intelligence, which was so gorgeous and doubtful that he was only seventeen years old. It seemed to be exaggerating.

But Cather died in David's hands. Although rock star tried to hide the news, there were many people who knew it at that time. This shocking news could not be concealed.

"David, how dare you enter my ship, you can't escape!" Said commander Norton, turning on the ship's radio.

The reason why he accepted revenge for Cather was not because of his deep friendship with him, but because some of his friends had promised to provide him with two new frigates.

This is an irresistible temptation for commander Norton, who wants to expand the thunder and lightning mercenary regiment.

David heard commander Norton's broadcast and ignored it. He was inside the warship. If he wanted to deal with him, he could only send out the oracle.

He is not afraid of the other party's Oracle at all now. As long as he is not surrounded by many warriors, he can easily kill the other party's Oracle.In the nothingness that no one can see, the shadow servant is constantly passing through the steel walls, looking for all the near warriors.

For David, the ordinary door can be opened in two seconds by using the "K2 military electronic countermeasure instrument".

He did not use the third class heavy axe to break open the hatch, because every time he broke the hatch, his position would be exposed.

Where did he know that his position had long been exposed and that three groups of first-class warriors were forming a siege on him.

The electronic lock in front of David snapped open, and he pushed open the hatch, which, as shown on the layout, was the crew's rest area, divided into compartments.

Just as David was about to go straight through, the shadow boy found a group of beetles approaching from a wall.

It's a wall apart, but there are still a few doors to get to David.

David's heavy axe of the third grade was swept out. The thick steel wall did not stop the axe. On the other side of the steel wall, a beetle was following his companion's footsteps.

The red dot, which represents David, was very close to them on his face armor.

Familiar with the environment, he knows that as long as a few more doors, at most 30 seconds will be in contact with David, and he can not help but be a little excited.

"Brothers, the opponent is very strong, the third group was killed instantly, so we must be careful!" The group leader reminds at this time.

"Team leader, let go..." Before the word "heart" was spoken, a green light swept through his mouth, and his head fell off.

"Enemy attack!" The group leader yelled, and another oracle was killed by a green light.

Until then, the group leader saw what killed the two warriors. On the wall beside him, two huge incisions showed the source of the attack.

"Don't get close to the wall!" The group leader called out.

Just as soon as he reminded him, another Oracle fell.

David was very satisfied with the environment. There were steel walls everywhere and hatch doors everywhere.

In this environment, the other Oracle can not find his existence at all, but he can observe the position of the other's Oracle through the shadow.

The third level heavy axe can ignore the steel wall and attack the opponent's Oracle.

The group leader and the remaining two beetles stepped back a few steps. The passage here was not wide, which was three meters at most. When the three warriors retreated to the other side of the wall, a large steel wall seemed to fall from the wall, and a hole appeared on the steel wall for one person to pass through.

Then David's figure passed through the wall and stood opposite the three warriors.

The two warriors stood in front of the group leader and took a look at each other.

"Chief, you go first, we'll hold him back!" Yelling, the two beetles rushed to David.

The green three grade heavy axe flashed two strange lights, two bodies of the impact of the beetles, and then turned into several sections fell to the ground.

"Third class heavy axe, master heavy axe!" The group leader is very knowledgeable, and he says to himself with some dryness of mouth.

In the face of either of the two, the team leader can not take over, let alone the two situations appear in the same person, it is not the power of one plus one.

A green light flashed in front of his face armor. The group leader's thinking stopped and his head was detached from his body.

The shadow servant rushed over several bodies, and the soul was absorbed. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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