Transcendent David

Chapter 220: CH 220

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Wearing exoskeleton armor and armed with various weapons, the warriors of the thunder and lightning mercenary regiment suddenly found that the original target light spot on their face armor had disappeared.

At the same time, their communication with the fleet was interrupted, and all communication except that of the exoskeleton armor could not be received.

"What happened?" Captain Norton communicates with the crew in the cockpit through the channel on the exoskeleton armor.

However, there was no response there. David's program changed all permissions of thunder II frigate to David, and the permissions of the rest were removed.

"Team six, group six, what's going on with you?" When commander Norton found that he could not contact the cockpit, he immediately thought of another possibility to contact the sixth group outside the intelligent core. However, the communication between the exoskeleton armor was also unable to connect.

"Something happened to the smart core!" Commander Norton said with a heavy face to his three companions.

"If the intelligent core is destroyed, the spacecraft will not be able to maintain balance like this!" Said ORP, shaking his head.

They are warships that have seen their smart core destroyed. At that time, they fight with Zerg. When Zerg get close to the warship, they will instinctively give priority to attacking the smart core. Once the smart core is destroyed, all the equipment on the ship will be out of control.

Now the thunder and lightning II frigate, only the signal is intercepted, the warship is not out of control.

"Damn it, is David still an EW Engineer?" Commander Norton and up thought of something at the same time, Captain Norton yelled.

They're speeding up and heading for the smart core.

There was a flash on David's exoskeleton armor, which then showed a more detailed structure of the ship.

This is not the previous layout. This kind of structure diagram is the core information inside the intelligent core.

On the structure chart, there are nearly 200 red light spots, which show their names, identities and current status. All the nearly 200 red light spots are beetles.

In addition, there are more green light spots, which show their positions on the warship. These are non beetles, or those without exoskeleton armor. Compared with David, there is no threat without exoskeleton armor.

Therefore, these talents will be green light spots, which are automatically judged by the intelligent core.

At present, the owner of intelligent core is David, and all analysis and judgment of intelligent core are based on David's identity.

"I really look up to me. So many beetles have come to hunt me down!" David said to himself with a sneer.

He didn't think that if he didn't kill the elite class a team constantly, commander Norton would not have given such an assembly order.

David's eyes scanned, and found four special red dots, which showed the identity of the four warriors.


leader of the thunder and lightning mercenary regiment

strength: Master level sword master, peak level armour.


deputy head of thunder and lightning mercenary

strength: Master hammer master, top class armour


sub fleet commander of thunder and lightning mercenary group

strength: Master level shield master, peak class armour


head of equipment department of thunder and lightning mercenary

strength: Master level heavy axe master, peak class armour

David was surprised Looking at the information of the four beetles, the information is displayed by the intelligent core automatically fetching the internal information.

The strength of these four warriors was not a secret. In the mercenary industry, their four weapon masters supported the high-end reputation of the thunder and lightning mercenary regiment.

It's just that David didn't see a Weapon Master in the rock star. Only on the catar's extraordinary spaceship, the extraordinary steward of Cather was the only weapon Master David had ever seen before.

I didn't expect to see four weapon masters here. If the intelligent core didn't display the information, David might fall into the hands of four weapon masters if he was not careful.

As for the identities of the four weapon masters and the information from the top of the mercenary regiment, he didn't care much.

Now that he knows the existence of these four weapon masters, David will not choose to send them directly to his door.

David also knows why his position will be exposed. There are many modes in the scanning device of the warship. Only a life scan can discover him.

But now that the ship's scanning device is under David's control, the warriors can't find him in this way.

Even so, David didn't dare to take it lightly, because looking at the position of the nearly 200 warriors and the direction of their advance, an encirclement had been arranged for him.

David looked at the countdown to a program on the manicure and had a plan in mind.

"The big shield beetle comes forward, the back is close, do not pull apart the distance, the enemy has only one, is good at sneaking attack, do not give him a chance!" A dozen makeshift captains of the squadron yelled on the team channel.These twelve of them were made up of two armour groups to prevent David from attacking.

Although the number of the top ten is as many as 12, the temporary captain is not at all reassured. Before the communication is normal, he was the temporary captain of the small team who obtained the battle information before David.

The elite armour group ranked in the top few by the lightning mercenary group was almost killed. The news reached his level only, and it was not known to the rest of the ordinary armour.

On the one hand, it is to stabilize the military, on the other hand, it is afraid that unnecessary chaos will occur.

Although the armour of the lightning mercenary regiment is well-trained, it is not the army in the end. The discipline is much looser than the army.

Especially, whether all the armour are retired from the army or not served in the main army before retirement. In contrast, if they know that the enemy is too strong, they will be afraid of war or even break out of the battle.

The temporary captain can only make all the top men aware of the danger by constantly reminding and shouting.

At present, twelve Oracle are walking in a channel, which is bright and can be seen clearly before and after. This is the most vulnerable environment.

So although the temporary captain loudly reminded, the team of the top three is still a little bit of a light hearted.

Suddenly, all the lights of the passage went out, and then a green light appeared in the dark from the wall, and flickered among the armour.

As all the armour of the armour were down, their screams could only be heard from each other through the team channel.

From David's point of view, it was a silent attack and killing.

The biggest advantage of being controlled by the smart core is that David can use the environment as he wants.

Like this attack, he just let the smart core turn off all the lights before his attack. He communicates directly with the smart core, and he has no cooperation.

The shadow waiter observed all the Oracle positions, and then broke the wall and rushed into the group of the beetles as the light went out.

These beetles were blinded by sudden attacks before they could switch to dark view mode.

David can see the movements of these beetles in the dark vision mode. Master level axe is in this environment, such as fish and water.

When David rushed from one end of the passage to the other, the light was restored.

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There was no living man, twelve, even two top beetles, who were killed suddenly in the whole passage except David. No counter attack was carried out by the three level axe.

David shook his head and felt that the ability and strength of these armour were far less than the previous one.

Where did he know that all he had killed before were elite armour of the thunderbolt mercenary regiment. Now the armour he met is just ordinary armour.

Head Norton did not want the elite armour to be destroyed, so he was ready to kill David in numbers.

But head Norton did not expect that David was surrounded by the killing as he expected.

Now the lightning II frigate has become David's home, and the massacre is on.

The armour came to the place quickly to find that they could not find the enemy, but the enemy was everywhere.

Behind the walls, on the ceiling, under the floor, at the next corner, everywhere, there will be enemies, and then massacres.

Because of a problem with the communication on the main ship, all the Oracle entered a communication channel to the unified channel.

At this time, the unified channel with nearly 200 Jiashi online is a scream from time to time.

The Oracle who knew him shouted in the channel to know the name of his friend, but found that the other party did not respond.

The scream will disappear for a while, and then the continued scream.

Don't say ordinary armour, is experienced by the old soldier armour is also creepy, warship is like a death god, in the constant harvest of their lives.

The unknown is terrible. No Oracle knows what happened. Only the scream before death reminds them that their compatriots are being killed.

If David and these Oracle are placed in another environment, without the advantage of ground type and intelligent core help, there are ten David who can not resist so many armour.

But the reality is that David is easy to handle every time he hits.

Even if there is an attack on him, he has this luxurious exoskeleton armor, which is made of grade II material, and can also block the deadly attack.

Head Norton was on the channel, but he didn't speak at this time, nor scolded the some of the runaway beetles.

There are Oracle in the channel who shout the name of his companion, some scream because of fear, some speak to themselves because of fear, and more are endless screams.

"The thunderbolt mercenary is over this time!" "Head Norton whispered to the three old guys on the group channel.

"Captain, the warship is still there, we are still there, and the mercenary regiment can still be restored!" Prague said with a huge second-class shield."Yes, we are still there!" Said Mead and ORP in unison.

Although they said so, they all understood in their hearts that the decline of the thunder and lightning mercenary regiment was inevitable due to the great loss of Jiashi.

What they want to do in their hearts is to find out the culprit David who caused all this, and torture him in every way, so as to get rid of their anger.

David can't remember exactly how many warriors he killed. His exoskeleton armor was covered with blood. He even said that he would not be contaminated with blood. Because of the continuous falling of blood on the exoskeleton armor, the third class heavy axe had a strange red color in the green light.

Most of the red spots on the armour have disappeared, and the rest are running around.

A battle of two hundred against one turned out to be a 200 strong party.

David didn't go after him. He looked at the four special light spots, which were already at the intelligent core.

It is estimated that there are no EW engineers among them, and they can't regain control of the intelligent core for a while.

But David knew in his heart that the four weapon masters must have called the EW division on the warship.

Because on David's face armor, there is a team of green light spots moving rapidly towards the intelligent core.

"It's time to do something about it." David said in a soft voice, his figure speeding up and rushing in the direction of the four weapon masters.

"Here he is!" As a long sword master, commander Norton has been in a high position for a long time. His spirit is much stronger than ordinary people. In addition, with years of combat experience, he has a very sensitive sense of danger.

"It's very close!" UPU said, tightening his second class hammer.

For many years, he has never had this kind of tension since he became a Warhammer master.

There seemed to be a sense of depression in the air around him, which made his palms sweat.

"Boom Prague put the second grade shield in front of him, which shocked several people.

Prague's big shield is very different from ordinary big shield. Prague's height is more than two meters, and his big shield is two meters, which is double the thickness of ordinary big shield.

In addition, the big shield is made of second-class materials, which has successfully blocked several people's fatal attacks in countless dangers.

Prague did not speak, but spoke with his big shield.

Level 3 weapons are very terrifying, but if you want to break through this thickened second level shield, you can't do it.

This is Prague's confidence, master level shield can let him calmly unload most of the strength from the attack.

In addition, according to the data, David is only a middle-level Oracle, and his strength is very limited.

"It's a pity that dart is not here. It's much better to have him here!" Mead said with emotion.

Dart in his mouth was a former team member in the army. Although he did not reach the master level, he was a master level super sniper.

However, it is impossible for a talent like dat to leave the army. Only in the army can there be better development.

"Dart can't be here, the environment here can't let him play his strength!" Up was in a better mood, he said.

Although four of them were talking, their eyes were looking at the wall beside them. Especially Prague had blocked his thick second class shield in front of several people.

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