Transcendent David

Chapter 227: CH 227

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David didn't stop. His speed was 100 meters and more than 1 second. After being strengthened by exoskeleton armor, his every step had a hundred meters. His body was like a ghost, almost impossible to see.

He did not use those special irregular steps because he was confident that he would block the sniper's bullets in a state of mental outburst.

David's posture at this time ensures that if the sniper beetle wants to snipe him, he can only snipe to the small area of his side.

The second level sword in the front can protect the side as long as it has a small range.

With the talent of "extreme speed", he can barely keep up with his reaction speed in a small range.

Another sniper catapult came, and David swung his sword again. The sniper shot a hole through the steel platform beside him.

In just ten seconds, David had crossed a kilometer, and he had seen the sniper beetle on top of the building.

Sniper beetle stone still does not move, although David's strength is beyond his imagination, but he still has the confidence to shoot David.

He changed another sniper and fired it again.

David in the state of mental explosion, the flying sniper bomb was clearly seen by him.

This time, he didn't use the long shot to block the sniper.

Behind him, the sniper hit the ground with a violent explosion.

This is a miniature bomb, which has little damage to the beetle, but can form a lasting flame on the target body.

Once David doesn't know what's going on and lets the mini bomb burn on his exoskeleton armor, he loses sight of the front for a short time.

In the face of a sniper beetle, losing the ability to observe is tantamount to death.

The stone brow of sniper beetle frowned. He had never met such a tough target.

David is only 800 meters away from him. He only has two shots at most. At this time, there is blood gushing out of his mouth, which is the injury caused by forced continuous shooting recoil.

"Stone, retreat!" Action command.

"Boss, help me take care of my family!" Sniper Oracle stone knows his situation, he said in a deep voice.

"I command you to retreat!" Exclaimed the commander.

"My body at this time can't escape the pursuit of the target. I can die under such a master's sword, and I will die without shaking!" Sniper beetle stone fired a sniper bullet again and spat out a mouthful of blood.

"Dagger, hammer, block the target for me!" Said the commander in a deep voice.

Each member of the group has received countless times of saving lives by sniping Oracle stone, which made him do something out of plan.

The commander of the operation was in a nearby building. Wearing exoskeleton armor, he suddenly jumped out, holding a class I heavy axe, and rushed towards the sniper beetle stone.

David was also blocked by two warriors who rushed out of the nearby building. One of them was holding a spear, and the other was holding a hammer. They were all first-class weapons. The hammer armour was in front and the spear armour was in the back.

David saw a beetle to help snipe the beetle. His eyes flashed with killing intent.

He is the sniper beetle himself. He knows the damage to the body of the sniper beetle by this intensive sniping. He gives the sniper beetle pressure in this way, and also allows him to shoot continuously, so that he can lose the chance to escape.

"Kill!" After the massacre on the warship, David was very familiar with the battle.

His speed did not drop. His second grade sword was attached to the spear. He used the least force to lead away the force of the Spear's stabbing along the body of the spear. With a slight flash of the sword, he rushed past the spear beetle.

The first-class Warhammer in the hammer armour's hand fell heavily, and David's sword broke out a little bit on the first-class Warhammer. Then, the sword kept shaking in his hand to eliminate the opponent's power.

The Warhammer beetle's body froze, and "power shock" erupted in his body, while David's sword swept his neck.

All happened at the moment when David and the two beetles met. When David rushed over the two beetles, their bodies fell to the ground heavily.

With the master level sword master and two talents of "extreme speed" and "power shock", the two warriors who are only proficient in advanced weapons are completely the result of second killing.

"Dagger, hammer!" The commander of the operation cried out. As soon as he lifted up the sniper's stone, he wanted to evacuate.

It's just that David has come before he moves.

Without any questions, David's sword went straight out.

David knows very well that he can't ask more. The exoskeleton armor worn by the other party's armour is not military's exoskeleton armor.

Several weapons are ordinary first-class weapons, it is estimated that they are to hide their identity.

He won't break through that the other side is a military Oracle, so under the Skynet of Battlestar, he can't hurt military personnel at all.In fact, the identity of the other party is almost certainly military personnel, because the intelligence of Battlestar did not attack them.

You know, they're all in exoskeleton armor, armed.

"I am..." At the beginning of the commander's words, he was unable to speak.

David didn't wait for him to identify himself. The dark blue light flashed twice. The commander and the wounded sniper beetle were all stabbed by his sword.

David felt it, but didn't feel the danger. He took off the armor of his exoskeleton and took off the scabbard of the sword and carried it back behind him.

He stood and waited for a moment when four law enforcement warriors in white exoskeleton armor appeared and surrounded him.

"All my actions are permitted by Battlestar Skynet. It's legal!" David raised his hand and exclaimed.

At the same time, David is also ready. Once these law enforcement warriors dare to fight, he is confident that he can kill them all by relying on the second class sword behind him.

There is no exoskeleton armor. Although there is a huge gap between them in strength and those in law enforcement, he can see that the weapons mastered by these law enforcement beetles are only at the mature level at most. In front of him, the sword master, this kind of armour plays a role of killing at will.

The four law enforcement beetles looked at the corpse on the ground, and their eyes were hard to see. They were very clear about the identity of the fallen oracle.

An elite military action team, carrying out an assassination mission, but it was the end of the total annihilation.

"Four law enforcers, your authority has been lifted, waiting for the trial of the military court." The captain, with a sad look on his face, came to the top of the building with six warriors in military logo exoskeleton armor. The captain said in a deep voice.

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Four law enforcement officers heaved a sigh and dropped their weapons on the ground to remove their exoskeleton armor.

They knew very well that since the captain announced that they had been deprived of their authority, they had dared to wear exoskeleton armor and wait for automatic heavy weapons to attack.

In addition, they also have to consider for their own future. There is still a difference between removing military status and going to the military court.

"I'm sorry, Mr. David. I didn't expect such a thing to happen. You can rest assured that it will be strictly investigated." The captain turned and apologized to David.

"Captain, I just want to get out of here quickly!" David shook his head.

He doesn't want to get involved in the military's power struggle any more. He just wants to leave quickly.

"Mr. David, it's almost time for your ship to leave. I'll keep my promise and escort you away!" The captain nodded. He looked at the equipment on the ground and said, "the weapons and equipment on the ground are your booty. It's still a war zone. Everything depends on the regulations of the war zone."

David looked at the equipment on the ground. At this time, two first-class weapons and exoskeleton armor of the two soldiers killed on the same road were collected and piled on the ground.

David picked up the sniper gun, took the ammunition box on the side, sniped at the accessories on the armour of the sniper's exoskeleton, and finally put away the camouflage cloth.

"That's all. The rest is to thank the captain for his help." David said as he took the sniper back into the box.

"Thank you. The rest of the equipment is like Lieutenant Geoffrey's pension. These military scum are crazy and dare to do it in Battlestar!" Said the captain in a deep voice.

He didn't hide the identity of David's attacker, and he believes David can see it as well.

With these bodies, with the battle of Battlestar, with the killing of lieutenant Geoffrey, it was enough to give the forces of that group a heavy enough counterattack.

David went back to the Raptor ship. Captain hope and his crew did not know about the attack on David. They also returned to the modified thunderbolt ship with a laugh.

Under the guidance of a warship, the thunderbolt refitted ship passed through the Battlestar and passed through the second defense.

David's departure, left the second defense for all is a legend.

David destroyed the thunder and lightning mercenary regiment by himself. In fact, many people were skeptical because they didn't see it with their own eyes, and not everyone had the right to see the video.

But David killed four beetles in a row, and one of them was a terrible sniper, which many people saw with their own eyes.

So the people on the second defense, the Battlestar, saw off the Raptor refitted ship with a kind of awe. Of course, some of their eyes were mixed with hatred.

David sat in the cockpit and looked at the warship in front of him. Now he was a little suspicious of everything. So after he entered, he was ordered to open the energy shield.

After passing through the second defense and sailing for another day, this area is also not allowed to turn on the warp speed. This area is no longer a war zone, but belongs to a military control zone.

On the largest display screen in front of the cockpit, there are always red letters indicating the prohibited terms here.

"Mr. David, there is the last defense ahead. I have already handed over the defense for you. You can go through it directly!" The captain's voice was channeled into the cockpit.David looked out of the porthole and was shocked by everything outside.

He saw a huge fleet. It was the real fleet.

A glimpse of the warship at the end shows the vastness of the fleet. The outer part is a light reconnaissance ship, followed by frigates, destroyers, cruisers, battleships, and huge aircraft carriers.

Most of these warships are only shown in the teaching video, and David has seen it for the first time.

"This is the sixth iron wall fleet, a great fleet!" The captain's voice was full of reverent introductions.

The sixth iron wall fleet, a fleet name that often appears in textbooks, is one of the main fleets of the interstellar Federation.

The reason why it is called iron wall is that in many battles that determine the fate of the Star Alliance, the Sixth Fleet has blocked the attack of Zerg with iron wall like defense.

The interstellar Federation gave the last defense to the sixth iron wall fleet, which is also the recognition of this fleet. You should know that this is the last defense line. Behind this defense line, there is a peaceful world.

This is a passage with warships as walls.

"Take care all the way, Mr. David!" The captain said goodbye at last as the thunderbolt sailed out of the passage.

Thank you, captain. See you later Said David, turning to captain hope and saying, "Captain hope, full speed ahead!"

"Warp engine No.1 is charged with 50% energy, and No.2 engine is charged with 50% energy. Enter the curving state!" Captain hope called out to the crew.

David got up and went back to his room.

There was little gain in this battle, but the booty from the sniper beetle was very attractive to him.

In the room, David assembles the sniper gun from the sniper box, which is the famous "eye of death.".

Of the four beetles involved in the attack, only this sniper beetle used military weapons.

It's not hard to imagine that if you want to ensure the combat effectiveness of sniper beetles, you only have the most familiar sniper gun.

"Eye of death" is a very famous sniper gun of the military. Many snipers like it.

David first came into contact with the sniper gun, which was a replica of the eye of death.

David gently stroked the body of the "eye of death". The "eye of death" is well maintained. The barrel of the gun seems to have been replaced with the latest one. There is no scratch on the barrel.

Maybe we pay special attention to this task, and the "eye of death" has been preserved just like a brand new one.

Although he had a better "godolfen's anger", David still loved the "dead eye", which became his spare sniper gun.

David's extravagant behavior, if a sniper beetle knows, will absolutely envy.

David took the ammunition box and opened it. He saw rows of first-class bullets and fifty second-class bullets. David didn't care.

When he left Naan City, he bought a large number of sniper bullets through Galen's extraordinary relationship. The first and second grade bullets were enough for him to consume for a long time.

What he was concerned about was the special bullets on the side, including the second-class tracking bullets, miniature burst bombs and other special bullets. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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