Transcendent David

Chapter 238: CH 238

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David really appreciates Boyd 1's decision, but he doesn't want to waste time. At the same time, he also finds that the physical strength consumed in each battle is automatically replenished after the battle.

So David does not have any scruples about using his own ability. The talent of "extreme speed" is activated by him, and his shadow becomes a shadow.

The second grade heavy axe in his hand sweeps the neck of Boyd 1. Even if Boyd 1 wants to avoid it, it can't avoid the heavy axe which can hardly see the shadow.

65% of the perfect level of heavy axe master, plus the "extreme speed" bonus, the attack power is far beyond imagination.

"Invincible, is it really invincible?" When the audience saw the figure of "Boyd 1" turned into white light and disappeared, they could not help exclaiming.

"Boyd 1" is considered to be a master among the beetles, but such a beetle can't catch a blow from "invincible".

The audience in the audience is surprised, once again be driven out of the arena.

That 0.1 points can only watch one game, but David is satisfied that he has reached 47.7 points.

Because 11 o'clock is coming to an end, David does not have any hesitation, continues to accept the challenge.

On the Oracle forum of renka star, "Boyd 1" posted a post, which immediately triggered a large number of disputes.

"Invincible, an old master of heavy axes!"

Many Jiashi, especially those who watched the battle, said they wanted to complain to Skynet about this behavior, and asked to expose the true identity of "invincible", which ruined the reputation of the older generation of heavy axe master.

However, there are also some scholars who object that Skynet can not give an older generation of middle-level master of heavy axe to be "invincible".

All sorts of quarrels appeared on the forum, and David's challenge attracted more first-class players.

David doesn't understand why he has set up the charging mode, but there are still groups of first-rate warriors who pay to enter the audience and watch the battle for only ten seconds.

After seeing the battle like adults bullying children, these warriors who have watched the battle come to the forum and participate in the crusade against "invincible".

Competing with young beetles for resources has made many beetles indignant, and the angry voice has also aroused the concern of Skynet.

Skynet's supervision does not have the authority to find out the "invincible" identity, which is protected by law. Unless there are relevant documents of the court, Skynet will not activate the function of displaying the real identity.

Although it is impossible to show the identity of "invincible", its approximate age can still be inquired.

"Invincible" is a young generation of Jiashi. Everything in the virtual world of Jiashi is working normally "Jiashi virtual world" has made an official response, which is the end of the "invincible" status.

But this makes the beetles crazy, a young generation of beetles, even in sweeping all the challenges.

David challenged more spectators in the auditorium next to the challenge arena, which made David doubt that the points were hard to earn.

Although the score of 0.1 is small, although Skynet has deducted half of the service charge, but a little makes a lot of money. With a large number of viewers, David's point income has become more and more.

David ended the battle with an average speed of 30 seconds.

The more victories there are, the more enthusiastic the audience is. After winning 100 challengers, the audience is almost full.

After there was no question, all the audience were shouting out the word "invincible".

David's challenge list is not reduced by the end of a hundred games, but more.

Many young strong people want to fight against "invincible". Even if they are killed by seconds, they have to feel the gap between them and the super champion who is called "invincible" by Skynet.

James, who has been watching the war, is a bit out of his mind. When he saw a famous or a familiar or Strange Oracle killed by David, he saw that David also had "speed talent" and was faster than him.

This kind of ruthless crush on the strength, let jenlis once again doubt his own strength.

Fox's extraordinary words of persuasion were totally groundless.

However, when the battle field of David was enlarged to 300, jenlis's mentality became more peaceful. What can be compared with this kind of perversion.

By 11 o'clock, when the time set by David arrived, he had already fought more than 500 battles.

David looks at his integral, which is now 32509.

He stopped taking the challenge again and said hello to Janice.

"Invincible, don't you challenge?" After leaving the arena, they reappeared in the lounge when they came. Jenlis asked regretfully.

In the eyes of jenlis, today's event is absolutely a passionate accident.

It's absolutely hyped that so many first-class warriors spend points watching David's fight.

This is not David's hype, but that the whole process of the incident was inadvertently hyped by the oracle.First of all, the nickname "invincible" stirred the heartstrings of every Oracle to see the nickname.

"Invincible" is every Oracle's dream, but when the title of this dream appears on a Oracle, that curiosity will become uncontrollable.

And David is also fighting with a "invincible" momentum. Every second kill will make the warriors pay attention to whether they can still kill the next time.

Inertia impulse makes the beetles chase David's battle. Maybe after today, many beetles will regret it, because they will find that their points are consumed by 0.1 points, which is mercilessly reduced.

"It's 11 o'clock. I should go back and have class tomorrow." David said with a smile.

He did not regard the more than 500 battles as real battles, but as a kind of game, just like the war games in his previous life.

But David had no idea what the game would mean to the world's first class.

"I'll pick you up after school tomorrow!" Once again, jenlis cautioned.

"OK, I'll see what points can be exchanged for." David said, laughing and coming to the closet.

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He activated the wardrobe again and found a lot of things he didn't see before.

A custom-made exoskeleton armor of Oracle virtual world needs 100 points. This exchange price is really very expensive, which is the harvest of 100 victories.

And can't repeat the fight, which makes the points more difficult.

David also found that the price of the "virtual class" of the "Jia Shi" was really sky high.

David found the price of the "King's heart core". It is estimated that few people can exchange the price of 20000 points.

He also found a customized exoskeleton armor in reality. He chose the best conditions for everything. He used the second grade material as the important part armor, which was designed and manufactured by Mckintosh exoskeleton armor design master himself. He required to discuss with master Mckintosh face-to-face, and the consumption score was 3000 points.

In addition, grade 2 fortified meat is 1000 points per month, and grade 3 fortified meat is 10000 parts per month.

When David really looked at the items he could exchange, he found that all the items he could see were consuming huge points.

However, he did not grudge points, because no matter how many points are just numbers, it is his own strength to change them.

He first chose custom exoskeleton armor, including virtual world and real world, and he customized one set, and then three-level fortified meat for a month.

For these three items alone, 13000 points are consumed.

David is ready to slowly convert all his points into fortified meat so that his strength and physique can grow rapidly.

Why is it that jenlis is already a top beetle, and even Anita, who is not very young, is close to the top beetle? This is the importance of resources. As the main star of airdia, renka is far more rich than rock star. Therefore, as fox's extraordinary disciples, they are far more treated than David.

A large number of top-level resources allow them to quickly complete the growth process of strength, enter the physical accumulation process of the top beetles, and wait for promotion.

The distance between David and these beetles is resources. He grew up too late, which makes him need a lot of top resources to catch up with them.

"Well, what did you exchange?" He didn't ask David how many points he got. Instead, he cared about what he had exchanged.

"I exchanged custom exoskeleton armor, virtual one, reality one, and some fortified meat to speed up my training." David answered with a smile.

"The first rank should be passed quickly, and it is better to reach the peak level before the age of 30, so as to accumulate enough information before the age of 50 to cope with the promotion of extraordinary!" Janice nodded.

In the promotion of transcendence, jenlis even has more knowledge than Galen. Galen's extraordinary background is too little, or the foundation of rock star government is too shallow.

"Can't you be promoted beyond fifty?" David asked curiously.

"Over the age of 50, a person's body is basically shaped, and the lack of vitality and vigor will affect the success rate of promotion. This is no secret. There are corresponding summaries in many inheritances." Janice explained with a smile.

What James said made David more firm about his idea of improving himself faster. He is not poor in combat power, but only in strength and physique. In this respect, he grows much faster than ordinary beetles, but he is still too slow compared with those who really have top-level information.

"It's a pity that the" Oracle virtual cabin "is too expensive David exclaimed as he closed the closet.

"Did you see the Oracle virtual cabin?" Although he knew there was a large audience, he was always attracted by David's battle, but he did not pay attention to the number of the audience.

Now when David talks about "virtual class", he knows the number of points required by "virtual class".James has never seen or heard of the 15000 point "virtual class".

But David just entered the Oracle virtual world, less than six hours, he has already had the points he has tried for several years without.

"Fifteen thousand points. If you buy the" Oracle virtual cabin ", half of the points will be gone!" David is still sighing. Janice's heart is beating faster.

"When you get more points in the future, if you want to buy" Jiashi virtual cabin ", you must keep the points and buy the treasures to increase the promotion probability before you are promoted to be extraordinary!" Jenlis still reminds David.

"Well, it's getting late. I quit!" David looked at the time again. Inadvertently, another ten minutes passed, which exceeded his expected time.

After withdrawing from the virtual world of Oracle, David opened the virtual cabin No. 8 and stepped out of it. Apart from mental fatigue, his body was no different from that when he entered, and his physical strength did not decrease.

"David, I'll take you back!" James also came out of the Oracle virtual cabin.

David didn't refuse. The environment here is unfamiliar to him. It's troublesome to take public transportation.

At 11:30, David returned home, but he could not rest. He called the shadow waiter to transfer his soul to the shadow maid, and consumed all his spirit in the cultivation of "crystal mind", and then he fell asleep in extreme mental exhaustion.

The next day, he got up early to practice. He drove a floating car to school at 8 o'clock, while lunca private middle school went to school at 9 o'clock. However, because David went to senior three, he was half an hour ahead of schedule.

David came into the classroom at half past eight on time, and almost all the students had already arrived.

Even miss Delia was sitting in front of the classroom, and she had a rare smile when she saw David.

For the students with good grades, Delia's requirements are not strict. Otherwise, if someone enters the classroom with a pinch like David, although he is not late, this attitude will still be criticized by her.

"Miss Delia didn't criticize you!" Moore at the next table looked at David sitting down and whispered.

"I'm not late!" David looked at Moore strangely and retorted.

Moore looked scornful, but he did not intend to tell the difference when he looked at Delia, who was looking at her.

"David, you've been more careful recently. Hosley, who was kicked out because of your arrival, may be in trouble with you." Moore is still very enthusiastic, he reminds.

"Thank you for reminding me, but it doesn't matter. I'm not afraid of trouble!" David replied with a smile.

"Quiet, yesterday's test results have been sent to your screen, including your respective rankings in the class and grade. Compared with your previous rankings, are you improving or regressing.

The college entrance examination is only less than a month, and there is not much time left for you. You must persist to the end and strive to become a successful person. " Delia's words made all the students sit upright.

"Here I would like to praise the new David, who has become the first in the class and grade with three full marks. I hope all students can learn from him!" Miss Delia looked at David again and said out loud.

"Coax" a sound, the students issued an exclamation, all eyes to David, like looking at a monster. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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