Transcendent David

Chapter 241: CH 241

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David was sitting in the basement with the little white refrigerator next to him.

He put his hand on the shadow waiter's shoulder. He came back too late yesterday and didn't check his property panel. Today, he found that his mastery of heavy axe seems to have improved, so let's make sure.

With the familiar attribute panel displayed in front of his eyes, he saw that the original heavy axe Mastery (65% perfection) became the heavy axe Mastery (70% perfection).

Although this promotion is likely to be only the combination of the experience of the two heavy axe masters, it is also the help of Oracle virtual world.

David is more interested in Oracle virtual world. There is no other way to fight here. This virtual world is the most important way to gain combat experience.

When he was thinking about it, his identity Bracelet had contact access. Not many people had his contact information in renka star, which was a very important relationship. So he immediately looked at the identity bracelet, and then his face showed a smile.

"David, get used to the new school?" From the other side came Emma's soft voice.

The concern from Emma made David in a good mood.

"The new school teachers take good care of me, the students are very friendly, I also got the first place in the exam!" David replied with a smile.

"You are the best wherever you go Emma, sitting in the singing studio, chuckled like an ordinary little girl, with no star image at all.

When she heard that David got the first place in the exam, Emma didn't have any doubt, but really praised her.

In her mind, David is the best one.

"I have recently participated in the virtual competition of Oracle, and I have to go to the Oracle club in the evening." David thought of coming back late every night. Although Emma was very busy and didn't have time to care about him, he explained.

"Don't go to bed too late!" Emma is not interested in the virtual competition of the first prize. She just cares about it. Then she goes on to say, "I've advanced the concert. The time is set for ten days. I'll be very busy in recent days. All the preparatory work has to be completed in ten days."

"You should also pay attention to rest. In fact, it's OK to stay a few days later. I will stay in renka all the time in recent years, and there are opportunities to experiment with spiritual integration." David also said with concern.

"In fact, I'm not too tired. I've been used to practicing songs for a long time, but the concert time is ahead of schedule, but the new songs that I have been asked to write have not come and come out. Sister Lucia has been looking for songs around these days. She is much busier than me!" Emma, feeling concern, said softly.

"Oh, no more talking. Sister Lucia urged me. I'll see you as soon as I have time." Emma said briskly, and she broke off.

David looked at the disconnected identity bracelet and shook his head with a smile.

At this time, he didn't have the heart to look at the small refrigerator next to him. He had already practiced the "high-level Oracle technique" today. Even if he used the three-level fortified meat, it would also waste a day's weight.

Just when he heard that Emma was missing a song, he had an idea.

Although the previous life can not be compared with this world, it mostly refers to technology, but in entertainment, each has its own strengths.

After more than five spirits, David's memory improved a lot. Many memories of his previous life seemed to be engraved in his brain.

This includes the songs David has heard in his previous life. Even if he only listened to them once, his memory is very clear.

Let the shadow boy put away the small refrigerator, he went straight back to the study on the second floor, where there was a piano and some music related books.

Because Emma's occupation is a singer, when preparing for this villa, the decoration chosen is mostly related to this.

It was still early. David sat at his desk, picked up an introductory book on music composition and looked through it.

He doesn't need to study deeply, just master some basic knowledge of music composition.

I don't know whether it's his deep mastery of multi-cultural knowledge or his high spirit. Anyway, David looks at his knowledge of music composition and feels very easy to understand.

After just looking through it, I have mastered the knowledge of composing music.

Of course, this kind of mastery is the lowest foundation. It is not realistic to ask him to compose strange music at this time.

He also took out an introduction to the piano. Seeing this book, he estimated that Emma should develop the same interest in music as Emma.

After a while, David with confidence sat in front of the piano, fingers gently pressed on the piano, a harsh noise from the piano, David was scared.

The piano in this world, after years of development, has become the most complex instrument.

The strength of the piano press will affect the difference of its sound.

This is not to see the introduction of this can be learned, without a long time of practice, it is difficult to get started.

David sat at the piano for a few minutes and finally confirmed this. He wanted to give Emma a romantic surprise by playing and singing when Emma came here.

Unfortunately, the level is really limited, can not do it.Although in the interstellar age, there are still a lot of writing paper in his study. David turns out a stack of white paper and translates them into the music of the world according to the songs he remembers.

What David wrote is the deepest song in his memory: "my heart is still". In the last life, no matter who was, even if he could not sing this song, but as long as you hear the melody of this song, you will know the song "my heart is still".

Maybe it's a deep memory, maybe it's the magic of the song. David was not very skilled in composing music. Driven by the melody in his brain, he wrote down all the tunes quickly, and turned the classics of the previous life into the music scores on the paper of this world.

After the score of "my heart is still the same", David changed it into federal according to the original words. Fortunately, there is not much difference between the federal language and the E language in the previous life.

Putting down the music and lyrics, David recalled another song "sweet day" in his mind, and he continued to write it without much thought.

It was only when he put down his pen that he remembered that it was a sad and sweet song sung by men and women. Since he had written it, he was not ready to destroy it. He looked at the bookcase and inserted this page into the bookcase.

David looked at the time, and unconsciously it was time to practice "crystal mind." he put the paper with the lyrics of my heart still on his desk. He went back to his bedroom.

At six the next day, David woke up on time, and his biological clock woke him up on time.

Coming to the basement, David takes a three-step fortified meat from a small refrigerator.

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It seems that because of David's hand contact, the tertiary fortified meat has increased the twist, as if to break away from David's hand.

To tell you the truth, if David had not eaten grade one and grade two fortified meat, and knew the benefits of this kind of fortified meat on his own physique and strength, he would not have the courage to eat it.

However, knowing the effect of three-level fortified meat, let alone this state, even if it was terrifying, David would eat it by force.

Resisting the discomfort in his heart, he bit a piece of grade III fortified meat into his mouth. Surprisingly, as soon as the tertiary fortified meat entered the mouth, he no longer struggled, but quickly decomposed.

It's like rock sugar in the water, and it melts quickly.

And the stimulation of three-level fortified meat on taste buds is very good. This kind of beauty is not brought by ordinary food, but more like a biological instinct.

David didn't hesitate. He put all the three fortified meat a day into his mouth, and the third grade fortified meat quickly turned into liquid and entered his stomach.

David felt like a stove rising in his stomach. It was still hot at first, and soon it was burning.

His sweat is not obedient from every pore, clothes only a few seconds are all wet.

David knows that he can't wait any longer. This grade of fortified meat is too much energy. He needs to absorb it as much as he can.

David's teacher, Galen extraordinary, has never told David what to pay attention to when eating grade 3 fortified meat. It's not surprising that Galen is extraordinary. Who would have thought that David himself could get grade 3 fortified meat.

The most important function of grade 3 fortified meat is not for cultivation, but for breakthrough.

When in the bottleneck period, the huge and easily absorbed energy can maximize the probability of breakthrough.

It is also necessary for the super to kill the third level Zerg. It is impossible for the third level Zerg killed by heavy energy weapons to retain the fortified meat.

So even the extraordinary can't often use three-level fortified meat. This kind of resource is the top-level cultivation resource.

David ate a day's three-level fortified meat, and his body displayed the "high-level Oracle technique". With the movement of the "high-level Oracle technique", the heat in his body seemed to find a vent.

The original burning sensation in the abdomen has turned into the burning sensation of muscles and bones, and with the action of "high-level Oracle technique", this burning feeling will arrive.

David had doubts about whether his muscles were going to be cooked. The burning pain from his muscles was more than that of his first practice of "high-level Oracle surgery".

If he had not been tortured by the "high-level Oracle technique", he would have doubted whether he could persist.

Strong spirit brings him strong endurance, but at the same time, it also brings him more clear pain. When David does every action, he will feel that maybe his body will turn into fly ash in the next action.

After an hour of high-level training, when the last high-level movement is over, although there is a lot less heat in the body, there is still some energy left to be absorbed.

At this time, David's whole body was as if he was scalded. His skin was not only overheated, but also cracked due to practicing "high-level Oracle surgery".

Because of the blood and sweat, the clothes on the body are tightly adhered to the skin.

But David didn't stop practicing. Instead, he began to practice the soft body technique. He needed to transfer the energy from his body into his body, otherwise it would be wasted.According to the probability of energy being absorbed by the body, even if a third level fortified meat can be absorbed by 20% at most, even if a set of "high-level Oracle body training" is finished, the energy of the remaining three-level fortified meat will not be much, but David does not want to waste any more.

It is not much. The energy of the remaining three-level fortified meat is also larger than that of any secondary fortified meat, and the energy level of the three-level fortified meat is higher than that of the first level and second-class fortified meat, and the absorption effect is also stronger.

Skin dehiscence and scald, combined with internal muscle damage, is usually relatively peaceful "soft body surgery", but it is like a long time.

David's teeth clenched and his intense pain made his spirit slow down, but his body was still instinctively moving in accordance with the soft body technique.

Although David was rated as "invincible by the military in the war zone", and even when he entered the virtual world of Oracle, he was automatically named "invincible" by Skynet. However, David was very clear about where he came from.

He was not a real genius. The shadow attendant gave him the ability to master speed beyond the imagination of other warriors. A lot of experience became his physical ability in a short time.

But David is also flawed. His practice time is too short. His physical strength and physique are far from the real genius.

Although he has swept more than 600 challengers in the virtual world of Oracle, it still depends on his super speed and master level heavy axe. If only on the strength of his body, at least half of the 600 challengers are stronger than him.

When it comes to Panshi, this is not obvious, because the resource supply of Panshi is far less than here, and the strength of the same age group of rock star is far less than that of Lunka star.

In addition to a large supply of fortified meat from the earliest Zerg larvae, only a small amount of fortified meat of grade 1 and above can be left behind.

A large amount of fortified meat is transported to peaceful areas in exchange for the remaining living resources.

Rich renka star is the main export place of Panshi's fortified meat. Moreover, Lunka star is not the only place to buy fortified meat. Even Zhanxing's fortified meat also flows into Lunka star.

Compared with a small number of Zerg in Panshi, Zhanxing is the one that produces the most fortified meat.

However, rock star has never been able to get the strength from warstar, which is also the main reason for the poor strength of rock star warriors.

David is now in renka star and has the resources. He doesn't care about the pain.

He knew very well that if he didn't get promoted, a stronger enemy might find him one day.

Just like the thunder and lightning mercenary regiment before, that time's good luck, successfully mixed into the main ship, can have that kind of battle result.

But good luck can't last forever. All depends on strength.

If he is a transcendent, then the threat is completely fearless.

In the underground training room, only the sound of heavy breathing and the sound of sweat and blood dripping on the ground were heard.

Close to eight o'clock, David almost climbed into the gene repair module. It was with the gene repair module that he dared to practice like this. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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