Transcendent David

Chapter 246: CH 246

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David has been in the Oracle virtual world and has seen the first round of six team group matches inside the tower through broadcast.

After the game started, the team was so random that David saw a group of six beetles randomly placed in a group of first class insects, and then it was torn into pieces in a flash.

David and Jennings were surprised to see the scene.

David is no longer strong, and it is hard to protect himself in a group of first class insects, let alone janrice.

In fact, the group of six did not wait until an hour to end, only after 46 minutes, they decided the top ten, and all the top ten groups were injured.

"The first man who participates in the double team competition will be sent to the Zerg in ten seconds. Please be ready! 10,9,8,…… 3,2,1。” As the final figures were reported, David and Jennings disappeared from the lounge and then appeared in the insect tower.

David immediately held the second level shield in his hands as soon as he reached the ground.

They were unlucky, just in front of three hunters, and the last one stabbed the sharp forelimb to jenris.

With the sound of "Dang", the forearm of the hunter mantis is blocked by the big shield in David's hand, and David is shaken twice by the body of the hunter Mantis's attack.

This is why David's shield mastery has been promoted to master level. If it was in such a hurry to use the big shield to block the attack of the first class insect Hunter mantis, David will not be slightly injured, and he will have to step back a few steps to resolve the great power.

"Ha ha, I'm glad to bring you here!" As he laughed, jenrice cut down the hunter Mantis with a second class axe.

David did not change weapons at the moment. He still held a big shield. Three hunters Mantis would not be paid much attention to since he was prepared.

Don't say he, that is, janrice, who holds a second-class heavy axe, can kill three hunters, and the most powerful mantis is speed, which is also the advantage of jenrice.

David helped jenrice block the attack of two other hunters mantis, watching the situation nearby.

There are really many insect groups in the tower, and five teams are fighting within a kilometer range nearby.

However, the second class weapons in the Oracle virtual world are easier to obtain than in reality, so if they are prepared, they can kill the first class of Zerg in small quantity.

Of course, two of the five groups were injured. It is difficult to insist on it now. It is estimated that they will be eliminated soon.

Don't look at the beetles here can easily deal with the first class of worms, but it is not.

This is not to say that the actual combat power of the Oracle is weakened, but that the second class weapons will not be so popular.

In the virtual world of Oracle, as long as the continuous fighting, pay attention not to fight with too strong opponents, and gradually accumulate, it is not difficult to have secondary grade weapons.

But in reality, the number of secondary grade weapons is still in short supply. Only the highly qualified armour can possess the second grade weapons. Ordinary armour still needs to use the first class weapons to fight.

Use level 1 weapons to fight with the first class of Zerg. In the absence of weapons, the strong body of the first class will occupy the advantage in the battle.

When David confirmed that there was no armor around to threaten him, he took the second level axe from his right hand, and the talent of "extreme speed" was inspired. The shield on the left was in front of him and rushed forward without any reason.

The mantis, the hunter who fought with jenlis, has been exposed to a few axes and cannot be supported.

David now collides with two hunters Mantis. Great impact is transmitted from the shield. David rotates the body with this force. The shield takes part of the force off, and the rest of the force is added to the axe with the body rotation.

The heavy axe drew a beautiful arc, through the gap between the front legs of the two hunters, and swept the heads of the two hunters.

There, janrice is just over. David has also managed two hunters Mantis.

"I need to take a highland!" David said, pointing not far away from the hill.

The hill is the highest nearby, and snipers need environmental support to form the best combat power.

"Brother, help!" Another group of the armour saw David solve the battle, and hurriedly cried out for help.

Their team is just as unlucky as the David group, and they meet the Zerg just after they appear. They have no David strength and can not block the first attack of the Zerg.

One of the team's armour was hit hard, with only half the strength of the day.

It can be barely supported by the second class weapons in hand, but it can't last long.

"Don't take care of them!" "Janrice was worried about David's soft heart and hurriedly reminded him.

David shook his head and smiled. Even in the battlefield, he would not hand at will, let alone the virtual world of Oracle, and there would be no real death.

Several first class insects, mantis, pincers and giant embedded worms, are common first class insects, which David will remove.When you get to the top of the hill, you can see more groups. There are 12 groups around the hill.

David takes off the "eye of death", then lies down on the ground and puts 50 first-class bullets into the pressure chamber.

"David, 16 o'clock, that group of beetles is very strong, send them away!" While guarding David, janlis uses himself as an observer to report the position of the strongest group he has seen.

"Got it!" David said in a deep voice.

In the voice just fell, a loud bang, a first-class bullet shot out.

One of the two warriors who were trying to solve the battle there had a big hole in his head.

Another beetle was startled and saw his companion who was killed suddenly. His movement slowed down.

The result of slow action in the battle with Zerg is the crazy attack of Zerg.

With the vitality of Zerg, even when they are dying, they can burst out terrorist attack power.

When the beetle was distracted, he was seized by the giant embedded worm, and the huge inlay caught the beetle's body.

Exoskeleton armor was not able to withstand the attack, and the beetle's body was cut in two when he stabbed his weapon into the head of the giant embedded worm.

The huge sniper gunfire also made all the fighting beetles startled. The experienced beetles knew what the noise was and quickly searched for the shelter.

But some inexperienced beetles saw something.

There are a lot of spectators in the double team competition. This competition is also the best way to find talents and attract talents. Although the identity of the virtual world of Oracle is kept secret, there are still many forces that can find good seeds to cultivate every year.

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"How could a sniper beetle get involved?" In a conference room, a general in the uniform of a lieutenant general asked in a deep voice.

The change in the rematch of the League a virtual world renka Cup comes from this lieutenant general.

According to the news from Zhanxing, the activities of Zerg are becoming more and more frequent. According to the past rules, there may be a counteroffensive of Zerg in the next few years.

The Zerg counter offensive is not comparable to the usual war of attrition. The scale of the counter attack will only appear once in several decades. Each time, it will greatly consume Zhanxing's combat power.

In order to let renka's beetles know the cruelty of the battle, Lieutenant General Dan chose to put the rematch in the insect tower, so that every contestant felt the fear of being torn by Zerg.

In recent years, the life of renka star's beetles is so stable that even the renka cup has become a kind of game mainly for watching.

If the military needs to increase military resources on a large scale, the vast majority of these warriors on renka will become cannon fodder once they are put into Battlestar.

"Admiral Dane, the armour used heavy axe and big shield before. This should be a warrior with weapon talent!" Said the staff officer standing behind lieutenant general Dane.

Even their military can not bypass the law to check the identity of the oracle in the virtual world of Oracle. They can only judge according to the previous actions.

"Put some pressure on him not to use a sniper gun!" Admiral Dane ordered in a deep voice.

"Lieutenant General Dane, do you mean to get involved in the game?" The staff officer looked at Lieutenant Dan unexpectedly and asked in confirmation.

"Do it!" Said lieutenant general Dane, waving.

He doesn't like things out of control. It's only when he knows that there is no sniper beetle that he will use this way for the rematch. A sniper beetle in this environment is too much to balance.

David didn't know that someone was increasing his difficulty. He had already targeted the eye of death at another group of warriors, the strongest in the neighborhood.

Although there is no sound isolation device, the beetles here are distributed around. The sound of sniper shots doesn't make the Zerg concentrate on him. On the contrary, some beetles are accidentally encountered by the sound of gunfire.

This is what David aimed at. They killed the first group of Zerg, but they were found by another group of four first level Zerg after hearing the sound of the gun. Both sides immediately fought together.

Just as David was about to stimulate the eye of death, he felt a little bit of danger.

Here is the Oracle virtual world, the danger here is not very real, David's risk perception effect is not much.

But as long as he perceives a little danger, it means great danger.

In an instant, David did not hesitate to drop the "eye of death" in his hand and picked up the second-class shield and heavy axe.

Jenlis didn't know what was going on, but he believed in David, and immediately approached him to cover his back. They stood back to back together.

Just when they made a defensive stance, a group of "tearing insects" appeared from the air.

This is the most difficult class of Zerg to deal with, with the ability to fly, speed is extremely terrifying.

"Run away!" David didn't hesitate. As soon as he saw the "tearing bug" appearing, he knew that he couldn't deal with it.

This is a group of at least 50 tearing flies. Without the advantage of land type and the cooperation of dozens of beetles, it is almost impossible to defeat so many tearing flies.At the same time, the heavy axe of his right hand crossed the ground.

The earth and dust on the ground were swept to the sky by him, and the two talents of "extreme speed" and "power shock" were fully activated.

The clods and dust are not attacking the tearing insects. They are not enough to tickle them.

Soil and dust affected the observation of "tearing flying insects". With the second grade heavy axe and David's sweeping power, the dust fog formed was not small.

David added this action to start the run. It was just a step late for jenlis.

However, only five meters later, David caught up with janlis. When passing by, David put him in his hands, and then "extreme speed" played to the limit.

James always thought that David's speed was better than his "speed talent", but his strength was limited.

But when David held it in his hand, he found that he was wrong.

David's speed is fully open. When he runs with all his strength, his speed can reach about 3.2 seconds per 100 meters. After he starts the "extreme speed", it only takes 1.6 seconds.

That is to say, the 100 meter distance, David is almost one step across.

This speed is almost impossible to appear on the body of the beetle, because the limit speed of the human body has been studied before, reaching the limit of the body is 2.37 seconds per 100 meters.

Unless it's extraordinary, there won't be a beetle that can exceed this speed limit.

Jenlis can guarantee his life, David's speed is definitely more than 100 meters 2.37 seconds.

Although David's speed is fast, the speed of tearing up the swarm of flying insects is not slow. Although affected by the dust, he soon finds the target.

David has made a judgment for a long time. If he wants to escape from the pursuit of the tearing insects, he can't get rid of it only by speed.

There were two groups of beetles in the direction of his running. Of course, the two groups also saw the "tearing flying insects" in the sky and began to run.

But their speed can't compare with David. David is getting closer and closer to them, and the "tearing bug" is also getting closer and closer to David.

As we all know, when you run for your life, you don't need to be faster than the pursuers, just be faster than others.

David is doing this now. The wind blows around the two beetles in that group, and then he sees a figure passing by them. The figure still carries a Oracle in his hand and still overtakes them quickly.

"Damn it!" As soon as the two beetles swore, the group of "tearing flies" in the sky arrived.

The first target of the "tearing insects" group was found, but the two beetles only delayed the group of "tearing insects" for less than two seconds, and then disappeared into white light.

The group continued to chase David, who had rushed out a hundred meters away.

"Don't come here, you run in another direction!" Yelled the beetle ahead, waving his weapons to show his determination. If David dares to surpass them, they will attack immediately.

David didn't pay attention to it. The two warriors were not strong enough. They used hammers and axes respectively. They were all heavy weapons. David didn't worry about being attacked. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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