Transcendent David

Chapter 248: CH 248

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Jiashi virtual world is very real, the pain from real to injured is 100% reflected in the body.

Just in a short time of 40 seconds, David's second class heavy axe didn't stop attacking, and there were seven scars on his body.

And every few seconds, there will be a new scar on his body.

David has never been so desperate as he is now. He has gone through many life and death dangers, but every time he survived.

But this time, there are too many "Hunter Mantis" around, and they are obviously different from the normal "Hunter Mantis". These "Hunter Mantis" are just as guided by the "Hunter Mantis" king, and even more so than the "Hunter Mantis" king.

David once again killed a hunter mantis, and two Hunter Mantis attacked him at the same time. He blocked it with a heavy axe. The "power shock" contained in the heavy axe made the two "Hunter Mantis" pause at the same time.

The two "Hunter Mantis" also blocked the attack of the "Hunter Mantis" behind him, but there was still a "Hunter Mantis" from the side of the two "Hunter Mantis" a moment away from the attack of David.

At this time, David had no way to escape. He put his unarmed left hand in front of him. The arm armor of exoskeleton armor could not block the attack of "Hunter Mantis". His left arm was cut into the bone wound by this blow.

David didn't frown. He just took advantage of the opportunity of "Hunter Mantis" attack to be blocked and killed with the heavy ax of his right hand.

Then the heavy axe in his hand had a chance to sweep the two "Hunter Mantis" who were stopped by the "power shock" in front of him. However, due to the difference in time, the two "Hunter Mantis" have recovered. Although they can't avoid opening David's heavy axe, they also add two wounds to David's body.

The pain is not terrible. David has been used to it.

Compared with his daily practice of "high-level Oracle technique", this kind of pain is really nothing.

In particular, he knew that the pain would not really affect his body, which made him completely ignore the pain.

However, blood loss also slows down his movement. Oracle virtual world reduces his speed synchronously according to the situation of blood loss, which is also the normal body reaction should slow down.

The more he slowed down, the more injuries he suffered.

David can only use the injured left hand to assist in defense. In fact, it is to use his left arm to block the crucial attack.

His right arm is protected very well, except for a few minor injuries, it is not seriously damaged, which makes his attack still fierce.

At this point in the battle, in front of David's body, 24 "Hunter Mantis" corpses show that he is strong.

As long as the hunter mantis is is hit by David's heavy axe, it must be the result of death.

This is also the requirement that every regular educated beetle has been taught. Fighting with Zerg must be fatal. As long as there is a little vitality left for the Zerg, the wounded Zerg will still have fighting power.

Unfortunately, most of the beetles can't do this, but David has achieved it perfectly.

David stands in a pool of green and red blood. The green one is the blood of the hunter mantis, and the red one is his own blood. The blood is gathered at his feet.

The forearm of his left arm has been cut off by the "Hunter Mantis". Although he is still playing a blocking role, he has not begun to be flexible for a long time.

David roared, and he let go. Instead of avoiding, he fought with the hunter Mantis.

"Hunter Mantis" attacks, he will use the spirit burst, accurate judgment of the fatal attack, get out of the way of the fatal attack, and at the same time counter attack.

One minute later, David's exoskeleton armor was almost tattered. Except for the back protected by the second class shield, the whole part of the predecessor could not be found.

The damage inside David's body was more serious than that on the outside.

However, the judge of death in Oracle virtual world is based on the condition that the vitality has completely disappeared and the vital part has been severely damaged. David's situation is that the vitality is still there, and the key has not been seriously damaged.

The audience were stunned. No one thought that the fight would last until now. Surrounded by a group of "Hunter Mantis", there was no chance to move, but they could fight with "Hunter Mantis" for a minute.

The blood covered David let these warriors see what is fierce, even if it is so injured, David still maintains a tenacious fighting spirit.

David is now feeling extremely tired, losing blood and breaking out with all his strength, which makes his body exceed the limit.

The second class heavy axe held by his right arm was extremely heavy at this time.

He didn't dare to breathe and sank into his body. As long as he breathed out the breath, he was afraid that he would fall into the group of "Hunter Mantis".

Countless times of life and death battle, let him develop the character that he would rather die than surrender. Even if he died, he would have to pull a few more people on his back.A foot stabbed into his abdomen, and the tone that he sank in his body didn't hold on, and he was relieved.

However, David forced his head into the head of the hunter mantis in front of him. At the same time, he cut his axe under the head of the hunter Mantis.

The reason is that David's strength is not enough to swing the heavy axe. He can only use his body to hold down the heavy axe and concentrate a blow with the strength of his whole body.

As the neck of the hunter Mantis was cut by a heavy axe, David was completely surrounded by the group of Hunter mantis, and David was completely invisible.

After a few seconds, a white light disappeared in place, and the "Hunter Mantis" group stopped.

At this time, 38 of the "Hunter Mantis" group had died. The audience looked at the corpses of "Hunter Mantis" on the ground, but they did not return to their senses for a long time.

David went back to the rest room, the pain of his body disappeared and his strength returned to his body.

He was standing in the lounge, not detached from the fight, everything was too real.

For a Oracle from the rock star, death is only once, and the experience of death is definitely not a good feeling.

"Can't die in Oracle virtual world!" David said to himself.

Being used to this kind of death will never be a good thing. For the Oracle who is on the edge of life and death, too much death will make the beetle lose the fear of death.

The fear of death is a manifestation of the body's desire for life. It is this desire that makes someone feel in advance when facing death.

But David believes that as long as you experience death frequently in Oracle's virtual world, this premonition will decline without limit.

"Invincible, are you ok?" Asked jenlis, a little worried.

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He also saw the battle just now. The fierce battle made his hair stand on end. He couldn't imagine that David, a high school student, could fight like that.

You should know that this is just a virtual battle. If you know you have to die, you don't need such resistance at all. As long as you relax your defense a little, you will be killed and reborn.

"It's OK. I just feel something. Is the virtual world really good?" David shook his head and said softly.

"What you encounter is a special situation. It has never happened before. I have never seen a group of more than 200 'Hunter Mantis' in the insect tower." Jenlis thought David was talking about the situation he had just met, so he couldn't help explaining.

"No, I'm not talking about the fight just now. I'm worried that I'm used to such death. When I encounter death again in reality, I'll lose my previous vigilance!" David said in a deep voice.

"I don't think so. The vast majority of our Lenka warriors grew up like this!" Janice was stunned and immediately shook his head.

David didn't say anything more. He didn't know how to tell jenlis how he felt when he died. Maybe for a beetle who often practices in Oracle virtual world, death is a very common thing.

David looks at the projection light screen in the lounge where the individual rematch is being broadcast live.

He found that he was the only one who was besieged by the Zerg, and what the rest of the beetles encountered was normal.

"Is there anyone against me?" David hesitated and asked.

His "invincible" status has only appeared for a few days. Although he has accepted hundreds of challenges, all of them have won.

But it's not like revenge on him for this. If so, there are so many Jiashi who have become famous in the virtual world of Oracle, and we can't get revenge on such new people as him.

"Someone must be targeting you secretly. If you need to, I can inquire about it. But the people who can influence this kind of competition have high status. It's very difficult for you to see him even if you want to." Said jenlis positively.

"Forget it, I have my own way of cultivation. I don't care if I'm not welcome in the virtual world of Oracle. I can use the points in the future!" David didn't care.

Since he knew the disadvantages of Jiashi virtual world, he was much less interested in practicing here.

Although the effect of practice here is really good, if someone specifically targets him, he has to consider whether it is worthwhile to practice here.

As a matter of fact, he only needs to practice sniping ability. He doesn't need much virtual world. When he builds his own intelligent system, he can simulate a similar virtual world.

As long as there is no close combat calculation, the attack mode of long-range sniping is not complicated.

"Invincible, since someone is targeting you and you are worried about dying here, you should not participate in the team final tomorrow!" Jenlis offered.

"It won't affect your bet, will it?" David heard jenlis say that the bet had been won, but he asked.

"You'll wait to take the bet." Said Janice, laughing.

"That's OK. I'll get off first." David said goodbye to Janice.

James also nodded with understanding. This is the first time David died in the virtual world of Oracle. It's normal to be unable to accept it for a moment. The best way is to give David time to adapt slowly.David came out of the virtual capsule and shook his head. He didn't want to experience it again.

There are still 19409 points left in the points. He has to plan out the use of the points and then use them all.

Back in the villa, David always feels that there is something wrong with him. He is very clear about his state. As long as there is anything wrong with his body, he can feel it.

He summoned the shadow servant, and pressed his hand on his shoulder to activate the attribute mask.

As he looked at the familiar attributes, he finally saw the difference, spirit: 5.94 (1).

He was very clear that his previous spirit was 5.95, that is to say, the death of Oracle virtual world made him lose 0.01 points of spirit.

If the spirit loss of a bodyguard is about ten, that is to say, the spirit loss of a bodyguard is about 10.

Of course, it is not that the souls of the ten warriors are equal to the spiritual energy of 0.01 points. When shadow servants absorb souls, most of the soul energy will be absorbed by shadow attendants.

Only a small part of the rest will be absorbed by David's soul, thus increasing David's spirit.

David doesn't know if anyone knows that death in Oracle's virtual world will affect people's spirit, but he clearly sees the consequences.

In the military conference room, Lieutenant General Dan also saw the bloody battle between invincible and the hunter Mantis. When he saw invincible's spirit of fighting to death, his eyes lit up.

Isn't this the fighting spirit that the military has been advocating?

The fearless desire to fight, the courage to see pain as nothing, and the terrible fighting skills let lieutenant general Dane see the unique spirit of war star.

Looking at the invincible battle, he thought of those comrades in arms in warstar.

Those dissatisfaction with invincible in the heart also disappeared with the invincible battle, leaving only extremely satisfied.

"Staff, contact this" invincible "and ask him if he is willing to join the military. I will give him special treatment!" Admiral Dane turned his head and said.

On hearing this, the staff officer was stunned for a moment, and Lieutenant General Dan was in favor of invincible.

The staff officers were not surprised by the change in lieutenant general's attitude. Since he saw such a good sign, he would not let go of it.

The staff officer started to operate on the light screen. He sent a contact request to "invincible", but soon Skynet gave a reply that "invincible" was not online.

"Lieutenant general, invincible will be offline after death!" The staff still reported.

"If you pay attention to" invincible ", you can contact it when it goes online Said lieutenant general Dane, waving.

They don't know what David found out about the death of Oracle virtual world, which also made David resist the virtual world of Oracle.

Just as David thinks, in addition to consuming points, he is unlikely to enter the virtual world of Oracle. Especially knowing that the death of Oracle virtual world will affect the spirit of reality, David has to be very careful.

David doesn't know much about the role of spirit, but his spirit has saved his life many times, and his ability to apply spirit has exceeded reality and become his killing method. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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