Transcendent David

Chapter 264: CH 264

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David, carrying a bundle of secondary weapons, contacted his suspension car after leaving the Bank of Yaka.

After the case was over, his temporary authority was cancelled, and at the moment he had no right to fly in exoskeleton armor.

The suspension car came quickly, only in a moment it arrived at his side.

He threw his weapon into the car and the man sat in the driver's seat.

Having set the order to return to the villa, he began to wait to see what the item was.

Shadow waiter flew to his side, he will part of the heart into the shadow waiter body, through the shadow waiter body to feel the inner space ring.

Inside the space ring, in addition to the items previously stored, there is a crystal suspended, which is red and a heart inside the crystal.

Even in the ring of space, even through the shadow waiter to observe the heart inside the red crystal, David has a feeling like watching the horror creature.

It was a life level oppression, just as a sheep met a tiger, and David was the sheep in front of the heart.

David was now thankful that he had not taken it out of the space ring to watch it. Once something so horrible was taken out, it would be very likely to be discovered.

David thought of the box that the captain of the armour had carried, which was supposed to have something special, or it would not have hidden the breath of the heart.

Then he will pay attention to the red crystal and the heart inside, and he will not take it out of the space ring without knowing its function.

Then David pressed his hand on the shadow waiter and absorbed the soul energy he received today into his body.

After absorbing the soul many times, he can estimate the spiritual growth degree of soul energy without looking at the property panel.

Although there are 11 elite Oracle souls this time, the feeling of absorbing soul is very weak, and it feels like this soul energy is negligible.

After checking the attribute panel, the spirit of 6.01 has not changed. Of course, this unchanged version is not really not increasing, but the increase is not enough to fill 0.01.

David shook his head, and as the spirit grew stronger, the growth was slower and slower.

The captain of the armour carrying the box broke the window of Yaka bank with the second grade axe in his hand. The window is made of good materials, but it can not block the second grade heavy axe.

The retreat route he chose was the second one in the plan. Originally, this one was only a reserve, but he insisted on the second one.

The captain of the armour is afraid of the terrible armour. He knows that the terrible armour is still a sniper. He chooses the first evacuation route to be sniped.

So he chose the second line, he went out of the Bank of Yaka, without any hesitation, his heavy axe hit the ground heavily, and a hidden sewer entrance was broken.

He opened the inner circulation system of exoskeleton armor and jumped into the sewer.

The sewer was not light, full of filth, and half height, and he almost crawled forward after he went in.

But he didn't care, and he would do it if he could escape.

The six elite elite elite of the Bank of Yaka, who tracked it, found the broken windows and jumped out of the windows to see the sewer entrance.

Just as several beetles were ready to enter, a violent explosion came, followed by the sound of water flowing, and then in front of six, the sewer entrance was ejected with foul water.

The whole area was like a dark rain, and even the first Oracle who just wanted to enter the sewer was pushed back by the impact.

"Check the municipal map and find the direction of the sewer!" The captain of the a team of Yaka bank shouted.

He also understood the means used by the Oracle with the box at the moment, and he could not help but sigh at the precision of the other party's plan.

The city of Chia sewers are fully sealed, using pressure to make the sewage flow in the sewer.

It seems that before this, the pressure on the sewer was released, so the Oracle could break through the sealed sewer entrance and enter it.

After entering the sewer and a distance, a small bomb was detonated in the sewer.

With the protection of exoskeleton armor, this explosion can not hurt the armor.

The Oracle, however, can be pushed forward by sewage with the blast shock wave, and it can be detached at a faster speed.

On the other hand, the explosion also made the exposed sewer entrance the vent of the explosion, which hindered the pursuit of the armour.

The explosion also damages the sewer wall in that section, at least it will be very difficult for the back chaser to pass.

"This way!" The leader of the elite armour team of Yaka Bank received the map from his staff and rushed out immediately.

Underground, the captain and the box behind him just blocked most of the sewers. The explosion made him part of the sewage and slid forward quickly.The captain of the Oracle extended his hands and legs to the wall of the pipe to reduce the friction of his body.

Especially the pulley on his feet, with its own power, still allows him to move quickly after the explosion caused the driving force slows down.

Captain a knows that he was probably successful, but he is not happy at all. All the brothers he has been with for decades have gone.

On his contact channel, there is no signal, and the exoskeleton armor will automatically shut down after the internal Oracle loses his life.

So it also means that only one of the elite armour groups is still alive, which is why the other side seems not to want to pursue him.

Thinking about the black exoskeleton armor, thinking about the ghost like figure, thinking of every flash will take away the long sword of life, the captain of the armour does not know how to describe his mood.

"It can never be an anonymous man!" He said to himself in silence.

After returning, he started the relationship and found out the master of the sword. Although he was not able to revenge, the organization had the ability.

After several consecutive bends, the bifurcation of these curves was sealed in advance, allowing the captain of the armour to move rapidly only in a designated route.

After several minutes of super fast movement, the captain of the Oracle can feel that his two palms and feet are overheating due to the over speed of the pulley.

There was a little light in front of the team, which gave the captain a boost and came out.

Then he hit a separate iron net with the sewage, which was broken and his body rushed over and flew out of the sewer.

A small shuttle waiting here has been holding the captain of the armour accurately, and the warm-up force launched full-scale push.

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The six elite armour of the Asian bank, who were tracked, saw the small flying shuttle about kilometers apart, and a sense of powerlessness emerged on them.

Small flying shuttle into a light, broken air and go, that is not the pace that the Oracle can follow.

The small shuttle is made to hide the inside of the planet, with anti scanning coating on its surface. Of course, acceleration like this one can only last a short time.

But that was enough. Shortly after the small shuttle disappeared, many more armour came, but they couldn't trace the beetle.

The next day, David received a briefing from director Kurt, who knew the outcome of the incident.

It also comes with a police internal award, and in David's personal information, there is an additional police award order.

This award order plays a significant role in the complex evaluation of social authority. Although it can not immediately improve David's e-level authority, as long as there are more awards, it can accumulate a lot and promote David's social authority to a higher level.

David was glad that the box did not return to the hands of Bank of Yaka. As long as the Oracle took the box, he found that there was no red crystal and internal heart in the box. But who could guarantee that it was not the beetle's own hands and feet, or that he was running away through the hands of others.

David believes that he will not be doubted in stealing the crystal and heart, because no one will believe that he has such a fantastic ability.

What David didn't know was that he was famous, and he was shot in the hall, and was clearly captured by several surveillance cameras.

Among them are police, there are also internal of Yaka bank, and public monitoring across the bank.

I don't know which link has been a problem. David's video of killing eleven beetles appeared in the news.

Kurt cannot do anything to interfere, his rights cannot affect the press, and even he doubts whether someone is pushing behind it.

David was also nicknamed "sword police," and of course the video also brought the city's armour to a smaller convergence.

David was a police Oracle, not considered by the public to be a villain, and there was no negative comment.

"Who is the sword killing police?"

This is the most asked by all after the news.

Police did not respond. In fact, there are few police officers within the police station who can view the information of police advisers. In addition, the chief Kurt issued a password, which would not be transmitted outside.

Of course, the director of Kurt also knows that David's identity is not concealed. The energy of Yaka bank is so great that it is not difficult to check the secret information of the police.

He just hoped balver would not die by himself, and do anything without remembering the consequences.

The most striking thing about the battle video is the armour group. From the beginning of sniping to the last long sword attack, the fighting process of "sword killing police" is easy and comfortable.

If the killed armour is not all holding the second grade weapons, or the elite armour of the Bank of Yaka withdraws in distress, the armour should think that the killed armour is a group of novices.

Later, several famous Oracle announced on the sky net that the "sword killing police" is a master of long sword.This makes the long sword beetles almost crazy. There are too few long sword masters. Ordinary beetles have hardly ever seen a long sword master, and this battle video is the only battle video of the long sword master.

Many Jia Shi study the video frame by frame and see more problems.

There are many unexplained movements of "sword killing police" in the battle. Those who just watched thought that the problem was caused by the light during the video recording.

However, after some research on the warriors, the results have been published. The "sword killing police" almost ignores the limits of human joints, and many ways of avoiding them can not be copied.

The heated discussion made the reputation of "sword killing police" even more heated.

In Mckintosh's design room, Macintosh master looked at the figure in the news and couldn't help laughing.

What is more gratifying to a designer than his own design of exoskeleton armor, which is worn by a super strong armour. What's more, David has mastered this exoskeleton armor completely, and has brought the performance of exoskeleton armor into full play.

For the first time, he saw a way of attacking without joints, which represented the success of his design.

Master Mckintosh opens the identity bracelet, finds David and sends a message.

When David in class received this information, he knew what happened outside.

He was very doubtful about the spread of the video, so after replying and thanking master Mckintosh on the identity bracelet, he connected the dome intelligent system in the villa.

The longer the dome intelligent system appears, the more powerful it has.

David asked the sky intelligence system to find out the way the video was spread. Soon, the sky intelligence system found the source of the first news media to get the battle video through the right to copy each part. It was an identity bracelet.

Balfour David looked at the name of the owner of the identity bracelet and murmured.

David was not surprised that Balfour had done such a thing. He made Balfour too embarrassed that day, and he would retaliate in his high position.

Just giving the video to the news media surprised David. He didn't know what Balfour was going to do.

But it doesn't matter. David knows who to fight back as long as he knows that Balfour is plotting against him.

In David's villa, Balfour is targeted by the sky intelligence system, and a large amount of Balfour's information is collected.

Tracking the use of Balfour's identity bracelet, coupled with the data storage of Skynet monitoring system, Balfour's whereabouts in recent years have been controlled by the sky intelligence system.

Not to mention Balfour himself is not a very good man, and no one can guarantee that there will be no mistakes for years.

That night, just as the news of "sword killing police" became very popular, another news appeared, not only in the news, but also everywhere on Skynet.

In the news, a series of bribes and bribes were exposed to the public through various surveillance videos.

In addition to these, Balfour's videos of various women, including those of married women, and even men, spread wildly on Skynet.

Almost any news page on Skynet has content related to Balfour.

As a matter of fact, many editors don't know how the news got up. At least they didn't handle the news. The news seemed to appear suddenly.

According to the influence of Balfour and Yaka bank, even if there is such news, it is difficult to be made public. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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