Transcendent David

Chapter 280: CH 280

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David didn't wait for the team to come slowly, which was too much time-consuming.

As he ran forward, his fingers were operating on the "K4 military electronic countermeasure optical brain" on his arm.

He had already seen two scouts just 30 meters from the team of twenty-four warriors.

"Enemy attack!" Exclaimed the scouts in the middle of the channel.

At the same time, without hesitation, the two scouts turned around and ran back. They had no idea of fighting David.

They are scouts. Although they are the most dangerous positions, they can not be killed.

David, who killed two squads of beetles in a row, represents extreme danger in the eyes of these beetles.

With a sneer on his face, David spewed energy from the short wings behind his back, and his speed suddenly accelerated.

The reason why he doesn't use "extreme speed" and "power shock" is that the enemy is too weak. On the other hand, using these two talents will make his physical strength consume quickly.

With so many enemies, he did not dare to consume too much physical strength. Once his physical strength was exhausted too much, his and Emma's lives would be in danger.

The two scouts' weapons are long swords with light weapons, and the exoskeleton armor also adds acceleration components.

But their speed and equipment can't compare with David's custom exoskeleton armor. With just one breath, David rushes behind the two scouts.

At the same time, all the lights in the whole channel went out.

Exoskeleton armor is equipped with night vision function, and the beetle in the channel immediately turns on the night vision function after discovering the darkness in front of them.

David, on the other hand, turned on the bright lights on his custom exoskeleton armor, a special counter for night vision.

With the bright light shining, all the beetles felt a pain in their eyes, and their eyes were white.

David took advantage of this opportunity to slap the three-level heavy axe on the back of the two scouts, sweeping them to the formation ahead.

Although they can't look at the objects, the formation of the formation can feel the sound of breaking through the air. All the warriors in the battle formation are transported along with the formation. The two big shield warriors in front of them set up big shields, and the ones behind start to wave weapons to attack from the gap between the shields.

The weapon cuts into the exoskeleton armor, but the warriors are not happy because they hear the familiar scream.

This is their scouts, and their attacks kill their companions.

David turned on the flight function, and he flew from the ceiling to the top of the team, and he dashed down like a ghost from top to bottom.

Just after using the glare, he turned on the night vision function. Now when he falls from below, he may be the only one who can see things in the whole passage.

The consequences of throwing a high-level heavy axe master into a group of low-level ordinary beetles who can't see things are obvious.

The sound of scream, the sound of exoskeleton armor and flesh and bone being split, the sound of blood splashing on the wall and the ground, the sound of the body flying out after being attacked and hitting the wall and the ground. All kinds of sounds form a Shura.

This is a massacre, a massacre in which one person has gained absolute superiority.

David absolutely crushed the twenty-four warriors in terms of combat power, equipment and strategy.

From David's attack to the end of the whole battle, in less than ten seconds, all the twenty-four warriors became damaged bodies.

To be sure, unless David intentionally let it go, it is impossible to leave a living man in front of him.

The number of souls absorbed by the shadow attendants always reminds David whether there is any omission.

In order to facilitate the command, deputy commander Gore and deputy commander Haman stood together. All the beetles beside them were looking at each other. However, none of them spoke on their own initiative, so they did not reveal each other's identity.

"Damn it, how could that be possible!" Deputy commander Haman looked at the light curtain in front of him and cried angrily.

All the martyrs who died before were members of the red fire mercenary regiment. He also ridiculed that the combat power of deputy commander Gore was too weak.

I didn't expect that the team of twenty-four warriors in his mercenary regiment almost disappeared in a few seconds.

Deputy commander Haman almost thought of a scene, that is, twenty-four warriors put down their weapons, surrounded by David, and needed to stretch their necks, waiting for David to cut down with weapons.

Of course, this is impossible, but it is impossible to explain that all the 24 Jiashi died in such a short time.

"We all look down on David. No wonder the thunder and lightning mercenaries will be slaughtered by him alone!" Deputy commander Gore didn't mean to laugh at deputy commander Haman. He also saw the display on the light screen and said in a deep voice.

"He's only seventeen years old. He killed so many people without being soft hearted!" Deputy commander Haman shook his head and sighed.

"He's from the rock star, born in a war zone. Maybe killing the enemy has become an instinct for a long time." Deputy commander Gore thought of David's birthplace and couldn't help saying."Everything goes according to the plan, hoping to make David consume more physical strength, and it's better to let him suffer some injuries." Haman deputy head of the light screen in front of the death of the Oracle data removed, and then said helplessly.

A team of twenty-four warriors is already overstaffed in the starfighter environment. No matter how many warriors form a team, it will not be able to form an effective combat effectiveness.

Unless we find an open position, we will not be able to encircle David in terms of quantity advantage.

"Have you noticed that David can easily find our beetle?" Deputy commander Gore suddenly pointed to the map on the light screen and said.

From just now on, almost all of David took the initiative to discover the Beetle team, which can be seen from the fact that the Beetle team even failed to report in time.

"Yes, it's also conceivable that David has mastered the internal system of the starflyer and found that our beetles are normal." Haman deputy head nodded.

"If we use these beetles to lead David to open spaces, can't we take advantage of the number of people?" Deputy commander Al Gore's eyes flashed and said in a deep voice.

"That's a good idea. It's hard to hurt David even if they're all dead. It's better to use them to lead David to an open battlefield." Haman also listened to the reply.

It was not easy for him to find an open battlefield by searching the map quickly.

This is a starfighter. Almost half of the area is cabins. The rest of the area is also a commercial area. There are many buildings there.

"Here Deputy commander Gore pointed on the map and said.

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The map zooms in automatically with his little bit, showing a special area.

There is a protruding area of the star flyer. It is the cultivation area of the star flyer. The inside is planted with fresh vegetables and fruit trees and some fish by soilless method.

In order to facilitate the management of the whole area, a huge separate space has been built.

The size of this single space is several thousand meters. Although it has the influence of cultivation facilities, these effects can be eliminated only by paying a few talents.

"It's a good place. I agree with the plan!" Haman deputy head nodded and agreed.

David heard a strange command from the channel.

"Team 6 to position B12, team 7 to area B14, team 8 to area B16..."

A series of orders mobilized the whole area of the beetle. David marked the position of the order on the top of the armor, and soon found out that it was to lead him to the cultivation area.

His fingers operated quickly on the "K4 military electronic countermeasure optical brain". The monitoring of the cultivation area was very comprehensive, and he soon saw the situation in the cultivation area.

There are a lot of beetles are concentrating there. It seems that they are preparing to lay traps for him.

David opens up a panoramic view of starflyer and sees a special location in the cultivation area, where a plan is generated in his brain.

David opened a virtual area on the "K4 military electronic countermeasure optical brain", and then opened a channel through the electronic defense wall.

On the other side, the five electronic countermeasures division, who were busy, suddenly found that they had broken through the internal system of starfighter.

Although I don't know what made them get it, they are still excited to break into it. They find that they can only get part of the permissions, and most of the permissions can't be obtained.

"Deputy chief, we have David's position!" The EW division reported to the two deputy commanders.

"Well done, you're amazing. You can break through the defense of the master of electronic warfare. I'll give you credit when the mission is over." Deputy commander Gore didn't care that there were three electronic countermeasures division of blue ice mercenary corps, so he said with a laugh.

"Thank you, deputy leader. I'll share the location signal with you!" EW engineer thanks.

On the light screen map in front of you, a light spot is specially displayed, which is moving towards B12.

"Sure enough, David knows where we are, and the ECM master is helping him, but obviously the EW master is a bit careless!" Deputy commander Gore looked at the light and shook his head.

"It's not the carelessness of the ECM master, but the result of our EW division's efforts!" Haman said with a smile.

"It looks like the plan is a success. David is in the trap!" Deputy head of Gore said triumphantly.

"Let all the elite beetles gather in the cultivation area and kill David directly!" Deputy head of Haman suggested.

"It's not just elite beetles. All ordinary beetles, except those who attract David, move to the cultivation area. David is so proud that he doesn't want to run away, but wants to pursue and kill our beetles. He will pay for his pride!" Deputy head of Gore nodded.

The two deputy commanders could not help but look at the several weapon masters behind them. If they could not use these weapons masters, they would try not to use them.

David was killed by the elite beetle. The reward they paid to the elite beetle was totally different from the reward that David was killed by the Weapon Master. The reward paid to the Weapon Master was sky high, even the bud brothers.If the mercenary regiment wants to retain the Weapon Master, it must give the best conditions, and some rewards can't be stingy at all.

However, as the commander of this operation, Al Gore and Haman both need to reduce the cost of the operation as much as possible.

A large number of ordinary beetles died, and the loss caused was extremely amazing. In order to avoid more huge rewards, they all chose the idea of using elite beetles and ordinary beetles to surround and kill David at the same time.

In fact, if there is no such plan, they will continue with the previous plan and let the weapons master help kill David.

But with the vast space, David can't block the killing of hundreds of beetles.

David came to the B12 area, which is a long passage. Twenty four warriors set up a defensive formation ahead, waiting for David's arrival.

Instead of rushing up, David took out the godorfen's anger sniper gun and lay on the ground, customizing his exoskeleton armor to hold his body to the ground.

"He's a sniper beetle. We can't defend here!" Cried a sharp eyed beetle.

The rest of the beetles were also shocked. You should know that to keep away from the sniper beetles is an act of looking for death.

But before they do something, David has already fired "godolfen's anger.".

A first-class bullet flew out of the muzzle and appeared almost instantaneously in front of the beetle at the other end of the tunnel. At this time, any formation was useless.

This first-class bullet penetrated the body of the beetle behind the big shield from the gap between the big shield, and then passed through five beetles in succession before staying in the body of the sixth.

This almost shot through the team of twenty-four beetles, but several of them were affected by the terrible sound wave that followed.

In this closed environment, the attack of the sniper gun is not just a sniper bullet. The explosive force caused by krypton powder is guided by a special barrel, and its shock wave is extremely strong.

The shock sound wave forms a front and rear impact in the channel. The front and rear shock sound waves are better, but the left and right shock sound waves are stronger and stronger in the continuous collision.

Of course, because of the big environment here, the power of shock wave is far less than that in a small room.

However, it was enough to affect the beetle's action for a short time, so that David had enough time to snipe.

This is the best way to deal with sniper beetles. This passage is not long, it is only about 200 meters. The choice of the beetles is the most correct.

As long as you rush in front of David, the sniper gun won't work.

But what they didn't expect was the impact of the shockwave. In addition, several beetles rushed out, which broke the defense of the formation, making the big shield beetle have to give up the big shield.

At this time, David fired "godolfen's anger" again, and a second sniper bullet flew out.

The distance of 200 meters is a very short distance for a sniper gun. With David's master level sniper ability and the cooperation of mental outburst, a beetle who rushes out has a sound wave, and then is penetrated by a first-class bullet.

The first-class bullets once again pierce several warriors, forming a series of killing effects in the channel. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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